How to sell online with the greatest profit: rules and recommendations. What and how is it better to sell through an online store? There are also products for which sales via the Internet are only partially carried out

New entrepreneurs on the Internet always face similar difficulties. This is a lack of sales or sales at a level that does not suit the entrepreneur. For any company, sales are a priority, because they are the goal of any business. Of course, a business has other tasks, but any company is founded in order to make a profit. When we start a company on the Internet, we immediately think, how quickly can we start selling?

Even at the stage of creating a full-fledged website, which will serve as our main communication tool, we can begin to build a plan for how we will sell our products. Moreover, today it is also possible to sell products even if you do not have your own website yet. In this case, you can gradually build a website and implement a marketing strategy using other tools. Below we will look at 5 basic tips for aspiring entrepreneurs on how to quickly start selling online?

Mailing services like Subscribe help you start your own mailing list, even if you don’t have your own website. But, of course, it is still desirable for it to be there. If you are running your own website, you can indicate in each newsletter the address of the website that users can access.

What should you write in your newsletter? You can and should write information in your newsletter that will interest your potential client. Anything that relates to your market and might be of interest to your audience. This should not be a complimentary advertisement for your product. It should be truly unique information that users will want to read.

What is the advantage of mailing? The newsletter on the service will be able to recruit subscribers on its own, provided that you have interesting content. The more interesting your content is, the more useful your notes are, the more readers you will have. Naturally, you can then transfer readers to the “clients” category.

Instead of a newsletter (if you don't understand how it works too well), you can also start a blog. For example, a blog in the same LiveJournal is still an excellent work tool and a means for attracting clientele, especially considering the fact that in LiveJournal there are many communities with real people who are interested in different things and products.

You can also actively use ad services and auction services. These two tools are the most effective in terms of quickly increasing sales using free tools. Place well-thought-out texts and high-quality photos on free ad services. This way you can increase your sales, literally right away. An important point: such services need to be used constantly, posting at least 5 ads a day. It will take about half an hour, but it can bring you a really big effect in sales.

3. Be creative. With the help of creativity, you can achieve a significant increase in sales. Creativity helps where large budgets do not, or rather, where they simply do not exist. If you need to quickly build a large audience reach and make sure a large number of people know about your project, then you should start developing creative content on the Internet. Creative includes banners, videos, texts, and infographics. Creativity can be used in any area of ​​advertising. Its peculiarity is that these are always some unusual and unique solutions that have not yet been on the market in the form you offer.

4. Learn to write texts quickly and efficiently. Writing texts on a certain topic is generally a useful skill, and it will be especially useful when increasing sales. You may need texts for newsletters, texts to fill your own website, texts for advertisements, and so on. The ability to quickly generate ideas for texts and quickly type the text itself is a great skill that will help you quickly increase your sales. When there are no sales at all, texts can help you.

How many letters have you written to your newsletter? How many texts have you posted as free advertisements? How many texts have you placed on your own website today? To promote your website quickly and sell a lot, you will have to learn to write a lot. Texts today still remain the priority type of content, despite the fact that video is actively developing. Learn to write texts quickly and efficiently - this will greatly help you in promoting your business.

5. Do everything efficiently. To sell quickly, you need to do many things well. A high-quality website and good advertisements on the website - all this will help you sell quickly and effectively. The fact is that the quality of many works plays an important role in increasing sales. The better your website is made, the better your ads, the greater percentage of people you will be able to interest. And here it doesn’t matter how many resources you invest in projects. Sometimes it may be a very small amount of money, but you may feel sorry for even that. This is logical if you have just opened your own company and every penny counts.

But try to understand that a project cannot be built without investing money. To stand out from other sites and untrustworthy online stores, you will have to work hard. If you yourself cannot create a visually high-quality website, then it is logical that you will have to pay for it. If you are not ready to pay for a website, then consider that you are not ready to pay at all to open your own business. Your website is exactly the same retail outlet as a store on the street. What would they tell you if you wanted to get this outlet for free?

6. Test sales tools. You will be able to sell much more if you track the results of using various marketing and advertising tools. Use several of the most effective tools in terms of sales level. This way you will save both time and money for your projects and will redirect resources only to where they are most effective.

