Huge jackpot. Robbery plan. The Jewel Shop Job How to earn money in gta 5 after completing

- This co-op mode for 2–4 people, allowing you to prepare and carry out (increasingly) large-scale heists like those take place in a single-player game. The heists themselves are a key feature of the Heists DLC, which it turned out March 10, 2015 and added to the game new missions, vehicles, weapons and clothing, as well as additional multiplayer modes and achievements.

How to participate

The main requirement is reaching level 12(or higher). Leader teams must also have luxury apartment, in which the planning of each mission will take place. After meeting the requirements Lester will contact the potential leader and explain everything - preparations for the first robbery will begin.

List of robberies and their execution

In total the player will be able to complete 5 robberies. Robberies are executed in turn and differ in complexity, number of participants, volume of “production”, equipment etc. Every heist is done on the team And consists of of several preparatory missions and one final mission.

RobberyPreparatory missionsNumber of participantsPreparation cost
2 2 11 500
The Prison Break 4 4 40 000
The Humane Labs Raid 5 4 54 000
Series A Funding 5 4 40 000
The Pacific Standard Job 5 4 100 000


In heists, each player can occupy one of two positions - Leader or Crew Member. There can only be one leader, all others are members of the team. Due to its special position the leader has special rights and responsibilities:
  • fall on his shoulders all expenses, planning takes place in his apartment;
  • he recruits a team, distributes roles, selects equipment and decides how to divide the spoils;
  • unlike other participants, does not receive payments for preparatory missions– only a share of the “income” from the final mission.
During some operations, the team acts as one unit, in others it is divided into groups, and sometimes each participant is solely responsible for his part of the work. We recommend getting headset with microphone– a lot can depend on the coordination of actions.


During the heists, you will have to use a variety of (including unique) devices, weapons and vehicles, try on various outfits, drill into safes and try your hand at being a hacker. You will have to bring some of the equipment yourself, Lester will provide some, and so on. you will have to “borrow” some things.

Special rewards and cash bonuses

Participants in robberies receive not only what they “take out of the safes” - those who carry out additional requirements, incentive payments and awards await.

Firstly, each final mission of each heist has a set of so-called " elite tests"(Elite Challenges), after completing which you will receive a substantial increase in your salary. They can receive again with each new playthrough.

Secondly, there are payments for long service»:

  • “First Time” – for completing a robbery for the first time;
  • “All In Order” – for completing all missions in order;
  • “Loyalty” – for completing all missions in the same team;
  • “Criminal Mastermind” – for completing a heist in order at the highest level of difficulty in the same team without a single death;
  • "Another Perspective" [Next-gen consoles and PC only]– for completing all preparatory and final missions in first-person mode (the leader must install it during preparation).
You can get them just once.

Finally, Heists has its own collection of achievements.

You can keep track of how close you are to receiving a particular award in the “Awards” submenu in the statistics section.


You can replay any completed heist as a leader using the "Request Heists" option in the Leicester submenu in your

To earn money you will need to choose what kind of player you will be, bad or very bad. Yes, that’s right, there are no other options for earning money, similar to the same single-player mode. For example, in GTA 5 you can earn money by working as a taxi driver. Unfortunately, there is no such option in the online version. Also, for example, in the single version there is an exchange where you can get rich by buying and then reselling shares, in other words, make a profit from the difference between buying and selling. This exchange is present in multiplayer, however, it does not work. You can also purchase game currency for GTA Online through our store.

How to make money in GTA 5 Online

1. Kill and rob civilians in GTA 5

So let's move on to possible ways to become millionaire in GTA 5 Online. The first method is hooliganism, or robbery, call it what you prefer. For me, this is one of my favorite earnings, however, it is not as profitable as I would like, but even here there are some secrets. According to the first method, you need to have transport, as well as short-range weapons, we don’t want to spend money on ammunition, our task is to earn money for the first weapon or the first car. Why do we need a car? It's up to you to decide, either to escape or to kill NPCs in GTA 5 online. For example, I prefer to kill townspeople with melee combat, I especially like to do it with a switchblade or with a hammer, but you can use anything. Our task is to kill as many NPCs as possible and get the maximum profit from them. On average, it costs $25 for each person we kill. In order to earn more, try to kill and rob richer people who are walking along the streets, and it is best to attack those who have just left the ATM or are standing near it at the moment. But do not forget that after killing several people, they will start to run away, and a reward will be announced for you, that is, you will be given a danger star and the police will be looking for you. This is the description of the first ways to make money in GTA 5 Online that's enough, and we offer you a video that shows how to make money using this method.

