HR Director position requirements. Positive characteristics of the Deputy General Director for Human Resources (example sample). Deputy Director for Human Resources

Standard job description for HR director for legal entities. The instructions are necessary for both large organizations and outsourcing agencies. The job description describes the general provisions, main job responsibilities, rights, and responsibilities of the HR director.

Job Description of the HR Director (HR Director)


General manager

Last name I.O. ________________

"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. An employee in the position of HR Director is classified as a manager and is accepted and dismissed by order of the General Director.

1.2. The HR Director is subordinate to the CEO of the company.

1.3. During the absence of the HR Director (vacation, illness and other valid reasons), his job responsibilities are transferred to a deputy appointed in the prescribed manner.

1.4. In his work activities, the HR Director is guided by labor legislation and other regulations relating to labor and social development issues, labor safety rules and regulations, the company's charter, orders and instructions of the General Director, as well as this job description.
1.5. A person with a higher professional education and work experience in the field of organization and personnel management of at least 3 years has the right to be appointed to the position of HR Director.
1.8. The HR director must know:

  • labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • legislation, legal, regulatory and other acts relating to the work performed by him and/or his department;
  • modern trends and concepts of personnel management;
  • plans and strategy for the development of the organization, set tasks and goals;
  • organization structure, current staffing and staffing needs;
  • technologies and methods of personnel selection, testing and adaptation;
  • forms and methods of remuneration, personnel motivation systems;
  • technologies and principles of organizing the compensation system in the company;
  • methods of assessment, testing and certification of personnel;
  • forms and methods of training, development and advanced training of personnel;
  • document flow in the field of personnel records management;
  • the procedure for compiling, recording and storing reporting requirements for the movement of personnel;
  • methods and means of processing data and information using modern technical means;
  • basics of entrepreneurship, market economics and business;
  • theoretical and practical foundations of management and marketing;
  • fundamentals of psychology and sociology of labor, as well as ethics of business communication and business correspondence;
  • rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, fire safety, as well as industrial hygiene and sanitation.

1.9. The HR director must be able to:

  • analyze the current state of the labor market and forecast the company’s need for personnel;
  • organize the process of selection, assessment, training and subsequent development of employees;
  • control, maintain and develop corporate culture in the organization;
  • forecast personnel costs and control expenses within the approved budget;
  • Analyze and plan the work of the HR department.

2. Job responsibilities of the HR director

The duties of the HR Director are:
2.1. At a strategic level, participate in the management of the company:

  • In developing company business plans.
  • On the Board of Directors as a HR specialist.
  • In the development and approval of the company's personnel policy, analysis and determination of priority areas of personnel work.
  • In analyzing the effectiveness of the company's personnel policy.

2.2. Organization and conduct of organizational development events:

  • Preparation of proposals and schemes to optimize the company's management structure.
  • Supporting the processes of creation, merger and/or reorganization of structural divisions in the company.
  • Control over the development of basic regulations on structural divisions and job descriptions of employees.
  • Consulting department heads on issues related to personnel management.
  • Design, development, implementation and control over the implementation of the personnel reserve program at the enterprise.

2.3. Work to provide the organization with the necessary personnel:

  • Taking into account the development of the organization, analysis and identification of current personnel needs.
  • Drawing up and approval by the General Director of the organization’s staffing table.
  • Organizing and conducting your own recruitment events, as well as with the involvement of employment centers and/or other organizations and/or methods.
  • In accordance with the staffing schedule, monitor the staffing of the company with the necessary personnel.
  • Organizing and conducting interviews and testing with candidates for vacant positions, including management and key positions in the organization.

2.4. Organization of work to train and improve the professional level of employees:

  • Analysis and creation of our own system of training and development of employees.
  • Analysis to identify and timely train employees who need it.
  • Control of the organization and conduct of the learning process, selection of necessary and correct methods and forms.
  • Creating conditions for consolidating the skills acquired during the learning process in practice.
  • Monitoring the required level of professional training of employees.

2.5. Formation of corporate culture:

  • Development, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the basic principles of the company’s corporate culture.
  • Participation in organizing and conducting events aimed at forming and developing the corporate spirit of the company.
  • Organization and holding of corporate events dedicated to the celebration of significant dates for the company and generally accepted holidays.
  • Creating and maintaining a favorable social climate in the workforce, encouraging employee participation in their work activities.

2.6. Adoption of the personnel budget and subsequent control over its implementation:

  • Drawing up a classification of employee costs.
  • Distribution of budgeting areas to HR department employees.
  • Drawing up and approval of a consolidated budget for personnel costs by the General Director.
  • Control over the rational use of the personnel budget.

2.7. Organization and planning of the work of the personnel department:

  • Coordinating the work activities of HR department employees.
  • Drawing up and approval of quarterly work plans for HR department employees.
  • Control over the activities of HR department employees.
  • Communication and maintenance of interactions between HR department employees and employees of other structural divisions of the company.
  • Monitoring compliance with the rules and regulations of labor legislation and internal labor regulations established in the company.
  • Monitoring compliance with occupational health, safety and fire safety.
  • Relationships and representation of the company’s interests in third-party companies, organizations and government bodies on issues of formation, use and development of personnel and personnel matters in the organization.

3. Rights of the HR director

In his activities, the HR Director has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with management projects related to the activities of the HR director and/or the HR department.

3.2. Take part in the discussion of plans and draft solutions proposed by the company's management.

3.3. Submit proposals for improving work in the HR department for consideration by senior management.

3.4. Personally demand the provision, in the required time frame and in the proper quality, of the necessary data and information to solve the tasks assigned to him.

3.5. Within your competence, sign and endorse documents.

3.6. Plan, organize and conduct business meetings and meetings.

3.7. In accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation and local regulations of the organization, take retraining and advanced training courses.

4. Responsibility of the HR Director

The HR Director is responsible for:

4.1. For poor quality, untimely and/or negligent attitude towards fulfilling the official duties assigned to him, but within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the organization’s property, but within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of their work, but within the framework regulated by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


structural unit: ________ ______________________
(signature) (full name)

Legal Department: ________ _____________________
(signature) (full name)

I have read the instructions: ________ ______________________
(signature) (full name)

What is included in the functionality of the HR director, how to correctly spell out his responsibilities in the job description and in the vacancy announcement, we will tell you in the article.

In the article

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Main tasks of the HR director

What are the main functions of the HR director? Firstly, this employee provides the company with qualified and reliable personnel. Secondly, it is he who regulates the relationships between employees, managers and subordinates.

Experts from the HR Director magazine interviewed general directors of various companies. They found out What do executives expect from their HR directors?, what requirements are placed on them.

At the initial stage of company development, the duties of the HR director are usually performed by the manager himself. As production expands and the number of employees grows, it becomes necessary to open a vacancy for a specialist who will perform personnel work and manage personnel.

