Sample form t 1. Features of the employment order: adult and minor workers. What forms of document exist?


I. I. The order number may include a letter index, for example “l/s” (personnel order) or “k” (personnel order) - in an organization with a small personnel document flow; or “p” (reception order) or “pr” (same) - in a large company with a large volume of personnel document flow:

1.2. The date the order was drawn up (also the date it was signed and the date it was issued) may correlate differently with the date the employee was hired:
1) an order can be issued on the day the employee begins work. Thus, both dates will coincide:

3) finally, in cases where the employee was actually allowed to work without drawing up an employment contract in writing, the order is issued after the signing of the employment contract and on its basis (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), therefore, the order has retroactive force and its date compilation will be later than the start date of work:

1.3. Line (column) “Last name, first name, patronymic.” In this line (form T-1) or column (form T-1a), the name, patronymic and surname of the hired employee must be written in full in the accusative or nominative case. Abbreviating the first and patronymic to initials is unacceptable: the subscript of the T-1 form and the title of the column of the T-1a form contain a hint about this.

1.4. Line (column) “Structural unit”. The text of employment orders must indicate in which structural unit the employee is being hired. This line is filled out in accordance with the employment contract, in which the structural unit is indicated in accordance with the organization’s staffing table.
In small companies where there are no structural divisions, this line, of course, is not filled in:

In large companies where there is a branched organizational structure, a rather large hierarchical ladder of divisions is possible, which, according to the “matryoshka principle”, fit into one another. In this case, in the line “Structural unit” all “matryoshka dolls” can be indicated, i.e. divisions that are specified in the employment contract. At what level of the organizational structure one should stop, indicating divisions in the employment contract, is decided in each specific organization, depending on the situation. The main criterion is to ensure the possibility of moving workers without their consent.
According to the new edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the name of a structural unit is no longer a condition required for inclusion in an employment contract*. Now the condition for specifying the place of work (indicating the structural unit and its location) and (or) the workplace is recognized by the legislator as additional (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, if an employee is hired by a branch, representative office or other separate structural unit located in another locality, the employment contract, and therefore the hiring order, must indicate the name of this structural unit and its location, for example :

If, however, the employment contract indicated an internal, non-separate structural unit that is part of the structure of a larger unit, then the order must also contain this information in strict accordance with the employment contract. This can be done starting from the largest to the smallest unit, or vice versa.
So, at a plant, each workshop can be divided into sections, and teams can be created at each section, and the teams can consist of links. Let's say we arrange the appointment of an employee of one of the units. In an order it might look like this:

Considering the need to transfer this entry to the employee’s work book in strict accordance with the order, the second option is preferable as the most compact.
1.5. Line (column) “Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications.”
1.5.1. When hiring employees, the order indicates the position, and if there is a rank or category, the qualifications. Each personnel officer decides independently whether to write the word “position”, which is already included in the interlinear (in the column title):

1.5.2. When hiring workers, their profession (in the instrumental or nominative case) and (if any) qualification category are indicated, for example:

1.6. Line “Conditions of employment, nature of work.”
1.6.1. The Instructions for filling out unified forms T-1 and T-1a contain a requirement to indicate in orders when applying for a job:
. conditions of employment;
. the nature of the work ahead.
Thus, in the line in question it is necessary to make an entry that the employee is hired under the following conditions:
. with full financial responsibility:

for part-time work (indicating the proportional payment for the employee):

for work with reduced working hours (indicating the amount of payment in accordance with labor legislation):

. for part-time work. At the same time, it is indicated what share of the rate (but not more than 50%) the employee is accepted for, since according to Art. 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the working hours of a part-time worker cannot exceed 4 hours a day. Thus, in contrast to the previous edition of the Labor Code, according to which the maximum working time for a part-time worker was 0.4 times the rate, the new edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the employer to hire a part-time worker within the limits of up to 0.5 times the rate, which should be indicated in the order**:

. and also indicate the grounds (reasons) for hiring temporary work in accordance with Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for example:

and other reasons provided for in Art. 59 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
1.6.2. Undoubtedly, readers noticed that the examples provide a fragment of only the T-1 form (an order to hire one employee). In the order form for registering the hiring of several employees (T-1a), there is no column similar to the line “Conditions of employment, nature of work.” This does not mean that the T-1a form cannot be used due to its incompleteness.
The fact is that when an employee is hired for a job with standard, most convenient working conditions for a person - the main job, the employment contract is concluded for an indefinite period, the work and rest regime is normal (40-hour working week with an 8-hour working day with two days off on Saturday and Sunday), lack of full financial responsibility, etc. - entries about these conditions are not made in the order, i.e. it is not written that the job is main, permanent, etc., it is meant “by default.” Therefore, when the simultaneous hiring of several employees with standard working conditions is formalized, the absence of the column “Conditions of employment, nature of work” in the unified T-la form does not create any inconvenience.
If we want to employ some of the hired workers or all of them under special conditions, we have the right to:
. or add special conditions for employment and/or the nature of the work in the column “Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications,” for example:

. or enter the corresponding column into the T-la form, reducing the left and right margins and slightly “tightening” the remaining columns *;
. use the T-1 form and make several employment orders for each employee with the same date (but, of course, with different numbers).
1.7. Lines “With tariff rate (salary)”, “Additional allowance”; column “Tariff rate (salary), allowance.”
Workers with a time-based wage system are set a monthly salary (official salary), while piece workers are given a tariff rate.
1.7.1. In no case can the salary be less than that indicated in the organization’s staffing table. A very common practice, when during the probationary period an employee is given a salary that is less than the staffing level, is illegal and, therefore, vicious. Article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits any discrimination when setting wages. Therefore, during the probationary period, the employee must receive the salary that is established for his position or profession in the staffing table.
The staffing table of some organizations still maintains a salary range. In this case, in order to avoid discrimination, the employer needs to develop a wage regulation, which must spell out clear, clear and unambiguous criteria for establishing a particular salary amount. In practice, this criterion most often becomes length of service in the organization.
For example, with a salary range of 10,000–12,000 rubles. The Regulations on Remuneration may indicate that upon hiring a new employee, a salary of 10,000 rubles is set; after 3 months, his salary will be increased to 11,000 rubles. etc. But in no case should a salary increase be tied to the probationary period (“at the end of the probationary period, the employee’s salary is set at 11,000 rubles”)! This will clearly show that for the test period a reduced level was set, i.e. discriminatory wages.
If an increase in salary or tariff rate depends only on length of service in the organization, then it applies to all employees, including those hired without probation, which means that for the first time, each new employee will be given a salary “at the lower fork”, which over time will “grow” equally for everyone, which completely eliminates discrimination.
Other legal ways of increasing wages for employees who have passed the test and continue to work successfully in the company have been tested in practice, in particular the establishment of bonuses for various reasons.
1.7.2. In an order for employment (as in an employment contract), when indicating the amount of wages, in no case should reference simply be made to the staffing table. In Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly states that one of the mandatory conditions for inclusion in an employment contract is the size of the tariff rate or official salary of the employee, as well as the amount of additional payments, allowances and incentive payments. In the unified forms of employment orders, brought into line with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the requirement to indicate the exact amount of wages is emphasized in the design of the relevant details.

The employee must be familiarized with the hiring order (as well as with other personnel orders) against signature. When reading the order, the employee must be able to verify that his salary complies with the terms of the employment contract.
The arguments of the heads of a number of companies that wages are a trade secret of the organization and therefore its exact amount cannot be indicated in orders do not stand up to criticism. Firstly, with normally organized work with personnel, personnel orders, except for the director, are seen only by personnel service employees (who prepare drafts of these orders), accounting employees (who calculate salaries) and the employees themselves in respect of whom the order is issued (receiving this salary) . Secondly, and this is the main thing, even by Decree of the Government of the RSFSR dated December 5, 1991 No. 35, it was established that a commercial secret of an enterprise and an entrepreneur cannot be, in particular, information about the wages of employees. This provision was enshrined in the Federal Law “On Trade Secrets” dated July 29, 2004 No. 98-FZ, in paragraph 9 of Art. 5 of which lists information that cannot constitute a trade secret, in particular this is information about the remuneration of employees.
Thus, employment orders must indicate the specific amount of workers’ wages.
1.7.3. Sometimes personnel service employees who draw up a draft order make another mistake: trying to provide as complete information as possible about the employee’s salary, they indicate its size in words or in numbers and in words. This does not need to be done, since the most unified T-1 form contains a hint: the size of the tariff rate, salary and allowances should be indicated only in numbers:

If the employee is given only a salary or a tariff rate without allowances, the “addition” line can be left blank or a dash can be placed here:

1.7.4. In the unified form T-1a (an order for the hiring of several employees), only one column is allocated for information about wages and bonuses, which is very inconvenient in cases where an employee is already given a bonus upon hiring: you have to indicate the salary and bonus separated by a comma, or separated by a semicolon or a slash. For example:

Or, remembering that additional details can be entered into the unified forms, some personnel officers, if necessary, split this column into two, entering another column with the number “5a”:

1.8. LINE (COUNT) “WITH TEST FOR PERIOD, MONTHS” - filling rules
1.8.1. The duration of the test period can be written either in words or in numbers (see examples below).
1.8.2. In orders for hiring workers who do not have a test, this line or column is not filled in or a dash is placed in it:

If, by mutual agreement of the parties to the employment contract, a probationary period is established, its duration can be specified not only in months, but also in days or weeks, since the minimum probationary period is not established in law. However, the duration of the test, as a general rule, cannot be more than three months, and for heads of organizations and their deputies, chief accountants and their deputies, heads of branches, representative offices and other separate structural divisions of organizations - six months (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

As soon as a new employee at the enterprise has passed all kinds of professional suitability tests and all job responsibilities have been agreed upon with the employer, it is the turn of official employment. One of the documents used to register an employee for a vacant position is the Order for Employment in Form T-1. If a group of people is hired at once, the order is drawn up in form T-1a.

Sample and form of an order for employment in the T-1 form


The employment order can be drawn up by an employee of the personnel service, or by the employer himself, if the enterprise is small. The document is signed by the relevant official (or manager), and only after that is provided to the new employee for signature.

An entry in the work book (or registration, if the employee receives it for the first time) is made after drawing up and signing the T-1 form.

The employment order signed by both parties goes into the archives of the enterprise and is stored there for the entire duration of the employee’s presence in a particular position. Sometimes a situation arises when an employee may need this order; in this case, he makes a request to the accounting department, and it issues him a certified copy of the document. The copy must bear the company's seal.

Stages of filling out an employment order according to form T-1

When starting to fill out, remember: there should be no errors, clerical errors or corrections in the document. You can correct what you have written, but you must put the seal of the company and write “believe the correction”, and also sign for the official responsible for personnel or the manager. But it’s easier, if a mistake is made, to order to destroy and create a new one.

What you need to fill out in the employee’s hiring order is highlighted in the images below with a yellow marker. The remaining fields are present in the sample order by default and do not need to be adjusted.

So, the first thing to do is enter the name of the organization, in our case - Great Forest LLC.
Next - document number and him date.

These documents can be numbered in any way, but, of course, any personnel service does this in order.
In our case, the order was drawn up on February 14, 2017, document number 24.

Count “get hired” contains two input fields. Moreover, the first field must be filled in in any case. This is the date from which the employee will begin his job duties.
The second field most often turns out to be empty, since the company, by default, accepts workers for an indefinite period. However, if the deadline for the employee’s presence at the position is established by the employment contract, it must be reflected in this column.

Attention! Filling out all fields of the order for hiring an employee must comply with the previously concluded employment contract between the employee and the employer.

Fill in the field “ salary" And " bonus" If there is no bonus provided (as in our example), we leave the last field blank.

Also, if the employment contract contains a probationary period condition, this must be reflected in the order. The default form says “month(s)”, but you can change it to “weeks” if you need a shorter period. In the example, we did just that.

Field " base” is a component of the order, which must contain the date and number of the document on the basis of which this order was drawn up. In our case, an employment contract.

