A master refers to an engineer or a worker. Who belongs to the AUP and who belongs to the engineering and technical personnel? For example, a foreman in a workshop? IT engineering technical workers

Lelya wrote:

But the terminology of engineering and technology has long been outdated. It is not used anywhere else. According to the general provisions of the ECSD: all employees are divided into workers and employees, employees in turn into managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers).

Scroll: DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL PROTECTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS March 30, 2004 No. 32 On approval of the structure and General provisions of the Unified Qualification Directory of Employee Positions

1. The Unified Qualification Directory of Employee Positions (hereinafter referred to as the UCSD) is a technical regulatory legal act, the purpose of which is to create the necessary conditions for the rational distribution of labor functions depending on the complexity, quantity, quality, working conditions and qualifications between managers, specialists and other employees ( technical performers) 1, ensuring unity in determining their job responsibilities and the qualification requirements for them.

The structure of each issue of the ECSD is uniform and built in accordance with the classification of employees into categories established by OKPD: p managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers), which are assigned job category codes in OKPD - 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
The assignment of employee positions to categories is carried out depending on the nature of the work performed, constituting the content of their work (organizational-administrative, analytical-constructive, information-technical).

5. To category managers include persons who, within the framework of certain powers, organize, direct, coordinate and control the activities of the organization, relevant structural units, and employees.

6. To category specialists include persons with special knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in a certain type of professional activity, who have received a specialty in higher (specialists of the highest level of qualifications) or secondary specialized (specialists of an average level of qualifications) education, confirmed by the types of documents established by law.

8. Go to category other employees (technical performers) include persons performing regulated, periodically repeated work related to the activities of the corresponding structural unit, under the control of the immediate supervisor, specialist.

The qualification requirements for the positions of other employees stipulate that they have vocational education or general secondary education, special training, including according to an established program without requirements for work experience (agent, secretary, forwarder, etc.).

IT workers are engineering and technical workers who carry out both strategic and tactical management. Each production has its own engineering and technical service.

Ingenium is translated from Latin as “ingenious invention.” In Europe in the Middle Ages, the term was interpreted as “machines for war,” and its derivative ingeniarius was used to describe craftsmen who made weapons and fortifications. The meaning of the word “engineer” according to Dahl is interpreted as “scientist-bridge builder”.

The concept of engineering and technical personnel in retrospect

The engineering profession has existed for a long time. And initially it was just a type of activity. Of course, the engineer who invented the gear, screw or lever and today's engineering workers are people who have completely different approaches to their work, and their work is different. But, having a certain education, they always strived and are striving for progressive solutions, therefore the result of their work was and will be the creation of newer devices, mechanisms, devices.

In ancient Rome and Greece, engineers were considered the elite. Their work was considered art. Society perceived it as something sacred.

Many Roman emperors, the first of whom was Julius Caesar, among others, also had the title of Supreme Pontiff. Pontifex is a Latin word meaning “bridge builder.”

The well-known Italian scientist and artist of the Middle Ages, Leonardo da Vinci, had the title of engineer. The fortification master Sébastien le Pestre de Vauban, who worked under Louis XIV, was the first to receive the title of engineer in France.

As time passed, engineering science developed, and in the 16th century in Holland, and later in England, people involved in bridge and road construction began to be called “civil engineers.”

The first educational institution where specialists in road and bridge construction were trained appeared in France in 1720. The need for engineers grew, and in 1747 a Parisian school opened to train so-called civil engineers. In 1795, schools for road and bridge construction, as well as a polytechnic school, were opened. And this was the beginning of the development of engineering education not only in France. At the same time, similar schools were opened in other countries.

Over the course of several centuries, they have been improved and transformed from engineering schools into engineering institutes. And in the 19th and 20th centuries, technical universities began to be created on their basis. And today they are training engineering workers. The concept of “Engineering Workers” is the name of a group of highly qualified specialists who perform the functions of organizers and managers of production processes in many areas of production

Development of the engineering profession in Russia

Russia has always been famous for its craftsmen, who were spoken of as people with golden hands. Thanks to its “lefties,” even under Ivan the Terrible, the Russian army had better artillery and strong fortifications.

Peter I paid great attention to the development of the engineering field in Russia. Under him, the best representatives of the young nobility were selected and sent to study abroad. And later they began to open their own educational institutions, where they trained engineers.

