The concept of creating a scientific and technical basis. Preparing a successful grant application. Technology transfer process

Funding for scientific research in Russian academic institutes and universities is carried out mainly from funds distributed by scientific foundations or targeted programs on a competitive basis. The main state scientific funds financing fundamental scientific research in Russia include the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RGSF), the Grants Council of the President of the Russian Federation and the Grants Council of the Government of the Russian Federation for government support of scientific research.

To receive a grant for a specific scientific project, you must submit an application to the fund, drawn up in accordance with the terms of the announced competition. Each application is first assessed by experts, and then by the foundation’s expert council, which makes a decision on the allocation of funding or refusal of support. This article provides general advice on preparing applications for grant competitions of Russian scientific foundations. These tips are based largely on your own experience and can serve as a starting point for getting to know key sources in the art of obtaining research funding. The recommendations given may be useful to a beginning researcher who needs to independently prepare applications for grants from scientific foundations.

Fund selection

It is advisable to start preparing and submitting applications for participation in competitions for grants from scientific foundations to conduct research already in your student years. Indeed, it is quite difficult to win a grant to support the research of an independent scientific group without experience in managing individual grants. Participate in competitions for funding research for undergraduate and graduate students held in your university, city, or region. The experience gained will gradually allow you to prepare high-quality and successful applications.

It is best to start with grant applications with relatively small amounts of funding. As a rule, in competitions with a small allocated amount of funds, financial reporting is simplified, so less effort will need to be spent on project management. When preparing applications for small grant competitions, the main attention can be paid to the scientific component of the project.

Carefully review the terms and conditions of various public and private foundation programs and choose the grant competition that best suits your work. Choose reliable funds with a good reputation and an expert board of leading scientists. You need to clearly understand what projects the competition organizers plan to support: fundamental or applied, short-term or long-term, individual or collective. It is not necessary to take part in all available competitions - this will allow you to correctly distribute your time between scientific work and the search for funding. It is important to remember that it is incorrect to send the same application to several funds at the same time.

It is advisable to look at the lists of projects supported by the fund from past years, which will allow you to get an idea of ​​the preferences of the expert council on research topics and the qualifications of project leaders. In recent years, many foundations have published statistics on the percentage of rejected applications, areas of expertise, and the age of the leaders of supported projects. Analyzing this information can be helpful in deciding whether a given competition is suitable for funding your research project.

Be sure to carefully study the expert’s questionnaire and the criteria by which the grant application will be assessed. Remember that the expert, as a rule, is a very busy person and will not have the opportunity to search/request additional information about the project and its performers. All information that meets the project evaluation criteria must be reflected in the application. If some criterion, for example the prospects for the applied application of the results, for objective reasons is not suitable for evaluating your project, try to clarify this in the text of the application.

Project title and abstract

An abstract is a summary of the application. It should reflect all components of the project: the relevance of the research, the purpose of the work, the main objectives of the research, the strategy and approaches used, the novelty of the expected results, their significance for this field of science and possible practical application. Tips for each section are given below. When preparing an abstract, use generally accepted terminology and avoid using abbreviations and technical jargon.

Frequent mistakes of novice applicants include the lack of formulation of the scientific problem being solved in the abstract. Determine what type of research you plan to conduct: filling “gaps” in the existing body of scientific data, resolving existing contradictions, or breakthrough research on the frontier of a scientific field.

Specific examples are useful when preparing annotations, in which you can find successful formulations and expressions, but which, of course, cannot be completely copied. Examples of abstracts of supported applications for participation in research grant competitions can be found on the websites of some large scientific foundations, for example the Russian Science Foundation:

Keywords should be relevant to the topic of the study, as they are often used to select experts who will evaluate the application and the expert council section that will select the best projects.

The name of the project should not be overly scientific and can even be original, emphasizing the relevance of your ideas. At the same time, the name should not be too broad and general. When formulating your topic, try not to be wordy. To compose the first version of the name, it is recommended to use project keywords.

Project goals and objectives

The scientific goal of the project must be formulated immediately and very clearly. Of course, the planned research must be of a very high level. At the same time, even an original and interesting scientific idea does not always find support from experts. Therefore, the main research goal in a grant application must be, on the one hand, relevant and, on the other hand, achievable. In other words, it is important to maintain a balance between the significance of the research for a given field of science and the risk of failure of the project.

After formulating the global goal of the study, the project tasks are separately given, the solution of which is necessary to achieve the goal. Specific tasks should be aimed not just at collecting and analyzing new data, but at testing hypotheses, elucidating mechanisms, or creating new theories. The hypotheses put forward must be testable and well substantiated. The formulation of the purpose and objectives of the research is, in principle, similar to their formulation in a master’s or candidate’s thesis. It is recommended that undergraduate and graduate students first familiarize themselves with manuals on preparing dissertations for defense.

Research plan

The research plan is perhaps the most important part of the application. Please allow sufficient time to prepare this section. Depending on the requirements of the competition documentation, it is advisable to break a carefully thought-out research plan into stages, each of which should include specific steps or actions. The project execution plan must be logically constructed and clearly structured and must strictly correspond to the assigned tasks. Give reasons for carrying out each planned series of experiments. Explain the benefits of your proposed experimental design or model being developed. The planned study must be qualitative, that is, it must involve the use of all necessary controls and adequate methods for analyzing the results. It is important to note that the project plan must allow the feasibility of individual stages of the study to be assessed.

It is worth considering additional project execution scenarios. For example, indicate possible alternative approaches if the main approach cannot be implemented for objective reasons. It is advisable to plan to use several complementary strategies to solve the problems. In addition, you can mention which ways to complete the project will be implemented if one of the hypotheses being tested is refuted. This way you can minimize the vulnerabilities of the application.

If this is your first time applying for a self-directed independent project as a research team leader, try to clarify in the text how your project differs from the projects of the research team leader in which you previously worked. As one of the weaknesses of projects by novice researchers, experts sometimes point out that “the project is a continuation of the work of a large team of scientists” or “it is difficult to understand whether the declared project leader will be its real leader.” The experience of researchers from different countries shows that it is quite difficult to obtain support for the first major project if the head of the application has not changed his place of work after receiving an academic degree.

The “Methods and approaches” section should contain information about the strategy and approaches to conducting the study. It is advisable to break this section into subsections with separate subheadings. The grant application is not required to provide detailed protocols and descriptions of the selected techniques. However, it is important not only to list the methods that you plan to use to implement your plans, but also to demonstrate their adequacy for solving the tasks. Try to pay special attention to justifying the effectiveness of the selected methods and approaches, drawing on literature data. Indicate new methods or approaches you are developing, which are often evaluated separately by experts. If you plan to conduct part of the research in collaboration with other scientific teams, it is advisable to indicate which experiments will be carried out jointly.

Literature Review

The “Literature Review” section should introduce the expert to the current state of the chosen field of research and at the same time demonstrate the applicant’s complete knowledge of literature data on the topic being developed. This section is often written after the basic research plan has been prepared. At the beginning of the section, it is advisable to reflect a view of the problem being solved from the perspective of the entire field of science. Clearly present only the basic information that will lead the reader to the need to solve the specified problem. Don't go into too much detail; remember that the text should be easy to read. Show a critical attitude to the literature data, outline options for interpreting the available information by different scientific schools. In this section, you can provide a list of cited literature, including sources in high-ranking peer-reviewed journals. In some cases, quotations from leading experts in the field are welcome.

At the conclusion of this section, it is necessary to briefly outline the main conclusion from the analysis of literature data, justifying the relevance of the chosen direction of research (for example, “filling gaps” or resolving existing contradictions) and its novelty.

Expected results

In the “Expected Results” section, it is worth listing both the specific scientific results that will be obtained during the project and their possible application. Consider in advance whether the research will test any hypotheses, create new theories, and draw certain conclusions. The achievement of expected results must be verifiable if the project is supported, so it is advisable to formulate them in the form of separate statements. Determine your own limitations on the applicability and interpretation of the intended results. It is also important to briefly discuss what long-term prospects the completion of your planned research will provide. As a practical application of the results of fundamental research, one can indicate their use in the educational process.