2. Robbery of stores in GTA 5 Online

Second way earn your first million in GTA 5, also applies to robberies and black deeds, but it is more profitable in my opinion. This is an attack on markets (shops) in gta online. To carry out an attack, we need to break into the store, point the gun at the seller and wait for him to collect a bag of cash for us, which we will need to pick up. If you don’t kill the seller in GTA 5, then we will be given 2 wanted stars for robbing a store, but if we kill the cashier, then we will be given 3 wanted stars. What's the difference? The difference is that the amount of the winnings, a couple of hundred bucks, may differ, as well as the speed of receiving it. I prefer to use the second method, for me it is faster and more convenient. By the way, if you chose the first method of robbing a store, then you will be given advice to speed up the process, which is to yell at the GTA 5 Online seller.

To scream, you need to say something into the microphone in the general chat or create any noise that will come from you. But this shout will interfere with other players and you may be blocked in the general chat, which in the future will lead to complete ignorance from other players and the entire server as a whole. Therefore, instead of shouting at the seller, shoot around him at the store shelves and at the goods, this will also speed up the process of collecting money in the bag. After the robbery, you will need to leave as quickly as possible and hide from the police, or you can shoot back from the police until you run out of ammo. It is much more fun to use this method of robbery together with a friend, but the jackpot will be smaller. At the end of the description of this earnings, we offer you to watch a video using the current method: robbery of shops in GTA 5 Online.

3. We sell stolen cars

The third way to make money in GTA is by selling cars, cars that are stolen on the street. In general, this method brings from $3,000 to $20,000 per car sold. Just remember right away that you can sell one car within 45 minutes, so think for yourself what is better, rob stores, or steal cars and sell 1 car every 45 minutes. I think some have already realized that the best way to do this is to buy a garage near a car repair shop; don’t forget, you need a garage with an automatic gate opening. Personally, I don’t use this method very often, but I don’t mind spending extra money. We provide you video on making money in GTA 5 online through the sale of stolen cars.

4. We sell cars from Simon's list via SMS in GTA 5

The fourth method is similar to the first, it also applies to the sale of cars, but in this case we will need to read the SMS received from Simon and find an SMS with a list of cars that he requires. Then everything depends on you. Find a car, repaint it at any Los’Antos auto repair shop, and then take it to the port to the garage. On average, you can get up to $18,000 each for selling cars from the list. I also use this method, it brings in good additional income. Video on making money by selling cars from Simon's list in GTA 5.

5. Daily tasks, how to earn GTA 5 Online

The fifth way is to complete daily tasks, the list of which changes every day, which is why, in fact, they are daily. The tasks can be different, from jumping with a parachute to riding a wheelie for 100 m. Or it could be going to the movies or some other task. Often these tasks are very easy and their completion will not require much effort from you. Below you can watch a video on completing daily tasks in GTA V. For completing all tasks you are given a reward of $25,000. The money is small, but taking into account all the other earnings along with this, it already turns out to be a very round sum.

6. Kill players with a bounty on their heads

Sixth method make money in GTA 5 multiplayer, this is killing other players, you can kill everyone right and left, but in this case you have a chance to earn about $500 from the kill, depending on how much cash the player carries with him. Or you can earn $1000 or more for killing players who are wanted and for whom a reward has been awarded. Sometimes there are cases when other players assign large sums for killing another player, and sometimes cheaters appear and put a reward on the player’s head of a million dollars or more, it all depends on the mood of the cheater. I, of course, do not like to use this method of making money through deception. however, if such an option comes across, I try not to refuse it, it’s not my fault if the player himself threw himself in front of my car while I was driving, and how do I know that he has a reward on his head of several million dollars. Watch a video on how to make money using this method below.

7. Heists in GTA 5 Online, additional and final missions

The seventh method, in my opinion, is the most profitable, and also the most interesting, especially if you play with friends. These are our favorite heists, which consist of preparation stages and the final mission. During preparation, everyone except the organizer receives money, but during the final mission, the organizer often receives the most, usually 40% of the total prize. Complicit players receive 20% on average, in my opinion, this is the optimal amount of money for a mission. With a good game and the latest mission, you can earn $100,000 within 15 - 20 minutes of play, but this is only if the team is well-coordinated and each player knows his role. For example, I had a situation where one of the 4 players could not fulfill his role, while the other three players performed it 100%, no, this player was not me, but sometimes I have errors. You can watch a video example of a robbery below.

In general, I would like to note that there are many ways to make money in GTA 5 Online, these include individual missions from players or from Rockstar, these include robberies, and killing players, in fact, everything your heart desires. Don't forget that this is a game and it's all for fun and enjoyment. There is no need to be angry with the players, this rule applies to everyone except cheaters, who are very common in the game. Play for fun.

