How to sell clothes online - rules for successful sales. How to sell things online - win-win ways to trade online Where to start selling things

If you like to declutter, then you've probably already cleaned out your closet (maybe more than once) of unnecessary things. Me too. And the unnecessary clothes that I found at home were not just a lot, but a lot. Why?

Personal experience: where to sell unwanted clothes?

When I first realized that unwanted clothes could be sold, I was faced with a choice: where to do it? I outlined 3 options - give paper advertisements, hand them over to a consignment store, or sell used items online.

The first option is paper advertisements– I dismissed it immediately because of its time-consuming nature.

The second option is to take it to a second-hand shop.– I tried it once and gave up. The story turned out to be comical, I’ll be honest: I wanted to sell shoes that I had only worn 1 or 2 times. She came and gave it away. For three months no one bought my boots, they called me and asked me to come pick them up (such are their conditions). On the spot, it turned out that in order to pick up my shoes, I also had to pay for “storing them in the store” (that’s what I was told). This is how we ended up with a “mutually beneficial” cooperation) We had to pay a pittance, but... the story “How I sold boots” turned out to be ridiculous, don’t you think?))

And finally, the third option is to sell unwanted clothes online. I settled on it. The optimal solution is a minimum of time and a maximum of audience. Almost no hassle. By the way, mine came out recently.

In the case of excess in the wardrobe, the option with social media worked for me. networks: unwanted clothes were sold very quickly through advertisements in groups such as “Flea Market”, “Sell” and “Sell Cheap”. In Belarus, I also place advertisements on or In Russia there are,,,

If you decide to sell unwanted clothes and shoes...

If you start selling excess clothes, you will often receive questions like: “can I come and try them on?” Be prepared that you will have to let a stranger into your home. You can offer the option of coming to his home if it is convenient for you. Or a compromise - meet near a hypermarket or a place where there is a fitting room or toilet - so that the buyer tries on the item there.

How to sell unwanted clothes and shoes: nuances

  1. Be sure to add a real photo of your item! Not taken from the Internet, but exactly your own! If it's clothing, it's best to take a photo of yourself in this thing - from different angles. In the description, indicate your parameters, weight and height - so that the person understands how and on what figure this item of clothing looks.
  2. Indicate how long you wore this item (either it’s completely new, or you just tried it on). Write in such a way as not to mislead the buyer: if you have had the coat for two years, and you wore it for a total of 1 month, indicate this in the ad. If you remember exactly that you wore the item 1-2-3 times, also indicate - this is a plus!
  3. Show the defects in the photo: small hole, stain, broken zipper. Be honest with buyers!
  4. Specify the item's parameters: sleeve length, back length, waist width, insole length - for shoes. The more precise parameters in the ad, the better.
  5. Consider seasonality! Don’t waste your energy and don’t post an advertisement for the sale of summer dresses in winter or knitted hats in summer. Publish an ad during the season - then the clothes will have a much greater chance of selling quickly.
  6. Please indicate the price. Many people post an ad with the tag “negotiable price,” but I’m not a fan of this approach: the buyer will have to do too many things (text you or call you) to agree on a price. Why do this if there is another advertisement where the price is indicated and there is no need to make unnecessary gestures? And yes, an interested buyer will write to you, even if the price is high, asking for a discount.
  7. If there are price tags left, don’t cut them off. And if there is a price there, and you sell much cheaper, that’s generally good: the buyer immediately sees his benefit!
  8. Wipe off dust, glue, clean off pellets, remove stain- such little things not only speed up the sale of unnecessary clothes, but also increase their cost. Don't neglect this. Or honestly indicate that the thing is not so hot, that’s why it’s so cheap.
  9. If you meet on the street, take care of a package for the buyer: so that he doesn’t have to walk around with your skirt in his hands all day.

What unwanted clothes can you sell?

  • Party dresses, even if you have worn them several times, as well as men's suits
  • Any new items at a reduced cost: not only clothes, but also shoes,
  • Children's used clothes
  • Seasonal items - in season
  • Used clothing in excellent or good condition - be sure to indicate how long you used it

What unnecessary clothes should definitely not be sold?