Many funds in one of the sections of the application ask to indicate the so-called expected performance indicators of the project (or reporting indicators). Please fill out these tables carefully. You should not overestimate the expected indicators, especially the number of defended dissertations and the number of publications in journals indexed in scientometric databases. If the project is supported, the supervisor will be responsible for meeting these indicators. If the indicators specified in the application are not met, the fund may stop financing the project at any stage and add the name of the manager to the so-called “black list,” preventing him from taking part in the fund’s competitions for several years. It is important to earn and maintain a reputation as a reliable grant holder who fulfills its obligations.

Available reserve

In the “Available Backlog” section of the application, in addition to the preliminary results obtained or the tools developed, it is worth separately indicating information indicating the achievability of the expected results. This may be information about the qualifications of the leader and performers, the amount of research previously carried out by the scientific group, existing publications on the topic of the project, the presence of unique conditions or installations created for the implementation of the project, and international cooperation.

Attach copies of your most significant publications related to the topic of research. The expert will be able to familiarize himself with them, which will convince him that the qualifications of the project executors are sufficient to solve the assigned tasks. The scientific productivity of the project leader is the main criterion for assessing his qualifications.

Take the opportunity to add additional information about the scientific achievements of the project leader and executors to the application text. Indicate for each participant a list of awards, diplomas for scientific reports at conferences, certificates of completion of advanced training courses, participation in scientific schools, including with personal grant support, information about the supervision of theses and student success.

Project management

In a number of competitions, the “level of project management” is designated as one of the essential criteria for evaluating an application. In this case, pay special attention to study design. List the stages and deadlines for completing individual works, draw up a detailed project schedule, procurement plan, timing of business trips and expeditions. Indicate the responsibilities and employment of all project performers.

Budgeting is an important stage in preparing an application for a grant competition. Make a list of all planned costs, including wages for project performers, purchase of equipment and materials, expenses for expeditions and business trips to participate in conferences, payment for third-party services, as well as the organization’s overhead costs for technical support of the project. When preparing cost estimates, follow the instructions and recommendations of the fund specified in the competition documentation and do not overestimate the amount of funding requested. For each type of cost, provide a detailed justification, which will allow the experts to make sure that the project manager knows how the grant funds will be spent. Check the cost of equipment and supplies, as well as what purchases the fund allows (for example, some funds do not allow grant funds to be used for the purchase of office equipment and computers).

State in detail the site at which the research is planned to be conducted. It is worth pointing out that the work will be performed using the equipment of university or institute resource centers. It is advisable to mention whether the material and technical base at your disposal is sufficient to complete the project.

The final stage of application preparation

Check whether planned research is relevant and logical.

Pay great attention to completing your application. Clearly formulate your thoughts, structure the application text, break it into subsections, paragraphs, etc. Check the formatting of the references to the cited literature.

Ask your colleagues, including experts in other fields, to read the content of the project and provide feedback (so-called “internal review”). Peer feedback will help you identify weaknesses in your application before it reaches the experts. Therefore, it is advisable to plan your time in such a way as to prepare the first version of the application in advance. Even if the deadline for writing an application is very tight, it is worth putting the text aside for a few days so that you can then look at it with fresh eyes.

Carefully check the correctness of all documents before sending your application to the fund (both electronic and paper versions). Often, the absence of one signature or certificate can serve as a reason for rejecting an application for technical reasons. Some funds accept applications online; in this case, it is necessary to clarify whether a scanned version of the signed documents is required.

If the project was not supported

The share of supported projects depends on the fund’s initial requirements for the manager and team of performers and on the amount of allocated funding. Your project may be among those not supported. Try to use this opportunity to improve in the field of grant writing. A prepared application and carefully planned research is an important result of your work that can be used in the future.

If the fund refuses to support your project, you must request expert feedback, as well as the results of a technical review. Receiving objective feedback from experts is an excellent opportunity to improve both your proposal writing skills and your research design. After carefully studying the expert reviews, you need to decide whether it is worth improving the application in order to resubmit it to the competition. It is advisable to request expert feedback even if your project was supported. As a rule, the expert opinion reflects the strengths and weaknesses of the project, so familiarization with it will allow you to adjust the research plan.

In some cases, expert opinions on the same project may be directly opposite. If you think that the expert’s review was compiled unprofessionally or in violation of ethical standards, it is worth contacting the fund after a certain time with objections to the expert’s conclusions. This will not affect the results of the completed competition in relation to the application you submitted, but will improve the quality of examination in the fund in the future. In your response to expert opinions, provide in detail the discovered contradictions and “arguments against”, but under no circumstances discuss the personality and professionalism of the expert.

And if your project was supported and you won a grant, then congratulations! Remember that you will need to allow time to negotiate a research funding contract or agreement.

McInnes R., Andrews B., Rachubinski R. Guidebook For New Principal Investigators. Advice on Applying for a Grant, Writing Papers, Setting up a Research Team and Managing Your Time. 2005:

Results of the Second Scientific and Practical Conference “Management of the creation of scientific and technical groundwork in the life cycle of high-tech products - 2017”

On April 26, 2017, the Second Scientific and Practical Conference “Management of the creation of scientific and technical groundwork in the life cycle of high-tech products - 2017” was held. The conference was organized by the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, the National Research Center “Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" and the Institute of Management Problems named after V.A. Trapeznikov RAS (IPU RAS).

The conference was held as part of the implementation of the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation” and “On the implementation of plans (programs) for the construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, and the modernization of the military-industrial complex” and was devoted to the problems of managing the initial stages of the life cycle of technologies and high-tech products.

The event was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Oleg Bochkarev, representatives of research institutes, the Russian Academy of Sciences, integrated industrial corporations, and companies developing IT products in the field of life cycle management of high-tech products.

The main reports at the plenary session were made by the General Director of the Research Center “Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" Andrey Dutov, head of the department of advanced interspecific research and special projects of the Russian Ministry of Defense Sergey Pankov and director of the Institute of Problems of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Novikov.

Andrey Dutov spoke about the problems of creating new technologies and products in the Russian knowledge-intensive industry - weak goal setting, insufficient coordination of technology development plans, lack of an objective assessment of the effectiveness of research and the low level of implementation of new technologies in created products. As a response to these challenges, he presented the proposed Scientific Research Center “Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" approaches and methodological solutions developed as part of the creation of a new management system for applied science in the aircraft industry.

He paid special attention to the current state of scientific and technological development and the need to create breakthrough technologies to ensure the competitiveness of Russian aviation technology in the new technological order. “Research work should be aimed at creating samples that will be fundamentally better than their predecessors. In aviation we say that this advantage should be 10-15%. But using existing technologies, it is almost impossible to obtain these figures. Everyone is waiting for a new technological revolution in 2025-2030, and it is necessary to prepare for it today,” noted Andrey Dutov.

According to him, in the aviation sector, such breakthrough technologies may be associated with the creation of an all-electric aircraft. At the same time, the problems that will be solved in the interests of the aircraft industry are also relevant for other industries: “We must create a roadmap with the help of which we will solve these problems for railway transport, and for shipbuilding, and other industries for which these technologies are interesting. Then we will ensure the concentration of resources and the development of those centers of competence that exist in different industries to achieve specific goals.” This is especially true in conditions of resource shortages and the need to ensure high production volume, which can be achieved by using new technologies in various types of equipment.

Sergey Pankov in his report “On the need to create an advanced scientific and technical basis for the development of new types of weapons, military and special equipment as the basis for effective management of their life cycle,” he spoke about the problems in creating promising models that the Russian Ministry of Defense faced, and about the set of measures taken to their decisions.

According to him, world experience shows that the opening of development work on the development of high-tech samples of military equipment with an immature scientific and technical basis leads to an increase in the time of their creation by 1.9 times, an increase in the cost of development by an average of 40%, and the cost of purchasing the final samples by 20% compared to the initial estimate.

Based on negative foreign and domestic experience, regulatory legal and guidance documents on the formation of NTZ within the framework of the State Armament Program for the period until 2025 were developed and approved. “The fundamental document in the formation of the scientific and technological reserve is the Concept for the creation of scientific and technical specifications for advanced weapons and military equipment for the period from 2016 to 2025. The concept was approved by the Minister of Defense and defines the goals, objectives and principles of creating the NTZ, the structure and scope of work, it sets out the tasks and responsibilities of military command and control bodies. This document allows us to look into the future with optimism,” noted Sergei Pankov.