3 stages of HR service development

  1. Initial

At this stage, the department or department is just being formed. This is done by the manager, who is appointed by the general director. Typically, such an employee is selected based on his personal qualities. The main tasks of the HR director or HR manager during this period are the preparation of personnel documents in accordance with the law, personnel selection, and ongoing work with the team.

  1. HR service development

At this stage, the construction of a personnel management system and the development of programs are underway. motivation , training, adaptation, etc.

  1. Full service operation

Employees of the HR service, under the leadership of the HR director, are optimizing the existing personnel management system, implementing new HR technologies .

The functions of the HR director and his job responsibilities directly depend on the size of the company, strategic goals, the specifics of its production activities, as well as on the stage of development of the company and the HR service.

Provided that the organization is operating at full capacity, the HR director is directly involved in:

  1. Development of a personnel management system that ensures the effective operation of the organization.
  2. Organizes the work and development of the HR service, coordinates its work with the strategic goals of the company. Find out in the HR Director magazine what
  3. Optimizing the selection of employees, monitoring their qualification level, career growth and staff development.
  4. Formation of a favorable climate in the team.
  5. The introduction of an objective assessment system, the formation motivation systems and salary policy of the enterprise.
  6. Building an internal system of effective communications.
  7. Formation and development of a corporate culture focused on the needs of employees.
  8. Constant personal development.
  9. Planning the need for personnel, forming a personnel reserve and a positive image of the company as an employer, monitoring the labor market.

Education of HR Director

It is advisable that the HR director have a higher education in HR. But there are few universities that train specialists in this profile. Therefore, a higher economic, psychological or legal education is suitable. But the head of the service must undergo additional training in the specialty “personnel management”. You can take a suitable retraining and advanced training course at . Upon completion of training, you will receive an official document confirming your new level of knowledge.

HR Director: job responsibilities

The main responsibilities of an HR director depend on many factors. This is the size and specifics of the company, the tasks that the company’s management sets for the specialist. Typically, the job responsibilities of the HR Director include:

  1. Control over personnel records management and compliance with labor laws.
  2. Ensuring timely satisfaction of the need for personnel with the required qualifications.
  3. Formation of the system personnel training and development .
  4. Development of a motivation system, measures of material and non-material incentives.
  5. Control of personnel movements.
  6. Formation corporate culture , implementation of loyalty and engagement programs, internal PR.

When drawing up a job description, you need to describe the responsibilities of the HR director in accordance with the main tasks.

The task of the company manager: Develop methodologies for personnel assessment, training and development programs

Responsibilities to include:

  • Develop guidelines for conducting certification and assessment activities .
  • Develop training programs and assign authority/responsibilities to staff and managers within these programs. Provide necessary training materials to managers and employees, including manuals and handbooks. Conduct trainings, seminars and consultations with service employees and department heads.
  • Lead the implementation of the performance management system.
  • Assist managers in selecting and contracting with external training programs and consultants.
  • Assist in the development and control of the expenditure of the corporate training budget.

Job Description of HR Director

The job description of the HR director has a standard structure. The document consists of 7 main sections. They describe in detail the required work experience, what knowledge and skills the employee must have, and what functions to perform. Also in the job description of the HR director, they indicate who will perform duties in his absence, for example, during vacation or illness. In the instructions it can be written like this: “ During the absence of the HR Director, his duties are performed by a deputy appointed in accordance with the established procedure." Be sure to indicate in the document how often it needs to be revised. HR System experts will advise you how to make changes to a job description .

Main sections of the job description of an HR director

  1. General provisions.
  2. Qualification requirements.
  3. Functions.
  4. Job responsibilities.
  5. Rights according to position.
  6. Responsibility.
  7. Procedure for reviewing job descriptions.

Job Description of HR Director: Responsibilities

The job description is not a mandatory document and does not have a unified form. The employer may establish requirements for its content and design by internal regulations. Approving signatures under the instructions are placed by the heads of the legal and personnel services. The document is approved by the general director of the enterprise. Job descriptions are usually reviewed every five years.

Describe the qualification requirements for the position of “HR Director” and the job responsibilities of the head of the service based on the professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist”. The more detailed you do this, the easier it will be to plan your work. Experts at Sistema Personnel will tell you how to do it right draw up, execute and approve job descriptions .

Operational personnel work is not the responsibility of the HR director, but he needs skills in working with the main articles of the Labor Code. Read about which articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be useful in the work of an HR director in the Personnel Systems library.

Responsibilities of an HR director that must be specified in a vacancy announcement

If there is a vacancy in a company and the manager plans to find a qualified candidate for the position of HR Director, a competent advertisement or request to a recruitment agency will be needed. The advertisement must indicate the functions of the HR Director. But in this case, the list of responsibilities will not be as detailed as in the job description.

Vacancy: Director of Human Resources

Alpha LLC is looking for an experienced HR Director who can create an effective HR management system and ensure its compliance with the company’s business goals.

The main responsibilities of the HR Director include:

  1. HR service planning, management and control.
  2. Development of a personnel management system, including strategies for performance assessment, training and development, resource planning, etc.
  3. Participation in the preparation of corporate plans on issues of benefits and compensation, benefits package, health and safety of employees.
  1. Preventing employee appeals to control authorities and courts.
  2. Analysis of service performance, forecasting, regular reports to company management.

HR Director is one of the key figures in the company. The level of efficiency of the entire company largely depends on how this specialist builds his strategy for working with personnel. We present to you sample job description for HR director.

Job Description of the HR Director

General manager
Last name I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. The HR Director belongs to the category of managers.
1.2. The HR Director is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the General Director.
1.3. The HR Director reports directly to the General Director.
1.4. During the absence of the HR Director, his rights and duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure.
1.5. A person with a higher professional education and at least three years of experience in organizing human resources management is appointed to the position of HR Director.
1.6. The HR director must know:
- labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- legislation and regulations on the work performed;
- modern concepts of personnel management;
- mission and development strategy of the company, its goals and objectives;
- company structure, staffing, personnel needs;
- basics of production technology;
- enterprise management structure;
- the latest trends and technologies in the field of personnel selection and adaptation;
- forms of remuneration, principles for developing personnel motivation systems;
- modern principles and technologies for building a compensation system in an organization;
- modern principles for constructing compensation packages;
- methods of employee assessment and certification;
- forms and methods of training and advanced training and development of personnel;
- methods of planning and rotation of personnel, formation and development of personnel reserve;
- features of document flow in the organization and the basics of personnel records management;
- the procedure for developing local regulations;
- the procedure for reporting on the movement of personnel;
- methods of information processing using modern technical means;
- fundamentals of a market economy, entrepreneurship and business;
- basics of production organization;
- basics of management and marketing;
- fundamentals of psychology and sociology of labor;
- ethics of business communication;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire safety, industrial hygiene and sanitation.
1.7. The HR Director is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- The company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the HR director

