What about the check? Soon a cash receipt will be sent to your mobile phone Buy a receipt on iPhone and iPad

14 The purchase of any product involves the issuance of a cash receipt and sometimes a sales receipt. When purchasing an iPhone, you will also be given a receipt, which will not only confirm the purchase of the product in a specific store, but will also be required if your device is blocked. If you have lost your iPhone purchase receipt, we will help you with its recovery.

The need for a receipt for an iPhone

As stated above, the purchase of any product involves the issuance of a cash or sales receipt. And most often, when purchasing equipment or a mobile phone, a cash receipt and sales receipt not only serves as confirmation of the purchase, but also gives the right to use the warranty in case of breakdown of the purchased product. But in the situation with iPhone devices, not everything is so simple...

The peculiarity of Apple technology is that when purchasing any device with the Apple logo, for warranty service you do not need either iPhone purchase receipts or warranty cards - you just need to know the serial number. However, it is still worth keeping the sales receipt for the purchase of an iPhone, since it serves as confirmation of the fact of purchase and a compelling argument for a particular store to accept the device for service. In addition, if your device is locked for any reason (for example, if you accidentally forget your password, answers to verification questions, or the information you provided when registering with iCloud), you will need a receipt to unlock your iPhone.

If you lost your iPhone receipt

If it so happens that your iPhone purchase receipt is lost or becomes unreadable, then unlocking it will become problematic. Trying to recover a receipt for an iPhone is also not easy. And you must understand this. After all, to unlock an Apple device, you need to contact technical support and attach a sales receipt to your iPhone.

Below is a list of what you need to know to unlock your iPhone.
- Name of the retail outlet where the product was purchased, address and telephone number or website;
- Date of purchase when the product was originally sold;
- Detailed list of products, including price and serial number;
- Total purchase amount.

This data can be circled on a photo in any graphic editor and signed - according to reviews, such a simple manipulation will allow technical support to quickly check the receipt and increase the chances of unlocking.

Buy a receipt for iPhone and iPad

If you were unable to find your iPhone receipt or your attempt to restore it in the store where the purchase was made was unsuccessful, then you can simply avoid unnecessary hassle and hassle - buy a cash receipt online. We guarantee high-quality performance of our work. The document confirming the purchase of the Apple device will be identical to the original one and will contain all the necessary data. We will deliver the finished document to the address you specified as soon as possible.

Crimean tax officials have begun preparations for work related to the transition to the use of new-style cash register equipment (CCT)

On July 15, 2016, Federal Law No. 290-FZ came into force, which amended the legislation and marked the transition to a new cash register system that allows information on cash payments to be transmitted to the tax authorities electronically. Now organizations that use cash registers in their activities are required to switch to technology that can not only run the usual cash register receipt, but also transmit purchase information to the tax authority and customers in real time.

New concept

Any innovation always raises questions. The replacement of the cash register was no exception - the business community - tens of thousands of people - writes, calls, worries. We have selected the most pressing issues.

For example, in what time frame will cash register equipment be replaced, how much time do organizations and entrepreneurs have? To this we were informed by the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea that the law provides for the gradual introduction of new requirements. Thus, until February 1, 2017, the provisions of the law on the mandatory transfer of fiscal data to the tax authorities through a fiscal data operator are applied by organizations and individual entrepreneurs on a voluntary basis. From February 1, 2017, registration and re-registration of cash registers is not allowed, which does not ensure the transfer to the operator of fiscal data of each cash receipt or strict reporting form in electronic form (except for cases established by law).

Riza Aliyev, Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea:

“Organizations and individual entrepreneurs trading using vending machines may not use cash register equipment as part of such vending machines until July 1, 2018.”

In addition, the law provides for deferment of the use of such equipment for individual entrepreneurs, for example, those using a patent taxation system, as well as for organizations and individual entrepreneurs who are taxpayers of UTII, subject to the issuance, at the request of the buyer, of a document (sales receipt, receipt or other document) confirming acceptance cash for the corresponding product. They were given a deferment to implement the law until July 1, 2018.

Also, regarding the concept that first appeared - the fiscal data operator (FDO) - Crimean entrepreneurs are interested in what the role of this operator is in the entire procedure?

