Aquarium crayfish kept with fish. Types of aquarium crayfish. How to create conditions in an aquarium

Aquarium crayfish are rare guests in the aquariums of lovers of exotic marine animals, but recently there are more and more people wanting to breed crayfish. Crayfish live in almost all types of bodies of water: rivers and lakes, oceans and seas.

Breeding crayfish at home is a pleasure: they do not require too much complex care. Crayfish in an aquarium require oxygenated water. There is one animal 5–6 cm long per 15 liters of water. The temperature ranges from 20 to 25 °C, but it all depends on the species. The water for the aquarium should be clean and hard.

Breeding crayfish

How to breed crayfish? In order to breed sea animals, you need to buy them, and not catch them in the nearest lake or pond. To get good offspring, you need to buy 2 times more females than males.

Growing crayfish in aquariums should not be carried out, as this will be expensive. It is best to breed pets in indoor pools.

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium is a long process, because only a small number of crustaceans can be bred this way. In aquariums with sea pets, only surface fish can be bred; bottom fish will be eaten by them.

For a pet such as an aquarium crayfish, the contents will be specific.

Clean people won't have much fun keeping crayfish in an aquarium, because caring for such pets is a messy business: they love detritus - this is dead organic material formed from dead organisms, for example, fragments of plants and animals, processed by bacteria and fungi.

The water must be clean and non-acidic, otherwise marine animals simply will not be able to live in such an environment.

In order to care for crayfish in an aquarium, it is necessary that there be a sufficient number of bacteria to neutralize harmful substances. You can contribute to the “ripening” of the aquarium by planting fast-growing aquatic plants in it, which will begin to absorb harmful substances. Then the crayfish in the aquarium will be able to live in such a dwelling.

The marine animal can coexist with other inhabitants of aquariums - fish and shrimp. Best compatibility for aquarium pets with fish such as perciformes (including cichlids) and non-aggressive large catfish. They get along well with each other due to their comparable size.

Some species of aquarium pets eat plants and can eat up the entire aquarium flora in a few days.

Feeding the crayfish

What to feed aquarium crayfish? What do these sea animals eat? You can feed them almost anything - they are omnivores and feed on any organic matter: microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, single-celled organisms), rotting leaves, algae. Useful food additives for an aquarium pet can be insect larvae, worms, mollusks, pieces of ripe fruit, etc. Aquarium crayfish also eat live aquatic plants. An individual may show a tendency towards cannibalism, i.e. eating their own kind.

Feeding crayfish in an aquarium should be done in small portions of food and as often as possible.

Many people claim that you need to feed crayfish in an aquarium with dry food, but this is not true. Dry food can lead to shedding problems.

What else to feed the crayfish in the aquarium? Frozen food is one of the sources of protein. But animals should not be fed pieces of fresh or frozen crustaceans, because there is a high chance of introducing infectious diseases into the aquarium.

Pet diseases

Many aquarists have encountered diseases in these animals. Contagious diseases are characterized by decreased fertility and death of pets.

The most dangerous infections are plague and rusty spot disease.

Most medications are ineffective for such pets, so you need to take care of them, feed them properly, and keep the aquarium clean. Nevertheless, there is always a way out. There are preventative nutritional supplements and natural cures.

When breeding crayfish at home, sea almond leaves are often used, which are also useful for the treatment and prevention of most diseases of aquarium pets. Leaves should be dipped into the aquarium water at the rate of 1–3 leaves per 100 liters of volume. After a couple of days, the leaves will soak and cover the soil. Almond leaves are eaten with pleasure by different types of sea crustaceans.

White-pink worms with a triangular front part are often brought in with aquatic plants. These are planarians and they can do some harm. Infestation of a reservoir with planaria is considered one of the most unpleasant problems in the aquarium hobby. If left to chance, these worms will bring diseases to aquarium crustaceans. These diseases will be caused by poor living conditions.

As they grow, many crustaceans renew their shells. This is called molting. Before and during molting, crustaceans do not feed, but then eat their white skin.


Let's look at how aquarium crayfish reproduces. Females of most species of crustaceans are ready to reproduce and lay eggs only for a short period of time after molting. At this time, they release pheromones into the water, which are needed to attract a male. When animals find each other, mating occurs: individuals of the opposite sex interlock with copulatory legs and press their abdomens against each other.

Reproduction of crayfish in an aquarium occurs quickly: the female lays eggs 20 days after mating, which are attached to her legs with sticky threads.

At this point, it is best to transfer it to another aquarium.

In the first weeks, the young animals often molt. He needs to be provided with a large, densely overgrown aquarium. For this you can use moss, cladophora, etc.