7. . Another way to start selling your products quickly is to leverage the potential of other businesses. In other words, you can attract partners to sell more of your product. Sometimes this is difficult to do, most often precisely because your business has just started its existence. But this can be done, especially if you use personal connections and think through the benefits that the partner will receive from promoting your product. It must be beneficial for him.

Business development via the Internet is gaining momentum every year. However, anyone who wants to understand the art of making money from users of the World Wide Web is faced with the inevitable problem of needing start-up capital. Today you will learn how to open and promote your online business without investment and how to make your income depend only on your skills and ingenuity.

    • How does online business work?
    • What if there is no start-up capital?
    • Option two: mastering the art of the pen
    • Let's sum it up

How does online business work?

Of course, virtual marketing is very different from the concept of “business” that we are used to. There are completely different principles at work here, and such a business needs to be conducted in a completely different way.

How do we understand starting a business in the usual sense? This complex process is divided into the following stages:

  • Search for an idea;
  • Accumulation of start-up capital and search for investors;
  • Development of a development strategy;
  • Purchase of goods;
  • Getting started.
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Great. There is start-up capital - there is a conversation. Moreover, the more funds a novice businessman initially has in his hands, the more powerful an impetus he will be able to give to the business from the very beginning.

With internet marketing, things are a little different. Yes, start-up capital is usually needed. Be it renting the appropriate domain, hiring professional website developers, purchasing goods and advertising. But there are significantly fewer risks here: all you can lose is profit from the sale of the goods you purchased. You do not risk damaging the rented premises, falling into the clutches of the tax inspectorate, or encountering a criminal segment that will demand a large part of the profit from you.

However, as practice shows, a virtual business requires little investment, but a lot of time. In other words, if you are interested in such a business, a way to earn extra money in your free time is not for you. You need to weigh all the pros and cons, and only then should you start working on a strategy.

What if there is no start-up capital?

This is not an obstacle to developing your online business. Such a statement may seem absurd, but it is true: you can make money online without investing a penny. You will need to invest your strength, skills and, of course, time. The main thing is to get down to business seriously: develop a competent strategy, carefully think through the idea and start selling and work hard in the right direction.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money freelancing

To understand how you can organize your business without starting capital, let's think about what you can sell without investing money in either raw materials or the finished product, be it food, equipment or household items. For example, it makes sense to sell your creative works. Today, this is the most popular type of virtual business for those who do not want to risk their money.

Surely every home has a camera. It can be built into a phone or tablet, or be a separate device. After all, on sites where people give away unwanted items for free, you can always find an old digital camera. What are we talking about? And besides, selling photographs can be a good help for your own business. It is enough to read a couple of books on the art of photography and watch a series of video tutorials on working in Photoshop via the Internet. After this, you can safely open your own store via the Internet selling photographs, where you can offer people to download a series of their own photos in high resolution for a small price or provide photo color processing services.

What can you sell to make money?

It is believed that the average cost of processing one photo ranges from 100 to 200 rubles. At the same time, an experienced hand can perform this seemingly tricky procedure in just a couple of minutes.

Option two: mastering the art of the pen

Now you are reading an article that we hope will be interesting to you. Let's think about how this happens. A man picks up a laptop, opens a text editor and begins to create. What kind of investments occur on the part of the author himself? That's right, none. So why not start selling articles online, why not turn competently and interestingly written text into a product, albeit a virtual one?

Here is another idea for a business operating via the Internet. It is enough to learn to write cleanly, informatively and competently. And, if you master the skills of a professional author, which in itself is not that difficult, you can quickly start selling your works online. Moreover, texts can be posted both on already open platforms (etxt, advego), and you can organize your own.

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As for the average cost of a text, not only its quality is important, but also its volume. You can sell a thousand characters at a price from 10 to 100 rubles: this depends on the level of both the author himself and his articles. It is believed that to achieve an average level of performance skill, just a couple of months of hard work are enough: after that, the money begins to literally drip into your hands.

Let's sum it up

It turns out that the most popular idea for a business operating via the Internet is the sale of services and works that do not require raw materials, materials or special tools. This allows you to endlessly increase sales to unprecedented levels. You can sell not only photos and texts, but also provide translation services, problem solving, accounting, online tutoring and much more.