And as the Crimean Telegraph newspaper learned, the fiscal data operator ensures the reception of data from cash register equipment, its processing, storage and transmission to the Federal Tax Service. This is an important link between the cash register and the tax service. In addition, the data that cash register equipment transmits to the fiscal data operator is checked for correctness using special algorithms, which prevents them from being changed.

Dmitry Orlov, representative of the fiscal data operator company, which will transfer information from the seller to the Federal Tax Service:

“To connect to the OFD, you must register on the OFD operator’s website and confirm the conclusion of the offer agreement. Next, in your personal account, you can see the contract number, which must be indicated in the application for registering the cash register. After the cash register is registered with the Federal Tax Service, it is necessary to add information about the cash register contained in the cash register equipment registration report in the operator’s personal account, after which you can begin to use the cash register in accordance with the new requirements.”

Next, the operator will begin to receive data from the cash register, process it and transmit it to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Moreover, to conclude an agreement and connect to a fiscal data operator, as well as to register a cash register, you do not need to go anywhere, everything can be done remotely via the Internet. At the same time, the cost of basic services will not exceed 3,000 rubles per cash register per year.

Modernization and flashing

Another pressing issue is related to the fact that cash register equipment has recently been replaced on the peninsula: before January 1, 2016, the Ukrainian-style cash register equipment was replaced with a Russian one. Is it possible to use this equipment without purchasing a new one, is modernization possible?

Riza Aliyev:

“Along with the use of new cash register equipment that meets all legal requirements, owners of cash register equipment will have the opportunity to purchase a set of modifications to modernize their existing old-style cash register. This will bring the cash register in compliance with the requirements of the new legislation and will allow you to go through the registration procedure for the cash register according to the new procedure. Users can find out about the possibility of upgrading existing equipment from the manufacturer or at the KKT Technical Service Centers. According to preliminary data from manufacturers, more than 65% of CCPs in Crimea can be modernized without purchasing a new one.”

It is also reported that manufacturers of cash register equipment plan to release kits of modifications for existing devices. The vast majority of the existing fleet of cash register equipment can be modernized, after which the updated cash register equipment will meet the new requirements. Upgrading means either reflashing an existing device, replacing a board, or installing an additional module.

To connect a cash register to the Internet, you do not need to purchase specialized equipment, build a VPN channel or other security measures. It is enough to connect the cash register to the network already existing at the point of sale. For stand-alone cash register equipment, you can use the GPRS modem and SIM card built into the cash register, as well as a Wi-Fi connection. All data is transmitted in encrypted form, which prevents its use by third parties.

Riza Aliyev:

“The law provides for the possibility of not using cash register equipment in remote and hard-to-reach areas according to the list approved by the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. We have already contacted the authorities with an initiative to identify such places in the republic. According to available information, there are no territories classified as hard-to-reach and remote in Crimea, since it is possible to connect to the Internet in all populated areas.”

By the way

If the connection is lost

If suddenly, for reasons beyond the control of the cash register user, the connection to the Internet is lost, the cash register will continue to work and receipts can be punched on it. In this case, all sales data will be recorded in the fiscal drive located inside the cash register. As soon as the connection is restored, all saved data will be transferred to the fiscal data operator. The cash register can operate without an Internet connection for up to 30 days, after which it will be blocked. To unblock, you just need to restore your connection to the Internet, the receipts will be automatically transferred to the operator and you can continue working.

Photo archive "KT"
The material was published in the newspaper “Crimean Telegraph” No. 398 dated September 30, 2016

The State Duma is considering a bill on the automatic transfer of purchase information from cash registers directly to the tax service. A representative of the Federal Tax Service talks about when online cash register systems will become a reality and how sellers can prepare for upcoming innovations.

Andrey Vladimirovich, is it possible to use online cash register now if you wish?

A.V. Budarin: Not yet. Currently, the bill providing for the introduction of a new system for the use of cash register equipment with the transfer of information to the tax authorities has only passed the first reading in the State Duma.

When is it planned to make the use of online cash register mandatory?