After drawing up the order, the official or manager puts his signature, its transcript, and enters his position. Then he gives an order for review by the employee, who must make sure that all the information in the order corresponds to the previously concluded employment contract. If no discrepancies are noticed, the employee boldly puts his signature and can begin his duties on the appointed date.

The order must be prepared, signed and brought to the attention of the employee against signature within three days from the date on which he began to perform his duties. In fact, the execution of this document represents the transfer of information from the employment contract into the fields of the unified T-1 form. Let's look at how to fill out an employment order (sample 2020) step by step.

How to issue an order for employment

Step 1. Fill out the header

We enter the name of the organization and the eight-digit OKPO code. Please note that we are considering a job order (example) for a fictitious organization, so when filling out your primary documents you will have to enter your own codes.

Step 2. Enter the employee’s personal data

Write down your full name. employee in the genitive case, as well as other information (name of department, position, conditions and nature of work, salary, duration of probation, etc.). It doesn’t matter whether you are making an order for the chief accountant, the general director or a simple mechanic, the filling procedure will be the same. All information is recorded exclusively in the wording specified in the employment contract.

Step 3. Assign a number and sign with the manager

Each organization has its own document registration system: some automatically register in electronic programs, others do it manually on paper. Regardless of the registration method, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  • details of employment orders and details of employment contracts must be the same, this will avoid confusion and unnecessary bureaucracy. In addition, this does not contradict current legislation;
  • After assigning the necessary details, we sign the order (hiring) with the head of the organization.

Step 4. Introduce the employee

The employee must be familiarized with the document confirming the start of his employment with this employer within the first three calendar days. That is, if he began performing his official duties on Friday and has the next two days off, he must be introduced on Friday.

Step 5. File and register

We file the original with the employee’s note about familiarization in the nomenclature folder. We enter information about the document details into the employment order log. Below you can download the entire completed order for the appointment of a chief accountant in 2020 at Pion LLC.

Do I need to put a stamp on the order?

The employment order form does not apply to personnel records documents that require an imprint of the employer's seal. A seal will be required if you have to certify its copy. In addition, the unified T-1 form does not provide space for a seal imprint.

Registration of an order for employment in a journal

The employer is obliged to organize the recording of these documents. For this purpose, the employer, by its local regulations, can appoint a responsible employee for maintaining this journal. These could be:

  • personnel officer;
  • accountant;
  • office manager;
  • any other person at the employer’s discretion, but, as a rule, from among those responsible for documenting the hiring and dismissal of employees.

The journal form must include the following required fields:

  • date of publication of the regulatory act;
  • his number;
  • registration date.

An inventory is sometimes used as a journal, which can be placed in the nomenclature folder for storing regulations on the hiring of employees, and the presence of the fields indicated above is mandatory.

With the beginning of a new calendar year, numbering in the journal must be started anew, and existing information cannot be deleted; it must be stored for 75 years, in accordance with subparagraph “b” of paragraph 258 of the List approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558. These deadlines must be maintained. , even if you made an order to hire part-time work at 0.5 rates.

How long is a job order stored?

The employment order must be kept for 75 years, the basis for this is clause 19 of the List of Archival Documents, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558.

Examples of orders

Before you start looking at the examples, please note once again that the employment order form can be executed either on a unified form (T-1) or in free form using the organization’s letterhead. The main and main point regarding this document can be expressed in four points:

  • actual availability;
  • written form;
  • compliance with the wording in the employment contract;
  • employee's notes on familiarization.

Example of an order for temporary work

When applying for a temporary job, the order must fill in a field indicating the end of the employment contract, and also indicate in the line “Conditions of employment” that this work activity is temporary for the employee.

Order for employment under a fixed-term employment contract, sample

Order for hiring 2020 individual entrepreneur

It differs from a regular order in the absence of an OKPO code and the name of a structural unit. This work is usually temporary.

Example of an order for hiring an individual entrepreneur

Order for employment with a probationary period

The absence or presence of a test is indicated in the employment contract by agreement of the parties. Information about the probationary period must be indicated in the employment order.