If you have any questions on the topic: “ How to earn $1,000,000 in GTA 5 Online", then write them in the comments to this article, or on our gaming channel, and we will try to answer each question in detail and with video.

8. New way to make money in GTA 5 Online (September 2017)

Earnings in GTA Online in 2018. There will be an updated article in the near future, but at the moment you can buy money for GTA 5 Online in our store.

Participants: Michael, Trevor, Franklin.

The mission that we go through immediately after completing the task "". Essentially, it represents the choice of a robbery plan for the mission "".

"This is our last hope."
© Michael
Michael receives a call from Lester, where he says that it’s time to reel in fishing rods. Everyone is up in arms against the main characters and the case that they have been dreaming of for so long is destined to be cooked up in the coming hours.

We're going to the Vanilla Unicorn club.

Plan A. Tonko

We steal armored cars, take the crew hostage, and enter the storage facility. As soon as the heroes reach the goal, reinforced wheelbarrows are sent to them to carry away the gold and they are washed away. But you still need to connect to the traffic light system in order to switch them at the right time. We will also need police hedgehogs.


We will need two drivers, two shooters and one hacker. The worse the hacker, the slower he will change the traffic lights. If you choose bad shooters, they will slowly fill the machine with gold. You must hire the best drivers to drive the trucks.

If you choose this plan, then you will need to complete the mission "" and "".

Plan B. Obviously

Michael plays dumb and distracts the guards while the rest of the guys get inside. To do this you will need a tunnel digging machine. Next, you need a pumped-up car to get away from the crime scene, two helicopters and a train on which the gold will be dropped.

Plan B is more profitable, but also more complex.


You can recruit any gang of first-class people for this task, but we recommend:

For a helicopter - Taliana.
For the train - Karim.

The one with Franklin is Daryl.
The one with Michael is Norm.

In that case, you'd be looking at around $42 million for each main character.

If you choose this plan, then you will need to complete the mission "

In honor of the imminent release of the updated GTA 5 and GTA Online, JOGER decided to create a small guide for those who want to get rich quickly in the world of the game. To find out about the most profitable missions, money machines and other ways to become rich with several bags of American dollars, read on.

What to do after entering for the first time? GTA Online? Well, first you should get a good car, a garage, then you can buy an apartment... But for all this you will need a lot of money, which does not just lie on the road. And the easiest way to earn money for real estate and other benefits is through teamwork - that is, find yourself a gang or put together your own. Once you have a couple of partners, your first $1,000,000 will not take long to arrive. And for a squad of heavily armed players there will always be something to do in the underworld of Los Santos :).

Shop robbery.

Small grocery stores are scattered throughout the island (most often along busy highways). You can go into it, give your hard-earned $15-20 to the cashier and restore your health with a couple of snacks, but it would be better if this store remains without profit today. We point a shotgun at the frightened seller and demand all the cash from the cash register. And so that he doesn’t hesitate and doesn’t even think about calling the cops, it’s worth smashing a couple of bottles of expensive wine behind his back. You can also shout at the idiot via Kinect or headphone microphone, but this does not really affect the process.
One more thing: before a robbery, you can put on a mask - for your own safety, of course. If the cashier remembers your face, then when you meet him again, he will fire a shotgun before you approach him.

And after several such “warm-ups” you can raise some good money - it all depends on your patience and the degree of fatigue of the local police.

In your pocket: $10,000.

Sale of stolen cars.

Los Santos Customs- your most important friends and customers in the whole city. Who else but them can push a car that was stolen 3 blocks away? Here is a sample action plan:

Find the car.
If the guys from LSC need this vehicle, an alert will immediately appear on the screen.
Mark the nearest garage where you can sell the car.
You go there and select sale from the menu.

That's it. Just 4 simple steps, and your pockets are already filled with packs of dead presidents! The cost of a car depends on its class. And if you don't enjoy hijacking every business class, then the richest district of Los Santos - Vinewood - is waiting for you. For cars stolen from this area, the masters of Los Santos Customs will overwhelm you with a mountain of dollars... after several dozen cars sold :).

In your pocket: $120,000.


Cleaning out shops and selling cars is an effective, but rather monotonous way to earn a decent living. But completing tasks and missions are rewarded with dignity - and you can earn even more $$$ by cooperating with members of your gang, or just friends. In addition to standard PvE missions, you can raise good money on PvP tasks: race, shootout, capturing a case and others.

In your pocket: $250,000.

Accept the invitation.

If your friend starts completing a mission, he can invite you to the team. With these criteria:

Good team.
Profitable mission.

