Individual approach to the client. Why use an individual approach to each client? The difference between charisma and familiarity

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Individual approach to each customer

Probably, each of you has encountered a lack of time, energy or other unpleasant factors that prevent you from ensuring the cleanliness of the room yourself. Contacting cleaning services sometimes gives rise to doubts: what if they do a poor job with your order or do it “like everyone else,” although you certainly need the best result?

If you contact RusCleaningService, such a problem will not arise! We believe that each customer deserves an individual approach. Our specialists understand that the most unusual, difficult situations happen in life, and we are able to help you in any of them.

  • Do you need a clean room so urgently that it is too late to agree on a specific day? Our team is ready to visit you right on the day of your order!
  • Do you have children whose health is highly influenced by environmental factors? Or perhaps you yourself have allergies? We care about the health of our customers and their children and in such cases use only hypoallergenic cleaning products that will not cause harm.
  • Is your apartment or office just after renovation and still have some heavy dirt remaining? No problem, we will be happy to help you.
  • Is the room occupied during the daytime, but cleaning is urgently needed? We carry out night work if necessary.
  • Have you discovered micropollution that you think no one will take care of? We are ready to eliminate him too.
  • Was there a fire in the premises recently? We will put things in order, clean up after the fire, and you will forget about this trouble.
  • Perhaps unpleasant odors that are already boring you have settled in your apartment or office? We have taken this into account and can remove them with oxygen. In addition, we completely disinfect apartments after pets!
  • Are there panoramic windows? We can handle washing them easily.
  • The room is decorated with a marble floor and in some places it has cracks? We're ready to clean up.
  • Are you a tenant and want to leave the premises in perfect order after moving out? We are happy to work with such customers.
  • Do you have wool carpets in your apartment or office that require dry cleaning? We undertake this, but only with removal, which in no way reduces the efficiency of the work.

Didn't see your problem in the above? Don’t be upset, our specialists will approach working with you with full responsibility and determine the optimal solution.

Looking for a personalized approach that takes into account a wide variety of situations? You have already found it: don’t hesitate and contact RusCleaningService! We will take into account all your wishes and perform the work efficiently and promptly.

To each client we provide an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the activity and the business scheme. Unfortunately, for many organizations, “individual approach” is just an advertising slogan. For us, this is a fundamental condition for successful cooperation, given the scope of our activities, the principles of work and the mission of the Center.

In our activities, we are guided by principles aimed at building long-term cooperation, and, therefore, the basis of these principles is a professional and responsible attitude to the tasks that our clients entrust to us. The Center’s employees clearly understand that if a client contacts our organization, it means that he wants the quality of services to be guaranteed and any issues that arise to be resolved clearly and promptly.

The scope of our services in the field of economics, law and information technology means that only after analyzing the client’s business can we provide high-quality consulting and effective outsourcing. We help solve those tasks that may seem difficult or require time, which require a professional approach and guaranteed results, require a responsible attitude, since the stability of our clients and support for the development of their business depend on them. In addition, the range of our services is aimed at ensuring that clients can focus on making a profit and solving strategic problems in their core business.

When clients contact us, our specialists fully analyze the situation, explain and offer a range of our services, determine the scope of work, which is then spelled out in detail and enshrined in the contract. A detailed agreement prepared by our specialists is always a factor that prevents the occurrence of possible conflict situations, misunderstandings between the parties, the responsibility of the parties and obligations to each other. In turn, the contract sets out the work procedure and basic agreements.

We value our clients' time Therefore, using an individual approach, our specialists select for each person the most suitable system of work and interaction procedure based on the situation stated by the client and the required range of services. In addition, selecting a system involves agreeing on all the details, both from the point of view of taking into account all the nuances and a full understanding of everyone’s responsibilities, and from the point of view of optimizing costs.

In organizing the work system, in most cases we adhere to the principle of providing turnkey services, which involves transferring to us as much work as possible, which involves contacting the client directly only in necessary cases, at a time convenient for him. The order of interaction and the responsible people who will coordinate the work and carry it out are clearly established.