Director of the IPU RAS Dmitry Novikov made a report on the topic: “Problems of managing the life cycles of knowledge, technologies and high-tech products: intersectoral and interdisciplinary integration.” He stated the relevance of coordinated life cycle management of such elements of complex activity of organizational and technical systems as the activity itself, external need, subject of activity (product, item) and resources (including knowledge, technology and organizations).

The typology of interdisciplinarity (interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, cross-disciplinarity), the mutual influence of disciplines and the synergistic effect from the intersectoral transfer of applied results were also considered. The speaker noted that from the point of view of managing science and using its results in practice, on the one hand, both the evolutionary development of scientific disciplines and their responses to interdisciplinary requests are characterized by a high degree of true uncertainty of the results and the time of their receipt. On the other hand, the growth of the “level of interdisciplinarity” seems extremely attractive, as it increases the economic efficiency of research and development by expanding the ability to transfer existing results to new theoretical and applied fields.

At the plenary session, representatives of JSC USC (Issues of integration of NTZ and product projects in shipbuilding), JSC UAC (On the principles of managing the technological development of defense industry companies), JSC GRC Makeev (Experience in building management systems for the full life cycle of product samples, ways of further development"), the companies "LM-Soft" ("Methodological basis for managing the transfer and industrialization of technologies in the life cycle programs of military equipment samples") and Siemens Industry Software(“Using systems engineering and integrated modeling in the early stages of the life cycle”).

The conference included three sections:

  1. “Integration of life cycle management of defense industry technologies and products”
  2. “Information support for the processes of development and industrialization of technologies”
  3. “Approaches to managing the creation of scientific and technical knowledge in the life cycle of high-tech products.”

On the first section the entire range of issues in the methodology of applied research management in the life cycle is considered (evaluation of the effectiveness of research work, the formation of complex and conceptual projects, ranking and selection of projects and research work, risk management based on objective quantitative indicators, problems of implementing an assessment of the level of readiness of technologies). Scientists from the Research Center “Institute named after N.E.” presented their findings. Zhukovsky", FSUE "TsAGI", IPU RAS. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Hero of Russia Sergei Mikheev gave a report on forecasting and strategic planning of scientific and technological development, in which he highlighted examples of the practical application of methodological tools in helicopter engineering.

On the second section Information processes to support the creation and implementation of scientific and technical knowledge were discussed, both in terms of software and the management circuit. The following main issues were raised: mathematical modeling, managing the results of scientific and technical activities, project management of problem-oriented projects and complex technology development programs, ensuring long-term storage and access to data. Representatives of the Scientific Research Center “Institute named after N.E.” made presentations at the section. Zhukovsky", FSUE "CIAM named after. P.I. Baranov", FSUE "Krylov State Scientific Center", Institute of System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, companies "LM Soft", Siemens Industry Software, JSC "KADFEM CIS".

On the third section Particular attention was paid to the creation of an integrated system for managing the creation of advanced technical knowledge and the problems of regulatory support. Solutions have been developed - the development of a life cycle model and a regulatory and technical framework to ensure it. The problems of industry standards and the formation of a new model for financing parent standardization organizations were also discussed. The issue of organizing operation and maintenance when concluding life cycle contracts for military equipment and the practice of supporting and monitoring the implementation of technologies by military scientific organizations throughout the life cycle was discussed. Representatives of the Scientific Research Center “Institute named after N.E.” made presentations at the section. Zhukovsky", Research Institute "LOT", FSUE "Rosoboronstandart", FSUE "TsAGI", Moscow Aviation Institute, Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin."

Summing up the conference, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Oleg Bochkarev noted the advisability of holding annual conferences on life cycle management of high-tech products. According to him, a number of problematic issues require further study at the level of the expert community, first of all, this concerns the calculation of life cycle costs. “How do we calculate the life cycle costs that the Department of Defense has to pay industry for? It's very difficult. I would suggest adding an economic component to the next conference,” he said. He also noted that the problems of implementation and practical use of new approaches and methodologies proposed during the conference should be considered. In addition, the attention of experts should be drawn to the discussion and development of a standard life cycle contract.

Oleg Bochkarev also approved the proposal of the conference participants to organize a working group under the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation to develop a standard model for the full life cycle of military equipment.

National Research Center "Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" was created in accordance with Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 4, 2014 to organize and carry out research work, develop new technologies in priority areas of aviation technology development, accelerate the introduction of scientific developments into production and use scientific achievements in the interests of the domestic economy. The center includes the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), Central Institute of Aviation Engine Engineering named after P.I. Baranova (CIAM), State Research Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS), Siberian Research Institute of Aviation named after S.A. Chaplygina (SibNIA) and the State Government Scientific Testing Site for Aviation Systems (GkNIPAS).

Bychkov Kirill

Research Center "Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" andInstitute of Management Problems named after V. A. Trapeznikov RAS signed a cooperation agreement

During the Second Scientific and Practical Conference “Managing the creation of a scientific and technical basis in the life cycle of high-tech products - 2017”, which took place on April 26, 2017, the General Director of the Research Center “Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" Andrey Dutov and director of the Institute of Management Problems named after V.A. Trapeznikov RAS Dmitry Novikov entered into a cooperation agreement. The document was signed in the presence of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Oleg Bochkarev.

The parties are aimed at performing fundamental, exploratory and applied research to create breakthrough technologies in the interests of various sectors of Russian industry, as well as a comprehensive solution to scientific and technical problems in managing the life cycle of high-tech products.

For this purpose, a unified approach and methodological basis will be formed for managing joint interdisciplinary and intersectoral research.

As part of the agreement, the parties plan to engage both in the development of new technologies for managing the creation of an advanced scientific and technical reserve, and in solving specific problems in the field of control and navigation aimed at increasing the reliability, environmental friendliness and safety of aircraft, unmanned aerial systems, engines and on-board equipment.

“We intend to consistently and systematically expand cooperation with fundamental science organizations. The Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences is one of the largest scientific centers, which has not only successful experience in working with aviation industry institutes, but also great competence in conducting interdisciplinary research. Close interaction will allow us to give a joint response, including to those global challenges that are presented in the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation,” noted the General Director of the Research Center “Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" Andrey Dutov.

Director of the Institute of Management Problems named after V.A. Trapeznikov RAS Dmitry Novikov noted that the close interaction of academic management science with such a leader in industry science as the National Research Center “Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky" will allow for effective interdisciplinary and intersectoral integration of knowledge and technology.

Bychkov Kirill


Program of the scientific and practical conference

“Managing the creation of scientific and technical resources in the life cycle of high-tech products”

Time Event
09:00 Registration of participants, coffee break
10:00 – 10:15 Opening remarks. Report of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Research Center “Institute named after N. E. Zhukovsky”:

“Methodological basis for managing the creation of an advanced scientific and technical basis in the life cycle of high-tech products”

Speaker - General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Center "Institute named after N. E. Zhukovsky"

A. V. Dutov

10:15 – 10:30 Report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

“On the need to create an advanced scientific and technical basis for the development of new types of military equipment as the basis for effective management of their life cycle”

Speaker – Head of the Department of Advanced Interspecific Research and Special Projects of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Colonel

S.E. Pankov

10:30 – 10:45 Report from IPU RAS:

“Problems of managing the life cycles of knowledge, technologies and high-tech products: intersectoral and interdisciplinary integration”

Speaker - Director of the Institute of Computer Science RAS D.A. Novikov

10:45 – 14:00 Section 1. Integration of life cycle management of defense industry technologies and products


V.V. Klochkov

Topics of the Reports:

· Concept Design Selection Method for Aviation Technology Research

E.B. Skvortsov


· Methodology for risk management of scientific projects in foreign research on aviation technology I.E. Kovalev FSUE "TsAGI"

· Methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of technologies in the field of civil aircraft construction A.A. Okhapkin FSUE "TsAGI"

· Justification and implementation of military-technical policy based on forecasting and strategic planning of scientific and technological development of the defense industry A.Yu. Mushkov

FSUE "CSRI "Center"

· System for the complete life cycle of products “Digital Enterprise”. New technologies O.V. Krivosheev


· Assessments of technology readiness levels: problems. V.L. Miroshkin

FSBI "National Research Center "Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky"