  • Linen. You can try selling used linens only in one case: if they are items for newborns and they have been thoroughly washed. The second option for selling unwanted linen is if it is completely new.
  • Dirty things
  • Heavily worn items. You shouldn’t give outright tatters to charity either (think, can this thing be worn?). Very old things (but clean!) can be placed in a shelter for homeless animals.

Have you ever sold used items or new clothes from your own closet?

Many people think about how to start their own business without starting capital - they are afraid to take out a loan, and their own funds are not enough even to open a small store.

The solution to this situation may be to sell clothes at home. This type of business can be started by purchasing one bag of stock or collecting just one batch of clothes for a minimum amount in the showroom. In fact, some people start to like this type of business so much that they subsequently choose it over a traditional retail store.

It is also not uncommon for store owners, tired of the worries associated with supporting this type of trade, to start selling clothes at home. According to one of these entrepreneurs, Rosa, while she was purchasing goods remotely and there were a lot of rejects in the bags, trade in the store was not going very well. Tired of such “pig in a poke”, Rosa closed the store and began selling houses:

“I arrive on the day of delivery, take 3 bags at once and in 2-3 days I sell for almost nothing, I don’t hesitate to give away the rest to everyone. The profit is obvious and there are no headaches!” - says Rose.

And who will go there?

As with traditional trade, there are two possibilities to attract buyers: with very low prices, or by offering something that no one has offered them before. The first way is a dead end: people will constantly want lower and lower prices, and in the end they may go to someone who can offer it to them. The second way is more promising: you will not only be more competitive, but you will also be able to sell your product at a higher profit.

What is meant by the phrase “Offer something that is not available anywhere else”? No, we are not talking about some exclusive clothes, although this is partly true. What you can contrast with your competitors is your experience in advising on the choice of clothing; that is, you can become an image stylist for clients. When people see that their friends admire the clothes they bought from you, they will become your regular customers and begin to recommend you to everyone they know. Therefore, if you feel that you are ready to open your own “boutique at home,” this path is just for you.

There is no need to remind you that you will have to constantly improve your professional skills - be aware of fashion trends and at least know a little about the history of fashion; monitor media devoted to clothing and fashion. Moreover, to improve the quality of work with clients, you will also have to become a little psychologist, like a personal hairdresser. But believe me, it will pay off in spades.

Remember that the best assessment of your work is when your clients’ friends ask for your phone number.

What to sell?

When selling clothes at home, you can make the same mistakes as when selling stock in a retail store. But working independently from home, you have a serious advantage: you can quickly find out the needs of each of your clients. When purchasing goods for the first time, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Make a list of your prospective clients.
  2. Find out which of them is interested in what clothes they wear, what style they prefer, etc.
  3. If possible, try to find out if they are planning to purchase any wardrobe items right now - perhaps someone wants to buy jeans, and someone else needs a coat. Remember their needs always when purchasing goods.
  4. While trade turnover is low, it is better to buy clothes in showrooms and examine almost every item with your own hands - otherwise there will be a lot of leftovers. In addition, many wholesalers have the opportunity to return unsold goods, which is very convenient when trading at home. Later, as turnover increases, it becomes more profitable to purchase in bags, although it makes sense to look through bags at the initial stage, remembering your list of needed goods. In some cases, if you successfully sell 4-5 items, you can immediately pay for the entire purchased lot.
  5. It is necessary, as in store trading, to keep track of new arrivals in showrooms and quickly get there - this is one of the key points of a successful purchase.
  6. It is better not to inflate prices, especially at the beginning of your business - after all, now you can buy almost any thing very cheaply, if it is not some kind of super-exclusive. Over time, when people understand that you don’t just sell clothes, but also provide professional advice on creating your own image, they will be willing to pay a lot more for things.
  7. Don't throw away clothing packaging! When selling an item, place it in its original package.
  8. Ideally, you need to purchase goods not focusing on specific clients, but having backup options: for example, if you know that one possible client wants a cashmere coat in size 52, and you saw such a coat in the showroom, then first think carefully about whether to take it or no, if among your other regular customers there are no ladies with this size. If the client refuses, you need to understand whether you can sell this coat to someone else. As mentioned above, this is easier when purchasing in a showroom - the product can always be returned.