The work of our employees is structured in such a way that they can be available at a time convenient for our clients, using various methods of interaction, and always respond to all client events. The main thing is that the information reaches you in a timely manner so that all necessary measures can be taken.

Our Center’s clients are the basis of our success and our work, so we are focused on the results that you need.

The modern market for goods and services is a regular relationship between supply and demand, as well as constant interaction between seller and buyer.

At the same time, a market participant in various situations can act both as a seller and as a consumer (buyer) of various offers.

Company employee tasks

From the employer's side they are presented broad requirements for employees, their knowledge, skills and professional skills.

This is due to the fact that an employee of any company faces several tasks at once:

  • competently present the proposed product;
  • talk about all his positive qualities;
  • interest the client, convince him of the need to purchase;
  • sell him a product or provide a service so that the client is satisfied and at the same time uses the company’s services regularly.

To perform such a wide range of tasks the employee must have a number of general requirements:

  • the ability to competently build a dialogue with a potential buyer or partner;
  • the ability to maintain control over oneself in a stressful situation;
  • ability to resolve conflict;
  • ability to find an approach to any client.

Knowledge of general psychology comes to the aid of a company employee in solving such significant problems.

Types of people

This direction of science, focusing on the sense organ that predominates in the perception of information, divides all people into conventional categories: visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners.

Having at least general ideas about this or that type of people, the seller of a product or service can build a balanced dialogue and competent relationship with the client.

What are the main signs that allow us to classify a person into one category or another?


The most common type. People in this category perceive the world around them through visual images. When they perceive information, their consciousness clearly draws a picture of the surrounding situation and a plan for their further actions.

These people have very good visual memory. They can describe this or that thing they have seen before, in small details, down to color and shape.

When communicating, visual people tend to maintain distance from the interlocutor, since they need to see him as a whole to create a complete picture.

During a dialogue, the visual can also be given away by his gaze:

  • the upward-to-right direction indicates that a person is thinking about the future or possible options for action and their consequences;
  • up-left is thinking about the past;
  • directly without focusing your gaze speaks of deep thoughtfulness at this moment.

The visual is distinguished by well-delivered, clear and competent speech. During a conversation, they repeatedly use words such as “look”, “show”, “reflect”, etc.

His appearance can also give the visual away. People of this group are very attentive and careful to their appearance, as well as to the objects around them (they always have cleanliness, both in their living space and in their workplace).

How to properly build a dialogue with a visual artist?

Firstly If you want to sell a product to such a client, you must use words that are familiar to a visual person in your speech (show, look, display, etc.). Then the interlocutor will have the idea that you speak the same language with him.

Secondly, when talking about a product and its functions, you should describe it in such a way that the visual person can easily draw in his mind the picture that he will want to purchase this or that thing.

Thirdly, when communicating with a visual person, it is better to have available material (diagrams, brochures, tables). This will help create a holistic view of the product. If you don’t have anything at hand, you can use your hands and try to draw an image in the air.


For people of this group, the perception of the world around them occurs through sounds.

During a dialogue, auditory learners try take the closest position to the interlocutor. Such people are very comfortable conducting their business and negotiations over the phone, since for them it is not so important to see the interlocutor as to hear him.

Auditory learners can often talk to themselves, verbalize their thoughts, and think about actions out loud. The speech of people in this category is characterized by its slowness, melody and regularity.

What are the seller's actions when communicating with the auditory audience?

Firstly, for an auditory learner it is not so much what is said, but how they are said that matters. Therefore, when speaking, it is very important to monitor the tone, pitch and timbre of your voice.

Secondly, if for a visual learner it is important to draw an image using the appropriate verbs, then when talking with an auditory learner it is useful to use words such as “hear”, “tell”, “sound”, etc.


People in this category perceive the world through touch, smell, emotions and instinctive thinking. That's why Kinesthetic learners make purchases and other actions based on their sensations.

Such people need more time to make a decision than auditory and visual learners, since they need to feel their words and actions.

In speech, kinesthetic learners make frequent and lengthy pauses. To establish contact, they require touch, so there will be a distance from the interlocutor. When talking, it is important for kinesthetic learners to feel comfortable and comfortable.

