Competitions on the corporate bus. The most fun and funny games and competitions for corporate events for employees at work, outdoors, in the bathhouse and at the table: ideas for new and interesting table, music, dance, active and intellectual competitions for employees

And so, you thought and decided to organize a corporate party with your colleagues. You have already decided where you will celebrate and set a date for the holiday. Did you manage to come up with funny competitions for a corporate party, which you will play with colleagues? If not yet, then we will help you. After all, we have for you not just funny competitions, but “explosive” games and competitions. You and your colleagues will be absolutely delighted with such a holiday.

Do you like fortune telling? How do your colleagues feel about fortune telling? See ours, who came to a corporate party to tell fortunes. It will be fun and you all will enjoy it.

And now you can move on to the competitions. And the first thing you need to do is cheer up and shake up your colleagues a little. And a little game will help us with this. For this game you need to make cards on which you write any wishes for your colleagues. Then you place all the cards on a tray with the lettering facing down. And each colleague chooses any card, turns it over and reads what is written there. And it might say the following:
- you have the right to be two hours late for work on Monday.
- you have the right to have breakfast once right at your workplace.
- you can leave work one hour early on Friday.
- every day during the week you can talk on your work phone for one hour about your business.
- within the next ten days you can take one day off.
- during the week you will notify all your colleagues with a loud shout about the onset of breaks and lunch.
- one day you can whistle after the girls leaving, and you won’t get anything for it.
- you have an honorable duty - you will change the water in the cooler for three days in a row.
And so on, you can come up with anything you want. The main thing is that your colleagues are not offended, and your bosses are not against it.

After such a game, be sure to tell your colleagues. Beautiful and funny poems will cheer up all colleagues.

Let's go further and check your employees for knowledge of the personalities of famous people. But not just famous people, but those who wore mustaches. You need to find photographs of such people. And also in Photoshop to make your colleagues the same beautiful mustaches. After this, load all the photos into a projector or TV and show your colleagues first only the part where the mustache is. And let your colleagues wonder who he is. When you showed them three famous mustaches, your colleagues realized that they should remember famous personalities with mustaches. And then you show off any colleague’s mustache that you made in Photoshop. Everyone is guessing, thinking, and when no one has guessed right, you show the photo in full, there will be laughter!

The following game will help bosses find out what their subordinates are doing in working hours. The essence of the game is very simple, the presenter calls a phrase, and the one to whom it is called must quickly finish it. Three seconds are given to think; if more, the player receives a penalty point. Examples of questions:
- at work I always... (then you need to continue the phrase, but you can’t repeat the phrases of others! Thus, it will be difficult for the latter to come up with something, and they will start saying things that the bosses won’t particularly like, but will amuse other colleagues) .
- I'm late for work because...
- when the boss comes into the office I...
- when someone needs to go to work on Sunday, I immediately...
And such questions. Remember, at first there will be normal answers, and since you cannot repeat yourself, truthful and funny answers will follow.
What about those who cannot answer and receive penalty points? You can force them to clean the office after a corporate event or let them seat everyone in a taxi.

All sorts of comic awards are also held at corporate events with a bang. See our section - and reward your colleagues according to their merits.

The next competition is for men. And for this competition you need balloons. But not ordinary ones, but long ones. Which are usually used to make sausages and animal figurines. You also need posts at least a meter high. Place the posts one after another so that you can go around them with a snake. And men insert inflated balloons between their legs. And they insert them like this. So that almost the entire ball is in front. At the command of the leader, the men must run around the posts like a snake, and at the same time not knock down the posts with their balls. This competition can be held in teams. And if you like it, then girls can also take part in it.

Now you need sheets, and on the sheets you need to draw letters to make the word: wood. That is, each letter is a separate sheet. Each team (of course, there are 9 people in a team) is lined up so that it turns out exactly this word. Then the presenter asks a riddle, and the teams must guess the word and assemble it from their letters. For example:
Nature is blooming
She's coming!
(Answer: spring)
This means that the teams must understand what they are talking about and rearrange themselves so that the word comes out - spring.
We lost
And this is our...
(The answer is guilt)
And so on, you can take absolutely any word as a basis, from which you can make many small words. It will be fun to watch your adult colleagues run around and try to collect the word.