The HR Director performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Organizes management of the formation, use and development of personnel.
2.2. In accordance with the company's development strategy, he leads the work on the formation of personnel policy, determining its main directions and measures for its implementation.
2.3. Forms the foundations of corporate culture and manages its development.
2.4. Takes part in the commercial activities of the company in terms of providing it with labor resources for the necessary professions, specialties and qualifications.
2.5. Studies the labor market conditions.
2.6. Forecasts and plans the company's personnel needs.
2.7. Together with the heads of structural divisions, he participates in decision-making on issues of hiring, transfer, promotion, demotion, imposition of administrative penalties, and dismissal of employees.
2.8. Organizes work on personnel search, interaction with public and private structures for personnel selection.
2.9. Conducts interviews with the most promising candidates for vacant positions.
2.10. Carries out work on the formation and preparation of a personnel reserve for promotion to management positions, organizes professional certification of employees and managers of the company.
2.11. Forms a system for collecting information about the main social processes occurring in the team, controls the socio-psychological atmosphere in the team, and analyzes the business, functional, moral and psychological qualities of employees.
2.12. Ensures the preparation and provision of analytical materials to the company's management on social and personnel issues, draws up personnel development forecasts, promptly identifies emerging problems and prepares possible solutions for them.
2.13. Studies the movement of personnel, identifies the causes of personnel turnover, and develops, together with the heads of departments (services), measures to eliminate them.
2.14. Participates in the development of long-term and current plans for working with personnel. 2.15. Carries out work to manage social processes in the company, create a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, takes part in resolving labor disputes and conflicts. 2.16. Organizes work on social and professional adaptation of new employees. 2.17. Takes measures to increase employee motivation, improve working conditions, increase productivity, makes proposals to rationalize the system of remuneration and material incentives. 2.18. Organizes staff training, coordinates work to improve the qualifications of employees and develop their business careers. 2.19. Carries out work to rationalize the organizational structure and staff of the company, develop regulations on departments and job descriptions of personnel. 2.20. Monitors the state of labor discipline of employees of the company and its branches, compliance by employees with internal labor regulations, and carries out the necessary work to strengthen labor discipline. 2.21. Monitors compliance with labor legislation in working with personnel, strengthens the relationship between employees and the company, and makes personnel decisions on current problems and issues. 2.22. Consults company management, as well as department heads on all personnel-related issues. 2.23. Consults company employees on labor law and social protection standards. 2.24. Develops and formalizes procedures for the daily activities of personnel, develops the Personnel Regulations, prepares and submits for approval individual and collective labor contracts in accordance with the requirements of government bodies, norms and rules adopted by the company. 2.25. Organizes the necessary personnel records and personnel records management in the company in accordance with the requirements of laws and state standards. 2.26. Together with the accounting department, prepares the documents necessary to obtain social benefits, to assign pensions, benefits and payments to employees and their families, and submits them to the social security authorities.

3. Rights of the HR director

The HR Director has the right:

3.1. Act on behalf of the company, represent the company’s interests in relations with other organizations and government bodies on issues of formation, use and development of the company’s personnel.
3.2. Independently conduct correspondence with external organizations on issues within his competence and not requiring the decision of senior management.
3.3. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, and other documents related to the formation, use and development of company personnel.
3.4. Request and receive the necessary information from the heads of the company's structural divisions, demand from the relevant officials to provide, in the prescribed manner, documents, applications and other information necessary for the uninterrupted and efficient operation of the personnel service.
3.5. Provide instructions to the heads of the company's structural divisions on issues related to personnel management.
3.6. Within your competence, sign and endorse documents.
3.7. Make proposals to the general director of the company on bringing to material and disciplinary liability officials and personnel who violate labor discipline.

4. Responsibility of the HR Director

The HR Director is responsible for:

4.1. Improper performance or failure to fulfill one's job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Causing material damage to an enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the HR Director (name of the organization in the genitive case) (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The HR Director is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The HR Director reports directly to (name of the position of the immediate manager in the dative case) of the Company.

1.4. The HR Director belongs to the category of managers, heads the personnel work of the Company and is subordinate to:

Human Resources Department;

Control Department;

Recruiting Department;

Department of adaptation and motivation.

1.5. The HR Director is responsible for:

Proper organization of work to provide personnel of the required number and qualifications in accordance with the needs of the Company;

Performance and labor discipline of personnel service employees;

Security of information (documents) containing information constituting a trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company’s employees;

Ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, complying with fire safety rules in the premises of the personnel service.

1.6. A person with a higher professional education and professional experience in management and other positions in human resources for at least 5 years can be appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Human Resources.

1.7. In practical activities, one should be guided by:

Legislation, regulations, as well as local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company regulating personnel work and the activities of the personnel service;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules for occupational health and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Directives, orders, decisions and instructions from the director of the organization;

This job description.

1.8. The HR director must know:

Legislation, regulations on the organization of personnel work;

Organizational structure, personnel composition of the Company, its profile and specialization, as well as the goal and development strategy;

Current and future needs of the Company for personnel in the category “deputy head of division” and above, methods of their planning and forecasting;

The tasks of the personnel service to meet the Company’s needs for personnel of the appropriate size and qualifications, its capabilities to solve these problems;

Methods for analyzing the state of the Company’s personnel potential, material and other resources required to maintain it at the appropriate level;

The procedure for the formation, qualification and numerical composition of the personnel reserve for the most in demand (scarce) specialties (categories);

The state of the labor market, the possibility of using the organization’s information resources in the interests of the tasks of the personnel service;

The procedure for concluding employment contracts, tariff agreements and additional agreements thereto;

The procedure for resolving individual and collective labor disputes;

Modern theories of organization of personnel work;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing personnel work;

Composition and structure of the Company's personnel documentation;

Management (to the extent required for effective management of the personnel department), business etiquette, rules for conducting business correspondence on personnel matters;

Computer technology, communications and communications;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

1.9. During the temporary absence of the HR Director, his duties are assigned to (deputy position title).


The HR Director is required to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Lead the personnel work in the organization (enterprise), the personnel service and confidently manage its activities.

2.2. To create optimal conditions for the timely and high-quality implementation of the daily tasks assigned to it by the personnel service in strict accordance with the approved work procedure (regulations) and the Company’s personnel management technology.

2.3. Manage the work on the formation of personnel policy and personnel strategy, determining its main directions in accordance with the development strategy of the Company and measures for its implementation.

2.4. Participate in the development of the Company’s business plans in terms of meeting its current and future needs for personnel of the appropriate size and qualifications.

2.5. Organize research within the organization (enterprise), including with the involvement of third-party organizations (institutions), as well as the development and implementation of comprehensive programs for the development of human resources and personnel work plans.