Where to hang it

Despite the fact that equipment costs when trading at home are significantly lower than in a store, they still exist.

According to the stockbiz portal, it is best to equip a home showroom consisting of one or two clothing racks, two good large full-length mirrors located at an angle to each other, and a bright lamp with soft natural light. It is better to take the same lamps as those used in branded clothing stores.

It is better to make the equipment mobile - this way it can be moved when you are not trading.

All clothing must hang on hangers. Buy the required number of hangers, preferably wooden ones - they do not bend under the weight of things and look “more solid” than plastic ones. Create a certain “boutique” feel - do not show or offer people wrinkled clothes; to bring things into a salable condition, purchase a steamer. All these techniques will allow you to sell clothes at a higher price.

Don't forget to buy covers for your clothes. This will protect both your clothes and you from excess dust. It is better to store the clothes themselves in a closed closet.

Bring your money

As with any trading, there are a lot of difficulties. And a significant part of them when trading at home is associated with personal relationships with buyers - they become those with whom you were recently on friendly terms. But if people come into the store of their own free will, then when working from home, at first you will have to actively invite people to your place, and not everyone will be ready for this. And those who come will expect some special treatment.

According to the story of one of the owners of a home-based business, all her friends are trying to buy an item at a maximum discount or even on credit.

“As a result, they don’t give it away for months. And my friends are generally afraid to come to me and buy - otherwise I’ll get rich. If you want to lose a friend, then lend him money...”

And there are a lot of such situations. According to another entrepreneur -

“When selling at home, as I know, taking on debt is a regularity. And with money, as they say, we’ll buy it in the store...”

Here everyone must decide for themselves how to behave in such situations. But if you decide to start selling clothes at home, you need to be prepared for this. Anna advises:

“Apparently, it is realistic to sell to those people with whom it is possible to keep a distance. Or, as an option, to say that you yourself took the goods for sale and at your own price, out of the kindness of your heart and friendship. This, however, is for those who knows how to honestly lie))))"

Allergies have no place here

People susceptible to household allergies should not engage in clothing sales at home. At all.

Invisible dust always flies from any clothing. Most entrepreneurs who deal with clothes will confirm that after working with clothes for a long time, unpleasant sensations often arise: itchy nose, frequent sneezing. Therefore, unfortunately, for those who have allergies, especially to dust, the path to this business is closed. Because health is more important.

In order to minimize the amount of dust at home, we recommend using covers for clothes and, if possible, storing them in a separate closet.

But the source of problems in home trading is not only clothing. As Polina, one of the entrepreneurs, notes:

“You must be prepared that people will come sick and bring children with snot. And buyers who have already been and know your address can come without calling.”

Rose disagrees with her:

“No one has ever come to me without a call or warning. I think you shouldn’t be afraid of this. And snotty children don’t scare me)) sick people can walk on the playground or in the sandbox. ... In extreme cases, the father can look after the child watch while you're busy)".

IP or not IP? Is it worth registering with the tax office?

According to some, there is no point in registering: it’s a stretch, but home trading can be called the sale of personal belongings by a private person.

But this is all for the time being. But in order not to feel like a deceiver, it is still worth registering as an entrepreneur: at least in order to replenish your pension savings as an individual entrepreneur. Again, we should not forget about promises to reduce the tax burden for self-employed citizens.

Well, it’s trivial - it’s calmer.

High technologies in everyday life

The further you go, the more and more often you can see successful examples of home trading using the Internet. Having even minimal computer skills and a digital camera, you can take photographs of the clothes you sell and post them on photo hosting sites or in a group on social networks. Having a smartphone will also help you - the Yula and Instagram applications provide a lot of opportunities for doing business: photographed - posted - sold.

Those who are very familiar with the Internet can even create a separate website - if time and skills allow. Here it’s more convenient for anyone.


Selling clothes from home is a good way to try your hand at trading, gain entrepreneurial skills and, if done correctly, accumulate initial capital to open something bigger. If you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to learn from your own experience, go for it!