And at the end of your corporate party, offer your colleagues this game.
You need to buy mustaches on a stick, funny masks, false eyebrows, wigs, and so on in advance. You put all this in a bag. Your colleagues form a circle, the music is turned on and the bag is passed from hand to hand. When the music stops, whoever has the bag in his hands chooses any item from it and tries it on for himself. And so on until all the items from the bag are worn by your colleagues. And when all your colleagues are dressed to the nines, you can start photographing them. Believe me, these will be the best pictures of their lives!

For a corporate party at the table, competitions are an integral part of the event. When the guests have eaten enough and danced, so that they don’t get bored while sitting at the table, you can spend a few fun competitions and games.

Competition “What to do?”

A fun competition for a corporate party will be testing employees with the questions “What to do?” The one who can come up with the wittiest answer wins.
Examples of tasks:

What to do if you suddenly find yourself locked in your office?
What to do if all your reports that are due in the morning are chewed by a dog?
What to do if all the money provided for employee payments was lost by you in a casino?

Competition "Fat-cheeked lip slap"

This game is for the two bravest sweet lovers, because the props here are “caramel” candies, or as they are popularly called – icicles. Two players must take turns putting candy in their mouths; swallowing it is prohibited. It turns out that the sweets gradually accumulate in the mouth, and after each new sweet the participant calls his competitor the phrase “fat-cheeked lip slap.” The winner will be the one who can put the maximum amount of candy in his mouth and at the same time pronounce the treasured phrase about the lip slap. The more candies in the mouth, the funnier the phrase sounds, the more ridiculous the player looks, the more whoops and laughter are heard from those watching.

Competition "Artists"

An excellent test of the sense of cohesion in a team is the joint creation of an unusual drawing. How does this happen? Participants draw enough large sheet the head is wrapped on paper and wrapped so that the next “artist” does not see it, but continues to draw, now the neck. The presenter controls the process, announcing what needs to be depicted next step. In the finale, he unfolds the resulting “masterpiece” and - voila! Guests attending the corporate event can see, compare and have a good laugh at the collective creations.

Game "Broken Phone"

The game “Broken Phone” has been known to everyone since childhood. The first participant quickly whispers the intended word into his neighbor’s ear, who then speaks to the next one, and so on down the chain until the last. As a result, the first and last players announce their words. Sometimes these words are so different that this difference in both meaning and sound simply causes an explosion of emotions.

Competition “Everything is serious!”

An excellent game option for a corporate event, which is held in a small room, or right in the office. Each participant must sit in such a way that they can see the others. When everyone is seated, you can begin the most serious competition in the world.

The first player, with due pathos, pronounces one single word: “Ha.” The next one already says two words: “Ha-ha”, the third says the word three times, the fourth says the word four times, etc.

Gradually, the number of “Ha” reaches a large number, it becomes more and more difficult to pronounce it, and for some reason you want to laugh... But don’t forget that this is a serious competition, so you need to keep a calm face! A stern facial expression, an important tone of voice - pathos in everything! The game ends as soon as someone breaks down and starts laughing. And then you can start over again! Everyone who laughs is eliminated, and so on until one of the most serious players remains, whom not a single situation could make laugh.

Competition “What kind of tone, my dear?”

For the competition, you need to choose some simple phrase, for example, “The boss calls you on the carpet,” “Salaries were delayed again,” or “The quarterly report is on my desk.” Now all corporate party participants must pronounce it with some intonation - surprise, disappointment, anger, indifference and others. The main thing is not to repeat yourself! The one who cannot come up with a new coloring for the hidden phrase is eliminated, and the most persistent and quick-witted wins. But the rest will not be left without gifts - “laughter to tears” from what they hear, that’s what they will certainly receive!

Are you looking for fun and original competitions for a corporate event with colleagues? Holiday Workshop has collected the 10 best entertainment for an office event. These competitions are ideal for any corporate event and will allow you to have fun with your colleagues.

Fill the box

In the middle of the room there are 2 large boxes - they will be “boxes”. Two players are selected. They need to fill the boxes with any items in the office within a certain time, for example, 1 minute. The main condition is that you can only bring one thing at a time. The one in whose box there are more items wins.

Flying gait

This fun should be carried out in a spacious room, after removing breakable objects. Ropes (7-10 pieces) are pulled in the room at a height of 40-50 centimeters from the floor, constructing a “road with obstacles.” The participant must walk along it without touching the threads and remembering their location. The player is then asked to do the same thing blindfolded. Only while he is preparing to overcome the route does the leader remove the ropes. As a result, everyone present gets a unique chance to see the general manager walking with the gait of a proud flamingo.

