Labor protection instructions for pumping unit operators. Water supply operator Job descriptions for pump station operator

The issue was approved by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31/3-30
(as amended:
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 10/12/1987 N 618/28-99, dated 12/18/1989 N 416/25-35, dated 05/15/1990 N 195/7-72, dated 06/22/1990 N 248/10-28,
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 N 60, dated 02/11/1993 N 23, dated 07/19/1993 N 140, dated 06/29/1995 N 36, dated 06/01/1998 N 20, dated 05/17/2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2007 N 497, dated October 20, 2008 N 577, dated April 17, 2009 N 199)

Pumping unit operator

§ 208. Pumping unit operator (2nd category)

Characteristics of work. Maintenance of pumping units equipped with piston and centrifugal pumps with a total capacity of up to 1000 cubic meters. m/h of water, acids, alkalis, pulp and other non-viscous liquids, and pumping units for pumping oil, fuel oil, resin, etc. with pump capacity up to 100 cubic meters. m/h. Maintenance of pumps, pumping units in the field and on construction sites, as well as wellpoint installations with pump capacity up to 100 cubic meters. m/h each. Maintenance of vacuum pump installations for degassing coal mines with a total pump capacity of up to 6000 cubic meters. m/h of methane-air mixture. Production of gas measurements. Regulation of the supply of water, oil and other pumped liquids. Draining and pumping of oil and fuel oil from tanks and barges. Heating of liquid fuel when draining and supplying it to the place of storage or consumption. Purge of oil pipelines. Monitoring the condition of filters and cleaning them. Grinnel net maintenance. Performing simple electrical work at a substation under the guidance of a more highly qualified driver. Maintenance of power and lighting electrical installations with simple switching circuits. Identifying and troubleshooting equipment problems. Maintaining journal entries about the operation of installations. Perform routine repairs and participate in more complex types of equipment repairs.

Must know: the principle of operation of centrifugal, piston pumps and other equipment of pumping units; physical and chemical properties of water, oil and other pumped liquids, as well as gas; characteristics of pumps and drives to them; permissible loads during their operation; communication diagrams of pumping units, location of shut-off valves and safety devices; methods for troubleshooting equipment in pumping units; rules for maintenance and switching of pipelines of greenel networks; types and brands of oils used; lubrication system of installations; basics of electrical engineering; operating principle of the electrical equipment being serviced; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions (when servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group II) and fire protection.

§ 209. Pumping unit operator (3rd category)

(as amended by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 1993 N 140)

Characteristics of work. Maintenance of pumping units equipped with piston and centrifugal pumps with a total capacity of over 1000 to 3000 cubic meters. m/h of water, pulp and other non-viscous liquids, and pumping units for pumping oil, fuel oil, tar, etc. with a total pump capacity of over 100 to 500 cubic meters. m/h. Maintenance of pumps and pumping units in the field, on construction sites and at industrial water intakes with a capacity of each pump or unit over 100 to 1000 cubic meters. m/h of water and wellpoint installations with pump capacity from over 100 to 600 cubic meters. m/h each. Maintenance of vacuum pumping units for degassing coal mines with a total pump capacity of over 6,000 to 18,000 cubic meters. m/h of methane-air mixture. Starting and stopping motors and pumps. Maintaining a given pressure of pumped liquids (gas), monitoring the uninterrupted operation of pumps, engines and fittings of the serviced pipeline section. Maintenance of power and lighting electrical installations up to 1000 V. Performing simple electrical work at a substation. Load regulation of the electrical equipment of the site (substation). Identification and elimination of deficiencies in the operation of serviced equipment of installations, including power and lighting electrical networks, electrical circuits of process equipment. Maintaining technical records and reporting on the operation of pumping equipment. Performing routine repairs of pumping equipment and participating in medium and major repairs.

Must know: design and purpose of pumping equipment; installation of piston and centrifugal pumps for pumping liquids (gas); rules for operation and repair of serviced equipment; diagrams of air ducts, suction and discharge pipelines and control devices; design of clinkers and filters; basics of electrical engineering, hydraulics and mechanics; ways to troubleshoot equipment and eliminate accidents; purpose and use of instrumentation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions (when servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group II) and fire protection.