What to feed crayfish? Young animals can be given ready-made food for fish fry.

How long do crustaceans live?

Large individuals live longer than small ones. Among the crayfish, there were also ten-year-old individuals, and their small tropical relatives will approximately live for 1–2 years. Although basically the lifespan of such animals in an aquarium depends on their care.

Types of sea animals

Let's look at the types of aquarium crayfish:

  1. Marbled crayfish (Procambarus sp.). This species of crayfish most likely lives in the southern United States. They have not yet been found in nature. Recently, the property of parthenogenesis was discovered in these animals, i.e. conception without the participation of a male. All individuals are female. The shell of aquarium animals is usually brown-white-red (“marbled”), the claws and walking legs are blue. Pets reproduce extremely quickly. An aquarium from 100 liters is suitable for them. They are also prone to cannibalism.
  2. Orange dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus patzcuarensis). A small individual (only 30–50 mm in length), lives in Mexico. Reaches sexual maturity quickly: already at 4 months it can lay eggs. These marine animals are omnivores: mosquito larvae, dead fish, rotten leaves are all suitable for them. Orange dwarfs are dark orange with spots or stripes. Due to their small size, an aquarium with a volume of 60 liters or more is suitable for these animals. The aquarium should be well filled with greenery (Thai fern, moss).
  3. Yabby (Cherax destructor). Lives in Australia. This is a typical inhabitant of muddy lakes, ponds and swamps with a slow current. It has strong and large claws, which is why it is called the destroyer. Color blue, joints red. Temperature range: +25…+28 °C. With good care, animals can live a long time - up to 10 years. You can place yabbies in an aquarium with fish - most often the crustaceans ignore them. Pet crustaceans do not eat plants present in the aquarium. As for food, yabbies prefer insect larvae, worms, mollusks, and fish.
  4. Tiger crayfish (Cherax sp. var. Tiger). Distributed in New Guinea. Does not tolerate low temperatures well. Does not feed on aquatic plants and gets along well with fish. The shell is blue and orange. Like almost all types of aquarium crayfish, these pets are omnivores.
  5. Apricot crayfish (Cherax holthuisi). Lives on the Vogelkop Peninsula (in West Papua). Was discovered recently. It has large claws, which are intended mainly for protection; the crayfish themselves are peaceful. The animals are orange-yellow in color. Their content is simple. The aquarium should have plenty of gravel and rocky debris. Apricot crustaceans eat vegetarian foods: peas, carrots, corn. They should be given earthworms or snails once a week.

Thus, care requirements depend on the type of crayfish.

Many aquarists are particularly curious about various exotic creatures. For this reason, in addition to rare species of fish, shrimp, newts, frogs and tiny crayfish often appear in their “lands”. The latter deserve special attention, because they have:

  • pretty appearance;
  • unique body structure;
  • interesting behavioral features;
  • unpretentiousness in content;

Our article today is dedicated to them.

So, the topic “aquarium crayfish: maintenance and care” is of interest to many connoisseurs of unique underwater fauna. What theoretical foundations do you need to acquire before purchasing these amazing animals, how to keep them together with fish, what to feed them and how to protect them from numerous diseases. Let's try to deal with everyone with similar questions in as much detail as possible.

Watching the behavior of crayfish in an aquarium is much more interesting than you could imagine. These tiny creatures lead a very active lifestyle, boldly dig holes near the bushes, make entire trenches and constantly fuss. At the bottom of the aquarium you can place river pebbles with tiny pebbles ranging in size from three to twenty millimeters. Oddly enough, even such tiny ones move stones freely in their strong claws.

Description of the species

Crayfish are representatives of freshwater and marine fauna, which are increasingly found in the everyday life of aquarists. They have a durable, fairly thick shell, white rounded teeth, 19 pairs of limbs and shiny eyes on thin stalks. The function of a sensitive receptor is performed by the mustache. The crayfish moves and defends itself with serrated claws. The animal's tail is divided into several chitinous segments.

Cancers prefer night time way of life, and use plant or animal products as food. An adult individual grows up to 13 centimeters in length, although in nature there are also individuals with sizes exceeding 20 centimeters, and tiny representatives of the species, up to 4 centimeters long. Today the species consists of more than 100 varieties, but not all are suitable for captivity. Therefore, before placing crayfish in your aquarium, make sure he survives there.

Keeping an aquarium crayfish with fish

After lengthy observations of crayfish when kept with other aquatic inhabitants, aquarists were able to determine that the former do not pose a danger to the latter. And although crustaceans constantly eat plants, albeit in small quantities, and attack sick or dead fish, they are very friendly towards healthy individuals.