This competition at a corporate party should be held with male colleagues. For fun, you should prepare balloons and boxes of matches (according to the number of players), and tape. Those wishing to take part in the competition attach inflated balloons to their stomachs with tape and are asked to collect matches scattered on the floor. The one who completes the task the fastest wins. And whose “belly” remains intact.

Tricky partner

For the competition you need 2 pairs of players, many small inflated balloons and two large bags. One participant from the pair collects balls into a bag, and the other must interfere with him and burst them. A few minutes are allotted to complete the task. Then the leader counts the balls in both bags. The player with the most whole balls wins.


For this corporate competition, employees are divided into 2 teams. In front of each of them is a large Whatman paper and pencils. Players' task: draw an elephant blindfolded. Each person must depict only one part of the animal's body. The team that finishes it faster and whose creation looks more like an elephant wins.


This is a calm, but very funny entertainment that is suitable for small team. The game can be played at the table. The first participant thinks of a word and whispers it to his neighbor. He tells the next player a word that is associated with the mystery. Everything is repeated until the last participant says his word out loud. The option may be very different from the original and be quite unexpected.

If suddenly...

This competition for a corporate party will not only add positivity to the holiday, but will also allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about your colleagues. No props required for fun. The host asks any player tricky question bound by his duties. You can ask an accountant what he should do if a child painted an important report that needs to be submitted tomorrow. You can ask the director what he would do if he lost the entire salary of casino employees. Then everyone present votes to choose the most resourceful player.

Examples of questions:

If suddenly...:

  • you're stuck in an elevator with the CEO;
  • all employees quit;
  • fell asleep at work and the boss saw it.

Find the candy

This is an interpretation of a familiar children's game, but in the presence of a drunk company, it goes off with a bang! Participants sit at the table and choose a driver. The players' task is to quietly pass candy to each other under the table. The driver's task: to catch someone in gear. The caught player becomes the driver.

Transformation wand

A fun dance competition that will definitely please everyone present! To carry it out, you need to prepare a cut of various famous tracks and props - any stick about a meter long. Participants stand in a circle, dance and pass each other a “turning stick”, suddenly the music stops. The one who has the props in his hands goes to the center. The presenter announces that the “turning stick” turns into a microphone, and the participant turns into a world-class singer. He needs to portray the most gorgeous performance of his hit to the music. Then the DJ plays any popular track.

It is important to ensure that everyone present takes part in the game and stop the music on the right employees in time. Programmer Vasya in the image of a romantic violinist can be very surprising.

Here are a few ideas of what a “transforming wand” can turn into:

  • violin;
  • rock singer's guitar;
  • mop;
  • fishing rod;
  • hockey stick;
  • barbell

Who am I?

For this entertainment, you need to print out signs with different words (but not very simple ones) in advance. For example: cutie, lemur, container, etc. Then the presenter attaches a card to each participant’s back. The player's task: find out what is written on the back by asking questions to others. They can only answer “Yes” or “No”. The one who guesses the word faster wins.

These are the kind of competitions for corporate events with colleagues that the Holiday Workshop offers. What are you playing?

A corporate holiday always strengthens relationships between colleagues, even if they were once strained, the holiday will improve them. And for better implementation For corporate events, we have selected competitions and games.

Guess the famous person
Those interested are divided into 2 teams. The celebrities that everyone will guess must be written down on cards and placed in a bag or hat, from where they will be pulled out. When one team pulls out a piece of paper, they must describe the celebrity without saying the name. And the other team must guess. Whoever guesses it right more times wins.

The goal of the game is to blindly guess who is in front of you by touch. Participants are not allowed to speak, and the one who touches should not grope the participants; only hair, hands and clothes can be felt.

Find a bagel in 15 seconds.
The competition is best suited for playing outdoors. A donut is hung on a not tall tree. The Victim is blindfolded and spun around several times. He is given 20 seconds to do everything, during which he must find a bagel and eat it.

Guess by the questions.
A lot of people can play this game. One person makes a wish for someone from the group, who is also participating, and the others ask him questions, answering which, everyone will understand who the player made a wish for. Questions should be like “If it was a plant, then what?”, “If it was a car, then what?”, “If it was an animal, then what?” and so on.

Fantasy game
Participants are divided into 2 teams. One person from each team leaves. After this, the presenter says one word (long, wide, tall, thin, etc.) associated with the physical or moral abilities of people. People who come out will have to show something on their body related to this word and compete with each other. The game is very fun if you use your imagination. For example, it may turn out: the longest is the tongue, the shortest is the time of listing the letters in the alphabet, the highest is the distance of raising the eyebrows, and so on.