Order for employment with a probationary period, sample

Order for employment at 0.5 rate

Such employment is possible with internal or external part-time work. In this case, the size of the 0.5 rate is not indicated in the order itself; only the size of the salary is indicated, the maximum limit of which cannot exceed half of the corresponding rate according to the staffing table.

Example of an order for hiring a part-time job

Order for hiring a part-time worker

In principle, it is no different from the previous example, in which we saw a sample order for employment at 0.5 rates. Here, as an option, you can consider the example of replacing a temporarily absent employee (on parental leave). In this case, the end of employment field is not filled in, because the main employee can leave at any time.

Example of an order for hiring a temporary part-time worker

It should be noted that part-time workers, both external and internal, are not necessarily accepted on a part-time basis. You cannot accept a job at a higher rate: for example, you cannot make a sample order for employment at 1.5 rates. In the case of part-time workers, you can start with 0.5 and then go down.

Order for employment at 0.25 rate, example

The difference between these two orders is in the salary figures that are set for the employee upon hiring.

Order on hiring a convicted person

When hiring a convicted person, in addition to the main package of documents, an order to appear for work is provided, which is issued by the penal inspection. At the same time, a fixed-term employment contract cannot be concluded with a convicted person (there are no grounds in).

An example of an order to hire a convicted person

In the hiring order, we do not indicate that the employee is convicted.

Order for hiring a driver

As a rule, they are accepted into garages or motor transport departments.

Example of an order for hiring a driver

Sample order for hiring the same driver for the main job at 0.5 rate

Order for employment by transfer

If an employee is transferred from one legal entity to another, the hiring order will be in the T-1 form (the previous employer will issue a document on dismissal, and the new employer will issue a document on hiring).

If the transfer is internal, an order is issued in form T-5.

Example of an order for employment by transfer, form T-5

Employment order, sample form for admission to another organization

Order for hiring a director

When employing employees, the order for their employment is signed by the employer. When hiring a general director, the order is signed by the chairman of the meeting of the company's owners, even if the director is chosen from among the owners. If the general director is the sole owner, he himself signs an order for employment, but as the sole founder of this company.

Example of an order for hiring a director

If the founders have decided and the new director is not against it in principle, then they can make a decision and issue an order for 0.5 rates, a sample of which is below.

Order on hiring a minor

A nuance of this order may be the circumstance that in the case of employment of a minor under the age of 14, it is not the employee himself who must be familiarized with the employment order, but one of his parents. When employing minors over the age of 14, they sign the documents themselves.

Example of an order for hiring a minor

At the same time, when hiring minors, one must remember about the prohibitions and restrictions for this category of workers that are established. Besides,

An order for hiring a new employee is filled out using the unified T-1 form. It was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. You do not have to fill out the order using the unified form of the T-1 form; you can develop it yourself and fill out the order using the form that you approve in the accounting policy of your company. However, keep in mind that the forms you develop must contain all the necessary details (name of the organization that compiled the document, date of preparation, etc.) A complete list of requirements can be found in Part 2 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ

If you nevertheless decide to use the forms developed by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, then you will have to draw up an employment order using Form No. T-1.

An employee must be registered for work in the following order:

  • Allow the new employee to familiarize himself with local regulations that are related to his work function, against signature. These documents can be job descriptions, labor protection instructions, etc.;
  • Draw up and sign an employment contract with the employee;
  • Issue an order to hire a new employee (form T 1);
  • Make an entry in the employee’s work book about his new place of work;
  • Fill out the employee’s personal card.

The information set out in the employment order must fully comply with the conditions set out in the contract that you entered into with the employee (including the start date of work). However, keep in mind that it is not critical not to issue an order for employment on the very day when the employment contract is signed: it can be issued later. Labor legislation also does not require that the date on which the order was issued and the date on which the employee actually began work coincide, but it is recommended that the order be prepared before the new employee begins to perform his job.