2.6. Ensure the formation of the Company's personnel reserve, its renewal and replenishment.

2.7. Manage the work to improve and optimize human resource management technology, methods of searching, selecting and hiring employees, their adaptation, training, motivation, relocation, as well as effective monitoring of the results of their activities.

2.8. Exercise personal and through subordinates effective control over the state of personnel work, compliance with the law at all stages of personnel management.

2.9. Consult the director of the organization and heads of departments on current and pressing issues of the practical organization of personnel work.

2.10. Ensure the rational use of material, technical and other means of the personnel service in the interests of fulfilling its intended tasks.

2.11. Ensure reliable protection of information (documents) containing information constituting the Company's trade secret, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees.

2.12. Manage the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to improve their skills, professional growth, business career development and job promotion in accordance with personal merit and level of qualifications.

2.13. Monitor compliance by subordinates with labor protection and safety rules, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.14. Use the granted rights in relation to subordinates to encourage them (hold them accountable).

2.15. Create conditions for the implementation and proper functioning of advanced HR management technologies, their subsequent improvement and optimization.

2.16. Manage planning and reporting on HR issues and HR service activities.

2.17. Manage the development of unified forms of personnel documents necessary to ensure the activities of the personnel service, as well as internal organizational, regulatory and regulatory documents on personnel management issues.

2.18. Study, generalize and apply advanced domestic and foreign experience in personnel management in the activities of the personnel service.

2.19. Consider proposals to ensure ergonomic working conditions, rationalize HR department jobs and submit them to the Director of the Company for decision-making.

2.20. Timely and fully process and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate authority.

If necessary, the HR director may be involved in performing his duties overtime by decision of the director of the organization in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

The HR Director is obliged, on the basis of orders from the head of the Company, in the event of the latter’s absence (vacation, illness, business trip), to perform the duties of the head of the Company, while acquiring the appropriate powers and rights.

The HR Director has the right:

3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize personnel work, ensure the daily activities of the personnel service on all issues within its competence.

3.2. Submit to the head of the Company your proposals for encouraging (holding accountable) employees of the HR service in cases where your own powers for this are not enough.

3.3. Prepare and submit to the head of the Company your proposals for improving personnel work, the activities of the personnel service (its additional financing, logistics, etc.).

3.4. Participate in the work of collegial management bodies when considering issues related to personnel work and the activities of the personnel service.


4.1. The HR Director bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to comply or improper fulfillment of official instructions from the immediate supervisor;

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job functions and assigned tasks;

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes;

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him;

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees;

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The HR Director's performance is assessed by:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions;

4.2.2. The certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criteria for assessing the work of the HR director are the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.


5.1. The work schedule of the HR Director is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Company.

5.2. Due to production needs, the HR Director is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. Due to operational needs, the HR Director may be provided with company vehicles to perform his job functions.


6.1. To ensure his activities, the HR Director is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

I have read the instructions _____(____________) "__"_____ ____

The HR Director is, in essence, the head of the HR department, but with a few caveats. A modern HR manager (HR – Human Resourcer – literally sounds like “human resources”) is responsible for the company’s personnel policy, maintains documentation, conducts training events for staff and much more. Experts agree that the main functions of the HR director are to provide the enterprise with reliable personnel and regulate internal relationships within the team.

The profession of HR manager is not much more than 20 years old (in the form in which we are used to seeing it now, it has existed since the 90s). For many, college education is not enough for successful work, so all kinds of courses for HR directors are organized. Such training will allow, firstly, to be aware of the latest changes in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, and secondly, it will help to improve in the profession in order to be able to compete in the labor market.

Many applicants for the position of HR manager mistakenly believe that there is nothing complicated here. You just have to look for suitable candidates for certain positions. In reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated. The job of the HR director, among other things, is to form a team capable of working harmoniously for the benefit of the company.

When a company needs a HR director

When a company is just starting its work in the market, its team is usually small. Due to the lack of necessity, the manager (owner of the enterprise) and the HR director are one person. Over time, the company begins to develop, and combining the responsibilities of a director and HR manager becomes more difficult. Then the moment comes when management decides to open a vacancy for a personnel officer:

1. With an increase in the number of employees. When the team is small, managing it is relatively simple. When the number of employees increases, additional assistance is indispensable. For the further development of the company, qualified specialists are needed, but it will not be possible to select them and at the same time effectively manage the work of the entire company. As a rule, the CEO personally makes the decision to begin the search for an HR specialist.

2. When the general director decides to organize systematic work with personnel. The key to the development and growth of the company is the work of the entire team. After all, it depends on each team member how successful the common endeavor will be. For more in-depth work with employees, for the development of motivation systems, uniform performance assessments, conducting advanced training courses, as well as hiring new employees, a personnel department is being created.

When hiring an applicant for the position of HR manager, it is important to assess his ability to solve problems as they arise. For example, at the moment the company has a problem with a shortage of employees. Consequently, the HR manager is obliged to ensure high-quality selection of personnel in the shortest possible time. In the future, a task of a different nature will arise: people need to unite, promote their development, and develop criteria for evaluating work (a system of fines and rewards). Therefore, it is necessary to read the resume of the HR director carefully, paying attention to work experience first of all. In addition to excellent knowledge of domestic labor legislation, the applicant must be a bit of a psychologist and sociologist. These skills will help him when recruiting employees. Among personal qualities, one of the main, but quite rare, is impartiality.

At the initial stage, the work of selecting a candidate for the position of HR manager can be delegated to your deputy, clearly defining the criteria. The final selection of candidates must be carried out personally by the manager. We will talk in more detail about the functions of the HR director below.

A test that will reveal the professionalism of an HR director

Test the head of the personnel service using the test that you will find in the article in the electronic magazine “Commercial Director” . There, the editors gave advice that will help improve the efficiency of working with employees.

Expert opinion

Three stages of human resources development in a company

Anton Khodarev,

General Director of the company "Armada", Moscow; Candidate of Economic Sciences

In the dreams of any company manager, the director of the personnel department is, first of all, an initiative person who understands the future of the company, is able to make decisions and bear full responsibility for their consequences. But alas, reality sometimes diverges greatly from expectations.

I believe that the problem of relations between company management and HR directors is not as big as they usually say. Let's say that the main thing in the operation of a car is the engine, and other devices only help it. And when the fuel pump or piston system begins to be distracted by thoughts about the meaning of life, the car will stop because the engine will fail. It’s similar in the HR sphere: some personnel officers are beginning to overestimate their role in the operation of the enterprise. The main tasks of the HR director are to select competent personnel, prevent turnover, and ensure that everyone in the team accurately fulfills their assigned duties. In turn, the company’s management must clearly formulate the requirements for the HR manager, set certain goals for him, and explain what the end result should be. Cases where the director of the personnel department independently set tasks for himself, found resources to solve them, and then only reported to the manager about the work successfully completed are considered fantastic in a professional environment. Top managers of companies who believe in this can safely be called idealists. Perhaps I myself am one of them.