Section 2. Information support for technology development and industrialization processes


A.V. Kulikov

Topics of the Reports:

· An efficient platform for applied research and comprehensive modeling

N. N. Staroverov,


· System engineering and ensuring compliance with Requirements in the development of high-tech products starting from the early stages of the life cycle

D. B. Kopanev

Siemens Industry Software

· On the principles of managing the technological development of defense industry companies K.A. Kostromin

· Some problems of creating and using supercomputer technologies in the design of high-tech products

M. P. Lobachev


· Approaches to intellectual capital management N.L. Persaud, Research Institute of Corporate and Project Management

· Experience in creating an information system for accounting and managing the results of scientific and technical activities M.A. Skulyabin


· Information support for end-to-end project management processes in the field of creation and industrial application of NTZ

N.V. Soboleva

LM Soft

· Consolidation of regulatory and reference information of the engineering and technological circuit, in order to improve the quality of production of rocket and space technology D.E. Kasichin


Section 3. Approaches to managing the creation of scientific and technical knowledge in the life cycle of high-tech products


P.V. Filippov

Topics of the Reports:

· Problems of regulatory technical support and standardization in the field of management of the creation of NTZ P.V. Filippov, Research Institute "LOT"

· Integrated management system for the creation of advanced scientific and technical specifications"

Sypalo K.I., Medvedsky A.L., Scientific Research Center “Zhukovsky Institute”

· Activities of parent organizations for standardization of defense products within the framework of changes in the regulatory framework D.A. Chernichkin, Rosoboronstandart

· Regulatory support for managing the life cycle phases of high-tech products

S.V. Volodin, MAI

· Regulatory support of the research process at the stage of creating scientific technical documentation

A.V. Tyurin, FSUE "TsAGI"

· Directions for creating NTZ that ensures effective and efficient informatization of the life cycle of high-tech products

S.N. Padalko,

Yu.P. Kulik, MAI

Time Event
14:00 — 15:00 Dinner
15:00 – 15:10 Opening remarks.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation O. I. Bochkarev

15:10 – 15:30 Siemens Industry Software report

Multidisciplinary modeling and systems engineering in the development of high-tech products at early stages of the life cycle

Speaker – Sales Director V.I. Bitkin Company: Siemens Industry Software

15:30 – 15:50 Report from the representative of LM Soft LLC:

“Methodological foundations for managing the transfer and industrialization of technologies in life cycle programs for military hardware samples”

Speaker – Yu.V. Rattay

15: 5 0 – 16: 3 0 Report by the representative of the GRC Makeev:

“Experience in building a food supply chain control system for product samples, ways of further development” (topic to be confirmed)

Speaker – Gorb V. A.

16: 3 0 – 17:00 USC report

“Issues of integration of NTZ and product projects in shipbuilding”

Speaker - L. V. Kuznetsov

17:00 – 17:30 Summary reports by moderators of sections 1, 2, 3
17:30 – 18:00 Closing meeting, adoption of the Conference Resolution (chaired by General Director of the Scientific Research Center “Institute named after N. E. Zhukovsky” A. V. Dutov)


The conference will be organized by the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Research Center “Institute named after N. E. Zhukovsky” and the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of Management Problems named after V. A. Trapeznikov RAS”.

The first conference “Methods and technologies for life cycle management of complex products and engineering objects” was held in 2014 under the auspices of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Krylov State Research Center” and covered a wide range of issues and participants. In particular, the methodological foundations for managing the life cycle of technologies and assessing the levels of readiness of technologies for industrial use were considered.

During the Second Conference, the main attention will be paid to the problems of managing the initial stages of the life cycle of technologies and high-tech products, as well as their modern solutions.

The stages of applied research and development, that is, the initial stages of the life cycle, lay the foundation for the efficiency and competitiveness of high-tech products. At the same time, it is in the field of management of applied research and development processes that there is the greatest shortage of scientifically based and successful management methods, organizational solutions, and automation tools. During the conference, participants will consider modern approaches to creating an effective applied research management system as an integral element of an integrated system for managing the full life cycle of high-tech products.

As part of the program, plenary reports and work in three sectional areas are planned:

  1. Integration of life cycle management of defense industry technologies and products.
  2. Information support for the processes of development and industrialization of technologies.
  3. Regulatory support for the management of the creation of scientific and technical specifications in the life cycle of high-tech products

The conference will be held at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of Management Problems named after V. A. Trapeznikov RAS” at the address: Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 65. Opening at 10:00.

You can find out more about the conference program and register on the website

In advanced Western countries, the birth of new technologies, discoveries and weapons occurs at the intersection of sciences, which requires a systematic approach to organizing this process. In Russia, as we know, the Soviet supply has dried up. How successful is new basic research? How is the interaction between the military department and the Russian Academy of Sciences organized? Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov answered these and other questions from VPK.

– Yuri Ivanovich, the 21st century means new non-traditional types of weapons and military equipment. How are their creation going? How well does our weapons system generally meet the current challenges?

– In accordance with the tasks set for the Ministry of Defense by the President of the Russian Federation, the development of the weapons system is largely focused on the creation of qualitatively new, including non-traditional types of weapons (high-precision, laser, radio frequency, kinetic, hypersonic, robotic, information), the development of which is largely determined by the presence of an integral scientific and technical basis (STP).

Let me explain that in general, NTZ is a set of results of fundamental, forecast and exploratory research, applied and technological research and development work (R&D), carried out in the interests of modernizing existing ones, creating and producing fundamentally new types of weapons, military and special technology (VVST).

For each planning horizon for the development of military equipment, it is necessary to ensure advanced training of scientific and technical knowledge in key scientific areas and technologies, on the basis of which fundamentally new types of equipment or subsequent generations of means of armed warfare can be created in the interests of ensuring state security. At the same time, we should proceed from the fact that the development of military equipment (transition to a new qualitative level) is possible only through the selection for subsequent implementation of scientific and technical achievements that meet a set of conditions and criteria both in terms of requirements from the Ministry of Defense and in terms of their level of readiness for implementation in development work.

– Today, science is managed, figuratively speaking, by the Ministry of Finance, which determines how much money to allocate and for what. And there they want to get the maximum return in a short time. But this does not happen in fundamental science. How is this contradiction resolved, how can planning miscalculations be avoided?

– Due to the fact that the cost of work at each subsequent stage of the life cycle of military and military equipment increases by approximately an order of magnitude, the accumulation of scientific and technical results in the early stages of development of military and military equipment is always preferable than at later stages. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, abandoning the implementation of ineffective projects in the early stages is less expensive, and on the other hand, the results of these stages have a higher potential for wide (universal) use than scientific and technical solutions obtained later.

Unfortunately, despite the accumulated statistics, both here and in other militarily leading countries, many leaders do not understand this and demand immediate results from researchers, which in 5–10 years negatively affects the capabilities of the scientific and technological complex. And there are plenty of such examples from the world experience of developing air and military equipment. In the future, this places a burden on the state’s military budget, becomes a long-term construction project, and in the end, in those initially laid down circuit design solutions, it loses its relevance for performing combat missions. There are similar mistakes in planning in our history.

To avoid such cases, the Ministry of Defense has built an integral system that ensures the interaction of military command and control bodies with government institutions responsible for each stage of the life cycle of a military and military equipment model. Of course, the Russian Academy of Sciences occupies a special place. Institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, including scientific schools that have been created for decades and have stable ties with enterprises in high-tech sectors of the economy, are directly involved in making forecasts, substantiating promising directions, as well as in obtaining new knowledge, the birth of breakthrough technologies, which later become the basis for the creation of advanced weapons .

– For better coordination of fundamental and applied research in the field of defense, a cooperation agreement was concluded in 2015 between your department, the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations and the Russian Academy of Sciences. What does this give?

– The agreement provides for the following forms of interaction:

  • creation of joint virtual laboratories to carry out defense-related research and development work, using the experimental base and other resources available to the parties, in the interests of producing weapons on new principles, testing them and creating conditions for effective implementation;
  • conducting research at testing centers and testing grounds of the Ministry of Defense, including providing samples of military equipment and property for scientific work of a defense nature;
  • participation in the development of documents for analytical and program-targeted support of the State Armament Program;
  • preparation of proposals for GPV and state defense procurement projects in terms of fundamental, forecasting, exploratory and applied research;
  • examination of scientific and technical programs and major projects for the creation of military equipment;
  • attracting leading scientists and specialists to scientific (scientific and technical) councils at various levels in connection with defense research and development;
  • informing about the most important achievements of domestic science and technology in the interests of ensuring the defense and security of the country.

