Scenes of congratulations to the hero of the day. Funny costume scenes for anniversaries

Nothing “accelerates” a celebration like a cheerful, funny scene. It is advisable that the invitees themselves participate in it, this will lift the spirits of both the participants and the audience, and will also keep the guests in good shape and prevent them from becoming soggy. In addition, guests will feel more involved and involved in the holiday. But the opportunity to participate in a skit should not bother guests; it is better that it be a small, easy, unobtrusive adventure.

In this section of the site you can find holiday scenes, aimed at women, men and children. The scenes we collect are often updated and are dedicated to various holidays and dates, so you can choose anniversary scene an elderly person, or you can choose birthday scene child. Diversify your holiday with your favorite scene with us!

08 Jun 2012

(A man comes out - a participant in the scene, dressed in a scarf and an old colorful skirt with a jacket, in his hands he has a basket with drugs and he addresses the birthday boy with the words):

Dear birthday boy!
Even though you look healthy
And I was in good health from childhood,
But still, darling, no offense
Accept these funds as a gift!
I am an expert in healing
And the healer’s secret
I will open it to everyone on their birthday,
There is no more mystery in this!

08 Jun 2012

A scene for an anniversary or a man’s birthday “Childhood”

(Childhood runs out skipping - this is a man dressed up as a little boy and sings to the tune of a famous song about childhood):

My childhood, wait,
Don't rush, wait!
Give me a simple answer
What's ahead?!

Dear birthday boy!
The best remedy
Frighten off any attack -
This, of course, goes back to childhood
We must go in immediately!
I'll tell you emphatically:
Everything is forgiven for you today!

Read the continuation of the anniversary scene below

02 Jun 2012


Dear birthday girl, dear guests! You've all probably heard the expression: “Why are you walking around with shaggy hair like a shishiga?! Comb your hair!” So, I hasten to please you: just such a client arrived at our birthday girl’s birthday! Meet Shishiga, my friends!

(A participant in the scene comes out dressed as Shishiga; it will be funnier if he is a large man, dressed in a woman’s dress and with very shaggy hair or a shaggy wig.
Shishiga sings to the tune of the song “Longing for the Motherland” from the film. “Seventeen Moments of Spring”)

Read on for the continuation of this scene.

27 May 2012

(two participants, dressed in new Russian grandmothers, come out dancing and sing a verse to the tune of ditties):

We neither sow nor plow,
But we don’t sit idle!
On the anniversary we sing and dance,
Let's make birthday people laugh!

Matryona (speaks):

Flower, oh Flower! Why are you so wrinkled today, like a roll of toilet paper?


Oh, don’t tell me, Matryona! I didn’t sleep all night, I kept thinking, how better can we congratulate our birthday boy than to please him on such a day?!

Read on for the continuation of the funny scene.

26 May 2012

(two men dressed up as new Russian grandmothers come out and sing verses to the tune of ditties, playing along on a children’s balalaika or guitar):


The hero of the day needs a pair
Give compliments!
So let's go blazing hot
Remember them with Matryona!

Give me your word soon
My tongue is very itchy!
I'm already ready
Congratulations are simply chic!

... continuation of the funny scene read on

13 Apr 2012

Funny scenes There are different ones with different plots - dramatic, humorous, artistic, etc. Absolutely any plot for the sketch can be chosen - from own idea to an existing idea. You can write your own script based on your own unique idea or plot. You can write a script for a finished work, a film, a fairy tale, or act out some story.

06 Apr 2012

05 Apr 2012


Dear birthday boy!
A great surprise has been prepared for you,
Double, unusual, most useful prize:
So that there are no more problems in work,
They sent you stuntmen as a gift!

(two men with helmets or colanders on their heads run out - these are “stuntmen”. They sing a song to the birthday boy to the tune of “If only I had mountains of gold”)

To make the holiday more fun and interesting, you need to come up with a script for the evening, making sure to include two or three funny birthday scenes. Guests with the birthday person should participate in them. These can be theatrical performances, funny and amusing jokes, practical jokes.