§ 210. Pumping unit operator (4th category)

(as amended by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 1993 N 140)

Characteristics of work. Maintenance of pumping stations (substations, installations) equipped with pumps and pipe pumps of various systems with a total capacity of over 3,000 to 10,000 cubic meters. m/h of water, pulp and other non-viscous liquids. Starting, regulating the operating mode and stopping motors and pumps. Maintenance of pumps and pumping units in the field and on construction sites with a pump capacity of over 1000 to 3000 cubic meters. m/h of water each and wellpoint and vacuum pumping units with a pump capacity of over 600 cubic meters. m/h each. Maintenance of pumps and pumping units in coal mines with a total pump capacity of over 18,000 cubic meters. m/h of methane-air mixture. Monitoring the provision of a given pressure of liquid, gas and pulp in the network of the serviced area. Maintenance of transformer substations under the guidance of a more highly qualified driver. Identification and troubleshooting of pumping equipment, including electric motors and electrical circuits of process equipment. Maintenance of power and lighting electrical installations over 1000 V. Performing electrical work of medium complexity. Load regulation of the electrical equipment of the site (substation). Preparation of defect reports for repairs.

Must know: device and design features of centrifugal, piston pumps, vacuum pumps and pipe pumps of various systems; design and location of outer chambers, pipelines, grids, wells and instrumentation; electrical engineering, hydraulics and mechanics; installation of serviced electric motors, direct and alternating current generators, transformers, switchgear equipment, electrical networks and electrical appliances; rules for starting and stopping all pumping equipment; methods for troubleshooting equipment and eliminating accidents; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions (when servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group III) and fire protection.

§ 211. Pumping unit operator (5th category)

(as amended by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 1993 N 140)

Characteristics of work. Maintenance of pumping stations (substations, installations) equipped with pumps and pipe pumps of various systems with a total capacity of over 10,000 to 15,000 cubic meters. m/h of water, pulp and other non-viscous liquids. Maintenance of pumps and pumping units in the field, on construction sites and at industrial water intakes with a pump capacity of over 3000 to 5000 cubic meters. m/h each. Maintenance of transformer substations. Monitoring and control of the uninterrupted operation of drive motor pumps, fittings and pipelines of the serviced area, as well as the fluid pressure in the network. Maintenance of a cooling tower for cooling circulating water. Inspection and regulation of complex pumping equipment, water pressure devices, instrumentation, automation and safety devices. Identification and elimination of complex defects in the operation of pumping units.

Must know: arrangement and design of equipment for high-power pumping units equipped with engines, pumps and pipe pumps of various systems; design and layout of outer chambers, wells, pipelines and filters; water supply schedule for the serviced area; methods of protecting electrical equipment from overvoltage; rules for carrying out work without removing voltage from electrical networks; device, purpose and use of complex instrumentation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions (when servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group IV) and fire protection.

§ 211a. Pumping unit operator (6th category)

(introduced by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 1993 N 140)

Characteristics of work. Maintenance of pumping stations (substations, installations) equipped with pumps and pipe pumps of various systems with a total capacity of over 15,000 cubic meters. m/h of water and pulp. Maintenance of pumps and pumping units in the field, on construction sites and at industrial water intakes with a capacity of over 5000 cubic meters. m/h of water each. Monitoring the uninterrupted operation of drive motor pumps, fittings and pipelines of the serviced area, as well as water pressure in the network. Inspection and regulation of particularly complex pumping equipment, water pressure devices, control devices, automation and safety devices. Identification and elimination of the most complex defects in pumping units. Inspection and load testing of repaired equipment. Maintenance of power and lighting installations. Replacement of control and measuring instruments. Maintenance of electrical equipment with automatic process control. Checking and troubleshooting electrical equipment.