Make the person leave.
2 participants sit on chairs facing each other. Their goal is to do something cultural so that a person stands opposite, and another can take his place.

For example, you can hug, kiss, make strange sounds, and so on.

Answer the question quickly.
Participants sit in a circle. The presenter will be in the center and will ask questions, to which participants are given 1-2 seconds to answer. The questions are so elementary that you don’t really need to think about them, but as a fact, many are lost due to the fact that little time is given.

What day comes after Friday?
What was the name of the first president of Ukraine?
How many hands do you have?
How old are you?
What is your name?
What city do you live in?
Are you bald?
What letter comes after I?
What year is it now?
What is your father's name?
What is 2+2?
What number comes after 8?
What month is it now?
How many children do you have?
What street do you live on?
What are you sitting on?
To a man: did you wear a dress today?
To a woman: did you shave today?
What color is the sky?

Competition "Broken Phone"
Everyone sits in a row, the first player thinks of a word or phrase and quickly whispers it to the next one, and so on. After the word passes through the entire chain, the beginner announces the intended word or phrase, and the last one announces what came to him. As they say in Odessa, what was hidden and what was revealed are “two big differences.”

Competition "In my pants..."
You will need:
Headlines cut out from newspapers (not necessarily funny, it will become funny in the game) as much as possible. The most important thing is more.
All this adds up to paper envelope, glued together like pants.
Participants sit in a circle, and then pull out the prepared clippings and, with the words “In my pants,” read what is written on the piece of paper. It should look something like “in my pants... - Putin visited agriculture". And so on in a circle until the pieces of paper run out.

Ring throw.
Empty bottles and bottles with alcohol and alcohol are lined up tightly next to each other on the floor. soft drinks. Participants are asked to place a ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 m. Whoever manages to put a ring on a full bottle takes it as a prize. The number of throws for one participant must be limited.
The ring is cut out of thin cardboard. Ring diameter – 10 cm.

On a plate
The game is played while eating. The driver names any letter. The goal of the other participants is to name the object that is currently on their plate with this letter before others. Whoever names the object first becomes the new driver. The driver who says the letter for which none of the players could come up with a word receives a prize.
It is necessary to prohibit the driver from always calling the winning letters (e, i, ъ, ь, ы).

Participants sit at a table. A driver is chosen from among them. Players pass candy to each other under the table. The driver's task is to catch one of the players passing the candy. The one who is caught becomes the new driver.

The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses a concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words or sounds. The second team tries to guess what is being shown to them in three attempts. Then the teams change roles. The game is played for fun, but you can count points for solved pantomimes.

It is possible to think of: individual words, phrases from famous songs and poems, proverbs and sayings, catchphrases, fairy tales, names of famous people. A concept can be shown by one or several people.

The best compliment.
Since a real man must be gallant and be able to find an approach to a woman’s heart, in this competition participants compete in complimenting the fair sex.

One of the important reasons for using competitions is because they help relieve tension and “melt the ice” in a team. Company party competitions are designed for employees to relax and have some fun with each other, and build long-term work relationships.

Competitions for corporate events

It’s easy to start having fun and having fun at a corporate party; with these competitions your event will become more interesting and fun! Take these competitions for corporate events into your arsenal and it will be 100% successful

Office parties can be exciting or completely hopeless. But everything is in your hands. With fun competitions and ideas, you can make any holiday unforgettable.

Fun competitions for a corporate event

“There was a crocodile walking”

To participate, you will need to divide the players into two teams. One of the teams chooses a “victim” from the other team - a person who hears the hidden word in his ear. The player must explain it to his team without using sounds or speech, i.e. using gestures. Those guessing have several attempts to guess what they are trying to portray here. If the answer is correct, the team gets a point. Then the guessing team is given the opportunity to take revenge - now they choose a player from among their opponents and guess a new word for him. You can play for points, or just for fun and a good mood.

By the way, it is not necessary to guess exactly the words; you can complicate the task and guess famous phrases from films, songs, or the personalities of famous people. In addition, either one or several participants can show what was hidden.

“What does it cost us... to build a word!”

Although the competition is difficult to prepare, the result justifies all the efforts. This is really funny! And in principle, the preparation is not so difficult, you just need not to miss anything and organize the participants correctly. You need to get large enough posters with images of letters. Some letters, such as common vowels, can be done in twos. Those wishing to participate are divided into two teams, each player is given one letter (it is attached to the chest), or two letters (then the back will also be decorated with a poster).