You simply have to press the “Replay” button. For example: a work called “Violent Duct” paid $9,000 for each passage. It’s not hard to guess that after 10-20 restarts (if by this time you don’t get tired of playing games in general:) you can raise up to $200,000. Not bad money, especially when combined with what you’ve already earned.

In your pocket: $550,000.

Don't die.

This is a rather insidious moment Grand Theft Auto Online It’s worth noting right away - otherwise you have a chance to waste all your money in a few unsuccessful shootouts. Remember a simple truth: die -> pay. Also, the nth amount of money remains next to your corpse - maybe $100, or maybe all the cash you have with you. After a dozen deaths, you can become bankrupt.

And by the way: you can even make money by living longer than your enemies. Just collect all the cash from their corpses.

In your pocket: $600,000.

Money in the bank.

Whether it's $5,000 or $25,000, cash always needs to be converted into electronic currency. This can be done directly from your phone through the Maze Bank website. Thus, the maximum that your killer will lose is $100 for a magazine with cartridges.

In your pocket: $600,000.


There is no shame in betting $1000 against yourself in a shootout if the winnings are 2-3 times greater. And if you are confident in your abilities, bet on yourself. And the more, the better.

In your pocket: $700,000.

Cash collector armored vehicles.

This is as easy a way to earn an extra $5,000 as robbing roadside shops. Gruppe 6 trucks transport cash from one point in Los Santos to another. Most often they occur by chance. To get the money, you need to open the back doors of the truck - either with a large number of shots from the weapon, or using C4.

In your pocket: $750,000

The most profitable mission.

Coke is a quest that can earn you up to $700,000 per hour, provided you're level 45 or invited by a level 45 friend.

In your pocket: $1,000,000 or more.

You can also use well-known glitches for money, but most likely in an updated version Grand Theft Auto Online they were fixed.

So we got to the biggest robbery in . "Big jackpot" is the final deal, which the guys dreamed about from the very beginning of their criminal careers. It will be available to players after completing the missions "Going Wild" and "Heist Plan".

As mentioned earlier, the team had been hatching a plan for this case for a long time, so after Lester’s call, where he reported possible troubles from the police, everyone was ready for action. There will also be a huge jackpot in the robbery There are two modes available: "quiet" and "obvious". Of course, the second one is much more interesting and dynamic, but we will start with the “quiet” one.

Quiet mode in the robbery Huge jackpot

This plan will bring less profit (20 million per person), but it is easier to cope with. The main task of the guys is steal a cash-in-transit car and use it to take money out of the vault.

First we need to get special road spikes. Unfortunately, only the police have them, so the guys will have to steal a police truck. It is better to do this quietly so as not to waste time on pursuits and shootings. Besides, we don't need problems right before the mission begins.

The next step will be to upgrade the vehicle for the robbery. Mike must gather everything in the city and buy upgrades for them. Just follow Lester's directions, he will mark the cars on the map and you won't have to act blindly.

Now we do everything according to plan. First, we scatter spikes on the road, waiting for the collector convoy, and then, while they are changing the tires, we steal the car. All that remains is to go to the bank and, pretending to be employees, take the money.

This mode is much more difficult than the “quiet” mode and brings the player twice as much profit (40 million). Advice: buy each team member an RPG with a large amount of charge (you can also take a grenade launcher - there is not much difference). This will later help you in shootouts with the police in GTA V.

We go to the bank building and drill a huge hole in the wall. We install explosive devices on the storage grates and fire back at the approaching crowd of military men. Using helicopters, we remove the bars and take the money. What follows is a huge number of shootouts with the police and 5 wanted stars. To escape from them, you need to drive off the road and drive through the hills for a while. Do not under any circumstances attempt to engage in combat!

Having gotten rid of the military, we switch to the character in the helicopter and shoot down the enemy Merryweather helicopters. Then we simply throw all the gold onto the train and ride off into the sunset with it.

Assembling a team for the Big Snatch robbery

Quiet mode in Grand Theft Auto V will require two snipers, two drivers and one burglar. The choice of characters does not matter much in this regard, but if you take inexperienced drivers, they will crash on the road.

For the "loud" method, we will need only the best people. For example: Karim is suitable for a train, and Taliana is suitable for a helicopter. And you can take Norman and Daryl as snipers, because... they have a lot of experience.

How to collect all the rewards in the Big Snatch mission

What tasks need to be completed to get all the gold for completing the mission Huge Jackpot:

  • Eliminate 20 guards by shooting them in the head;
  • Have time to throw off gold in 30 seconds;
  • Finish the mission with more than 60% accuracy;
  • Complete all tasks within 16 minutes.
1-04-2017, 01:23