A.V. Budarin: The bill provides for a phased transition to the use of online cash register systems. The new requirements come into force for newly registered cash registers from February 1, 2017, for currently used cash registers - from July 1, 2017, for persons who are currently not required to use cash registers - from July 1, 2018 G.

Approximately how much will it cost to purchase a cash register and all other necessary equipment?

A.V. Budarin: Of course, it all depends on the specific models. But according to data from CCP manufacturers, the cost of new equipment will not differ significantly from the cost of CCP currently in use. The cost of individual models will be about 18,000 rubles. with a fiscal drive, and the modernization kit will cost about 4,000 rubles.

Will it be necessary to connect to subscriber services through some specialized operator organization? What is the cost of such service?

A.V. Budarin: The bill provides for the transfer of information on settlements to fiscal data operators (FDO). So the cash register user will need to enter into an appropriate agreement with the OFD. As far as I know, the cost of annual maintenance will not exceed 3,000 rubles. for one cash register. I note that this market will be highly competitive, which means that prices for such services will regularly decrease. A typical example is the market of electronic document management operators, where prices relative to the initial ones have decreased by 5-6 times.

Will it be possible to see the data entered via online cash register in my personal account?

A.V. Budarin: Yes, the functionality of a taxpayer’s personal account – a cash register user – is currently being developed on the Federal Tax Service website. There you will be able to see data on calculations, as well as manage the status of your cash register: register it, re-register it, deregister it. You will also be able to obtain information about online cash register payments from your operator.

Will there be exceptions, for example, for entrepreneurs on special regimes?

A.V. Budarin: In the current version of the bill there are no exceptions for special tax regimes, but there is a deferment for persons who are currently not required to use cash registers - until July 1, 2018. Also for small businesses, it is possible to use a fiscal accumulator with an extended service life - 36 months .

In accordance with the bill, when conducting certain types of activities, taxpayers will, as now, be exempt from the obligation to use cash register systems.

Will it be possible to take into account the costs of purchasing and servicing online cash registers under the “profitable” simplified tax system, UTII, and patent system?

A.V. Budarin: Yes, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, it is planned to develop a bill on the introduction of tax deductions regarding expenses incurred in connection with the acquisition of a new type of cash register for individual entrepreneurs using special regimes, if their activities did not previously require the use of cash register.

How will the return of goods be processed using online cash register, including on another day?

A.V. Budarin: The return of goods will be issued in a separate fiscal document, which will be sent to the OFD on the current or subsequent days.

The bill provides that the seller will send an electronic check to the buyer. What information can the buyer receive from such a check?

A.V. Budarin: If desired, the buyer will have the opportunity to receive the check electronically to his email or mobile phone.

Using the check, he will be able to receive complete information about the completed payment in accordance with the details established for the check. He will also be able to check the correctness of the check itself and that it was generated by a registered cash register and that the seller provided exactly this information about the purchase to the tax service.

What should the seller do if the buyer does not have an email or phone?

A.V. Budarin: If the buyer does not provide the seller with his subscriber number or email address before settlement, the seller will have to print and give him a paper cash receipt or a strict reporting form.

A person may need a check to receive a personal income tax deduction, for example, for the purchase of medicines. Will it be possible to attach an electronic check to the 3-NDFL declaration in electronic form? What to do with an electronic check if the taxpayer will file a paper return?

A.V. Budarin: According to the bill, a cash receipt received by the buyer in electronic form and printed by him on paper is equivalent to a cash receipt printed by a cash register on paper, provided that the information specified in them is identical.

As for the use of electronic checks to receive deductions, we do not exclude this option, but it requires additional elaboration.

What should a buyer do if he receives someone else’s checks by email and phone?

A.V. Budarin: Proceed similarly to the situation when so-called spam is received by email: delete such checks, including using the automatic deletion function.

According to 54-FZ as amended. dated 07/03/2016, at the client’s request, the cashier is obliged to send him an electronic check to his subscriber number or email address. Read the news about how to comply with the law.

Law No. 54-FZ provides: if, before payment, the buyer indicated that he wants to receive an electronic check and gave his subscriber number or email address, the cashier must fulfill his request. In this case, sending to a subscriber number is mandatory, and to an email address is carried out only if technically possible at the checkout.