The employee must be familiarized with the executed order within three days from the day he actually began performing the work. If a citizen is applying for a job with you not under an employment contract, but, for example, under a civil law contract, then an employment order is not needed. In this case, the performer is not included in the organization’s staff and is not an employee, therefore this norm of labor legislation does not apply to him

Sample of filling out the unified form T-1

In the header of the form, you need to fill in the name of the company, the OKUD, OKPO form, the serial number of the order and the date of its preparation. The main part of the order consists of the following points:

  • Hiring date;
  • Employee's full name and personnel number;
  • Structural unit, employee position;
  • Nature of work;
  • Tariff rate (salary) and allowance;
  • Probation;
  • The number and date when the employment contract, which is the basis for drawing up the order, was concluded;
  • Signature of the head of the company;
  • The date and signature of the employee, which indicates that the employee is familiar with the order.

Please note that according to the law, you must store personnel documents in the archive. Orders on hiring, transfer, and dismissal must be kept for 75 years.

How to fill out the unified T-1 form

After an employment contract has been concluded with a new employee, you need to issue a hiring order and create a personal card.

Form T-1 of the employment order is filled out on the basis of a formalized employment contract, since the content of the order must fully comply with the terms of the employment contract (Part 1 of Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The unified form T-1 was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. You can also use a form you have developed yourself. Employees must be familiarized with the order and signed within three days from the moment they actually started work.

Attention! The order does not need to be issued when employing persons with whom they have entered into civil contracts for the provision of paid services, contracts, etc. This is due to the fact that current labor legislation does not apply to such employees.

An expert from Sistema Personnel will tell you how to issue an order to hire an employee. From the article you will learn what HR managers should take into account.

Order form T-1: most frequently asked questions

Question:What should be written in the order column “Hire by...” if the employee is employed for an indefinite period?

Expert's answer: in this case, the specified cell is not filled in (section 1 of the instructions, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1). Well, you need to use the phrase “indefinite period”, “not defined”, “not established”, etc. You can simply put a dash.

Question:What should be entered in the column “Conditions of employment, nature of work” if a unified employment order form is being filled out and the employee was accepted under normal conditions, that is, it is a permanent job with an eight-hour working day, etc.?

Expert answer: This column is filled out only if the conditions and nature of the work differ from those generally established in the organization. For example, if an employee is hired:

  1. part-time;
  2. part-time;
  3. nbsp; in the order of transfer from another organization and the like.

This follows from the first section of the instructions approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004, No. 1. In order not to leave this line empty, you can make a record that the employee was hired by the organization on normal terms (main job, permanent).

Ivan Shklovets, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, will talk about the most common mistakes that employers make when applying for a job and in labor relations with employees.

What are the requirements for filling out a unified employment order form?

The employment order T-1 or T-1a is issued on the basis of the agreement concluded with the TD employee. The order forms were approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004, No. 1. Organizations have the right to use forms based on an independently developed template.

You can download the unified order form No. T-1 at the beginning of the article!

Regardless of what form of order is used, its content must fully comply with all the terms of the employment contract concluded with a certain employee (Part 1 of Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The order is brought to the attention of the employed person within three days, and without fail against signature (Part 2 of Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Where to download the unified form T-1

Despite the fact that it is not necessary to use standardized forms, most organizations use this form of orders. The T-1 employment order is very convenient for practical use. Such forms are more familiar to personnel officers. When filling out, a large number of questions rarely arise.

But still, some companies began to use forms according to their own developed and approved form. In them, organizations include only the information required for basic personnel procedures. When developing such samples, it is necessary to include the details of the primary accounting documents established by Article Nine of the Federal Law “On Accounting” No. 402-FZ.

Sample of filling out form T-1

Details contained in the unified form T-1

How to prepare an order for hiring a T-1 part-time worker

When hiring a part-time worker, the order is issued in the form T-1, T-1a or drawn up on a form developed independently by the organization. The same information is included in the order as when hiring the main employee. In the column “conditions and nature of the work to be performed” it is indicated that this is a part-time job.

Form T-1 download: hiring an external part-time worker

Form T-1 of the employment order must be completed on the basis of a formalized employment contract, since the content of the order must fully comply with the terms of the TD (employment contract). The order can be filled out on unified forms or on those developed independently by the organization.