In the 16th century, Russian specialists in weapons and fortification construction in the army were also called rozmysly. But in 1703, Feofan Prokopovich first used the term “engineer”. And under Peter I, this name began to be used on an ongoing basis.

Who is an IT worker

Engineering and technical worker (E&T) has long been considered one of the most prestigious professions. And even today good engineers are at a premium.

Not everyone will be able to go through a difficult stage of training, consisting of specific subjects such as strength of materials or theoretical mechanics, which are filled with many formulas and drawings. But those who have achieved a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge, who possess the thinking of an analyst, subsequently become good specialists.

The category of engineering workers belongs to the “human-technical” type of profession, since engineers work with equipment. Objections may arise here. After all, drivers, turners, and seamstresses work with the equipment. And this is the absolute truth. But there is a small but. Although all of the above professions belong to the same type, technology plays a different role for an engineering worker and the second group. For the driver, turner and seamstress, technology is an instrument of production. That is, with the help of technology they receive the result of labor.

For engineering and technical workers, it is a subject of labor, that is, with the help of their knowledge, skills and inventive talent, they transform and improve technology.
In addition, engineering and technical workers play the role of organizers and managers of production processes at enterprises.

Division into groups of engineering workers

There are many engineering professions in demand in different industries. Engineering workers are specialists who take part in the creation of material goods needed by society. These can be both food and goods for daily consumption, as well as complex machines and mechanisms for the military, aviation or space industries.

Depending on the type of activity, as well as the specific tasks facing engineers, they can be combined into four groups.

  1. Designers. They are engaged in the development of design documentation (drawing development).
  2. Technologists. Develop technological documentation (description of technical processes).
  3. Economists. They carry out calculations of the cost of materials and work, and also analyze the economic activities of the enterprise.
  4. Organizers. Resolve organizational issues of production.

Qualification of engineering workers

Engineering and technical workers (ITR workers) is a decoding of the abbreviation. The list of positions that they can occupy depends not only on the availability of higher education, but also on their level of qualifications. It can be roughly divided into four groups:

  1. Specialists who do not have higher education, but have a high level of professionalism.
  2. Workers who have received secondary specialized technical education.
  3. Professionals who have received higher education and are highly qualified.
  4. Employees with the highest qualifications who have been awarded an academic degree or title.

Depending on their qualifications, each employee is assigned a rank, according to which wages are already paid, but we’ll talk about this a little below.

If a specialist is highly qualified, knows and does an excellent job at his job, but does not have the proper education, then he can be assigned a qualification level of 9-12. The same group of categories is assigned to employees who have received a higher education, but do not yet have the necessary professionalism.

Specialists with higher education and sufficiently high qualifications are assigned the 13-15th qualification category.

Engineering workers who are directly involved in organizing the production process, and also occupy management positions at the enterprise, are assigned 16-18 qualification categories.

Main functional responsibilities of engineers

Those specialists who are classified as IT workers have a number of functional responsibilities, the implementation of which ensures the efficiency of the enterprise.

One of the most important functions of an engineer is the development of more modern production and technological processes and their implementation in production. The engineering worker establishes the procedure for performing the work, as well as its sequence, necessary to achieve the desired result. Modern engineers also develop methods for monitoring the quality of work performed and deal with technical documentation.

An important functional responsibility of an engineer is to work in the field of new technologies, their development and implementation.

Monitoring the condition of production equipment, its maintenance and adjustment, as well as ensuring uninterrupted operation is also the direct responsibility of the engineering and technical worker at the enterprise.

The process of standardizing the labor of engineering workers

Labor standards for engineering workers play an important role in solving many production issues. This includes structural improvement of management personnel, as well as their work systems. Increasing the labor efficiency of engineers leads to minimizing the costs of their maintenance.

The difficulties in regulating the activities of engineering and technical workers are determined by the fact that their labor process consists of mental work, which actually cannot be measured and observed.

Based on this, it can be determined that the main task of the rationing process is to identify the amount of labor costs when performing a certain job and the required number of specialists to complete it.

The amount of labor costs is used to determine the volume and degree of complexity of the task and entrust it to specialists with the necessary qualifications. In this case, the payment will correspond to the quantity and quality of the labor invested.

Engineering workers (the explanation was given above) are higher paid employees of any enterprise. Therefore, determining their quantitative composition is necessary for the correct correlation with other groups of workers at the enterprise and the creation of an effective management apparatus.