The main thing is not to despair; if you can’t sell a lot at once, no one achieves success quickly. But if you have enough patience, the business will definitely bring income, and you won’t have to strain to get a stable and decent income without investing any money or effort.

Want to know how to learn how to sell products and services online? Then this article is for you! In it we will try to collect and reveal the main secrets of successful sales via the Internet.

Internet representation on the Internet is your own virtual office where you can sell your product or your services.

Place information about your products on your website, create an opportunity for the user to view the product and place an order, and you will undoubtedly receive an influx of customers from the Internet.

Let's look at it in order.

The mental component of selling online.

So, there are several stages that a visitor goes through before he becomes your client.

We distinguish 4 main stages:

  1. It is necessary to capture the client's attention.
  2. Talk about the product from a favorable point of view.
  3. Create a desire to buy a product.
  4. Complete the transaction by selling the product.

The stages work only comprehensively and in strict sequence.

The difficulty with selling online is that your potential buyer is far away from you and does not have the opportunity to try, touch or test the product.

He has to rely on your arguments and customer feedback. Therefore, your task is to convince the client that he should buy this particular product and from you.

The first stage is to capture the client's attention.

Bright and eye-catching headlines will help you.
Competition on the Internet is very high.
You have only a few seconds to attract attention and interest the client; if you fail to use them wisely, the client will leave for your competitors.

The second stage of sales is positioning your product.

You need to tell and show the client all the best and strengths of your product. The more accurately you describe its benefits, the greater your chances of moving on to the third stage. The customer will undoubtedly have a question about why he should buy this product. And no one except you, a specialist in this field, can answer him better.

You, unlike the client, are professionally versed and well-versed in your products. Consumers most often do not know all the intricacies of the product, therefore, your task is to tell as comprehensively as possible about the qualities and benefits of the product that you are going to sell.

Imagine your client is Homer Simpson. He expects you to tell him everything, explain it and sort it out. All this is necessary to arouse the client’s interest and desire to buy this product now and immediately!

The third stage – we create a desire in the client to buy, now and immediately!

The time has come when your customer is already thinking about buying your product. You have already caught him in your net, captured attention and presented your product in the most favorable conditions. Now is the time to make the customer want to own this product.

Here you can use the following technique - product presentation. Give the person the opportunity to see the product in action. Try to involve the person in the process, making him feel like the owner of this product. Provided that the first two stages have been completed 100%, the client himself will want to buy the product.

The fourth and final stage is sale.

Many deals fail because the seller did not persuade the client to buy. Please note that many sites have bright and eye-catching “Buy” and “Order” buttons. Help the client make the right decision!

The emotional component of texts plays an important role. Fill the site with video presentations and selling texts, do not hesitate to add emotions to the text.

Don’t write “This method will increase your income.” Well, it will increase, so what? The question immediately arises, how much will it increase? Or maybe not by much? Write “This method will increase your income to 150 thousand per month!” - this is a tempting offer, after such an offer you want to read the article further.

Tools you need to organize online sales:

  • Promoted optimized website
  • Convenient online store with the function of selecting and ordering goods
  • Email newsletters
  • Selling pages
  • Unique Selling Proposition

This is the key to success in online sales.

It is important that all stages are interconnected, from filling the site to the order button or feedback form.

We hope you found the article useful and interesting!

Global e-commerce market revenue in 2017 was $1.468 trillion. At the same time, the leader in the e-commerce market is China with an income of $496.8 billion. The second and third places are occupied by the USA ($421.1 billion) and Japan ($96.7 billion). And only then come European countries: Great Britain ($95.1 billion) and Germany ($63.4 billion). In Russia, this figure amounted to 1 trillion Russian rubles, which is equivalent to $16.59 billion.

According to the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade (MART), In Belarus, income from online trading is $568 million, but in the total retail volume this is only 2,8% . For comparison, in neighboring Ukraine 3% of all goods are purchased online, in Russia – 4%. And in China, the share of online purchases already exceeds 19%.

According to MARCH estimates, at the beginning of 2018 44% of Belarusians buy goods in online stores. At the same time, 21% of buyers order goods from China, 11% from Russia. The remaining 68% of buyers purchase goods only in Belarusian online stores and marketplaces. 83% of consumers choose foreign online stores because they are cheaper; 39% - because there are goods there that are not in Belarus; 17% - because they trust foreign stores more than Belarusian ones.