Basically, the opinions of experts and experienced aquarists on this matter differ greatly. There are two main opinions:

  1. The first category believes that crayfish and fish are absolutely not suitable for keeping together. They will conflict and fight, which will lead to disastrous consequences, including the death of the fish;
  2. Representatives of the other category are sure that the aquarium crayfish is a very kind and amiable underwater resident who will never attack its neighbors;

But as the statistics say, the true answer to the question: “is it possible to keep crayfish with fish” lies between the two categories.

With such maintenance, it is important to pay attention to the breed characteristics of the crayfish and fish. It is important to choose the “right” animals, as well as provide them with the proper conditions for full development.

Aquarium crayfish: content

It should be recalled once again that not all dwarf crayfish are suitable for life in a tropical aquarium with representatives of tropical fauna under the same conditions. For example, the individuals that are found in our regions are cold-blooded, so they simply will not survive in an aquarium.

And if you have read a hundred articles and terrible myths that say how crayfish attacked fish en masse and mercilessly destroyed plants, causing the water to go rancid, you may have to place them in a separate aquarium. In that case It is important to put soil and plants at the bottom. The optimal volume of the container will be 60 liters of water, and the bottom area should remain large enough. You should also take care of a good aeration and filtration system.

At the bottom of the aquarium there should be soil at least six centimeters high, and it should contain small pebbles of different diameters (from 3 to 15 millimeters). This is due to that in their natural habitat such animals prefer shelters in burrows, which they make themselves. But a tiny cancer will not be able to lift a heavy stone to equip its home, so it is better to use the following as a building material:

  • river or sea pebbles;
  • crushed red brick;
  • soaked and crushed expanded clay;
  • purchased soil, which is available in stores;

And other similar options.

Plants inside the aquarium: optimal conditions

Keeping crayfish in an aquarium requires a plentiful supply of vegetation. This is due to the fact that animals are accustomed to creating shelters near bushes, and the roots will prevent the burrows from collapsing and serve as a secluded refuge for animals . If the soil is very shallow, and at the bottom there are artificial structures, such as ceramic pipes, nut shells and others, aquarium crayfish will still dig holes, because This activity is present to them on an instinctive level.

It's important to understand that in an aquarium with crayfish there must be a stable and complete biological balance. But without plants it is almost impossible to achieve it. Among the suitable vegetation, the most effective are:

  1. cryptocorynes;
  2. aponogetones;
  3. Echinodorus;

And other exotic algae.

The intensity of aeration and filtration work is determined by the volume of water and the number of livestock. Availability of internal filters- a mandatory rule for keeping crayfish in an aquarium. The fact is that such devices take on the role of biological filter systems that effectively combat any unexpected bacterial outbreaks.

The health of crayfish directly depends on your efforts and compliance with basic maintenance rules. You should not overfeed crayfish or give too much food. This is explained by the fact that the animals will hide the remaining food in their holes, and after a certain period of time it will begin to rot and spoil the condition of the water. As a result, the occurrence of a bacterial outbreak and spoilage of water reserves cannot be ruled out.

Rules for keeping aquarium crayfish: cleaning and replacing water

If for some reason the color of the water has changed significantly, it has become cloudy and dirty, and there is a rotten smell coming from the aquarium, it is necessary to change the water as quickly as possible or reduce the feeding intensity. You can use fresh water from a healthy aquarium to replace the water. She will return it quickly optimal biological balance.

Water replacement occurs once a month, when a fourth or fifth of the old water is replaced with fresh water. But under no circumstances should we refuse such an event. If there is a regular supply of fresh liquid in the aquarium, this will have a beneficial effect on its hydrochemical composition and will have a positive effect on the development of aquarium crayfish. Also, when refreshing, the number of harmful substances will be reduced, and the oxygen content will rapidly increase.

When determining basic water parameters where the crayfish will live, it is necessary to study in detail the characteristics of the selected species, because hydrochemical requirements may differ depending on the breed characteristics. If the purchase of arthropod crumbs was carried out at a trusted pet store, then along with the animal you will be given a list of basic requirements for living conditions.

It is generally accepted that crayfish in an aquarium are unpretentious to the composition of the water, so there are no specific restrictions. But it is important to take into account the fact that too soft water can lead to fatal consequences during the period of molting of crayfish or the change of the chitinous shell.

What to feed crayfish in an aquarium

Keeping crayfish in a home aquarium involves using the right, balanced food. It is believed that such creatures are omnivores, so the food diet can be very different. It must contain both plant and animal ingredients. But as the statistics say, in contrast to the freshwater crayfish that are found in our rivers and lakes, the aquarium version gives preference to animal food. In most cases, you can feed them regular fish food.