If the birthday boy is planning a noisy celebration and many guests are invited, it’s time to think about preparing cool scenes for his birthday and preparing a script for the evening. Ideally, collect a small catalog of various competitions, funny numbers and bright performances, so that there are options and “in reserve”.

Funny birthday scenes

How to do it and what to choose?

A celebration in honor of the upcoming holiday (especially if it is an anniversary) will be more fun and interesting to celebrate if, in the intervals between a wide feast and generous toasts and wishes, there will be small, but funny and amusing sketches of birthday congratulations.

Much will depend on the area of ​​interest not only of the birthday boy himself, but also of his invited guests, because scenes for adults’ birthdays can be chosen (or invented) that are intriguing, humorous, humorous, with gags and practical jokes. If a family holiday is planned, then small family theatrical performances and even mini-performances would be quite appropriate.

There shouldn't be many scenes at a birthday party. It is enough to show three or four things throughout the evening. They need to be evenly distributed: demonstrate one at the beginning of the celebration, two more in the middle of the evening, and prepare another one at the end. This is quite enough.

Create an atmosphere

Birthday gift scenes will help create a fun and relaxed atmosphere at the holiday. Depending on the number of guests and invitees target audience, you can pick up all sorts of sweepstakes and competitions. If the holiday is going to be a family one, then to create an appropriate family atmosphere, you can choose options for paired scenes. If you are planning a youth party, then as many scenes as possible should be funny and incendiary. It’s even a good idea to organize competitions.

  • Wanting to please their mother, every child thinks about this.
  • To please their child, parents need to plan and organize the upcoming holiday well, and this means choosing a place, entertainment and invitations, read more.

Funny congratulatory scenes

"Good chicken"

An excellent option for a mini-scene for a birthday is the theatrical performance “The Good Chicken”. One of the guests needs to wear a chicken costume, after hiding two Kinder Surprise eggs in his pocket.

The disguised “mother hen” guest runs up to the hero of the occasion and makes a toast saying that she laid two magic eggs especially for him, and invites the birthday boy to choose one egg and break it for good luck to find out what’s inside. This is a kind of fortune telling. The birthday boy breaks a chocolate egg, and from the toy that was inside the egg, all the guests determine what will be waiting for the hero of the evening in the near future.

Ideally, find a toy. Today there are many chocolate eggs with a toy inside, many manufacturers launch thematic series: cars, airplanes, famous cartoon characters, boats, dolls, cute little animals.

Having presented a chocolate egg and “interpreted the future” for the birthday boy, the “mother hen” guest should offer a drink to all guests for the health and well-being of their dear birthday boy.

"In the forest after the holiday"

To pull off this funny birthday skit, you will need many participants. Among the guests, you need to choose seven volunteers who will agree to play the role for a while: a cuckoo, a frog, a gray wolf, a mouse, a sweet-toothed bear, a beautiful fox and a bunny. You will also need “props”: a chair, a bottle with a carbonated drink such as Fanta, Sprite or Coca-Cola.

The scene begins with the “bear” guest waking up on a chair(this is “kind of like his den”), he has a terrible headache. “The Bear” takes the eggplant (it should be next to the chair) and takes a couple of sips to get a hangover.

Meanwhile, the “Cuckoo” crows five times. Someone knocks on the door, and the alcoholic “Wolf” enters the room. In the entire forest he has no equal in the amount of vodka he drinks. “Wolf” asks “Bear” to borrow one hundred grams of vodka, but “Bear” is fast asleep. “Wolf” drinks a glass with “Cuckoo”, and she crows six times.

There is a knock on the door again. This time "Frog" came. She is horrified that “Bear’s” den is a mess and begins to scold him, while at the same time trying to tidy up. “Wolf” invites “Frog” to drink a glass of vodka, but she refuses. “Wolf” drinks with “Cuckoo”, the latter cuckoos seven times already.

“Wolf” begins to sing songs loudly, “Bear” is still sleeping, “Frog” diligently sweeps the floor. Someone knocks on the door again. Now the Little Bunny has arrived. Seeing “Frog” cleaning, he tries to stop her in every possible way. Starts jumping over the broom.