The first real results of such cooperation were obtained in 2016 by clarifying the key elements that determine the priority areas for creating a scientific and technical basis for promising weapons and equipment. This primarily concerns the “List of basic and critical military technologies for the period until 2025” and the “List of priority areas of fundamental, forecasting and exploratory research in the interests of ensuring the country’s defense and state security for the period until 2025.”

Based on the results of a joint thorough analysis of the development of new types of military equipment, significant changes were made to the list of military technologies, mainly related to the development of unconventional weapons systems, hypersonic aircraft, communication and control systems. Each military technology contains a detailed description in the form of a passport, reflecting its focus, critical characteristics, level of readiness, estimated cost and other parameters necessary for further use in the preparation of GPV projects and state defense orders. As a result, the updated list includes nine basic, 48 critical and 330 military technologies.

The list of priority fundamental research, which is just a reference book for RAS institutions, which they should follow when justifying and forming their plans, has also undergone significant changes: the wording of eight scientific subdirections has been clarified, 27 new areas of FPPI have been added in the field of computer science, optics and quantum electronics of the military appointments, radiophysics and radioelectronics. The updated list includes 11 scientific areas, 56 subdirections and 718 areas of FPPI. Both documents were approved by the decision of the board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation on May 25, 2016.

The second significant event in close cooperation with the expert community of the Russian Academy of Sciences, general designers and technologists was the development of the Interdepartmental Coordination Program of the FPPI in the field of defense and state security. This is a tool that ensures interaction at the stages of planning, implementation and implementation of the results of the FPPI. The program is designed to improve the efficiency of research. And also to consolidate federal executive authorities, state corporations and relevant funds in priority areas of creating a scientific and technical basis for military and military equipment.

– How is it different from the previous ones?

– The main priorities of the program include the following:

  • formation of an interdepartmental list of FPPIs;
  • information and analytical support for the activities of general designers in the creation of military equipment and managers of priority technological areas in terms of providing information on the state and prospects for the development of domestic science and technology;
  • development of proposals to executive authorities, state corporations, the Russian Academy of Sciences and scientific foundations for the formation or clarification of state, federal and departmental target programs and plans, taking into account the recommendations of general designers for the creation of military equipment and managers of priority technological areas;
  • participation in information exchange of the results of scientific research and technological developments.

Structurally, the program consists of five subprograms, covering all the main stages of creating a scientific and technical basis for promising weapons and equipment. It should be noted that the main contribution, including a detailed examination of ongoing and planned FPPIs, was made by leading scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences - academicians Sergei Bagaev, Radiy Ilkaev, Evgeniy Kablov, Vladimir Peshekhonov, who became the leaders of the corresponding working groups.

The main positive result is that for the first time it was possible to create an interdepartmental list of fundamental, exploratory and applied research carried out, as well as planned, according to state, federal and departmental target programs and plans in the field of defense and ensuring the security of the country. The most extensive section is connected precisely with the creation of a scientific foundation. It contains more than a thousand fundamental and exploratory defense or dual-use research projects carried out or recommended for implementation at the expense of the Russian budget.

– In our fundamental science, as well as in the work of the Russian Academy of Sciences, there are a lot of problems that the president of the country spoke about. How are they resolved?

– Yes, along with the positive results of cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences, there are a number of problems that have a negative impact on the efficiency of creating a scientific and technical reserve. They are regularly discussed at our meetings, during which specific steps to improve the organizational, regulatory, legal and methodological aspects of planning and conducting defense FPPI are proposed and agreed upon.

Among the pressing problems of the functioning of RAS institutions in the state defense procurement system, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • outdated material, technical and laboratory facilities from the point of view of the possibility of conducting research, including experimental research, in the interests of the Ministry of Defense;
  • regulatory and legal restrictions on the participation of RAS institutions in competitive procedures for conducting R&D for defense purposes;
  • insufficient integration of RAS research teams into the problems of weapons system development;
  • weak financial motivation of young scientists participating in work on state defense orders.

– What awaits us in the near future?

– Currently, the Russian Ministry of Defense is at the final stage of forming the State Armed Forces project for 2018–2025, in which significant attention is paid to measures to create a scientific and technical basis for the development of promising and non-traditional weapons and military equipment in the interests of the branches (arms) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The new program sets the task of ensuring the completion of the development and delivery to the troops of fundamentally new types of hypersonic weapons, intelligent robotic systems, military equipment based on new physical principles, as well as a number of traditional next-generation weapons (T-50, Armata, Kurganets, MiG -35, etc.). The fleet of modern military and military equipment should be increased to 70 percent.

The development of these samples will require solving a number of scientific and technical problems, which is not possible without the involvement of the scientific community. Among the most striking and complex of all their diversity, I will highlight the following:

  • technologies that ensure long-term operation of hypersonic aircraft in dense layers of the atmosphere under plasma influence: this requires the creation of new fourth-generation heat-resistant alloys, heat-resistant radio-transparent fairings based on domestic ceramic materials, propulsion systems and high-energy fuels, and avionics;
  • increasing the level of intellectualization of weapons, especially unmanned aerial vehicles and robotic systems for military purposes;
  • power lasers based on new active media and pump sources, adaptive mirrors and their cooling devices, multifunctional optical coatings.

Traditionally, RAS institutions carry out about 40 percent of research work of a fundamental and exploratory nature, and also take an active part in the implementation of applied projects to create military technologies and advanced weapons. I am convinced that during the implementation of GPV-2025, academic schools of the Russian Academy of Sciences will make a significant contribution to the formation of a scientific and technical reserve and ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation.

/Yuri Borisov, Oleg Falichev,

S.BUNTMAN: Good evening. Today we have a reduced lineup of presenters, Alexander Kurennoy is on vacation, Anatoly Ermolin and Sergey Buntman are in the studio, and our guest is Yuri Mikhailov, Deputy Chairman of the Military-Industrial Complex under the Government of the Russian Federation. But this is not a new formation; there have been organizations in different formats before. Who were engaged specifically in military science. And what else?

Y. MIKHAILOV: Indeed, the Military Industrial Commission itself, which we celebrated 60 years in March, as well as the Scientific and Technical Council, a structure that provides the military-industrial complex with some expert potential and research assessments, they have existed for a long time - about 60 years. And always the scientific and technical council of the Military-Industrial Complex of the Commission - it was especially strong in the period 1955-1957, before the end of the USSR - it was a very strong body that carried out not only expert assessments, but also financing of the highest priority, breakthrough work and research in the system defense security of the state.

S.BUNTMAN: Is this mainly coordination of scientific centers and institutes?

Y. MIKHAILOV: Including. Today, the emphasis has shifted, first of all, to the area of ​​expert assessments, assessing the capabilities of one or another scientific and practical area in the interests of defense security, or a fundamental area. Also in assessing those activities that ensure the performance of the functions of the military-industrial complex, in particular, in the implementation of military-technical policy, policy in the field of development of the defense industry - that is, all the functionality that is the task of the military-industrial complex.

S.BUNTMAN: You are talking about expert assessments - who are the experts, how are they selected?

Y. MIKHAILOV: This is a very interesting question. Perhaps I’ll tell you about the structure of the military-industrial complex and it will immediately become clear how the examination is carried out. Our scientific and technical council was approved together with the military-industrial complex of a new model, in 2006, a presidential decree, then a government decree, and the scientific and technical council began to exist in its current format.

The Council included approximately 50 of the most powerful specialists in the military-industrial complex in the field of development of science, technology, technology, representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and general designers. Of these, approximately 15 were members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Several sections were created on the main tasks of military-technical policy. In 2010, we somewhat expanded the format of those decisions and tasks, and now we have 70 people, of which 24 are members of the RAS, among them two vice-presidents of the RAS, Academician Aldushin and Academician Oseev, Chairman of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center. The composition includes truly outstanding scientists of our country, among them it is necessary to note Academician Fortov, who is today running for the post of President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and other outstanding scientists.