A good solution is to use grated beef heart, lean minced meat, pieces of fresh fish or bloodworm. You can also buy special food for bottom fish species in the store, which has increased nutritional properties and a composition rich in vitamins.

When feeding, it is important not to overdo it and not throw everything that catches your eye into the water. The food must be balanced and properly selected. Otherwise, it will lead to a disastrous outcome.

If we are talking about choosing plant food, then it should be given only if there is little algae in the aquarium. Otherwise, the animal will independently find food of a plant nature.

Crayfish love to gnaw leaves aquarium plants, while leaving the roots intact so as not to cause damage to them, which could affect the safety of the home. A good option for plant food is:

Features of reproduction

If aquarium crayfish arouse your special interest and curiosity, to the point that you want to start breeding them, take into account a lot of features and factors. When keeping at home, a problem that often occurs is that only same-sex individuals are concentrated in one aquarium. And. To avoid such a situation, it is important to learn to distinguish between them according to their sexual characteristics, so that there are both male and female crayfish in the water.

Natural reproduction characteristics are ambiguous for different types of aquarium crayfish. For example, the dwarf swamp crayfish is considered sexually mature already at three months of age. At the same time, the height of the male rarely exceeds 2-2.5 centimeters (females are slightly larger - up to four centimeters). Optimal conditions imply the presence of a stable water temperature of 15-27 degrees Celsius. The average life expectancy reaches two years.

Crayfish begin to reproduce immediately after the end of the molting period. One male gets two or three females. When breeding at home, you must use a special type of soil that will contain almond or oak leaves, alder cones and small pebbles. Such soil will be an excellent refuge for cute little ones.

If a male has mated with a female, she will immediately lay 40 to 50 eggs and hide in a shelter for some time. As a rule, this lasts up to 14 days, after which small cubs are born.

What diseases are aquarium crayfish exposed to?

Like other representatives of aquarium fauna, crayfish are prone to various diseases. A significant part of them is explained by improper living conditions, high concentrations of nitrates and other troubles. Infectious diseases are represented by a decrease in normal activity, deterioration in reproductive properties and mass death of the population. The most dangerous diseases are cancer plague, rusty spot and porcelain diseases. Until today, effective means there is no way to combat these viruses. To prevent infection, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the water, the balance of the feed, and other features of the housing.

With proper care, breeding aquarium crayfish at home will be a very exciting experience. These cute little ones will delight you and your guests better than other pets.

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It's no secret that crayfish can live in absolutely any body of water on our planet. It doesn’t matter what kind of water it is – fresh or salty, or what size the body of water is. They live at the very bottom or in the water column. In structure, crayfish have a body encased in a dense shell; they have strong claws, jagged at the base, and a large number of limbs - for movement, for swimming, and for consuming food. The total number of limbs is 19. The structure of the eyes of crayfish is also interesting - they are black eyes, which are set on rather long stalks. Recently, it has become popular to keep warm-water crayfish in aquariums. All over the world they are successfully grown at home. Most often, brightly colored crayfish are bred - blue, red or striped. Small in size, dwarf crayfish get along well with other inhabitants of the aquarium.

The trend of raising crayfish in aquariums is relatively recent. Some time ago, aquarists did not take crayfish seriously, paying more attention, and crayfish were rather exotic. However, today the picture is changing, and more and more often crayfish can be seen in the aquarium of a passionate enthusiast. Moreover, they are very entertaining to watch. They are distinguished by a calm disposition, interesting behavior, and care is not very difficult. And in general, breeding aquarium crayfish is a fascinating and interesting process.

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Aquarium crayfish love water rich in oxygen. Therefore, you need to allocate about 15 liters of water for one such fish house pet and, depending on their quantity, choose a spacious aquarium. The water temperature range should be from 21 to 27 degrees. Water hardness of 8-12 degrees allows the crayfish to restore its shell after molting. In order to increase rigidity, you can put marble or limestone in the soil. Crayfish will not live in acidic water. At the bottom of the aquarium you should place shelters made of stones, driftwood, and drainage pipes. Cancers spend a lot of time defending their shelter from their neighbors. these pets need a large one, especially when it comes to rooting plants, because in nature crayfish always dig holes. You need to create water in the aquarium to maintain its quality.

If you decide to get crayfish, then think carefully about which ones will be in your aquarium. If you want only floating plants in the aquarium, then it does not really matter what the bottom of the aquarium is lined with. If you decide to plant plants with a root system, then buy special soil for the aquarium. This is usually well-washed quartz gravel. Forget about pebbles that are in a plastic shell, because dwarf crayfish do not tolerate such material well and die. Perhaps the reason is that such pebbles contain components that greatly soften the water.