“Wolf” invites him to have a glass, but “Little Bunny” does not pay attention to him, so with “Wolf” he drinks “Cuckoo” again - and sings eight times in a row. There's another knock on the door. The “Fox,” who has long been in love with the “Wolf,” came running. She begins to flirt with him, but “Wolf” simply invites her to have a glass. Having been rejected by another “potential drinking buddy,” “Wolf” has a drink with “Cuckoo,” and she sings nine times in a row.

The heroes of the improvised “play” go about their business. The “frog” is cleaning and swearing loudly. The “owner” of the den continues to snore, the “Fox” flirts with the “Wolf” in every possible way, but he sits with a bored look. Someone knocks quietly on the door, and “Mouse” runs through the den. Seeing a bottle of unfinished alcohol, “Mouse” grabs it and runs away. No one noticed her appearance and disappearance.

The “Frog” woke up the “Bear” with its scolding. Sleepy, he looks for an eggplant to soothe his hangover. Having noticed the “Bear”, the “Wolf” and the “Fox” quickly run away. The “little bunny” faints. Now the “Owner” of the den invites everyone to have a drink. Only the cuckoo agrees. After singing ten times in a row, she falls asleep. The “bear” staggers towards the guests of the evening. Guests must pour him a glass of vodka - then “The Bear” will make a toast.

A scene for a woman's birthday

A scene for lovely ladies

Great option interesting scene for a beautiful birthday girl, it’s to conduct a comic medical examination of the girl and write her a medical report.

For example, you can write in a certificate that a girl is of blossoming age, has universal hearing, one hundred percent vision - she notices only the positive in everything. You can joke about the pulse that it tends to either freeze or, on the contrary, go off scale, which indicates the girl’s cheerfulness. Give a recommendation: enjoy life, don’t stress and relax more.

A scene for a man's birthday

For the stronger sex

An excellent option for a small scene for a man’s birthday is “ Technical inspection" Two guests play the role of automobile inspectors and very meticulously examine the hero of the occasion. For example, you can start with the release of the model - say the number, series of the passport, by whom and when it was issued, date of birth. Use age as mileage.

It will be very funny if the inspectors, having touched the pulse of the birthday boy, declare with the most serious look that “the engine is working.” About the eyes, you can say an equally funny phrase: “the lighting is stable, the headlights are in order, not broken.” Auto inspectors can determine the load-carrying capacity based on the muscles. About the birthday boy’s shoes, you can joke something like the following: “The safety system is normal, the brakes are working properly, no accident is expected.” It is necessary to complete the “Technical Inspection” with a “wish” bon voyage” and a toast to the “main character” of the evening.

Creating a fun holiday

Creating a fun holiday

How to turn an ordinary boring feast into an enchanting holiday show? We need to come up with a few funny skits and play them at your birthday party. Everyone should participate in them - both the birthday person and the guests. On a festive evening, no one should remain at the table.

During the holiday, any impromptu and improvisation must be immediately accepted. If “according to the script” the appearance of a waiter with an excellent dessert-soufflé was not planned, but the waiter suddenly appears, this should only cause admiration. Any initiatives on the part of the guests should also be supported, then the evening will truly be a success.

Bright and funny birthday scenes will give everyone a great mood, a boost of energy and good impressions. The most important thing when organizing a celebration is not to be afraid to fantasize and be creative, to show ingenuity and ingenuity.

Birthday is very important for every person. In everyday worries, a person rarely manages to find a minute to cheer himself up and have fun from the heart. On your birthday, you can forget about worries and problems and celebrate a holiday that will be remembered for a long time.

How to prepare birthday scenes: video

Your birthday needs to be made fun, bright and unforgettable. We have created a video cast of the funniest scenes so that you can laugh heartily, get inspired and, based on them, write your own cool script.

(A man comes out - a participant in the scene, dressed in a scarf and an old colorful skirt with a jacket, in his hands he has a basket with drugs and he addresses the birthday boy with the words):

Dear birthday boy!
Even though you look healthy
And I was in good health from childhood,
But still, darling, no offense
Accept these funds as a gift!
I am an expert in healing
And the healer’s secret
I will open it to everyone on their birthday,
There is no more mystery in this!