Remuneration and bonuses for engineering workers

Remuneration for engineering workers depends on the level of qualifications and labor efficiency, as well as the conditions in which the work is performed. Most often, the enterprise administration sets the official salary corresponding to the specialist’s qualification level.

Also, rates may depend on the profitability of the enterprise. Recently, a system of floating salaries has been increasingly used, providing for their monthly revision. This stimulates both productivity and quality of work.

Collective agreements of enterprises must include a bonus clause for employees. A bonus for engineering workers is provided for the effective completion of specified tasks and is paid monthly. But its size should be at the level of 50% of the official salary.

Labor protection engineers

Labor safety at every enterprise, no matter in what area it operates, pays great attention. This is a whole system of various measures aimed at preserving the health and life of its employees while performing their official duties.

Typically, managers and those responsible for occupational safety issues are the heads of enterprises, departments in the enterprise or others, most often engineering workers, specialists.

Each employee of the enterprise uses a number of instructions in their work, one of which is the instruction on labor protection. Engineering and technical workers are no exception. Labor protection for engineering workers has its own nuances depending on the specialist’s field of activity.

The role of engineering workers in the development of modern civilization

IT workers are the driving force of humanity. Thanks to their appearance, industry and technology began to develop, work became less labor-intensive and more efficient. Working conditions have also improved.

As a consequence of engineering creativity, a technical civilization was created on the planet. And today we are not surprised at all the innovations that, thanks to engineering workers, the natural sciences have accumulated. They boldly invade the unknown and begin to study it. And as a result, new directions are emerging, for example, nanotechnology and much more, which changes people's lives for the better.

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Scroll: Who belongs to the ITR

Malykh Andrey Arkadievich, lawyer
Answers given: 32115
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Reply from 04/23/2004 09:45:

You can use the old list. Refers.
Model list**
positions of management, engineering and technical workers and others
specialists in industry, construction, agriculture,
transport and communications and other sectors of the national economy subject to
certification in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
dated July 26, 1973 N 531
(approved by resolution of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR and the State Committee for Labor of the USSR
dated October 22, 1979 N 528/445)

(except for managers, appointment and dismissal
which are carried out by higher authorities)

Chief and senior (with the rights of chief) specialists of all titles.
Chiefs (managers): bases, bureaus, groups, inspections, offices, cameras, cash desks, offices, laboratories, workshops, departments, departments, parks, nurseries, sites, production facilities, points, reserves, sectors, warehouses, services, stations, sites , branches, farms, storage facilities, expeditions.
Heads of: agencies, airfields, airports, towers, drilling and blasting operations, cars, shifts, ventilation, intra-port mechanization, water pipelines, water pipelines, stations, computer centers, garages, hydraulics, waterworks, depots, distances, docks, dredges, canals, quarries , columns, complexes, boiler houses, timber exchanges, routes, machines, lighthouses, mills, mechanized humps, oil and gas exploration, detachments, treatment facilities, batches, transportation, redistribution, crossings, loading and unloading operations, substations, trains, port supervisions, port points , port fleets, posts, piers, moorings, tunnels, starting works, tracks, radio stations, open-pit mines, sidings, districts, roadsteads, mines, wells, shifts, trains of mail cars, sinks, transport, units, departments, installations, factories, workshops (buildings), mines, locks, elevators, power plants, overpasses.
Managers of: archives, cargo yards, offices, storerooms, rooms, furnishings, warehouses, platforms, sections.
Managers: departments, agricultural farms (plots).
Leaders: groups, flights.
Foreman, foremen, work producers, technical hands, foremen of livestock and crop production teams.
Captains, captain-mentors.
Commanders, commander-mentors.

(except for specialists, appointment and release
from the position of which is carried out by higher authorities)

Marine agents
Agronomists of all specialties and titles
Administrators on duty
Accountants of all types
Diving specialists
Hydraulic engineers
Duty officers (on railway transport)
Livestock specialists of all specialties and titles
Engineers of all specialties and titles
Inspectors (by main activity)
Constructors of all types
Kranmasters, Kranmasters-captains
Mechanics, mechanic-mentors
Fashion designers
Operators (dispatching services)
Hunting experts
Radio navigators
Fish farmers
Compilers of driving directions
Ship builders
Heating engineers
Technologists of all types
Commodity experts
Fashion artists
Economists of all specialties and titles
Legal advisors

** The List includes the basic titles of positions of managers and specialists. All employees whose positions are listed in this List, as well as employees occupying positions formed from the indicated basic titles are subject to certification: deputy and assistant managers, leading, senior, shift, duty, group, district specialists, as well as specialists of various qualification categories ( designers, fashion designers, etc. categories I, II and III). The list of employee positions subject to certification can be expanded by ministries and departments, taking into account the specifics of sectors of the national economy."