In fresh water, crayfish become more sensitive to elements such as copper, ammonia, as well as various nitrites and nitrates. If crustaceans die one after another, it means that the content of these elements in the aquarium water has exceeded the permissible norm. You need to keep an eye on this, because even small accumulations of copper or ammonia in the water can cause all the crayfish to die. Try not to have these substances present at all.

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Since in nature some species of crayfish live partially on land, they need to think about such conditions in the aquarium so that they can also breathe air. For example, you can strengthen a snag protruding above the surface of the water. Please note that crayfish are in a hurry to get out of the aquarium when the water quality is low and it is overcrowded, there is a lack of shelter and escape from strong neighbors.

These pets are nocturnal. During the day they stay in shelters, and in the evening they become active in search of food. Aquarium crayfish feed on any food, animal and plant. But feeding them in an aquarium presents difficulties in the sense that neighboring fish, if present, eat the food, and crayfish, due to their slowness, can remain hungry. For this reason, it is better to feed crayfish in the evening. Then the fish are no longer active. Aquarium crayfish can eat the same food as aquarium fish. Both (live and frozen) food for bottom fish are quite suitable for them. Pieces of fish or lean meat will be additional and useful feeding for them. Many types of crayfish eat plant foods, so they can pose a threat to your aquarium plants. For this reason, it is better to make plant feeding mandatory. This can be scalded cabbage and lettuce, carrots and nettles. The diet for aquarium crayfish is once a day.

Special foods for crayfish and shrimp are also produced, which can also be used. These are the brands Dennerle, Tetra, MOSURA, Genchem Biomax series. They strengthen the immune system and maintain the brightness of pets' colors. Available in granules, plates, sticks.

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Reproduction of crayfish in an aquarium requires a special approach from the aquarist. The mating process usually occurs after molting, and during the mating dance the crayfish touch each other with their antennae. 20 days after mating, the female begins to lay eggs, which are attached under her abdomen. With them she moves along the bottom of the aquarium. It is best to place her in a separate aquarium for this period, because in the presence of eggs she perceives any movements too keenly and tends to defend herself.

After the young crustaceans hatch from the eggs, at first they hold on to the female’s body, and only after their first molt they begin to gradually move away from her, nevertheless trying to constantly stay close. If there are young animals in the aquarium, there should be elements such as ledges, stones, driftwood - the fact is that young crustaceans sometimes feel the need to hide, as they may be attacked by older individuals. Therefore, in order for them to survive, it is necessary to provide shelters.


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Australian red claw crayfish. In nature, representatives of this species can be found in New Guinea or Australia. Moreover, they can be found not only in large bodies of water, but also in puddles. So such an inhabitant will feel quite comfortable in the aquarium.

The size of this type of crayfish can reach twenty centimeters, and its weight can be half a kilogram. But unfortunately, crayfish kept in captivity very rarely grow to such sizes. The Australian crayfish has a rather interesting color - bright blue, with small yellow spots throughout the body. But this type of crustacean got its name because of the wide flat growth on the outside of the claws, which are usually painted a bright cherry color.

Broad-clawed crayfish- the most common type. Under natural conditions it lives in water bodies of Europe, and is also found in Russia near the Baltic Sea. Inhabits rivers, lakes, prefers hard ground, where it digs holes. The body length of an adult male is approximately fifteen centimeters, while females are three centimeters shorter. Males are distinguished by large, powerful claws. The lifespan of an individual is approximately fifteen to twenty years. Keeping such crayfish is not particularly difficult.

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Zebra crayfish. Representatives of this type of crustacean are most often found in New Guinea. And if you want to put a small aquarium at home, then you won’t find anything better than these small crayfish, the maximum size of which reaches twenty centimeters. But these aquarium crayfish also have disadvantages. For example, this particular species prefers nighttime to daytime. This means you won’t be able to watch him for very long.

If you definitely want to place several plants in your aquarium, then in this case you will have to look for other pets. This can be explained very simply: this small crustacean burrows through the entire bottom of the aquarium at great speed several times a day. So no plant will simply survive in such conditions.

Florida red crayfish– originally comes from another continent. Completely undemanding to the type of water, inhabits lakes, rivers, ponds and swamps. For this reason, these individuals noticeably expanded their original habitat, populating the water bodies of Europe. It tolerates temperature changes calmly, can live in both warm and cold water, and tolerates European winters well. The Florida crayfish reproduces well in captivity, and aquarists, having acquired several individuals, will definitely wait for the young ones over time. Gets along with fish, is insensitive to distemper among crayfish - in a word, an ideal species for an aquarium. Their maintenance will not be a problem for a novice aquarist.