According to experts, in 2017, turnover in e-commerce in Belarus increased by 25% compared to the previous year. According to experts, in 2018 the e-commerce market will grow by 20% and by the end of the year will exceed 1.3 billion rubles or $681 million, provided that no new legislative restrictions are imposed on the online trading industry this year.


These studies show that, despite economic crises and a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, the e-commerce market is growing both in Belarus and throughout the world.

Moreover, the growth of the e-commerce market in Belarus (25%) exceeds the growth rate of e-commerce in China (24%), and even more so in developed countries: the USA (13%), Japan (10%), Great Britain (10%) and Germany (11%). And this indicates great prospects for the development of e-commerce in Belarus and the need for offline retailers, manufacturers, local businesses, artisans and aspiring entrepreneurs to go online.

If you want to have a profitable business in the field of trade or production, then, in the current reality, it will be very difficult to achieve this without online sales. There are many reasons for this.

  1. The number of Internet users is constantly growing and will soon approach its limit in all developed countries of the world. Already, as of the beginning of 2018, according to statistics, there are more than 95% of Internet users in Germany, the UK and the USA. In Belarus, currently 67.4% of the country's population are Internet users.
  2. The penetration of mobile devices into our lives has influenced the growth of “shopping on the go” from anywhere in the world. People value their time more and more and do not want to waste it waiting in lines at the cash register. They manage to buy necessary things online in a traffic jam, during a lunch break, or in their free time before bed, when all offline sales points have long been closed.

By the way, this is why all modern Internet sites must have a mobile version of the site or a mobile application that provides ease of shopping. In addition, already 10% of Americans buy goods using a voice assistant!

  1. Online sales are constantly growing. The growth is due to the creation of new businesses, the access to the Internet of offline players in the b2c and b2b segments, who are also actively starting to sell their goods wholesale and retail via the Internet.
  2. Online stores are driving customers away from offline points of sale, gradually winning a share of the income of all retail. With the improvement of service quality, simplification of legislation for online stores and the development of delivery services, this share will actively grow.
  3. Different categories of buyers (b2b, b2c and c2c) it is becoming increasingly convenient to search for information about goods and services online. This is due to the growing number of Internet users and the entry of a large number of sellers into the field of e-commerce.
  4. Globalization means that distances and languages ​​are no longer barriers to international trade. Online translators and language versions of online stores localize a website page in a second, translating texts, units of measurement and monetary currencies into those familiar to the user, so that it is convenient for a buyer from anywhere in the world to place an order.
  5. Today, almost any product can be delivered to any country in the world. The availability of various types of delivery from postal and courier to self-pickup from parcel terminals provides the buyer with a choice of a convenient method of delivering goods. Pickup from parcel terminals is becoming increasingly popular, as it does not force the buyer to communicate with the seller or stand in line at the post office.

Parcel machines arrived in Belarus a little over a year ago. In February 2017, postal machines of RUE Belpochta began operating for independent receipt of registered postal items, and in May 2017, a network of self-pickup points for orders from Russian PickPoint online stores with their own parcel terminals opened in Belarus.

  1. The Internet provides sellers with a huge number of tools to attract, retain and stimulate potential buyers to sell. inaccessible to offline channels. This includes retargeting, instant messengers, blog platforms and social networks, sites with coupons, bonus programs, mobile applications and many other mechanisms that ensure continuous contact with potential buyers.

  1. For modern shoppers, the ability to order goods online is increasingly the deciding factor when making a purchase. The presence of a brand on the Internet inspires user confidence in the company and helps them make a choice in favor of a particular seller.
  2. Having an online presence allows a business to remain competitive in today's market. If you don't have an online presence, your competitors are stealing potential consumers of your products and services.
  3. Increasingly, online payments and electronic money are used to pay in online stores. If you cannot provide an online payment option, you are losing a customer, especially for payments from abroad.

Therefore, it is legally established that the website of an online store must have at least one online payment method protected by a secure data transfer algorithm.