The ideal situation of the relationship between an HR specialist and a director is described above. Only selected and very experienced personnel officers are able to reach the highest level of development in the profession. In my opinion, there are three such steps:

1. First (for beginners). An employee is selected from among the employees (in large companies they prefer to immediately form a department or department) to work with personnel. HR specialists here put documents in order so that everything complies with the letter of the law (recently, cases of former employees filing a lawsuit for illegal dismissal have become more frequent), and conduct ongoing work with the team.

2. Second stage (for advanced users). After passing the first stage of development, grinding begins. During this time, the deputy director of personnel may quarrel more than once with the heads of other departments over the system of personnel search and candidate selection. The company's managers, in turn, often expand the functions of the HR officer with those responsibilities that are not directly related to the HR sphere. Thus, the HR manager gets the impression of his own mega-need and mega-importance, so he is so heavily loaded with work that there is no way to even eat while sitting.

3. Third (aka highest) level. Behind are the two previous steps. The HR service clearly understands its goals and objectives, and there is no overestimation of its role. The team treats personnel officers accordingly.

What role does the HR director play in a company?

The role of the HR director depends on the leader of the enterprise, on how much the top person in the company values ​​​​human resources. After all, an HR specialist is responsible for selecting these resources. Consequently, other employees of the enterprise will treat him in the same way. If the general manager understands the importance of the personnel issue, does not treat people as mere cogs, and does not consider only profit, then the HR specialist will become an adviser and assistant. There will no longer be that personnel officer who closes the “holes” in the staffing table.

In a thriving company, where management really wants not only to make a profit, but is also ready to invest in business development, HR occupies one of the key positions. His work is valued no less than the work of the head of the finance department or commercial director. In other structures, where an HR specialist is treated more like a personnel officer, as someone whose competence is to fill out employment agreements and maintain documentation, HR does not develop employee motivation systems, does not conduct training events, etc. Yes, such promotions are expensive, but employees who have improved their skills bring greater profits to the company. It's better to invest a little first to get more later.

A competent and experienced director of the HR department builds the activities of his department, starting from the goals and objectives that the enterprise currently faces. Consequently, as the situation changes, as the priorities in the company’s development change, the principle of HR work will also be revised. The following are highlighted Tasks of the HR Director:

  • Development of special systems that allow the team to work effectively for the benefit of the company.
  • Selection directly of those employees who can bring real benefits, as well as monitoring the level of personnel qualifications so that they meet corporate requirements.
  • Creating a favorable atmosphere in the team.
  • Employee career development planning.
  • Introduction of determining factors for assessing employee performance, determining company salary policy.
  • Building effective communications within the company.
  • Conducting personnel marketing: monitoring the labor market (studying the resumes of possible candidates, the state of the labor market as a whole in certain areas), creating a personnel reserve for the company (so that there is no shortage of specialists), creating an image of the company as an attractive employer that creates all the conditions for successful work and career building, posting job advertisements on the Internet, print media, and on television. The HR director positions his company as, of course, an attractive and promising enterprise. Today, there is a shortage of real professionals in the labor market (especially in specialized industries). The activities of the HR director are important in terms of creating a positive image of the company so that a potential employee wants to become part of the team.
  • You have to be able to part with people. Firing employees correctly, particularly from high positions, is a kind of art that not many people master. Making an ordinary entry in the work book is not enough. Developing a dismissal system is also part of the job responsibilities of the HR director.
  • There must, of course, be a good working atmosphere in the team. Suppression of conflicts, the desire to create favorable working conditions (especially from a psychological point of view), the desire to understand the needs of employees - these tasks are also solved by the HR department. It would be better if HR would in some way encourage those employees who have proven themselves to be ambitious and goal-oriented individuals who clearly know their responsibilities.

What responsibilities should a HR director perform?

The job description of the HR director consists of many points:

1. Control over personnel records management and legality in the field of employment. It is very important to keep all documentation correctly. By law, any employee has the right to appeal to the Labor Inspectorate with a complaint. In this case, an inspection will be carried out at the enterprise. If it turns out that the employee did not complain in vain, then the HR manager is obliged to bear responsibility for the mistakes of his department. Or a former employee decided that he was fired illegally and filed a lawsuit against his former employer. In this case, the demand again comes from HR.

2. Ensuring timely satisfaction of personnel requests. Of course, the HR director is responsible for staffing in the company. And equally for both the shortage of employees and the “bloated” staff, when some positions duplicate each other.

3. Construction of a personnel training system. The HR Director is also responsible for improving the knowledge and skills of employees. He decides at what time to conduct advanced training courses, for whom to organize them (both for each individual employee and for the whole department, depending on the need), plans the appropriate budget and location. Sometimes, when there is a production need, a corporate university is created where employees are trained.

4. Formation of material incentives for employees. Controls the distribution of bonuses, additional payments, regulates the level of wages and the amount of penalties in case of violations exclusively by HR. It is ideal when the company has developed a special reward system to avoid gossip and misunderstandings among employees when one was given a bonus and the other was given a regular salary. People need to understand for what merits additional money is awarded.

5. Development of measures of non-material incentives for personnel. The motivation that works is not always monetary motivation. Perhaps it is more important for someone to get an extra day off or one more day on vacation. The HR director calculates such nuances and options.

6. Tracking personnel movements. The opportunity for career growth interests employees no less than the size of their salary. That is why the promotion scheme must be transparent and understandable. The HR director is developing a special certification system that gives employees the opportunity to move up the career ladder.

7. Internal PR, building loyalty. Formation of a special atmosphere in the company, so that even an employee who occupies a far from the most important position understands his importance and wants to contribute to the development of the company. Employees should not treat time spent at work as wasted time, so that thoughts of quitting do not enter their minds.

The top manager responsible for human resources must constantly improve himself and develop his leadership abilities so that employees respect the person who gave them the opportunity to work in this company.

What instructions will terrify HR directors?

What does an HR manager hear when the head of a department or company instructs him to find another employee, for example a salesperson? “Age no more than 40 years, work experience of at least 5-6 years in this position. Well, in general, you yourself know who needs to be found.” This and similar phrases are the main mistake of managers. A manager who cannot (does not know how, does not want) to formulate specific requirements for a candidate and competently evaluate applicants will endlessly select employees and, most likely, will hire the wrong person.

What are the mistakes of managers when they give the task to find personnel or look for workers themselves? The editors of the Commercial Director magazine spoke about this from the position of an HR director.