We have the opportunity to learn from the experience of our veterans - these are the Heroes of Socialist Labor, academicians Fedosov, and, unfortunately, Shapunov, who recently passed away. We have Academician Sokovich, hero of Socialist Labor, Siberian Branch, Biysk. And there is also Hero of Socialist Labor Spassky in the lineup. For a very long time he headed the Rubin Central Design Bureau - this is our entire nuclear submarine fleet.

Now we have quite a lot of Heroes of Russia in our composition - in particular, Academician Mikheev, these are helicopters, the Hero of Russia Makarov, these are multiple launch rocket systems, there are also other academicians and Heroes. , 19 general designers in the main areas. Now the council has 12 areas - these are systemic issues, strategic, maritime tasks, air, Aerospace Defense section, and in almost all areas, including non-traditional types of weapons

A.ERMOLIN: Can we say that this is a kind of analogue of technological platforms, such a technical task in the broad sense of the word, which is formulated by the state represented by you and the Ministry of Defense? - these directions?

Y. MIKHAILOV: I would not compare this with technology platforms. To be honest, it seems to me that the tasks that were assigned, or rather, the expectations that were assigned to the platforms, unfortunately, they were not realized. Maybe something will change in the future, but not yet. Our directions are absolutely pragmatic. We concentrate under them leading experts in these areas of knowledge. In addition to these sections, we also have working groups, there are significantly more of them than sections, they work under sections, and they are already spreading their tentacles to significantly larger teams of scientists and these groups are led by members of the Scientific and Technical Council, and their composition includes attracted specialists.

And on these platforms - I also use this word - real brainstorming takes place. There are specialists working there who discuss specific works, proposals, projects, and this is very interesting. This is actually our find, and it justified itself. In fact, the proposals and solutions that we find in these working groups are then submitted to sections, then to meetings of the scientific and technical council.

A.ERMOLIN: Agenda? To brainstorm, there must be an agenda. For what?

Y. MIKHAILOV: Let me first tell you about the structure. We want to know how scientific opinion is formed and expert assessment is carried out. This means that in addition to this mechanism, we have so-called extended sections. And for these 12 sections we are already attracting all specialized organizations, the most interesting ones from the Ministry of Defense and the defense industry - mainly institutes and design bureaus. And then it turns out that the sections that are approved by the Military-Industrial Commission, and the composition is approved by order of the government - those people who are already, as it were, burdened with membership in the Council, they unite together with their entire scientific and technical fraternity, and in these expanded sections they also work out in the most detailed way those the documents I spoke about.

Let’s say a program for the development of the defense industry is being formulated. We distribute program materials in relevant areas - space, strategic weapons, and in these extended sections there is a specific discussion of these materials. They give us conclusions that are very unflattering in relation to those federal executive bodies that developed certain proposals - this is in terms of program documents. We legitimize these things by decision of the Council of the Military-Industrial Commission, and then send them to the Military-Industrial Commission. And everything that needs to be done is already being done - “at-ta” to these feds. And an adjustment is made in the right direction.

I must say that in almost all programs we succeed in coordinating with the executive authorities, and I must say that we have very good relations with the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Roscosmos, Rosatom - we are bringing all these programs to the common benefit, common interests from the point of view of solving government problems at a higher scientific and technical level.

A.ERMOLIN: That is, your product is a scientific and technical conclusion?

Y. MIKHAILOV: Actually, yes. And suggestions.

S.BUNTMAN: How can an interesting idea, which at first glance is crazy, go through? So groups can monitor what's going on? If a group of scientists puts forward proposals, what is the technology of passage?

Y. MIKHAILOV: The technology is this: if someone comes up with an initiative, that is, has developed an interesting proposal, for example, the most unrealistic idea - the creation of anti-gravity devices - we have such proposals. In addition to planning documents, we have to look at requests from citizens, developers - maybe someone has retired, is not working - there are all sorts of proposals. Of course, not from organizations; they mostly come from former scientists, people who are concerned about the fate of the country’s weapons and are trying to offer something.

By the way, these proposals come in my name, in the name of Rogozin - all proposals go through us. And they do not go unnoticed. If this is not something that we have assessed that it is interesting, after consulting, determining the scope of the proposal, or I call a meeting at the beginning with key specialists in the field. Of course, we invite the developer and see how interesting it is. He proves to us, that is, there is a concrete dispute, discussion. And then we take it further.

If there is interest, then it turns out that we give recommendations to the federal executive authorities, the developers of federal programs - on the organization of relevant studies, the inclusion of activities in one or another federal target program. And often, in agreement with the feds, this turns out to be interesting, and it is included in the program. There are many such examples.

S.BUNTMAN: what fuses exist? You named many big names of academicians, but everyone has their own passions for certain technologies, things, love for one direction or another. This requires a balancing act.

Y. MIKHAILOV: Correct. This still exists, you are absolutely right. This is connected with a person’s interest, his life baggage, passions, maybe his youth, his views in one direction or another. And here our will already appears. We try to organize the work in such a way that the interaction is complementary, so that scientists complement each other and there is no denial of an untested idea. Naturally, with appropriate scientific and technical justification.

There are many examples - of course, they go beyond the discussion, since most, 99% of our discussions are confidential or closed. But the examples are vivid from the most painful points in the development of the weapons system. And you know, the battles are such that he won’t even say “hello.” But then, of course, everything returns to normal.

A.ERMOLIN: The classic story, when they brought a microchip and didn’t know what to do - when everything was on tubes and transistors, the inventor was sent to hell.

Y. MIKHAILOV: I must say that, of course, the solution to this problem that you touched on is, of course, still far from ideal. We try to make sure we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, but we don't skip the big things. I think that for small ones too. At least, when we look at all federal target programs, we have a lot of constructive additions and, of course, we try to make sure that the most interesting developments are not forgotten.

A.ERMOLIN: Is the problem of commercialization relevant for you?

Y. MIKHAILOV: Of course. In general, I believe that one of the systemic key works, publications that were published in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta during the pre-election period was Putin’s platform, apparently called “Be Strong,” guarantees of national security for Russia. And in this article, I believe that this is a key article, which sets out the entire ideology and, in fact, further presidential decrees that were made in May, the so-called “May decrees” and subsequent actions for the development of the defense industry, the armed forces, education, science and technology - practically , if you read every line of this article, it is implemented in these decrees.

And I must say that in this article the question was raised that the defense industry should not be isolated on itself and that the very large funds that the state invests in the development of the army, the defense industry, in the form of federal targeted programs - these funds should give impetus to the development of the civil science. That is, the issues of technology transfer – in this formulation it all goes – they are certainly relevant.

S. BUNTMAN: We will talk about this again - about the level of our scientific thought, after the break.

S.BUNTMAN: We continue the program. So, new footage. Quite new structures have now been created that strive to work in a new way, for specific tasks. In the general scientific community, we are faced in many ways with the old system - the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences itself, we are not in vain proud of it, but we need to do something about it.

Y. MIKHAILOV: Indeed, the question is extremely important and relevant. If we talk about personnel, and personnel really decide everything, the formulation is old, but correct. It must be said that if we talk about personnel, then of course, today the situation could have developed in such a way that with the abundance of funds that the state has allocated for solving military-technical problems, there is so much that there is already a fear that the personnel potential is not It will be enough to spend these funds wisely, I emphasize, constructively, purposefully, and justifiably.

After all, the task is not to recycle these weapons and get something unknown in the end, but to get the most promising, most advanced weapons systems, the most working, promising technologies, respectively, safe ones, those that will work for more than one year.

That is, we are actually talking about creating a new technological structure, both for the defense industry and for the country as a whole. And of course, the solution to one or another innovative problem, whether in the civilian sphere or the military-industrial sphere, is, of course, the innovative potential that society has. Because first of all, we are talking, of course, about innovation in the technical field.

We analyzed the structure of scientific and technical potential and came to the conclusion that it represents a certain combination of material, technical, personnel, financial, information and organizational resources. These five components, in fact, determine the ability of society to solve the problems of modernization.

If we are talking about personnel potential, we need personnel to organize this science, to correctly and competently build the entire system of prognostic assessments for the development of scientific and technical areas, to build a system for assessing the results obtained, so that funds will be correctly distributed in terms of their dynamics of receipt, - so that there is no leapfrog and chaos.