In general, I don’t know what kind of organization you have, but when I worked at the plant, we had the following positions as engineers: shop manager, deputy shop manager, economist, clerk, storekeeper, timekeeper (and in general, the whole office), heads of services ( chief power engineer, etc.)

Engineering and technical workers (E&T) are personnel who perform work on organizing and managing production processes at an enterprise. Employees in the positions of engineers must have a higher or secondary engineering education and be qualified as an engineer or technician.

From the article you will learn:

You can find out what is behind the decoding of technical and technical information using the example of the main areas of work of engineering and technical personnel:

  • metallurgy, materials processing, mechanical engineering;
  • studying and working with automation, its control;
  • the field of transport;
  • chemical, nano- and biotechnologies;
  • the field of construction and architecture;
  • technology in food and consumer goods;
  • electrical and radio engineering, communications;
  • information sphere and security.

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What professions are classified as engineers: decoding

Engineering professions are in demand in a variety of industries. Engineers are those workers who are directly involved in the creation of material goods, from food to the mechanisms of the military and space industries.

engineers grouped into four groups:

  1. Organizers. Resolve organizational issues of production processes.
  2. Constructors. Develop design documentation and drawings.
  3. Technologists. Develop technological documentation and descriptions of production processes.
  4. Economists. Calculate the cost of materials and work and perform an analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.


In any group, engineers are qualified personnel, capable of solving assigned business problems. These may be specialists without higher education, but who have achieved a high level of professional skills. Each employee has his own qualification level.

The list of engineering positions is huge. Examples include the following positions:

  • engineers from various technical fields;
  • heads of sections, group leaders and managers of departments and sections,
  • foremen, foremen, foremen;
  • architects, geologists, surveyors, cartographers;
  • raters, dispatchers;
  • accountants, energy;
  • IT specialists.

How are the main functional responsibilities of engineers deciphered?

Those employees who belong to the engineering and technical staff ensure the efficiency and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise. For example, for engineer One of the most important functions in the company is the development of new technological processes and their implementation in production. Engineers draw up technical documentation and develop methods for monitoring the quality of work, establish the priority and order of work to achieve the best result.

What kind of work do engineering staff do?

  • Engaged in the installation, adjustment and operation of working equipment. Solve the problems of increasing it efficiency.
  • Monitor and monitor production lines, adjusting and repairing them.
  • Improve production technology.
  • Monitor compliance with safety regulations during the production process.

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  • Service personnel: a recruiter's memo for competent selection
  • Recruitment application: when is the best time to contact specialists?

Each engineer in a leadership position, in addition to management functions, must:

  • Set an example of compliance for the team of workers labor discipline and requirements in the field of labor protection.
  • Comply with the rules of the safety standards system adopted at the production site and demand the same from personnel. This is especially important for engineers in the construction industry.

It is engineering and technical workers who create techniques for optimizing the costs of material and human resources and advance the technical side of development. There are many nuances in the work of these employees, which depend not only on education, experience, qualifications and professionalism, but also on working conditions.

Occupational safety

Instructions and rules labor protection for engineers depend on the enterprise, the scope of its activities and the scale of production. Such provisions are prescribed in each organization separately, but the current legislation of the country must be taken into account.

Peculiarities of assessing engineering personnel when hiring: deciphering the requirements for an interview

When selecting candidates for engineering positions, it is important for a recruiter to evaluate the specialist’s technical knowledge, managerial abilities and the possibility of professional growth. When finding out the candidate’s education, pay attention to the date of the last certification of engineering and technical personnel.

Basic requirements for engineering and technical workers:

  • Availability of narrow specialization. Higher or secondary education.
  • Knowledge of the selected industry and related areas of production. How equipment is used in production, its operating modes and operational properties.
  • Knowledge of the market for the services or products produced.
  • Knowledge of leading domestic and foreign production technologies, the ability to use them in their work.

The knowledge of engineering personnel must include all federal laws - these are the rules and regulations regarding this industry.

During the interview, check how the candidate for engineering technician assesses his role in previously performed work. A simple phrase “I improved system availability by 50%” is not enough. Find out exactly how he did it. An engineer is not just a performer, but an active participant in the development of a project.