Expert opinion

Increasing the number of employees is the main reason for attracting an HR director

Vyacheslav Shurukin,

In our company, the need for an HR manager came twelve years after opening. By this time there were almost a thousand employees. The growing number of employees was the main reason for creating a dedicated HR position.

Before starting the search for a candidate, we knew for sure: our HR manager would not be involved exclusively in recruiting personnel and drawing up employment contracts. His responsibilities will include the functions of Director of Development. The search for the right person lasted five months and turned out to be very successful. The result exceeded all expectations.

What are the requirements for the position of HR Director?

  • Experience

Oddly enough, a good HR director does not have to have a perfect understanding of the specifics of the company’s activities. For example, if a company is engaged in mechanical engineering, then HR may not distinguish a crankshaft from a washer barrel. His task is different: to find someone who will never confuse these things.

It is better to look for someone who has worked in companies that are not similar in type of activity, but similar to your organization in structure (head office or branch), production volumes, number of employees, etc.

During your search, decide from the very beginning: you are looking for a performer or someone who takes the initiative. In the first case, candidates with extensive experience in recruiting, document management, and record keeping are suitable. When looking for a proactive HR specialist, it is better to give preference to individuals with managerial experience who understand the specifics of doing business.

  • Education

Most employees have completely different backgrounds in HR. Moreover, there are good HR specialists among humanists, economists, lawyers, and engineers. Much more important here are work experience and character traits.

There is an opinion among company executives that a higher psychological education is the key to the successful work of an HR director. Alas, this does not always happen. The HR director is obliged to see in a person not a person with his experiences, feelings, etc., but a resource, a cog that helps the company develop successfully. Perhaps the best HR manager would be a sociologist.

  • Personal qualities

You don’t have to be a psychologist with an HR diploma, but you should be a psychologist by nature. Otherwise, he will not be able to see in a candidate for the position exactly the one who is currently needed by the company and will bring great benefit to it. In addition, an HR specialist must have a well-developed sixth sense. To perform his job “excellently”, the HR director must:

  • be confident in yourself;
  • be organized:
  • have an analytical mind;
  • get along well with people;
  • are not afraid to make decisions and bear responsibility for their consequences;
  • be attentive and careful;
  • be able to think outside the box;
  • do not panic in stressful situations;
  • carry out your duties conscientiously;
  • be able to quickly understand the essence of what is happening;
  • be polite, respectful, not rude;
  • be tactful.

Leadership qualities are necessary for an HR manager. He must be able to organize people and lead. At the same time, it is good to know issues of labor legislation, the field of labor protection and social psychology. Otherwise, the HR director will not be able to organize the work of the team in such a way that employees do not quarrel with each other over the difference in salary, but fulfill their direct responsibilities.

Expert opinion

The main criterion for choosing an HR director is successful experience

Ruslan Vesterovsky,

Director of Human Resources at Arnest Group of Companies, Nevinnomyssk

Today, the domestic HR sector employs mainly people with diplomas as teachers (usually in the humanities) or psychologists. However, there is an increasing need in the market for professional HR managers. A university education allows a personnel specialist to “close” only a few positions that he needs in his work. Moreover, diplomas in economics or law help little in working with people.

In fact, for successful and productive work, knowledge from law, economics, psychology, and even sociology is necessary. A modern HR manager must be able to use the latest technologies in the HR field, perfectly understand the specifics of his work, understand people (see who is who at first glance) and feel the slightest changes in the labor market.

How to choose the right candidate for the position of HR Director

Step 1. Determine which department you need

The management of a company that decides to hire a HR director clearly defines his place in the organization. Who will report to HR and who will lead him. Determine the issues that the HR manager will deal with and the range of his immediate responsibilities. It is ideal when the company has the position of HR Director.

In real life, company heads don’t bother compiling a list of HR responsibilities. A new position appears in the staffing table; a person is hired to fill it, who is entrusted with the responsibility of forming a new personnel department. No clear instructions are given on how exactly to do this and what the final result should be. As a result, the HR specialist will do the work at his own discretion, but it turns out that the management wanted something completely different.

To prevent this from happening, it is easier at the initial stage to formulate a clear goal for the HR service, determine its place in the company and outline a list of problems that the HR manager needs to solve both during the probationary period and in the future.

Stage 2. Determining the candidate profile

The applicant profile is a set of necessary psychological qualities and professional skills required by the HR director in a particular organization. Each business has its own nuances and characteristics, therefore, everyone requires different employees, including HR people. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a person for the position of HR manager, you need to look for exactly the one who suits you specifically.

Let's consider what qualities are typically included in the profile of a HR director:

  • respecting the interests of both the employee and the employer;
  • the ability to navigate well in the structural structure of the company (division into departments and divisions, systems of their relationships, etc.);
  • the ability to find a way out of difficult situations;
  • result-oriented, desire to participate in the implementation of new projects in order to increase the pace of enterprise development;
  • the ability to motivate subordinates, the ability to lead, not to be afraid of responsibility for introduced innovations (for example, when the HR director decides that it is time to increase the staff);
  • not be afraid to delegate your functions to others;
  • be a leader, but not a sole worker (do not neglect team interaction);
  • plan your own activities and monitor, and, if necessary, adjust the work of subordinates.

The company's management must see a direct connection between the tasks that the HR must solve and the competencies assigned to him.

Stage 3. Analysis of the candidate’s resume

Details of the candidate for the position of HR Director:

1. Gender and age: preference is given to men aged 27 to 40 years.

2. Education: Definitely a higher education, and it’s good if it’s economic. Any technical specialty would also be suitable. Certified lawyers or psychologists are not the most suitable option.

3. Work experience: at least two years, and to be supervised by at least four people.

4. Professional knowledge: In order for an HR manager to show good results in his work and bring real benefits to the company, he must know at least 2/3 of the following, and it is better to know everything:

  • understand personnel policies;
  • clearly understand what the HR service is, what issues it resolves and what place it occupies in the company;
  • labor legislation of the Russian Federation (especially regarding wages and rules for registration and dismissal of employees);
  • be able to manage people in such a way that their activities are as effective as possible;
  • understand the structural divisions of the company;
  • be able to select personnel based on current needs;
  • It is good to be familiar with regulatory documents regarding registration of employees, calculation of salaries, bonuses, etc.;
  • keep abreast of amendments to legal acts and regulations;
  • thoroughly study the employment contract and the rules for filling out the work book;
  • understand various payroll options, be able to explain to employees why and for what they will be paid;
  • know labor safety standards and monitor their compliance (so that there is no overtime or that people without the appropriate qualifications and permission work at hazardous facilities);
  • keep personnel records (avoid duplicating functions or positions);
  • be able to motivate employees, know certain approaches and techniques, monitor the level of dissatisfaction in the team, and avoid conflict situations;
  • control the salary of employees so that it is at the required level;
  • be able to use techniques to optimize labor costs;
  • be able to draw up a budget for personnel costs (salaries, training, etc.);
  • develop and train employees in every possible way so that their knowledge and skills are constantly improved.