Must know: arrangement and design of equipment for high-power pumping units equipped with engines, pumps and pipe pumps of various systems; design and layout of outer chambers, wells, pipelines and filters; automation and telemechanics of serviced equipment; methods of testing serviced equipment; a complete electrical diagram of the serviced facility (area); adjustment and repair of instrumentation and automatic control devices; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions (when servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group V) and fire protection.

This job description has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General provisions

1.1. The position "Pumping unit operator of the 3rd category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete general secondary education and vocational education without work experience requirements or complete general secondary education and vocational training in production. Advanced training and work experience as a 2nd category pumping unit operator - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- structure of piston and centrifugal pumps for pumping water, liquid fuel and other liquids;
- diagrams of air ducts, suction and discharge pipelines and control devices;
- design of clinkets and filters;
- basic knowledge of electrical engineering, hydraulics and mechanics;
- ways to troubleshoot equipment operation and eliminate accidents;
- purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation;
- procedure and rules for keeping records of the operation of installations.

1.4. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The pumping unit operator of the 3rd category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. A pump installation operator of the 3rd category supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During his absence, a pumping unit operator of the 3rd category is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Serves pumping units equipped with piston and centrifugal pumps with a total flow of more than 1000 to 3,000 m3/h of water, pulp and other non-viscous liquids, and pumping units for pumping oil, fuel oil, tar and other viscous liquids with a total flow of over 50 t/h.

2.2. Serves pumps and pumping units in the field and on construction sites with each pump or unit supplying over 100 to 1000 m3/h of water and wellpoint units with pumping flowing over 100 to 600 m3/h each.

2.3. Serves vacuum pump installations for degassing coal mines with a total supply of over 6000 m3/h to 18000 m3/h of methane-air mixture.

2.4. Starts and stops motors and pumps.

2.5. Maintains the specified pressure of water and other pumped liquids, controls the continuous operation of pumps, motors and fittings of the pipeline section that is being serviced.

2.6. Identifies and eliminates defects in equipment operation.

2.7. Maintains technical records and reporting on the operation of installations.

2.8. Performs routine repairs of pumping equipment and participates in medium and major repairs.

2.9. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.10. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. A 3rd grade pumping unit operator has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A pump installation operator of the 3rd category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of job duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category has the right to familiarize himself with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to perform his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of job duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. The operator of pumping units of the 3rd category is responsible for failure to comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. A 3rd category pumping unit operator is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category is responsible for failure to comply or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The operator of pumping units of the 3rd category is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The operator of pumping units of the 3rd category is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

Large pumping stations, even fully automated ones, still require the participation of maintenance personnel. The responsibilities of a pumping unit operator include not so much total control over the process of equipment operation, but rather its maintenance in working condition.
Which components and assemblies require the closest attention? Which stations are controlled from a centralized control center, and which require the direct participation of a specialist?
In this article we will give answers to these questions, and also tell you what the operator’s instructions for pumping units look like.

Supervision of pumping station operation

Any water supply and sewerage structure, which includes and, requires scheduled preventive inspections and repairs. The responsibility for this falls on the enterprise or individual in whose jurisdiction the object is located.

  • As a responsible person, a pumping unit operator is assigned to the pumping station, whose job description defines his responsibilities. The actions of the maintenance personnel are aimed, first of all, at ensuring stable operation of the station and the operating mode of its equipment, which allows saving resources.

Here are the specialists who service facilities equipped with automatic control stations, operating without a driver on duty, or controlled centrally from a control room:

  • Responsible persons are required to visually inspect the equipment daily, noting instrument readings in a special journal. Although, today there is also automation that is equipped with recording devices and independently records the operating parameters of the equipment.
  • As for routine maintenance inspections aimed at preventing premature wear of equipment, and as a result, emergency situations, there are certain deadlines.
  • They are usually installed by the manufacturer of a particular unit or device. Equipment defects discovered during inspection must be immediately eliminated, and a corresponding entry must be made in the log.