"We also started with the same mix" at home". We just called all our friends, and then we went to friends of friends. ;-) As a result, after a month we collected funds for a store. We did not use the Internet for these purposes, we probably had enough friends... who are now our grateful clients in store.

Anna, entrepreneur.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Even the powers that be do not shy away from buying used items: for example, the former Prime Minister of Australia boasted on his Instagram about buying a refrigerator on a consignment goods website. However, online trading does not always go smoothly - some people easily get rid of everything they don’t need, while others have goods waiting for months for a new owner. So what's the secret?

We are in website We know exactly how to sell unnecessary things, and today we share with you tips for successful online trading.

Unnecessary items that sell best online

  • Electronics, video games and computer products. Game consoles that you've given up on, an unnecessary but perfectly functioning phone, video game discs and digital players are just a few of the things that are sure to have buyers.
  • Clothing, shoes and accessories. A dress that was worn only once, shoes that were so beautiful in the store but turned out to be uncomfortable when worn, and something that simply didn’t fit. All these things can be sold and thereby partially compensate for your financial losses.
  • Toys and goods for children. Perhaps the most popular type of ad. The reasons are extremely simple: children grow up so quickly, and young mothers buy so much that most things remain in perfect condition (they haven’t even had time to use them). Feel free to sell them.
  • Furniture and large household appliances. Have you decided to update your interior or maybe buy a new refrigerator? Everything unnecessary can be sold: perhaps someone is looking for furniture for a rented apartment or cottage and will happily buy yours.
  • Collectibles. Old books, newspapers, records - what people don’t collect! Maybe the porcelain figurines that are collecting dust in your attic will become a real treasure for someone? In any case, you can try to turn antiques into money.
  • Services and handmade. Do you bake cakes, embroider or make flowers? Free classifieds sites will help you sell all your creations.

How to sell things?

1. Determine the optimal price

Perhaps the correct assessment of the cost of a product is the most important stage of the sale. Because it is based on price that buyers will filter ads and compare your product with similar products from other sellers. And no matter how you describe the merits of your product, no matter how good the photos you take, potential customers will first of all look at the price.


  • Assess demand. If there are plenty of similar products, then your business is bad. It is unlikely that you will be able to sell it at a higher price, so you will have to look for a middle ground or even dump it (which you cannot do for the sake of sale).
  • Do not set the price above 50–60% of the market price. It is unlikely that anyone would want to buy a used (even if only for a short time) item at the price of a new one.
  • Hold an investigation. See what prices your competitors charge. It is better to conduct reconnaissance on those portals where you, in fact, intend to sell. Determine the optimal price for yourself, but for a second put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Think about whether you yourself could pay the assigned amount for this product or not, and if in doubt, then feel free to reduce the price.

2. Take good photos

3. Write the right description

After reading the description, the potential buyer will decide whether he should contact you. And here you will have to remember the experience of writing school essays and attract all your literary talent. The description should be brief but informative. If you forget to write down the characteristics of the product, its size and describe its condition, then expect a flurry of calls, because people are interested in knowing what they are going to buy.


  • There is no need to indicate the reasons for the sale. Few people are interested in the fact that you are moving or that you are having a bad time and really need money. This is completely unnecessary information.
  • Catchy title. Don’t hesitate to use the tricks of the pros - a short and bright headline will attract the attention of buyers.
  • Format your text. Do not neglect paragraphs, because an ad that is well structured will probably be read to the end.
  • Publish the same product in different categories. For example, an advertisement for the sale of a DVR can be placed in the categories “Auto”, “Photo and Video” and “Security”. Accordingly, the chances that your product will be seen and bought will increase.

4. Never delay an item

People who often sell unnecessary things online are already accustomed to requests to postpone the goods until tomorrow, until Monday, until payday. There are many such “befores”. But think about it, because buyers are so fickle: today they got excited about buying an exercise bike and asked to put it off, and tomorrow they changed their minds about doing it.

When selling online, time is against you. If there is a person who wants to purchase the product immediately, then that’s great. Sell ​​and do not suffer from remorse over the fact that you refused someone’s request to hold the goods.