How to deal with such people during dialogue?

Firstly, when talking with kinesthetic learners, it is better to use the same movements, this will help create a feeling of close contact.

Secondly, if possible, give the potential client the opportunity to hold the product in his hands or at least touch it, as well as feel its smell and temperature. It is important to provide the buyer with comfort and a calm environment.

Naturally, basic knowledge about the client’s perception cannot give a 100 percent guarantee, but it can help at the initial stage of establishing contact, gaining favor and ultimately bringing the matter to a successful conclusion.

Long gone are the days when there was a shortage of goods and services in the Soviet Union, and there were long queues in shops and offices. Today, on the shelves of any counters there are a variety of goods in large quantities. Also, various organizations are trying to expand the range of their services. In general, the modern market can be characterized as abundant in product supply and poor in consumer demand.

How to attract even more clients?

How to act in such a market situation? You need to look for new ways to attract customers, as well as methods to ensure that customers remain yours and do not go to competitors.

One of these ways is to each client. In the service sector at the present stage of development of business services, this method of attracting and retaining customers is key. An account manager simply must be able to use it effectively if he wants to be successful.

The level of competition and consumer demands is growing

The importance of this approach increases due to the increasing level of competition, when sellers in the market offer the same products at almost the same price. But at the same time, each seller will be clearly characterized by the level of service, that is, at what level the client will be served.

Will you return to that store where you are rude? Most likely not - you will find another one, even if the price is a little higher, but when shopping there they will be polite and call you by name.

You need to be polite and know your customers

By the way, regarding this appeal to visitors. It has long been proven that if you call a person by name, he becomes much more loyal than if you simply address him as “you” or “you.” All successful organizations that work with visitors practice the fact that an individual approach to each client is very important when communicating with him.

A mandatory point of such training will be the development of skills among employees that will facilitate addressing consumers of their services by name or first name and patronymic.

In addition, staff are trained to form close relationships with their partners that will facilitate long-term cooperation. An individual approach to each client allows us to establish just such a relationship with a person. The times when the flow of visitors was huge and there was no need to try to keep this or that person, since tomorrow three more would replace him, passed after the global economic crisis in 2008. That is why building long-term relationships with clients in modern business is simply a necessary task for survival.

You need to build long-term relationships with partners

To form such a relationship, you need to know a little more than just the client's first or middle name. Need more information. If we look at stores, they often give out different discounts or By analyzing customer purchases, stores can draw conclusions about which products are preferable for the visitor. The last step is to notify the buyer when there is an interesting offer on such a product. And that's it, it's done. You can be almost sure that he will come and make a purchase.

If we talk about an individual approach to each client in the bank, then things are as follows. All sales managers have a special program installed, into which they from time to time enter some auxiliary information about their visitors. After enough such data has accumulated, the customer service manager understands what the person does, what his interests are, and what bank products are relevant to offer.

Retain the buyer

In addition, not the last argument in favor of applying an individual approach to each client is the fact that this is the only way to interest the buyer. Then he will return to the store again. A simple principle - talk to the visitor and identify his needs. It seems that thanking a person for purchasing and using the services of your store is such a trifle that it can be left out of the conversation. You can’t think like that, it’s a grave mistake. After the client has purchased something, you need to congratulate him on a good purchase and tell him that you are very pleased to cooperate with him. This will leave a positive impression of you in the person’s memory.

This method really works. An individual approach to each client allows you to increase sales by increasing his loyalty to the firm or company. People love it when people talk to them and show interest in their problems. After all, on a subconscious level, they want someone to sympathize with them and help them through their problems.

A loyal customer will tell their friends about you

You should always remember that one loyal customer will tell several friends that he was well served. To improve the attitude of visitors to your organization, use an individual approach to each client. The slogan for managers can be suggested as follows: “Today - service at the highest level, and tomorrow - an increase in the number of active clients.”

Don’t forget that an angry person with a service will tell no less than ten people about it - this is exactly what happens, according to psychologists.