  1. The profitability of offline points of sale decreases if they do not have an online presence. This could be an online storefront or an account on the marketplace. Moreover, it is important that all points online and offline are connected with each other by a single database of customers and warehouse stocks to ensure coordinated work and quality service.


Thus, having an online presence will give your business:

  1. The opportunity to be found by a huge audience of potential buyers located all over the world.
  2. New tools for promoting business, manufactured goods, services and interaction with clients, new sales.

3. Select and buy a domain name

To trade in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the website of the online store must be located on Belarusian hosting and be in the domain zone .by or .bel.

4. Create an online store or online storefront

The site itself can be rented or developed on the basis.

The legislation of Belarus obliges all entrepreneurs selling goods on the Internet to have an online store website or online storefront for legitimate online trading. Unlike online store, which is not required to have an offline retail outlet, and can perform all transactions online, on the website online storefronts you can view products available offline, but It is impossible to add items to the cart, checkout and pay online. As a rule, on online storefront sites, instead of a shopping cart, there is a feedback form that allows you to submit a request for a subsequent offline retail or wholesale purchase of the product of interest. You can read more about creating an online store website.

5. Register an online store

According to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, online stores must be registered in the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus and the State Register of Information Networks, Systems and Resources. In order for an online store not to be denied registration, you need to comply with everything.

It is not necessary to register online storefronts in the Trade Register.

6. Create a product catalog

Based on the chosen niche and the range of products from the found suppliers, you need to create a product catalog for your online store. You will find a guide on our blog.

7. Promote the products offered on marketplaces

To obtain a wider reach of buyers, it is recommended to place goods and services not only on your website, but also on third-party resources: (marketplaces).

8. Set up contextual advertising

9. Engage in search engine promotion of the site and create content useful for potential buyers

High positions in search engines will bring you targeted buyers from search engines, and high-quality content will inspire confidence in the resource and a desire to buy from you.

10. Promote your business, products and services on social networks

Selling your products through social networks is allowed if you have an offline point or online store. Social networks provide online stores with commercial accounts, through which they allow business owners to more easily track visits and orders from social network pages.

11. Set up targeted advertising and retargeting

Social networks and search engines provide marketers with comprehensive information about users, which can be used to find their potential audience and target advertising only to them, so as not to waste their advertising budget.

12. Post information about products on private classifieds websites

Bulletin boards and online auctions on the Internet are extremely popular and can also become a constant and inexpensive source of sales.

13. Build and optimize business processes

And determining whether they will be needed at the very beginning of business development is also very important. After all, no one wants to hire a courier and pay him for downtime during the first month of an online store’s operation.

What do you need to consider when starting to sell online?

The main mistake of beginners in the field of e-commerce is that they spend all resources not on content, advertising and service, but on the expensive development of the design and functionality of the site.

There is no point in investing in a fancy website when:

  • No market knowledge;
  • There is no sense of niche;
  • No experience with online advertising tools;
  • No experience or analytics of online sales;
  • No skills in working with online audiences;
  • There is no understanding of the needs and pains of the target audience.
  • Business processes are not built.

With this approach, you will most likely end up wasting time, money and disappointment.

Therefore, at the start you need to invest money and time in studying:

  • Presence format and promotion strategy of current and potential competitors;
  • Possible options for creating online representations of your business (Internet sites) that are optimally suited to achieving your goals;
  • Available tools for online advertising, promotion and online sales that provide quick results and feedback: context in search engines, targeting in social networks, placement on trading platforms;
  • Established behavioral stereotypes of potential b2b and b2c buyers;
  • The needs of your target audience;
  • Planning and building a sales and service scheme;
  • Online and offline channels that users use to search for information and order online.


Useful content solving the problems of the target audience, and quality of service at all stages of interaction in your business - here are the main drivers for attracting customers and successful sales.

If you have high-quality photos, live videos, useful texts and real reviews on your website, then your product will be bought even at an inflated price.

But whether they will return for a second order will depend on the service: the ordering process, communication with the manager, the availability of payment and delivery options, contact with the courier, the condition of the packaging and the quality of the product itself. If you safely guide the buyer through all stages of the purchase, then the grateful buyer will return to you more than once and bring more of his friends.

Useful and necessary information for starting sales has already been collected in groups on social networks.

Explore, open online storefronts or online stores and sell more!