The frequency of inspection of operating equipment is as follows:

  • Vortex, screw and - once every 3 months
  • Compressors - once every 2 months
  • Measuring instruments - once a year
  • Water meters - once every 2 years
  • Shut-off valves – 2 times a year
  • Pipelines - 4 times a year

Preventative maintenance is required not only for industrial equipment, but also for household equipment. Therefore, if you have a pump in your well, or a pumping station is installed in the basement of your house, do not force them to wear out.
Most men can carry out inspections and minor repairs with their own hands - if only there were instructions.

Maintenance personnel for pumping stations

More powerful objects than those mentioned in the table, or installations not equipped with automation, require the constant presence of a specialist. Moreover, he must undergo appropriate training and receive a document confirming the qualification assigned to him.
Next, we will talk about what the operating instructions for a pumping unit operator look like, and the video in this article will help us with this.

  • In our country there is a basic document: ETKS (Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book). It lists all existing professions and the qualification requirements for them. ETKS is reviewed and updated annually, and all job descriptions at enterprises are drawn up in accordance with it.

  • As for pumping unit operators, ETKS provides for several degrees of qualification: from the second to the sixth category. The higher the productivity of the pumping station, the higher the category of its operating personnel should be.
    In accordance with the rank assigned to a specialist, he is also paid a salary.
  • In general terms, the job description for a pumping unit operator looks like this. He must know not only the principles of operation of pumps of various designs and drives to them, but also communication diagrams, permissible loads on them during operation, methods for eliminating problems and emergency situations.
  • The operator must also have certain knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of the pumped liquids, know the classification and brands of oils used for equipment. In addition, he must master the basics of electrical engineering, understand how not only pumping, but also electrical equipment functions: motors, compressors, starting protection devices, etc.
  • Fire protection, occupational safety and health measures are also an integral part of personnel training. Any pumping station operator should have this knowledge. As for the characteristics of the work of a person who has one or another rank, the situation is as follows.
  • The lowest qualification is for a 2nd category driver. It can only operate on an installation with a total flow of 1000 m3/hour.
    This applies not only to water, but also to chemical and non-viscous food liquids. For example, for oil, this criterion is much lower - not 1000, but 100 m3/hour.
  • A driver with a 2nd category must be able to perform simple electrical work and maintain electrical and power installations. For pumping equipment, he must identify and troubleshoot problems and take part in routine repairs.
  • Installations with a productivity in the range of 1000 - 3000 m3/hour must be serviced by a 3rd category driver. Further, in increasing order: 4th category – stations with a capacity of 3000-10000 m3/hour; 5 category – 10000-15000 m3/hour; 6th category – over 15000 m3/hour.

Finally, it should be said that persons under the age of majority are not allowed to work as pumping unit operators.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Personnel who have passed a medical examination, safety instructions, training under the “Pump Station Operator” program and have qualification group I in electrical safety, as well as those who have passed:

On-the-job training;

Fire safety briefing;

Electrical safety instructions.

1.2. Testing the operator's knowledge of the rules for safe maintenance of centrifugal pumps should be carried out annually by enterprise commissions.

1.3. The driver must know:

Purpose and design and principle of operation of pumping units;

Effect of hazardous and harmful production factors on workers;

Industrial sanitation requirements;

Location of first aid kits.

1.4. The driver must:

Perform only the work included in his duties;

Monitor compliance with safety requirements during operation of pumping units;

Undergo periodic medical control in accordance with Order No. 90 of March 14. 1996

1.5. The driver must use the following personal protective equipment in his work:

Cotton suit;

Combined mittens;

Leather boots.

1.6. The pump operator must perform only the work assigned by the work manager.

1.7. The driver’s workplace and passages must be systematically cleared of debris, and in winter from snow and ice, sprinkled with sand or ash, the workplace must be well lit.

1.8. The coupling halves connecting the pump to the electric motor must be protected by a casing.

1.9. The housing of the electric motor, switch, and starting device must be grounded.

1.10. The driver must comply with:

Internal labor regulations, especially regarding the prohibition of being intoxicated at the workplace;

Fire safety rules;

Be able to provide assistance to victims of accidents.

1.11. The worker must know that if the requirements of the instructions are violated, he is liable in accordance with current legislation.