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blue crayfish. If you decide to get yourself such a representative of aquarium crayfish, then get ready for the fact that over time you will have to significantly increase the size of the aquarium. The fact is that an adult reaches a size of up to forty centimeters in length and weighs about three kilograms. A special feature of this species is its pale blue color. Another advantage is that these crustaceans prefer to be active during the daytime. And you can watch aquarium blue crayfish for quite a long time.

Thin-clawed crayfish- inhabitant of the southern regions. It lives in the reservoirs of the Caspian, Black and Azov seas, although it is also found in Siberia. The type of water in the reservoir does not greatly affect the slender-clawed crayfish - it can live in both running and standing water. Unlike its broad-clawed relative, the thin-clawed crayfish does not dig burrows, but prefers to settle in natural shelters - under snags or stones, among algae. It is very interesting as an aquarium resident, since its activity lasts around the clock, which makes it interesting to watch. The only problem is that this species does not breed in aquariums.

Marbled aquarium crayfish. This type of freshwater crayfish has a rather interesting shell color. The color varies from almost black to light green or blue shades. And the pattern on the shell really resembles marble slabs. If you want to diversify the fauna of your aquarium with something interesting, then this is exactly what you need. The main thing is to take good care of it, and the cancer will grow to your delight.

Papuan crayfish– quite a fashionable species in aquarium circles. It is distinguished by its beautiful appearance and unusual coloring of the shell. It reaches twelve to fourteen centimeters in length, although some particularly large individuals reach up to twenty! As in the case of the red Florida crayfish, reproduction of such crayfish is also possible in an aquarium.

Cancer Herax- an exotic breed, representatives of which are supplied from Australia and New Guinea. Within the breed there are different types of aquarium crayfish under the general name Herax. Some of them are simply huge and resemble small lobsters. In length, such an individual can reach up to 40 centimeters, although others do not exceed the size of their European relatives. It is distinguished by a very beautiful bright color, turning from pink to blue. Coming from hot countries, it tolerates high temperatures well. Again, they get along quite easily with fish, so they can be kept in an aquarium that was originally intended for fish.


Microscopic ones can annoy crayfish flatworms Temnocephalan, which reach them through snails, Branchiobdella leeches and green algae living on the gills. You can get rid of them with regular salt baths and reducing the number of harmful neighbors.

Recognize shell disease possible only during the molting period. If the shell of a cancer does not harden for more than a day, then this is it. Reasons: insufficient water hardness, poor quality nutrition and, as a result, lack of calcium. The treatment methods are obvious: create the right living conditions and balance the diet. For preventive purposes, you can use iodine drops for marine aquariums, which are sold in pet stores. They are given half the dose.

Plague is an infectious disease that occurs in an acute form. It is caused by the fungus Aphanomices astaci. The disease is contagious and can kill all the inhabitants of the aquarium. The walking legs, shell and nervous system are affected. If the cancer is infected, then white, brown or red spots appear on its tail, and black spots on its shell. At the beginning of the disease, disorientation appears when walking, and the lifestyle changes to daytime. In the end - lethargic behavior, convulsions and death of the animal. There is no treatment as such. There are only recommendations to keep a newly acquired pet in quarantine in water at 30 degrees with the addition of magnesium chloride or malachite green.

Rust spot disease is also infectious in nature. The causative agents are fungi of the Mucedinaceae family. Spots (orange, brown, black) appear on the body of the cancer, then the shell in these places softens and the tissue begins to die with the formation of ulcers. The end result will be the death of the animal. There is no treatment. As in the previous case, it is recommended to quarantine a new cancer with the addition of oak, beech, and almond leaves to the water.

Mycosis spores can get into an aquarium with natural and poorly treated soil and plants. Fungi affect the integument, gills, blood vessels and heart. Brown spots can be seen on the belly and gills. Reduced immunity, injuries, unfavorable conditions - all this puts crayfish at risk.

We talked about the roots of domesticated arthropods, looked at the features of their appearance and went over the most popular types of aquarium crayfish. So, let's continue the story. We will now talk about how to create the most favorable living conditions for them and avoid many diseases and other troubles.