5. Skills. The resume of an experienced HR director usually contains most of this list:

  • management of personnel department;
  • introducing innovations in the company in terms of working with personnel: introducing a new system of motivation and certification of employees, changing the organization of remuneration, applying different approaches to personnel training, etc.;
  • develop systems for effective personnel selection and management;
  • plan the company's personnel costs;
  • creating a database of potential employees (personnel reserve);
  • development of a “career elevator” in the company: the transition of one employee to the place of another, sometimes from department to department;
  • putting into practice new remuneration systems, motivation systems (both financial and non-material) for employees, assessing the performance of everyone in the company;
  • scheduling employees’ workdays without downtime and loss of time;
  • maintaining internal company documents relating to the work of personnel (job descriptions, personnel orders, rules, etc.);
  • communication with the state on current issues and in case of conflicts (scheduled and unscheduled inspections, statements of claim);
  • carrying out reductions;
  • implementation of employee performance assessments;
  • the ability to communicate and negotiate with people of any social status and status;
  • communication skills.

Stage 4. Self-presentation of the candidate

Of course, a candidate for the position of HR director must somehow prepare for the upcoming interview. To make it successful, he can be invited to give his own presentation. It will take about a day to prepare, so you should inform the applicant about the decision to conduct an interview in a non-standard form at least 24 hours in advance.

The best option for selecting candidates is group assessment. This is when not one person is present at the interview (thus eliminating the bias factor), but several, but no more than six, company representatives. Everyone present will be able to form an idea of ​​the candidate. This gives you the opportunity to compare impressions.

An interviewer stands out from the group of listeners. He will mainly communicate with the candidate. Initially, to relieve tension, the conversation is conducted on abstract topics. For example, the interviewer can talk about the company itself, its history, and dwell in detail on the specifics of its activities. Of course, it is necessary to introduce the candidate to other interview participants.

It is important to videotape the entire presentation. Of course, first obtain consent for filming from the candidate. After the informal conversation ends, the applicant has the opportunity to begin his presentation. During the entire time the applicant is talking about himself, his achievements, skills, etc., listeners should not interrupt him with questions or try to clarify anything.

Why is such a presentation of oneself carried out? Firstly, with its help, the candidate’s ability to speak in public is easily revealed. Secondly, interview participants can understand how sociable and sociable the applicant is, whether he makes the right impression on others, whether he expresses himself competently, whether his communication style is good and whether he is able to convince others that he is right. Thirdly, it becomes possible to evaluate the candidate from the point of view of non-verbal communication: gestures, facial expressions, manner of speaking.

For example, open palms indicate a readiness for dialogue and a mood for a positive result. If a person is sitting slightly leaning forward, then he is clearly interested in everything that is happening. In this way, the candidate shows his desire to communicate. Humor, to a certain extent, doesn't hurt. It shows the candidate’s level of intelligence, his erudition and ability to defuse the situation with a good joke.

In psychology, there are certain non-verbal signals that indicate the interlocutor’s closeness, his reluctance to continue the conversation, or his dissatisfaction:

  • the interlocutor avoids direct gaze, constantly averts his eyes and turns away;
  • the applicant sits cross-legged, while his hands are either in his pockets or clenched in fists. This situation indicates closedness;
  • a person, without noticing it, often touches his face (in particular his lips) and touches his head.

Usually, at the beginning of the presentation, the applicant talks a lot and in detail about his past work. About what companies he worked for, in what positions, what functions he performed, what he achieved and what benefits he brought to the organization (perhaps he introduced more effective methods for working with personnel). He talks a little about what contributed to the departure, and also pays attention to wages and other incentive options, including non-financial ones.

After a short excursion into the candidate’s work history, he is asked to dwell in more detail on the last position in which he worked. Finally, the applicant explains what he wants from the new job.

Sometimes a candidate for the position of HR manager is very laconic. In this case, in order to form any impression about him, he needs to ask leading questions:

  • about personal qualities;
  • about university education, as well as completion of various courses and trainings;
  • about events in life;
  • about how your career developed (where you started, how you achieved your goals);
  • is he satisfied with his career at this stage, what does he expect in the future, in particular in their company;
  • specifically about his last job (functions, achievements, salary), the reason for leaving (perhaps he was not satisfied with the responsibilities assigned to him and the amount of salary).

To make your choice, it is better to ask additional questions to the HR director. Moreover, special attention should be paid to the following points:

1. Success story– an unconditional factor that can become key when deciding whether to hire a person. For the position of HR director, it is imperative to hire a person who has achieved something in life. After all, when a person is successful, he will certainly bring only benefits to the organization.

Moreover, the candidate’s achievements may not necessarily be related to your company’s business. Success in a hobby is enough. For example, a cyclist without cups and medals is a bad cyclist. This means that he will not have any luck in the position of HR. Relationships with the team and your direct subordinates are no less important: everyone can command, but not everyone is given the ability to lead and achieve positive results.

2. Intelligence– to find out its level, it is necessary to conduct a survey on professional topics:

1) Let’s simulate the situation: next year the company is recruiting an additional 10% of its current number of employees. How will the wage fund change? The correct answer is that there is not enough data, since it is necessary to take into account changes in the level of the average salary for the company and the general structure of the enterprise.

2) Let us assume that it is known that by 10% both the number of employees and the average salary will increase. The question is the same. Answer: the wage fund will also have to increase by 10%, and maybe more.

3. Energy– there should be a lot of it in order to be able to stir up some “sleepy” employees who are accustomed to a sluggish work process.

4. Character– traits are important. Questions from different areas of life will help identify them. Are there creditors, and how does he pay them? Does it help other people, what is your general attitude towards selfless actions? During a conversation, you can unobtrusively ask about unfinished undertakings. Maybe the applicant has a second education? Or any degree? Do you have a course completion certificate? This indicator is very important, as it allows us to identify a person’s attitude towards improvement and learning in general.

5. Will he fit into the company? The HR director should inspire trust, not rejection. Therefore, it is very important that the HR person is able to join the team.

Stage 5.Interview with the candidate

This stage is confidential. Usually the conversation takes place one-on-one, rarely in the presence of assistants on both sides.

  • Find out from the candidate how his previous manager behaved with his subordinates, whether there were any cases of inappropriate behavior.
  • Find out what changed in the candidate's previous company after he joined the position of HR manager.
  • Accordingly, what the applicant is ready to offer to your company (developments, ideas, etc.).
  • How soon the candidate is ready to start working for you.
  • Ask about possible recommendations.
  • Find out about the candidate's average monthly income over the past three years, as well as what major purchases they made during that time period.