2.Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. The driver taking over the shift must check:

¨ serviceability of suction and discharge pipelines;

¨ instrument readings, their serviceability;

¨ temperature of bearings, presence of lubricant, sufficiency of tightening of gland seals;

¨ no vibration of the pump and motor;

¨ serviceability of the starting device;

¨ presence and serviceability of grounding of electric motors.

2.2. Before starting the pump, it is necessary to remove foreign objects from it; after making sure that the pump is in good working order, the driver starts starting the pump. Next, turn on the vacuum pump, and when the vacuum gauge shows 0.5 kg/cm 2, turn on the main pump. After making sure that the main centrifugal pump is operating normally, stop the vacuum pump.

3.Safety requirements during operation

3.1. The driver must ensure:

a) for the correct and normal operation of the pumps;

b) monitor the readings of instrumentation and control equipment;

c) when operating a pump with an electric motor, in order to avoid electric shock, the operator is prohibited from touching live parts, even insulated ones;

d) systematically check the heating of parts of the pump and electric motor;

e) check the presence of oil every 6 months.

4.Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. The pump must be stopped in the following cases:

  • if you hear shocks, impacts, or grinding sounds in the pump or electric motor;
  • if there is a burning smell and high temperature of the bearings (more than 75°C);
  • with abnormal shaking and vibration;
  • when the grounding is broken.

4.2. If you are injured, call an ambulance and notify your supervisor.

5.Safety requirements upon completion of work

5.1. The pump operator is obliged to:

The power supply to the pump will be turned off; the knocking sound of the closing check valve indicates that the pump has stopped properly; the absence of a knocking sound from the closing check valve and the spontaneous rotation of the pump shaft in the opposite direction after it is turned off indicates a stuck check valve. If after repeated switching on of the pump and tapping on the valve body. If the valve does not close, close the valve on the discharge pipe of the switched off pump. After closing the valve, spontaneous rotation of the pump should stop;

Check all parts of the pump;

When working in shifts, pass the shift according to the log and inform the shift worker about production comments and malfunctions;

5.2. Change clothes, wash your hands, face or shower.

Inspection and regulation of complex pumping equipment, water pressure devices, instrumentation, automation and safety devices. Identification and elimination of complex defects in the operation of pumping units. Must know: the structure and design of equipment for high-power pumping units equipped with engines, pumps and pipe pumps of various systems; design and layout of outer chambers, wells, pipelines and filters; water supply schedule for the serviced area; methods of protecting electrical equipment from overvoltage; rules for carrying out work without removing voltage from electrical networks; device, purpose and use of complex instrumentation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions (when servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group IV) and fire protection. § 211a.

Job description for pumping unit operator of the 4th category

  • Monitoring the uninterrupted operation of drive motor pumps, fittings and pipelines of the serviced area, as well as water pressure in the network.
  • Inspection and regulation of particularly complex pumping equipment, water pressure devices, control devices, automation and safety devices.
  • Identification and elimination of the most complex defects in pumping units.
  • Inspection and load testing of repaired equipment.
  • Maintenance of power and lighting installations.
  • Replacement of control and measuring instruments.
  • Maintenance of electrical equipment with automatic process control.
  • Checking and troubleshooting electrical equipment.
  • III.

Pumping unit operator: ETCS requirements

Must know: the design and purpose of pumping equipment; installation of piston and centrifugal pumps for pumping liquids (gas); rules for operation and repair of serviced equipment; diagrams of air ducts, suction and discharge pipelines and control devices; design of clinkers and filters; basics of electrical engineering, hydraulics and mechanics; ways to troubleshoot equipment and eliminate accidents; purpose and use of instrumentation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions (when servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group II) and fire protection. § 210. Operator of pumping units (4th category) (as amended by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 1993 N 140) Characteristics of work.

General provisions

For all social guarantees provided for by law. 3.2. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights. 3.3. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.



Payment of additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an industrial accident and occupational disease. 3.5. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities. 3.6. Submit proposals for improvement of the organization and methods of work performed by the enterprise management for consideration.