Let’s say right away that this neighborhood often brings nothing but problems. There are, of course, cases when crayfish coexist well with fish. But there are even more situations when one or the other party suffers as a result of such a tandem. For example:

  1. - competitors of arthropods for food and shelter. Clashes on this basis are inevitable.
  2. Small fish like neons, guppies, etc. can be simply eaten by crayfish.
  3. Large fish with long tails and fins (golden fish, etc.) may lose their wealth.
  4. When adjacent to large but aggressive fish like cichlids, crayfish are doomed to hunger and stress, and ultimately to death.

Thus, unless you are willing to take risks and experiment, keep the crayfish separately.

How to create conditions in an aquarium?

From the place of purchase to the place of residence, arthropods are transported in a black opaque bag. Adaptation happens quickly. It should be taken into account that the temperature difference in the bag and in the artificial reservoir should not be more than three degrees. The following conditions are considered optimal for crayfish:

Aquarium. The minimum container volume must be at least 15 liters per 6-centimeter individual. However, given that cramped housing provokes crayfish to aggression, it is better to take a vessel as spacious as possible. Be sure to install a lid with small holes on top, since if the water is overcrowded, dirty or oxygen-poor, the crayfish will try to get out of the aquarium. If possible, the best option is to equip an aquaterrarium.

Water should be clean, oxygen-rich, with a temperature in the range of 17-21 degrees and a hardness of 8-12. To increase rigidity, marble or limestone can be placed in the soil. It is better to install an internal filter to prevent attempts to escape through the wires. Crayfish love to hide leftover food, which then rots and spoils the water. In this regard, regular 50% water changes are necessary.

Priming It's better to choose a large one. Crayfish dig holes, and not a single plant will take root in shallow soil.

Vegetation It is better to select ones with strong roots, large leaves and strong stems. They should be kept in quarantine before planting.

Decoration. As decorations, you can use various stones, driftwood, hoses, halves of ceramic flower pots, grottoes, etc. From these, crayfish build shelters for themselves and climb along them to the surface of the water.

What to feed crayfish?

It is better to do this in the evening, as the crayfish hide during the day. If arthropods are adjacent to fish, the latter’s activity decreases in the evening, and they will not steal food from under the noses of the bearers of claws.

Despite the fact that aquarium arthropods are omnivores, there are some dietary recommendations for them.

More than eighty percent of the daily diet of crayfish should be plant foods.

You can give elodea, nettle, water lily, pondweed, algae, carrots, zucchini, spinach, parsley. For variety, they provide various mollusks, insects, worms, tadpoles, frozen bloodworms, and food for bottom fish.

As a delicacy, you can sometimes treat yourself to pieces of fish or squid. Interestingly, crayfish prefer food in a slightly rotten state. Protein bait is given no more than once a week, as it has been noted that it increases the level of aggression.

Special foods for crayfish and shrimp are also produced, which can also be used (for example, brands such as Dennerle, Tetra, MOSURA, Genchem Biomax series). They strengthen the immune system and maintain the brightness of pets' colors. Available in granules, plates, sticks.

As for the frequency of meals, there is no unity of views. Some sources recommend feeding females once every three days, males - once every two days. Others recommend feeding once a day for both sexes. Therefore, look at the behavior of your pets yourself and use trial and error to choose your ideal schedule.

During molting or when crayfish reproduce, the number of meals is increased.

The mating period in adults begins after the completion of molting. At this time, females release pheromones that attract the opposite sex, and the males go in search. It is very interesting to watch how the resulting couple dances, sometimes for several hours, touching each other with their antennae. After this, it is recommended to place the female in a separate container, where after 20 days she will lay eggs.

Relocation is necessary, since increased anxiety and anxiety force her to protect her offspring and show aggression towards everything around her. The eggs are attached with a sticky mass under the abdomen, and the female moves around with them. The offspring is timid and prefers to hold on to the mother’s body for a long time. The crustaceans themselves begin to feed only after the first molt. Shelters for young animals are a prerequisite in order to survive, hiding from offenders (including adult crayfish). After the second molt, the offspring acquires sufficient independence, and the female is resettled again.

Female marbled crayfish with offspring.

Crayfish diseases

There are many of them, but here we will consider only the most common ones.

Epistilis (lat. Epistylis)

This disease is very common in aquarium arthropods. The reason is poor conditions in the aquarium. The simplest microorganisms settle on the chitinous covers, as a result of which the cancer looks covered with brown or grayish-white foam. If this coating spreads to the gills, the animal will not be able to breathe and will die. For recovery, it is necessary to tidy up the water and the number of inhabitants in the aquarium. During the illness, the animal is quarantined.

Crayfish can be annoyed by microscopic Temnocephalan flatworms that reach them through snails, Branchiobdella leeches and green algae living on the gills. You can get rid of them with regular salt baths and reducing the number of neighboring carriers.