Good applicant will always confirm his statements and be able to clearly answer the question of how he achieved a good result. Ask leading questions that require the candidate to respond with specific examples of his actions.

  • What did you work on at your previous company?
  • What actions did you take to achieve your goals?
  • Which tasks were completed and which were not and why?
  • What results did you get?

For those applicants who are technical engineers, the interview should include technical questions. Discuss them with the head or leading specialist of the department where the engineers are being accepted.

Ask the candidate to solve a real problem (offer options, solutions) that your company faces.

How to evaluate the communication skills of an engineering candidate

To clarify the communication skills of the engineer and the candidate’s ability to join the team, ask the following questions:

  • Do you consider yourself a happy person?
  • When you are unhappy with something, how do you report it to your manager?
  • How do you communicate with a colleague you don't like?
  • Give an example of a situation where you carefully thought through your words and actions and ultimately achieved the desired result.
  • What do you do when you need help solving a difficult problem?

To properly assess communication skills, pay attention to the candidate’s behavior. How does he behave during the interview?

  • Monitors the interlocutor’s reactions and changes his behavior depending on them.
  • Tries to include the interlocutor in the dialogue.
  • Asks clarifying questions, tries to understand the needs of the interlocutor.
  • Actively listens and asks questions correctly.

If observation of behavior and answers to questions show that the applicant has the above positive skills, then you have found a sociable engineering employee.


Thanks to the engineering staff, production is developing and keeping up with the times. Only a candidate who fully understands all the nuances of his work, knows how to create new things and take responsibility for decision-making, can become a good engineering specialist.

Engineering personnel are employees involved in organizing the technological process. Read about what kind of work they do, what positions they hold, how their work is paid

Read our article:

ITR - abbreviation and list of positions

The generally accepted abbreviation “ITR” stands for “engineering and technical workers”. Engineering personnel are employees involved in organizing the technological process and direct management in production. In other words, these are people who are able to effectively solve certain business problems.

What is the difference between engineering and technical workers and ordinary workers? In the very approach to technology. For an ordinary turner, for example, his machine is the tool with which he produces parts. And for the engineer who created this machine, it is a subject of labor.

In 2018, the personnel structure is described in accordance with the Qualification Directory of Works and Professions, as well as the Unified Classifier of Professions. They do not use the term “engineer” as an official term. However, it is still found in current regulations, helping to correctly assess the job responsibilities of employees and their role in the enterprise.

Let's draw a logical conclusion - most likely, engineering and technical workers have a higher or secondary technical education, and they also have high professionalism.

It is clear that each area of ​​production will have its own list of professions assigned to this area. What is important is the position that gives the authority to manage and lead, to make decisions.

Let us list the areas in which engineers are needed: metallurgy, transport; medical, nano- and biotechnologies; urban planning, IT and security.

The requirements for such workers are quite high. They need, in addition to skills and abilities in their specialty:

  • Know the requirements of federal laws and regulations in their field of work.
  • Have a good understanding of the Russian and global picture of the development of your field, new technologies, sales markets, etc.
  • Have excellent communication skills.

Engineers in construction, for example, are foremen, site managers, foremen, technical engineers, controllers, and foremen. That is, everyone who manages, organizes work and supply of materials, controls labor safety, and verifies drawings.

How are engineers paid?

Since the concept of “engineering personnel” is currently not regulated by law, the remuneration of such personnel is made without any special differences from other employees. However, there are certain nuances that are important to be aware of.

The basis of the salary of engineers is the official salary. It is discussed before hiring and is fixed in the employment contract. Salary is not related to the economic efficiency of the enterprise as a whole; it depends on the time worked by the employee, his qualifications, workplace conditions and responsibilities.

In most industries, salary systems have been developed and applied for employees classified as engineering and technical personnel.

In addition to the salary, a system of allowances, additional payments and bonuses is applied. It is developed by the employer and is directly related to the employee’s work results. Thus, payments may be provided for increasing productivity and saving materials. In the same way, management has the right to provide for the absence of bonuses if a division or the entire enterprise does not show the desired indicators.

Engineers' salaries are revised based on the results of their certification. It is carried out regularly, at least once every three to five years. Workers in some areas are required to undergo certification (for example, employees of railways and aviation, employees working with sources of ionizing radiation, teachers, etc.). Even if the requirement for certification is not prescribed by law for a given area, the employer has the right to enshrine this in a local regulatory act - “Regulations on personnel certification.”