In the message you can send the check itself or details for searching it in the fiscal data operator service. For failure to send an electronic check, as well as for failure to issue a paper one, a legal entity may receive a warning or a fine of up to 10,000 rubles (clause 6 of Article 14.5 of the Administrative Code).

A printed electronic check is equivalent to a paper one, provided that the data in it is identical to the paper check.

How to submit an electronic check

You can send SMS messages to the buyer’s subscriber number through the Kontur.OFD service.

  1. Sign up for a special tariff plan that includes the ability to send receipts via SMS.
  2. Set up receipts to be sent at the checkout.
  3. When paying, the cashier enters the customer's subscriber number at the checkout. The data is transmitted to the OFD. After this, an SMS message with the receipt details will be automatically generated and sent to the buyer.

The entry into force of the updated law makes many changes to the procedure for using cash registers. One of the completely new formulations is "electronic check". The law obliges users of online cash registers to issue clients not only the usual document on thermal paper, but also provide it in electronic form.

In connection with these changes, many managers and business owners have a number of natural questions:

  • What does "electronically" mean? By email? On the phone?
  • What to do if the buyer has neither mail nor telephone?
  • If every customer dictates their e-mail, won't this cause queues at the checkout counters?
  • What should a cashier do to provide an electronic receipt to a customer?

We will try to shed light on each of them.

Translated from “legal”

First, let’s figure out what such a legal provision as an “electronic check” means. The text of federal law N 290-FZ, which amends law 54-FZ, reads:

Article 1.1 Cash receipt - a primary accounting document generated in electronic form and (or) printed using cash register equipment at the time of settlement between the user and the buyer (client), containing information about the settlement, confirming the fact of its implementation and complying with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of cash register equipment.

Thus, the check created in the fiscal registrar and its digital copy are equivalent. Let us also recall that in 2018 the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service plan to completely abandon paper checks and use only electronic ones.

Article 1.2 Clause 2. The user is obliged to issue a cash receipt or strict reporting form on paper and (or) if provided by the buyer (client) to the user before calculating the subscriber number or email address, send the cash receipt or strict reporting form in electronic form to the buyer ( to the client) to the provided subscriber number or email address (if it is technically possible to transfer information to the buyer (client) in electronic form to the email address).

It follows that cashiers are now actually required to issue checks to customers electronically. But there are several nuances:

  • It is necessary to provide an electronic receipt only if the buyer has expressed such a desire before paying for the purchase and provided a subscriber number or email address.
  • If no request is made, the cashier will issue a paper check by default.
  • If the customer requests both a paper and digital receipt, their request must also be granted.

This means that cashiers can still issue paper checks, but the customer can receive an electronic check if they wish.

"Es like a dollar"

The law requires sending a digital copy of the check to both the subscriber number and email. The law refers to a “subscriber number” as a mobile phone number. Today almost everyone has one, so an SMS message seems to be the most preferable way to send an electronic check.

The customer may also request that the check be sent to his email address, the address of which the cashier will have to write down in its entirety, even if this increases the service time.

The option of sending a receipt by e-mail is taken into account by law rather for online stores, where the phone number is not always used when making a purchase, but the e-mail address is used in any case. For other stores, this method is suitable as a backup.

Buyer Protection

If the buyer was only given a paper check, he can still verify the seller's integrity. According to the new rules, cash desks must print on the check a link for checking the check and the name of the OFD.

The Federal Tax Service has even created a special application for smartphones, with which you can check your receipt even faster.

In practice

Let's find out how paper and electronic checks are issued in practice using the example of the program interface iiko.

iiko developers were among the first to provide for the need to send an electronic receipt in their software. For the user, this functionality is implemented as simply as possible.

The cashier is asked to print the receipt, send it via SMS or send it by email. Having selected the necessary menu items, the cashier can enter a phone number or mail address and punch the check.

In other cash register programs, this functionality will most likely be implemented in a similar way, since it seems to be the most user-friendly.

Details of the transition to the new rules for the use of cash register systems can be found on the page “All about the amendments to 54-FZ”.

If you have not yet prepared your enterprise to work under the new rules, look at the “Online cash registers” section to select a new cash register and to the “Revision kits” section to modify the old one.

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