Shell disease

It is possible to recognize it only during the molting period. If the shell of a cancer does not harden for more than a day, then this is it. Reasons: insufficient water hardness, poor quality nutrition and, as a result, lack of calcium. The treatment methods are obvious: create the right living conditions and balance the diet. For preventive purposes, you can use iodine drops for marine aquariums, which are sold in pet stores. They are given half the dose.


This is an infectious disease that occurs in an acute form. It is caused by the fungus Aphanomices astaci. The disease is contagious and can kill all the inhabitants of the aquarium. The walking legs, shell and nervous system are affected. If the cancer is infected, then white, brown or red spots appear on its tail, and black spots on its shell. At the beginning of the disease, disorientation appears when walking, and the lifestyle changes to daytime. In the end - lethargic behavior, convulsions and death of the animal. There is no treatment as such. There are only recommendations to keep a newly acquired pet in quarantine in water at 30 degrees with the addition of magnesium chloride or malachite green.

Rust spot disease

It is also infectious in nature. The causative agents are fungi of the Mucedinaceae family. Spots (orange, brown, black) appear on the body of the cancer, then the shell in these places softens and the tissue begins to die with the formation of ulcers. The end result will be the death of the animal. There is no treatment. As in the previous case, it is recommended to quarantine a new cancer with the addition of oak, beech, and almond leaves to the water.

Porcelain disease

It affects the limbs, abdomen and mouth. Raka is paralyzed and dies. There is no treatment. Sick individuals are isolated.


Spores can get into the aquarium with unpurchased and poorly treated soil and plants. Fungi affect the integument, gills, blood vessels and heart. Brown spots can be seen on the belly and gills. Reduced immunity, injuries, unfavorable conditions - all this puts crayfish at risk.

Thus, many dangers may await crayfish. But mostly these are the consequences of poor care. And they will delight a responsible owner for a long time with their unusual appearance and interesting behavior.

A couple of years ago I came across aquarium crayfish quite by accident. In the market, behind the glass, something unreal blue was moving its mustache. Naturally, I became interested in this phenomenon and began looking for information. I came here and became even more interested. It turns out that you won’t get bored with these crayfish - they run away, change colors, multiply and with fish... let’s say... cooperate, “trimming” aquarium plants J

So what should you feed aquarium crayfish so that they don’t start feeding themselves or go on the run?

Crayfish are absolutely omnivorous. They require a variety of both plant and animal foods to thrive. It is better to alternate them - one day a vegetarian diet, the next - a meat diet.

It is better to feed in the evening, since during the day crayfish prefer to hide rather than feed.

Specialized feed

In large cities, specialized food for crustaceans is available for sale. The leaders in sales of such feeds are such brands as Dennerle, Tetra, MOSURA, Genchem Biomax series. All manufacturers are unanimous in the opinion that high-quality food for crustaceans should not only provide balanced nutrition, but also facilitate molting, add brightness to the color and not cloud the aquarium water.

Keen aquarists also buy specialized food to strengthen the immunity of young crayfish or food that stimulates reproduction.

Externally, food can also vary greatly. They are produced in the form of granules of various sizes, they are plate-shaped, in the form of sticks and others, perhaps not noticed by me - all for your convenience.

Aquarium crayfish also eat dry fish food well.

But let's move away from the topic of aquarium fast food and take a closer look at the topic of healthy eating.

Plant food

Plant foods can account for up to 90% of the total diet. It is especially good if there is hornwort in the aquarium - crayfish love it very much.

Among plant foods, crayfish prefer lettuce leaves, Chinese cabbage leaves, and parsley. Carrots are also useful. The keratin contained in carrots will help brighten the color of red crayfish.

Among the preferences for food of animal origin are bloodworms, fish, squid meat, and shrimp. I would especially like to mention the white fish meat. If you feed animal meat, do not forget that it should not be fatty.

Crayfish have a bad habit of hiding excess food for a rainy day. Try not to overdo it, otherwise the water will die out. And the other side of the problem is that an aquarium that is too clean will also harm crustaceans. Detritus - decaying organic material - is very valuable for aquarium crayfish. It contains fungi and bacteria, unicellular and micro-algae that can stabilize the microcosm of the aquarium and serve as a source of specific nutrition.

Feeding the juveniles

Young crayfish are raised on Artemia nauplii and vinegar nematodes (microworms). Cyclops and small daphnia must first be doused with boiling water, otherwise the crayfish will not be able to catch the agile food. But with such food there may be problems with water purity.

With good feeding, crayfish grow quite quickly and molt often.


Aquarium crayfish maintenance and care.