This problem, I believe, at the moment, for us, our state, is no less important than the actual creation of hardware. We often have specialists in our federal executive bodies who don’t know what they do. And this is a problem.

A.ERMOLIN: On the issue of leapfrog and chaos. We had, as it seemed to me, very talented managers and inventors of one of the new industries - “Weapon systems, the guys are working on sniper weapons, and they gave out amazing information that in their field, in the field of small arms, more than 600 technologies at the level of resins, impregnations - all the same, this is know-how, unique things. Question – are you creating your internal knowledge management systems so that knowledge and skills are not lost? In fact, such a system should be in every design bureau, taking into account world experience. Do you have something similar?

Y. MIKHAILOV: For me personally, as a scientist, it exists - in my laboratories, at the institute where I am the scientific director. And moreover, I welcome this in design bureaus and institutes - in fact, if we speak seriously, in Soviet times, and even now, it is people of the passionate type who actually decide on the development of directions. Well, for example, Korolev, Shepunov, Makarovets and many of our other specialists\. I'm not even talking about our pilots and aircraft designers. These are passionate people who carried with them not only a spark of knowledge, but also a certain fuse, enthusiasm for support and development of their direction.

Of course, this is a problem that needs to be addressed. We encourage our designers and enterprise managers to do this. This task, at the very least, can be solved. You touched on a slightly different topic - the loss of technology.

A.ERMOLIN: This is as part of knowledge management.

Y. MIKHAILOV: Yes, and part of the system that works to create modernization potential is the material and technical basis for creating this knowledge base, these technologies. So here is the material and technical aspect: these are, of course, materials and technologies. Now the big task is not only to return lost technologies - by the way, this is being successfully done in relation to the materials of one of the programs on strategic and replacement materials. Which is headed scientifically by Academician Abov, director of AVIAN. All directions are very clearly visible there, and we received a lot of benefit from the program that is ending, and now there will be a new program of this kind.

But we also need to create the most interesting design and prototyping technologies. This began in the defense industry development program, since promising, breakthrough, basic, industrially critical technologies are laid out there. But new technologies are already on the agenda. And these are really design technologies - 3D, 4D - these are the tasks that our society faces and we have to master it. Now I’m starting to promote this issue within myself, people and specialists are being attracted. /This is the most powerful modeling, including super-computer technology, where without conducting additional preliminary experiments, you can already come up with some operational solutions in order to quickly check them.

These technologies are a breakthrough. This will be a breakthrough into the future. And here we need, of course, to catch up, definitely. If we set a task, we’ll catch up. Because there are many such technologies, if we are talking about hypersonic technology, these are new types of weapons, directed weapons - everything that is considered as unconventional weapons, something that will be used to fight in the future. This is the development of high-precision weapons and new control systems.

If we raise a simple topic - all the precision weapons of the United States, which is the most advanced state in the possession of precision weapons, in particular, all the operations that we know about - Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan - all these combat operations were carried out, first of all, with the help. High-precision sea-based weapons were Tomahawk missiles, which hit certain targets, flying through the window, as they say. And these approaches will certainly be improved.

You know that the US President recently made a proposal to reduce nuclear potential; they are actually exploiting their superiority in the field of precision weapons. That is, in this way, in fact, an attempt is being made to reduce the nuclear potential, reducing the nuclear potential is, in principle, correct - in the Russian Federation - if we proceed from general humanitarian goals. In the future, perhaps this will be possible when the Russian Federation has the necessary amount of high-precision weapons. But now, of course, this is an area of ​​political discussions, not scientific and technical ones. It seems to me that this issue needs to be weighed again.

But I’ll continue about high-precision weapons - this is a very interesting thing, because it is promising. All high-precision weapons are aimed through the American GPS - you know, and not the one we use when we are driving in a car, where plus or minus 30 meters - this is not the same.

GPS for military purposes is one meter - they have such criteria. But you need to understand that during a period of hostilities, especially against a country that more or less - I’m not even talking about Russia or China, which have satellite technologies for destruction, but even at the very least Iran has such technologies. And then these weapons, during the period of hostilities - if, of course, they manage to use weapons to destroy and disable the GPS systems - they begin to not work. That is, they are vulnerable, these assets are located in space, they are quite vulnerable.

And the United States is now setting the task of creating an inertial guidance system, that is, it will not be connected to satellites. In fact, like our first intercontinental missiles and today’s, they are guided inertially, that is, a gyroscope spins there, it keeps the missile along a certain ballistic trajectory, and it gets where it needs to go, only with a radius of 150 meters, at best.

A.ERMOLIN: Original “Combat information control systems”.

Y. MIKHAILOV: Yes. And taking into account the fact that the power of a nuclear explosion is colossal, this does not really matter. And before that, it should already hit the stake, in terms of rocket scientists. And of course, non-nuclear weapons, missiles equipped with non-nuclear warheads, they must land exactly on target. So, in order not to depend on this matter, the United States has now set the task of reaching a new level of control of guidance systems. In fact, we are talking, I believe, about a revolution, about the creation of a micromechanical, actually magnetic-nuclear, based on the resonance of nuclei in a magnetic field. These are the tasks set - they are published on the Internet.

The task is posed in such a way - that this entire device is arranged in a volume of 20 cubic centimeters. Accordingly, the activation time is 10 seconds. Before starting the gyroscope, you need to spin it in order to then maintain the desired trajectory. That is, actuation is much longer, and here it is 10 seconds.

S.BUNTMAN: Is this a task or a reality?

Y. MIKHAILOV: This is a task, this is a competition, they set such a task. But the campaigns, the groundwork, they have for this.

S.BUNTMAN: The problem of formulating tasks.

A.ERMOLIN: DARP generally poses fantastic tasks - so that a fighter can fly, storm a 5-story building without devices - this is the essence of DARP - it formulates seemingly such insane tasks.

S.BUNTMAN: Can we go this route? Or should we solve mundane problems?

Y. MIKHAILOV: I think, and my leadership thinks so, Rogozin, and he sets such a task for us and for everyone - even further, the president set these tasks for us in the same program article, and, accordingly, with his subsequent decrees. Since we have already slept through several innovation cycles, we do not need to catch up, we need to move forward. As Rogozin says, we must cut corners, and in this regard, the Advanced Research Fund, which we created at the end of last year, sets itself the following task: to look for breakthrough developments that will provide a leap into the future.

S.BUNTMAN: That is, we do not have to go through all the stages.

Y. MIKHAILOV: They shouldn’t. We must move forward.

A.ERMOLIN: But there is little technology.

Y. MIKHAILOV: There are not enough personnel.

A.ERMOLIN: In order to create innovations, especially in your closed area - for example, what is a closed patent, how long does it take to declassify it? But the first and main question is what model will you use to build your innovation ecosystem. For the last 5 years we have tried to take Silicon Valley as a basis and create creative clusters, but it didn’t work. There was a Soviet model of clusters. There are similar things - American scientists, European ones - they have a lot of slack, they have a lot of money, they can attract serious investments as part of their research. We had the same powers in the 50s - 28-year-old captains and physicists worked there - Halperin writes about this - they had unique capabilities. So which ecosystem is more Soviet, or a la Silicon Valley?

Y. MIKHAILOV: I think that there will be a reasonable existence of both. We have already talked about the fund - the fund operates on the principle of grants. This means that the scientific and technical council of the foundation, having seen this or that promising development, like a predator, as Rogozin says, snatches it from the general host of developments, looks at it up and down, and accordingly, if it is worth it, it picks it up and starts be implemented at enterprises and introduced into the troops.

And the fund, having sufficient funding - and it will constantly increase - can, in a free flight, as they say, in a creative way - of course, under the control of the supervisory board, which includes the leaders of the Military-Industrial Commission - these developments will be financed not arbitrarily, but freely option. These are not software things.

And we have federal targeted development programs, we have a fundamental research program that is being prepared, which is also important - there will also be relatively free approaches to research, they will already be ordered according to the standard scheme for ordering work. It's about financing.