08 Jun 2012

A scene for an anniversary or a man’s birthday “Childhood”

(Childhood runs out skipping - this is a man dressed up as a little boy and sings to the tune of a famous song about childhood):

My childhood, wait,
Don't rush, wait!
Give me a simple answer
What's ahead?!

Dear birthday boy!
The best remedy
Frighten off any attack -
This, of course, goes back to childhood
We must go in immediately!
I'll tell you emphatically:
Everything is forgiven for you today!

Read the continuation of the anniversary scene below

02 Jun 2012


Dear birthday girl, dear guests! You've all probably heard the expression: “Why are you walking around with shaggy hair like a shishiga?! Comb your hair!” So, I hasten to please you: just such a client arrived at our birthday girl’s birthday! Meet Shishiga, my friends!

(A participant in the scene comes out dressed as Shishiga; it will be funnier if he is a large man, dressed in a woman’s dress and with very shaggy hair or a shaggy wig.
Shishiga sings to the tune of the song “Longing for the Motherland” from the film. “Seventeen Moments of Spring”)

Read on for the continuation of this scene.

27 May 2012

(two participants, dressed in new Russian grandmothers, come out dancing and sing a verse to the tune of ditties):

We neither sow nor plow,
But we don’t sit idle!
On the anniversary we sing and dance,
Let's make birthday people laugh!

Matryona (speaks):

Flower, oh Flower! Why are you so wrinkled today, like a roll of toilet paper?


Oh, don’t tell me, Matryona! I didn’t sleep all night, I kept thinking, how better can we congratulate our birthday boy than to please him on such a day?!

Read on for the continuation of the funny scene.

26 May 2012

(two men dressed up as new Russian grandmothers come out and sing verses to the tune of ditties, playing along on a children’s balalaika or guitar):


The hero of the day needs a pair
Give compliments!
So let's go blazing hot
Remember them with Matryona!

Give me your word soon
My tongue is very itchy!
I'm already ready
Congratulations are simply chic!

... continuation of the funny scene read on

13 Apr 2012

There are different funny scenes with different plots - dramatic, humorous, artistic, etc. Absolutely any plot can be chosen for the sketch - from your own idea to an already existing idea. You can write your own script based on your own unique idea or plot. You can write a script for a finished work, a film, a fairy tale, or act out some story.

06 Apr 2012

05 Apr 2012


Dear birthday boy!
A great surprise has been prepared for you,
Double, unusual, most useful prize:
So that there are no more problems in work,
They sent you stuntmen as a gift!

(two men with helmets or colanders on their heads run out - these are “stuntmen”. They sing a song to the birthday boy to the tune of “If only I had mountains of gold”)

Well, what is an anniversary without jokes and laughter? Of course, bad and boring! Therefore we offer you comic scenes Happy anniversary congratulations to a woman, thanks to which there will be jokes and laughter on your anniversary. Each scene is something different and unusual. The main thing is to approach the process creatively and “charge” the guests with positivity.
It will also not be bad if you find costumes for the participants in the scene. After all, when characters have their own look and appearance, then it looks and is received completely differently.

If you are planning to congratulate a woman you know on her anniversary, then don’t rush. No, of course you need to congratulate her, don’t rush to make it trivial! First, look at the cool scenes of congratulations on a woman’s anniversary that are right in front of you. And when you look, you will choose any one, which will become your congratulations. And believe me, no one has ever seen anything like this, and everyone will definitely remember this moment forever.

When going to some holiday, you always think, how can I congratulate the hero of the occasion? After all, everyone will read poetry, say words of congratulations, and all this will be so banal that it will get boring after two or three people. And how you want to stand out, so that your congratulations are remembered and said - it was just super! Costume and funny scenes for a woman’s anniversary will help you brightly and unusually congratulate your friend on her anniversary. Our skits are positive and always in a good mood.

The time has come when your friend or acquaintance turns exactly 60 years old. Yes, this is an honorable and respectable age. But this is not that age. To sit on the couch and be sad. Therefore, be sure to persuade your friend to celebrate such a wonderful anniversary. Moreover, we have cool scenes for a woman’s 60th birthday. Show these sketches for anniversaries, and then your friend will thank you very much for not letting such an event as her 60th anniversary go to waste!