Stage 6.Discussion of remuneration issues

To find out exactly what salary your potential candidate intends to receive, you need to understand the following points:

1) What salary would satisfy all the applicant’s needs?

2) In what form does he want to receive his salary?

3) What incentive options will suit the applicant?

HR directors often manage very large cash budgets, so integrity and honesty become one of the main selection criteria. To make sure that you will not be robbed or deceived, you need to check all letters of recommendation. If there are none or there are too few of them (two or three), and the resume lists many more companies where your candidate previously worked, it is better to call them and ask if your potential HR manager is really as good as he says he is .

Expert opinion

What questions to ask a candidate during an interview

Elena Trofimova,

HR Director at Rossita, Novosibirsk

A good HR director is not an executor of management’s requests, but an adviser and partner. HR work cannot be treated as solely an activity to find suitable personnel, improve their professional skills and evaluate their work. If we focus only on these indicators, then the team in the company will be managed by a real personnel officer, focused not on the result, but on the process.

It is always difficult to understand what motivates a candidate for the position of HR Director. To do this, the applicant must be asked about:

  • working day routine: what exactly he plans to do in his position;
  • about achievements at the previous place of work;
  • what results of his work he could be proud of.

The words that the applicant says when answering are important: “did” or “did.” The type of verb is crucial, because an imperfect form means that the process was never completed, while a perfect form indicates that a certain result has been achieved.

Recommendations are very important. They allow you to get a real picture of what the candidate has achieved and whether he has achieved it at all in his previous job. Real and significant successes include the development of various programs for job evaluation or personnel training, and the organization of a successfully functioning corporate university.

A potential HR director must share all corporate principles. He must understand the company's goals and see the tasks facing it. Otherwise, due to a lack of understanding of the general situation, such a disloyal HR will do more harm than good.

11 questions you should ask during an interview at least once in your life

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Reid Hoffman and other CEOs of the world's most famous companies ask unconventional interview questions to see how candidates think and handle problems in real time. Some questions may seem strange to you, but they really work.

You will find a list of questions in the article in the electronic magazine “Commercial Director”.

What salary can a HR Director expect?

Finding out the average salary level for HR directors in your market segment and in enterprises similar in size to yours can be entrusted to a marketing specialist. For example, on average in Russia, HR workers working in companies with up to 100 employees receive from one to one and a half thousand dollars a month. They do everything for this money. If the number of employees increases to 150 people, then the HR manager has the right to count on two or even three thousand dollars.

It is logical that the HR salary is determined by the number of employees. But it is important what is the degree of responsibility of the HR director, his functionality and professional level. When the HR handles all the documentation, certification, training, motivation and selection of personnel, and also makes sure that everything is done only according to the letter of the law, personally understands all conflict situations and manages the entire HR department, then the salary of such an employee starts from three thousand dollars, in large companies it reaches ten thousand.

What KPIs to set for the HR director

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators. All KPIs at the enterprise for all positions are summarized in one act, which is signed personally by the general director. Employees' salaries directly depend on how much their actual performance differs from the planned one.

Let's look at the main KPIs for the HR director

1. KPI for evaluating recruitment efforts

To assess how effectively HR recruits personnel, the following indicators are used:

  • how quickly positions at the enterprise cease to be vacant;
  • whether all employees successfully complete the probationary period;
  • turnover rate;
  • Is the budget being adhered to?

It is important whether the HR manager was able to attract high-quality specialists to your company:

  • how many top managers work in the company who were found or lured from other structures by the HR director;
  • how many people from among senior management were able to make their way into management from ordinary employees of your company;
  • whether the company has carried out inspections confirming the high professionalism of its managers.

2. KPI for assessment as the head of the HR department

The professionalism of your HR person in terms of record keeping and compliance with the necessary requirements can be checked using the following criteria:

  • the number and size of fines from state supervisory authorities;
  • are all employees familiar with job descriptions;
  • how long does it take to register a new person, dismissal and retirement of employees;
  • how quickly information about a particular employee is provided to the manager;
  • How many employees consider their dismissal to be illegal?

3. KPI compliance with the company’s corporate culture

In this case, there are three main tasks that the HR director has to solve: participation in resolving production and labor conflicts, introducing and improving corporate culture, planning career growth and personnel development. How the HR director copes with the first task can be assessed using the following indicators:

  • statistics of conflicts in a team;
  • Do employees like working in your company (working conditions, work schedule);
  • turnover level.
  • sociometric rating of service units.

4. KPIs for personnel training and development

This indicator is assessed according to the following indicators:

  • the number of those who received additional training;
  • whether labor productivity increased after employees completed advanced training courses;
  • how many correct appointments there were to leadership positions.

5. KPI of the HR director as a business partner

The company's HR director is developing very complex systems for assessing labor performance, providing the company with both highly qualified specialists and ordinary employees. The following criteria will help evaluate his activities as a business partner:

  • labor productivity indicators;
  • efficiency of solving production problems.

6. KPI of staff motivation

To correctly assess the effectiveness of measures used by HR to stimulate employees, the following KPIs are used:

  • implementation of the most important issues for the company over a certain period of time;
  • changes in profitability indicators of the company's branches;
  • data on staff loyalty, turnover rates among employees.

Information about the experts

Vyacheslav Shurukin, manager of the Kursk Logistics Center company. "Kursk Logistics Center" is a market leader in Kursk and the Kursk region in the field of direct delivery of food products to retail outlets. Full service branch in Orel. Representative office in Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region. The company's cargo turnover is more than 5,000 tons per month.

Anton Khodarev, General Director of the Armada company, Moscow; Candidate of Economic Sciences. Armada LLC. The main activity is: "Consulting on commercial activities and management." The company is also registered in such categories as: “Financial intermediation not included in other groups”, “Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of food products, including drinks, and tobacco products”. Organizational and legal form (OPF) - limited liability company. Type of property - private property.

Ruslan Vesterovsky, Director of Human Resources Management at Arnest Group of Companies, Nevinnomyssk. Ruslan Vesterovsky graduated from the socio-psychological faculty of Buryat State University. He has an MBA degree from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Academy of Economics and Management, and a certificate of director of the British Institute of Directors. He is a member of the expert advisory council at the Federal Property Management Agency (participates in the work of the committee to improve the agency’s human resources potential), and is a member of the supervisory board of the Association of Independent Directors.

Elena Trofimova, HR Director at Rossita, Novosibirsk. Elena Trofimova graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Novosibirsk State University. Works in the field of personnel management for more than 10 years. Since 2003, she held the position of HR Director at Top-Kniga LLC, and in 2006 she moved to Rossita. The Rossita company was founded in 1998. Field of activity: retail sale of footwear. Rossita is represented by 33 retail stores in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, St. Petersburg and Tyumen. A network of franchise stores is developing. The number of personnel is more than 700 people. The personnel service employs six specialists.