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Responsibility The pumping unit operator is responsible for:

  1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s official duties as provided for in this Job Description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

See other articles in the Job Descriptions section. Read and write useful comments on this article.

Pumping unit operator

  • Must know:
  • arrangement and design of equipment for high-power pumping units equipped with engines, pumps and pipe pumps of various systems;
  • design and layout of outer chambers, wells, pipelines and filters;
  • automation and telemechanics of serviced equipment;
  • methods of testing serviced equipment;
  • a complete electrical diagram of the serviced facility (area);
  • adjustment and repair of control and measuring instruments and automatic control devices;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions (when servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group V) and fire protection.

Occupational safety instructions for the operator of a sewage pumping station

A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category is hired and dismissed from work by order. (position of the head of the organization) 1.4. A pumping unit operator of the 3rd category must know: - the design and purpose of pumping equipment; — arrangement of piston and centrifugal pumps for pumping liquids (gas); — rules for operation and repair of serviced equipment; — diagrams of air ducts, suction and discharge pipelines and control devices; — design of clinkers and filters; — fundamentals of electrical engineering, electrical engineering, hydraulics and mechanics; — ways to troubleshoot equipment and eliminate accidents; — purpose and use of instrumentation; — rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions (when servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group II) and fire protection. 2.
Domestic monitors Domestic devices Domestic radios Domestic radios Domestic amplifiers Domestic color TVs Domestic black and white TVs Domestic electrophones BONUSES: AT YOUR LEISURE: Interactive flash games Online games Your stories Riddles for adults and children Did you know that... Visual illusions Fun puzzles Catalog Vivasan Palindromes Rubik's cube challenge LIFE STORIES LINKS ADD TO BOOKMARKS Leave a review about the site DIAGRAM© 2000-2018 Design and support: Alexander Kuznetsov Technical support: Mikhail Bulakh Programming: Danil Monchukin Marketing: Tatyana Anastasyeva Translation: Natalya Kuznetsova Contacts When using site materials, a link to is required in Ukraine Job Description for Pumping Unit Operator Handbook / Occupational Safety and Health / Job Descriptions Comments on Article I.


Responsibilities of a pumping unit operator The productivity of the process depends on the correctness of the employee’s actions. A timely response to an accident or breakdown allows you to avoid quite costly consequences. The operator of pumping units is responsible for the following: - preparatory work before starting and stopping; - ensuring the specified mode; - inspecting the unit for preventive purposes; - carrying out repairs; - replacing spare parts.

An employee, like a truck crane operator, must be able to use hand tools, automatic tools and instrumentation. The worker is obliged to follow the rules and instructions that are prescribed in regulatory and methodological documents and comply with safety regulations.

Responsibilities of the operator of pumping units at the KNS station

Don’t turn it on - people are working”; — constantly monitor the serviceability of grounding, the presence and serviceability of protective equipment against electric shock; - floors, stairs and staircases must be dry and clean; — ensure that recesses, staircases, bridges and service platforms, open parts of electrical equipment shafts have guards; - ensure that all valves, gate valves and taps are in good working order and equipped with indicators for the direction of rotation; their maintenance must be accessible and safe; - maintain established order, cleanliness of equipment, station premises, smoke only in designated areas; — if a fire occurs on electrical equipment, it is necessary to turn off the voltage and extinguish it with dry sand or a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. Extinguishing with water is prohibited.
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Order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR of May 14, 1984 No. 221 “On the approval and implementation of standard instructions on labor protection” I order: 1. To approve and enter into force from September 1, 1984, agreed with the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Local Industrial Workers and municipal enterprises Standard instructions on labor protection for drivers of water supply and sewerage pumping stations, chlorination plant operators, mechanics for emergency repair work of sewer networks. 2. Heads of water supply and sewerage enterprises, in relation to local conditions, based on the approved Standard Instructions, develop labor protection instructions for workers in the above professions.
3. The Main Computing Center (Comrade Fursik) to publish in the third quarter. this year the specified Instructions in a circulation of 350 copies. 4.