5. Add a bonus

Everyone loves gifts. Marketers have long used this trick to sell less popular products. A free gift or bonus with a purchase increases the value of the purchase in the eyes of the buyer. Why not learn the invaluable experience of your sales staff?


When selling a laptop, offer a flash drive or headphones as a gift. If you decide to part with children's clothes, then it would be useful to put a toy or some useful little thing. Be sure to write about this in your ad in the very first lines.

6. Give the buyer the opportunity to bargain

Another secret of marketers: too low a price can alert the buyer. A person who has decided to make a purchase begins to have doubts: what if the product is defective or not as good as the seller writes about it?


Set a price slightly higher than what you originally planned, and indicate in the ad that you are willing to bargain. The magic phrase “Negotiable” usually attracts thrifty buyers and those who initially did not even think about purchasing this item. Give in gladly. The result is an excellent mood for all participants in the transaction.

7. Consider postage costs

The Internet has united people from different parts of the world - international and long-distance sales and exchanges are no longer a rarity. When composing your ad, think about the issue of delivery. Who will pay for postage, delivery or courier fees? These details need to be agreed upon before the transaction is completed to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Distance business has long ceased to be an unusual phenomenon. Proof of this is the numerous online stores, where anyone can make a purchase without leaving their home. Saving time and money are definitely benefits of online shopping. From this article you will learn how to independently organize a business selling clothes online, find potential buyers and successfully develop your business.

How to start selling clothes online?

Anyone can start their own online. Often this does not even require large investments. It is enough to have free time, constant access to the Internet and a desire to earn money.

For example, many housewives on maternity leave are attracted to selling children's clothing online. Potential buyers are fellow mothers who are looking for unusual and inexpensive things for their children. Having organized their business online, women are in no hurry to return to their usual routine work and continue to develop their profitable business even after maternity leave.

In order to start your online business, it is absolutely not necessary to make wholesale purchases and be afraid that the product will not be in demand. Selling clothes online allows you to act as an organizer of joint purchases. In other words, people will order the product they are interested in from you, make an advance payment, and you will buy it from the supplier and earn your percentage for the work done. Today, many individual entrepreneurs work according to this scheme, for whom it is much more comfortable to work at home on a computer than to trade on the market.

Deciding on the assortment

Let's say you decide to start selling clothes online. First of all, you need to decide on the assortment. The main criterion for successful online sales is the demand and relevance of things in the region where you live. Perhaps there are no beautiful evening and cocktail dresses in your city, or it is completely impossible to find high-quality children's shoes. It is important to conduct a comparative analysis of existing retail clothing stores, read forums and find out the opinions of your friends about what they would be most willing to buy from you.

An important factor is the average per capita income in the region where you are going to organize your online trading. Inflated prices can turn off potential buyers, and clothes that are too cheap can raise doubts about their quality. Try to focus on those products for which you will have as little competition as possible.

How to find a clothing supplier?

The wide variety of clothing suppliers can be confusing for a new online retailer. Today you can order clothes both in the CIS countries and far beyond the borders of the Commonwealth. The most profitable suppliers are, of course, Chinese clothing manufacturers. The leaders among resources offering online sales are AliExpress and TaoBao. However, if the latter site is aimed at native Chinese speakers, then users from all over the world can make purchases on AliExpress.

The advantage of Chinese suppliers is high-quality, inexpensive clothing. Through the Internet you can order quite exclusive things from China that cannot be found in any retail store in Russia.

The main rule for wholesale purchases on such a site is the rating of the selected seller. Make a transaction only after making sure of his integrity and the quality of the goods. You can check this by looking at reviews from customers who have already placed orders with this supplier.

The AliExpress resource protects the rights of both parties, as evidenced by a well-thought-out payment system. After selecting the desired product, the customer pays the full amount of its cost, after which the seller sends the product by mail. The money deposited into the system will be transferred to the seller’s account only after the customer receives his product and confirms its quality and safety during shipment. Otherwise, the buyer has the right to ask for a discount or a full refund. The system guarantees that any parcel will arrive safely, including clothes purchased through the store. The Internet in this case greatly simplifies the transaction process.