So, the teams are ready and now they have to make words from the letters on them - real words that are known to everyone. The result is shown to the audience in turn: one team, then the other. You need to line up one after another so that you can easily read the resulting word. If a participant has two letters, then only one can be used in one round. The letters cannot be removed from clothing, and you can also add a ban on any conversations between participants. When the teams begin to get out of their way and make up words that do not exist, or that are only similar to real ones, or that mean something funny, the laughter in the hall does not subside, and emotions go off scale.

"Thick-cheeked lip-slapper"

This game is for the two bravest sweet lovers, because the props here are “caramel” candies, or as they are popularly called – icicles. Two players must take turns putting candy in their mouths; swallowing it is prohibited. It turns out that the sweets gradually accumulate in the mouth, and after each new sweet the participant calls his competitor the phrase “fat-cheeked lip slap.” The winner will be the one who can put the maximum amount of candy in his mouth and at the same time pronounce the treasured phrase about the lip slap. The more candies in the mouth, the funnier the phrase sounds, the more ridiculous the player looks, the more whoops and laughter are heard from those watching.



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Bottles (plastic or glass).

ESSENCE: Bottles are placed in a row in front of the volunteer, at the same distance. He is blindfolded and asked to go through an obstacle without touching a single container. While the victim is indignant at the difficulty of the task, the bottles are removed. As a result, you get a proud flamingo bird, diligently pacing around the office.

Competition "Testing Your Wits"

A memorable competition will be testing your colleagues with the questions “What to do?” The one who can come up with the wittiest answer wins. An example of a question: “What should you do if the report that you needed to deliver today to the most important customer, which you wrote for the last few nights in a row, was deleted from the computer’s memory on its own?”

Active competitions for a corporate event

Dancing with balloons

We form dance couples and inflate balloons - one per couple. Partners do not necessarily have to be of different sexes; close contact between them is not envisaged.
Each couple receives a balloon and places it between their bodies. Turn on the music and start dancing. The essence of the competition is to hold a balloon while dancing. A couple will be eliminated from the competition if:

  1. the dancers could not hold the ball and it fell;
  2. the dancers tried too hard and the balloon burst;
  3. the dancers tried to hold the ball with their hands.

The winner, of course, is the last pair left.

Office Twerk

How to play
This is a fun and entertaining game. The goal of the game is to fill an empty box with a hole (there should be a little more than the balls through the hole) of fabric with ping pong balls. Fill the box completely with balls. Attach the belt to it and wrap it around the participant's waist. Set the timer for 2 minutes. Participants need to move his/her hips to completely empty the box of balls. The team whose member is the first to empty the box wins.

The competitor may not use their hands to remove the balls. Throughout the game, the balls should come out on their own, thanks to your body movements. Also, you can't lie down on the floor or spin around to get the balls out of the box.

Competition "Cinderella"

Guests are divided into two teams and divided into pairs “man + woman”. One participant in the competition portrays “Cinderella” - instead of a partner, he is given a mop, with which he must dance. As soon as the host turns off the music, the couples break up and quickly form again with other partners. “Cinderella” at the same time throws away the mop and grabs the first one who comes to hand to dance, but always a man - a woman and a woman - a man.
The one left without a partner becomes “Cinderella” and dances with the mop until the next tune!

Let's play musical chair!

A completely child's game, but even more fun for adults! We arrange chairs in a circle - their number should be one less than the number of participants. Everyone dances, and when the music stops, they immediately sit down on chairs. Anyone who does not have time to sit on a chair either drops out of the game or takes off some of his clothes and jewelry (shoes, neck scarf, bracelet). If the player refuses to continue, another chair is removed.

The only condition for such entertainment is that all participants must have a sense of humor! Then the game will be very fun - after all, you can take off only one shoe or sacrifice a shirt, remaining in a vest...

Competition "Hit the target with binoculars"

In order to make any game more interesting and unusual, you just need to turn on your imagination. Essentially this competition- one of the variations of the shooting gallery. You can “shoot” with anything and at anything: snowballs at snowmen, darts at a target painted on a tree, or a slingshot at pins and aluminum cans. The main thing is to look at the target through... real binoculars! In this case, you can play both by increasing the goal and decreasing it. Players are given 3-4 attempts, and the presenter records the number of hits and gives out prizes!