And about the personnel who are involved in this - of course, the personnel problem exists and will always exist, because talents always appear only against the background, on a platform on which something is already growing quite strongly, when there is a community of intellectuals who can give birth to his environment - this naturally happens - genius. Because if you don’t work hard, especially now, at a high scientific and technical level, or at the level of fundamental science, you won’t be able to come up with a brilliant solution. Cherepanov will not succeed now.

S.BUNTMAN: And you won’t even come from Kholmogory. Therefore, let's talk about the scientific context - what is needed in the scientific system, the academic one - what reforms does it need?

Y. MIKHAILOV: Let's talk about this, especially since the fate of the RAS is not indifferent to me, since I myself am a member of the RAS, and my colleagues in the academic department, in the applied science department, are members of the RAS and are also very concerned about this.

Of course, there are heated debates going on now - not in terms of military science, but of course, they are completely relevant here, from the point of view of whether fundamental science is managed correctly in our country, how research is carried out, where we are moving - “where we are coming.”

And two extreme points of view, which are often opposed. I think that it may not even be entirely correct to contrast them. The oppositionists, on the one hand, say that, as before in Soviet times, we must carry out all fundamental research on a broad front, and the other does not concern us at all. We look at fundamental science, patterns, phenomena, and everything connected with it. And others say: stop doing research that is of no use. We are in the midst of a scientific and technological revolution; we need a breakthrough to a new technological structure, so we need to think about oriented fundamental research, that is, those that have applied research as the next step.

The truth, as always, is in the middle. The first position - I would say that this is, in a good sense, ardent supporters of the former RAS, and the second position that I spoke about - this is the view professed by the Ministry of Education and Science. I'm sure the truth is in the middle. Of course, what the RAS needs is not just to restructure, but simply to place emphasis in its activities and not try to show that the RAS is engaged only in fundamental research.

Always, both in Soviet times and later, the Russian Academy of Sciences had a lot of applied developments that were well used in the national economy.

S. BUNTMAN: I don’t think that the Ministry of Education is trying to reduce everything to the general theory of a bolt and a nut.

Y. MIKHAILOV: No, that’s not true. I said that we are talking about oriented fundamental research. These are studies that are colored by the prospect of practical development.

A.ERMOLIN: Do you think it will be possible to create university science of the American or European type in our country, and will we not lose traditional industrial science, for which the RAS itself stands for?

Y. MIKHAILOV: Industry? I believe that all three forms of research organizations have the right to life - both the Russian Academy of Sciences, of course, as the leader of fundamental research, and university science - a wonderful science that now embodies a lot of wonderful scientists. By the way, many employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences work in universities, employees of defense enterprises and other industrial enterprises also work in universities. In essence, this is a unified system of people who do science. And they cannot be opposed under any circumstances.

S.BUNTMAN: We don’t face a choice?

Y. MIKHAILOV: Everything should be complementary, complement each other. Rogozin and I were at Moscow State University on Friday. It seems to be a purely academic university, excellent scientists who could engage in purely refined science. But oddly enough, we saw a lot of wonderful developments there that were oriented and of practical importance. And not just those that have, but those that are already used in many specific issues. Wonderful work. People are looking forward to interacting with the defense industry with great enthusiasm and interest. And what do you think - as a result of this visit, a proposal was born to create a center for science, technology and education at Moscow State University - in the interests of the military-industrial complex, - in parentheses, - a military-industrial complex laboratory, - you see, the chain continues: laboratory. In fact, the guys asked - what will this center do, will it be able to help promote the developments of MSU scientists into practice? I answered: that’s what it’s created for. And his second task - guys, look beyond the horizon, 30-50 years ahead, as the president sets the task for us. Look ahead and work on those tasks that we may not even be aware of right now - only you can see it.

S.BUNTMAN: Thank you very much. We end the show on a promising note.

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Appendix No. 1
to providing

part of the creation costs

priority production
electronic components and
radio-electronic equipment

determining the rating of applications submitted by Russian organizations for a competition for the right to receive subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment

1. This methodology determines the rating of applications submitted by Russian organizations for a competition for the right to receive subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and electronic equipment (hereinafter, respectively, organizations, competition, subsidy ), based on the criteria provided for by the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2016 No. 109 " On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment."

The share of the rating awarded to the i-th application according to the criterion relating to the number of newly created and modernized high-tech jobs as part of the implementation of a comprehensive project, the significance of which is 10 percent;

The specific weight of the rating awarded to the i-th application according to the criterion relating to the ratio of the size of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be attracted for the implementation of a complex project, the significance of which is 20 percent;


Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition on the volume of sales of import-substituting or innovative products that will be created during the implementation of a comprehensive project (million rubles);

Minimum volume of sales of import-substituting or innovative products that will be created during the implementation of a comprehensive project established in the competition documentation (million rubles);

The maximum volume of sales of import-substituting or innovative products that will be created during the implementation of a complex project declared by one of the competition participants (million rubles).


Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition for the number of high-tech jobs created and modernized (pieces);

The minimum number of created and modernized high-tech jobs established in the competition documentation (pieces);

The maximum number of high-tech jobs created and modernized, declared by one of the competition participants (pieces).

5. The rating awarded to the i-th application according to the criterion relating to the ratio of the size of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be raised for the implementation of a complex project () is determined by the formula:


Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition on the ratio of the amount of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be attracted for the implementation of a complex project;

The initial (maximum) size of the ratio of the size of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be attracted for the implementation of a complex project, established in the competition documentation.

Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition for the number of patents and (or) production secrets (know-how) received (pieces);

The maximum number of received patents and (or) production secrets (know-how), declared by one of the competition participants (pieces).


Proposal of the i-th competition participant regarding the implementation period of the complex project (months);

The initial (maximum) period for the implementation of a complex project, established in the competition documentation (months).

Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition regarding experience in implementing a similar complex project (pieces);

The largest number of completed similar works declared by one of the competition participants (pieces).

Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition for the volume of product exports (thousand US dollars);

The largest volume of product exports declared by one of the competition participants (thousand US dollars).

Appendix No. 2
to providing
from the federal budget subsidies
Russian organizations for compensation
part of the creation costs
scientific and technical groundwork for
development of basic technologies
priority production
electronic components and
radio-electronic equipment

the amount of penalties applied to Russian organizations that received subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment

1. The amount of penalties (thousand rubles) (A) is determined by the formula:


The achieved value of the i-th indicator (indicator) of the effectiveness of the implementation of a complex project specified in the subsidy agreement, as of the expiration date of the implementation of the complex project;

The planned value of the i-th indicator (indicator) of the effectiveness of the implementation of a complex project specified in the subsidy agreement;

The share of the application rating determined in accordance with the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on February 17, 2016. No. 109 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment”, according to the corresponding i-th indicator;

V - the amount of federal budget funds used by the organization as part of the implementation of a complex project at the end of the implementation period of such a project (thousand rubles).

2. The amount of penalties is proportional to the degree of non-achievement of indicators (indicators) of the effectiveness of the implementation of a complex project within the framework of the subprograms of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry for 2013 - 2025", specified in the subsidy agreement.

Document overview

Russian organizations of the electronic and radio-electronic industry are provided with subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electric equipment. We are talking about the costs of paying for work under R&D contracts in connection with the implementation of a complex project, for the production of prototypes, mock-ups and stands, the production of a pilot series of products and its testing, certification and (or) registration, etc.

The procedure for allocating funds has been established.

Subsidies are provided within the framework of subprograms of the Russian state program for the development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry for 2013-2025. Funds are allocated to organizations that have passed a competitive selection for complex projects whose implementation period does not exceed 5 years. In this case, the total cost of the project and the maximum annual subsidy amount for subprograms are as follows. For telecommunications equipment - up to 1.5 billion rubles. and no more than 300 million rubles, for computer equipment - up to 2.5 and no more than 400, for special technological equipment - up to 2 and no more than 300, for intelligent control systems - up to 1 billion rubles. and no more than 200 million rubles.

The competitive selection of projects is carried out in 2 stages. The first is a scientific and technical assessment of projects by an expert council created by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade. The second is the assessment of projects that have passed scientific and technical examination by the Ministry’s competition commission according to a number of criteria. The main ones are the volume of production and sales of import-substituting or innovative products, the number of newly created high-tech jobs, the number of patents and (or) production secrets (know-how), the implementation period of a complex project and the volume of exports of created products.