How to find potential buyers?

Once you have decided on a clothing supplier, you need to start searching for potential buyers who will be interested and profitable in your product. You can try to open your own online store, but this will require financial investments (creating a website, design development, promotion in search engines, finding a hired administrator, etc.) Therefore, the most rational way for a beginner to find buyers is a group or community on social networks.

You can create such a group absolutely free by advertising your services and posting an assortment of custom-made clothes. At first, friends and acquaintances can act as potential buyers. Gradually, people will start to learn about your online clothing selling community and will tell their friends about it. The principle of so-called “word of mouth marketing” works flawlessly to this day.

However, if financial resources allow, then you can entrust the promotion of the community to professionals who will invite potential buyers based on the principle of targeting. In other words, there will be people in your group who will actually start placing orders. Remember that buying clothes online should be as comfortable as possible for your potential buyers.

Payment methods for orders

To make transactions easier, you need to offer customers various payment methods for orders:

  • Transfer to a bank card or money transfer to a bank account.
  • Payment with electronic currency (WebMoney, Qiwi, YandexMoney).
  • Postal order or cash on delivery.
  • Payment in cash upon receipt of goods.

In addition, in order to insure yourself against the buyer’s refusal to order, you can introduce a prepayment system, which can range from 30 to 50% of the total cost of the goods. This item may even include making payment transactions much easier and more convenient, which significantly saves customers time and money.

Delivery of the order to the buyer

Proper organization of order delivery to the buyer will not only have a good impact on the reputation of the online store, but will also significantly reduce the time it takes to complete the transaction. You can arrange delivery in the following ways:

  • Deliver the order to the buyer's home yourself.
  • Deliver the goods at a pre-agreed location on neutral territory.
  • Ask buyers to pick up goods directly from the seller's home.
  • Hire a courier who, for a nominal fee, will deliver the goods to the right place and time.
  • Send goods by mail with cash on delivery.

The advantage of online shopping is that you can buy this or that item without leaving your home. That is why it is better to give preference to delivery to the buyer’s home. It will be convenient if delivery is positioned as free, and you include its actual cost in the total cost of the purchase.

Agreement between seller and buyer

A well-drafted service agreement can protect the seller and buyer from possible misunderstandings during the transaction process. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is a legal document or a formal agreement in words. The main thing is that both parties fulfill their obligations.

For example, a mandatory clause of such an agreement may be an advance payment of 50% of the purchase price or a refund if the product turns out to be defective or does not fit in size. The buyer must be sure that he will not lose his money and will receive a quality order that will meet his expectations.

Taxes - to pay or not to pay?

Any business activity on the territory of the Russian Federation must be legally formalized and registered with the tax authority. Contributions to the state treasury will not only save you from possible problems, but will also help you create a confident future. After all, by registering as an individual entrepreneur, you will make monthly social and pension payments, from which your pension will be formed in the future.

However, if you are not yet confident in the success of your online business, you can try making a few trial orders for friends or relatives. If you see that selling clothes online is bringing positive results, then it makes sense to continue to develop your business by registering it legally. In the last few years, it has become possible to register online businesses in accordance with the tax code of the Russian Federation.

What else can you sell online?

Selling clothes online is not the only way to organize online trading. You can sell anything. The main thing is that the product is in demand and relevant among the residents of your city or region. Thus, unusual women's jewelry and accessories, various devices for the kitchen and home, car accessories and replica watches of famous brands are very popular. People will always be looking for unusual things that can be easily purchased without traveling abroad.

Online business is responsible and hard work. Selling clothes online or any accessories requires a certain amount of time in the early stages. However, with a properly planned business project, the result in the form of a stable income will not take long to arrive.

Probably the first niche that comes to any novice entrepreneur who wants to start trading on the Internet is clothing. This is the type of product that people constantly buy, despite the economic crisis and other difficulties, because they need to wear something. The second point is that no matter how carefully you wear your clothes, they wear out and almost every season of the year, we go buy new things. In this article we will talk about how to make money selling clothes online and discuss the main pitfalls of this business.