Logic competitions for a corporate event

Guess the movie

How to Play: Make as many groups of 4 as you can and give each team enough Blu-Tack or Play-Doh. Take a few pieces of paper and write down the different movie titles along with its star cast from each movie. Place the pieces of paper inside the bowl and once the timing begins, each group will play one note from the bowl. Now the goal of the game is to use plasticine and make a small figurine of this character from the movie. Whose figurine is ready (and visually similar), that team wins the game.

Rules: No specific rules of the game. The main thing is to be the first to create a beautiful figure. Participants can use the Internet to look at images of characters to make them more recognizable.

Guess the quote

First, you need to make as many groups as you can out of 3 - 4. Make notes that have movie titles in them. Place the notes inside the bowl and each team then chooses one note from it. The goal of the game is to construct an entire conversation using dialogues written on pieces of paper. Teammates must guess which films the dialogue is taken from and how the participants spoke. One team can only speak to other teams, using only the movie dialogue they received from the bowl.

“I’ll sing now” or guess the melody of the song

This competition requires the participation of a minimum of six people. Future music lovers should divide into two teams and take turns listening to 10-15 fairly well-known or popular songs today. Moreover, the music will play no more than 15-20 seconds. If one of the teams is late with the answer, the right to guess is transferred to the opponents. For the correct answer, each team is awarded 1 point. Accordingly, the side with the highest score wins greatest number points.

More advanced song lovers are also divided into a pair of teams, they will have a more difficult task than in the previous version. Of course, they won’t have to sing; everything is more complicated here. A member of one of the teams will have to gurgle, whistle or tap a song, the name of which will be learned from the host of the competition. Then everything goes according to clock – the team that delayed the answer transfers the right to vote to its opponents.

Team competitions for a corporate event

"Paper Basketball"

We recruit 10 people and create a couple of teams. Players must stand in two lines, and each participant receives a small stack of paper. We install 2 baskets 4-6 meters from the teams. At the signal, the members of the first team must grab a piece of paper, crumple them into a ball, throw them into the trash bin one by one and run to the end of the line to throw their next paper ball again. Let people have fun like this for 10-15 minutes. The winner will be the side that has more “shells” in the basket than the opponent.


Props: for each team - three ribbons 0.5 meters long. The ends of the ribbons are tied in a knot at the top, and the other ends are distributed to the participants. One participant holds the knot, and three people braid. The trick of the game is that the ends of the tapes cannot be released from your hands and passed on to each other. The team that braids the hair the fastest wins!


You can play with any number of participants – at least 100 people. Each volunteer needs to tell about some pleasant, funny event related to the company. It is advisable that the “shelf life” of memories does not exceed one season or year. Anyone who finds it difficult to answer is eliminated from the game. The employee with the best memory and the longest memory will win a prize.

Creative competitions for a corporate event

Competition “Complete the mosaic” or “Company logo”

Surely the company you work for has a logo. Make two copies of it with a frame on colored paper. If you don’t know how, any simple Photoshop will help you. After designing the logo, print these two copies on A4 sheet. We glue the finished sheets onto a piece of cardboard and use scissors to cut them into uneven pieces (25-30 pieces). Then we invite our colleagues to participate in the competition and create 2 teams. The opponents' task is to be the first to collect the whole picture: whoever finished first wins!

“Puppeteers” or talent competition

Members of the corporate party are invited to take part in the fair. Players who agree are given a certain amount of time to make a doll from any available means. When the deadline approaches, the participants put their creations on public display and await the “verdict” of the competition judges. All these simple crafts can be made from ropes, handkerchiefs, cords, cutlery, bottles and even fruits, which players can quietly “steal” from the festive table.

Competition "Test of Creativity"

Each person present is given a sheet with a fragment drawn on it. Looking at an unfinished drawing, it is impossible to understand what is really intended there. Guests are encouraged to finish what they started. When the presenter provides the original, and everyone can compare it with what he came up with, there will be no end to the laughter and jokes.

Competition “Write a poem”

Each participant is given a piece of paper with four words written on it. His task is to come up with a quatrain using these 4 words. It is desirable that the poem be thematic, for example, if it is some kind of holiday, then the poem will be a congratulation on this holiday, or simply touching on the theme of this event. In the competition, you can come up with several nominations, for example, “the funniest quatrain”, “the most thematic quatrain”, “the most awkward quatrain”, etc., and based on the results of the competition, choose a winner for each nomination.

Competitions help lift the spirits of guests and improve team relationships. And how many memories they will give! Be sure to include them in your corporate event scenarios!