I would like to immediately note that we will talk about selling things not in the classic form using an online store, but rather in the format of using various platforms, such as bulletin boards, social networks and more. This approach allows even people with minimal start-up capital to start working, avoiding investing in launching and establishing business processes for an online store.

Pros and cons of this business

Before you start selling clothes online, you need to clearly understand what problems you may encounter, and you need to evaluate the risks against the background of the benefits.

Advantages of this activity:

  • High demand for clothing.
  • The ability to make a good markup on goods.
  • A wide range of product categories that you can work with.
  • Opening a trading business even with minimal capital.
  • Lots of dropshipping offers.
  • It is easy to find suppliers of goods.

List of disadvantages:

  • High competition in the form of individual sellers and large chain stores.
  • The quality of clothing is not always high, especially if you want to work with things from China.
  • Returns due to size. It is necessary to clearly work out the dimensional grids and show them in the product card.

Due to the fact that such a business is easy to start, we get high competition. But you can work, the main thing here is to monitor the quality of things and pricing policy.

Where to begin?

If your budget is limited, then you should start by choosing a narrow niche in which you will work. You can look in the following directions.

  • youth branded clothing.
  • men's clothing.
  • sports orientation.
  • large sizes.
  • women's clothing.
  • pajamas.
  • children's room
  • sale of workwear. For example, camouflage for fishing or hunting, or overalls for companies with their attributes.

You can choose a niche, such as women's socks or men's shorts, and sell different types of products depending on the season. If your budget allows, try to expand the range of your online site, this way you will increase the income from this business. If you look at what is the most popular among sales on the Internet, it is women's and children's clothing. But men also order very often, especially when it comes to branded clothing.

Have you chosen a niche? Come up with a name for your store, as this is what you will use to build your online reputation. It wouldn’t hurt to draw a logo, which will be one of the design elements of the sales pages.

Clothing suppliers

And here a stupor may set in, because for a novice entrepreneur it is not clear where to order clothes for sale on the Internet, at wholesale prices, or at discounts. We will try to bring all working methods for searching for goods for implementation.

  1. Second hand. If your budget is minimal, then this is a good place to start. With the right approach, you can buy branded items in good condition at a low price, and then resell them by multiplying the cost by x2 or x3. In order to find high-quality goods, you need to study the delivery schedules in various second-hand stores in your city, then go ahead and get in line to enter the top ten and choose the top items from what is available. But there is also a minus here. Firstly, it is highly competitive, because many schoolchildren work in this business, and it is not always possible to get in line on time. Secondly, these are stereotypes of people who do not want to wear used clothes, and this can play a negative role when selling.
  2. Wholesale markets. The main advantage is that you can go and look at the product in person, and even agree with the seller about the possibility of selling upon receipt of the order, without purchasing the product in bulk. A huge selection for any price tag, in the end it all comes down to quality. But there is also a minus - many people work according to this scheme, and the same type of product on the same message boards can seriously differ in price, and you will be limited in the level of markup. In addition, most often goods at markets are brought from China and one should not forget to carefully check the quality of each product so as not to end up with defects.
  3. Drains. Here you can look for branded clothing from well-known brands and quality items from lesser-known brands, the main advantage is that it is new here. Stock items are much more expensive than second-hand ones, but there are periods of promotions when discounts can be 25% - 80%, most often at the end of the season. You need to subscribe to newsletters from various stocks and visit them during promotions to purchase the required volume of goods.
  4. Chinese sites. These are Aliexpress and Taobao. The main advantage is cheap clothes. But the downsides are customs payments in case of exceeding the limit and the quality of these things. Yes, you can find luxurious products there, but the price tag for them will be rather high. As an option, you can consider and try to order several items for sale.
  5. Sewing workshops in your city or throughout the country. You can negotiate with them on good wholesale prices and batch sizes. In addition, you can make your own adjustments to the design of products and independently choose materials, the cost of which will directly affect the final price tag of the product. Alternatively, you can find novice designers and organize cooperation in the format of them selling goods from you.
  6. Dropshipping. You will be generators of targeted traffic for the product sold by the partner store with whom you will cooperate. When you receive applications, you send them to your partner, and he independently sends the order for the client. You do not invest your own money in the product, but only generate sales. Carefully monitor the honest approach to work on the part of the partner, so that in the end you are not left without legitimate profit.

In fact, you can find many options for supplying goods for selling clothes on the Internet. Google and Yandex will help you find the right contacts. In addition, there are paid supplier databases, but you can figure out this issue yourself.

In stock and second-hand stores, people usually look for items from the following brands: Stone Island, Supreme, Gosha Rubchinsky, North Face, Raf Simons, Y-3, Napapijri, Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger, and sports brands: Adidas, Reebok, Nike, Puma.

What sites can be used to sell clothes online?

Let's look at the platforms you can work with to trade and find clients.

  1. Social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte. Interaction with clients in most cases occurs in two formats. The first is the creation and promotion of your own pages, with the subsequent sale of clothes through them. The second is advertising in well-promoted public pages or accounts where your target audience is. You can also promote your page using paid advertising.
  2. Notice boards. Perfect for this business. They allow you to generate traffic to your ads and make sales. This is not always free, as you will need to pay for commercial ads or paid placement at the top of the page. Selling clothes on Avito (Russia) or Olx (Ukraine) can be a good source of income and you definitely need to use this channel to attract customers. A beautiful ad with a large number of photographs and a text description will allow you to convey information to the client, and an adequate pricing policy will allow you to make a sale in a short time.
  3. Groups in messengers: viber, telegram.
  4. Own online store. It will be relevant if you sell new clothes on the Internet and have catalogs from manufacturers, or have purchased a stock of goods and store them at home. The store will need money for a developer, hosting and domain. Traffic on the site comes from three sources: search queries, contextual advertising and redirecting visitors from social networking pages and message boards. The store can become a springboard for completing a transaction with a client. In addition, a full range of products will be presented here.

We advise you to experiment and try different sites and platforms for selling clothes, because, for example, Instagram can take off for pajamas, and Facebook for men's bags. All this needs to be tested and ultimately the budget must be redistributed to the most profitable advertising channels. This is an effective method of how to increase sales of your clothing without wasting your budget in the hope that everything will “go” soon.

What documents are needed?

At the beginning of your business, you will test niches and check which categories of clothing you will sell. If your number of sales is small, and you will resell clothes through bulletin boards as personal items, then you probably don’t need to register. But if you take the matter seriously, launch groups on social networks and your own online store, then you will need to draw up the appropriate documents.

  • open IP.
  • indicate OKVED for selling clothes online. In Russia this is code 47.91. For Ukraine – 47.91.
  • register staff (if you hire workers).
  • have quality certificates for the product, which can be requested from the manufacturer or supplier.

Collecting and completing all the documents will not be difficult. If something doesn’t work out for you, you can turn to an experienced lawyer for help.


To sell clothes online, you will have to create high-quality content that will fill the product card and describe its advantages.

What is included in the list of required content?

  • Photos. The better quality they are and the more of them, the better for sales. After all, the client will be able to fully evaluate the item he needs.
  • Description. This includes color scheme, size, what it is made of, season and other characteristics.
  • Video review. An additional plus for filling out the product card.
  • Size table. This information is provided so that a person can accurately assess whether a given item of clothing will suit him or not.

The description can be short, but must contain all the main parameters of the product.

How much can you earn?

When selling clothes via the Internet, it is difficult to predict the level of earnings, since everything will depend on where you got this or that product. For example, if you find a branded item in a second-hand store, say a sweatshirt for $10 - $15, then it can retail for $30 - $45. If you buy new things on the market, then the markup is 45% - 70%, depending on the type of clothing.

conclusions. Nowadays, the older generation still has a huge number of prejudices, for example, how you can buy clothes without trying them on, or how to find out what quality they are without touching them, and this is quite logical, because before, everything was bought that way. But the younger generation already thinks completely differently, they are driven by the desire to buy something unique, especially if you live in a small town where everyone dresses from the market, and finding original things is a real problem. Therefore, selling clothes online is profitable and there is no decline in this niche in the future.
