Notification of the start of activity to Rospotrebnadzor IP. Sample notification of the start of business activities. What to include in the notification form

In September 2018, Rostechnadzor, by order dated September 20, 2018 No. 452 (registered by the Ministry of Justice on October 11, 2018), approved new Administrative Regulations for receiving notifications about the start of business activities. What has changed, who needs to submit these notifications, and how to do this, we will consider in our article.

Russian legislation defines 41 types of business activities, the implementation of which is under the special control of non-tax supervisory services (Rospotrebnadzor, Federal Service for Labor and Employment, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.). About the start of work on any of these types of activities, the business entity is obliged to notify the relevant state control body according to its territorial affiliation by sending a notice of the start of business activities in the territory subordinate to the body.

Notification of starting a business activity: regulatory rules of law

The obligation to notify state control bodies about the start of certain types of activities is enshrined at the legislative level in paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 (as amended on August 3, 2018). However, the need to provide this information to state control authorities does not apply to all business entities. Clause 2 art. 8 of the same law, the legislator establishes types of activities for which notification of the start of business activity is a mandatory norm.

Another regulatory normative act is “List of works and services as part of types of business activities...”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 of July 16, 2009 (Appendix No. 1). Its provisions are more specific, indicating OKVED codes, and define the work and services that are included in the types of activities listed in paragraph 2 of Art. 8 of the above law, as well as to which authorized bodies the notification should be sent.

Notification form and filling details

At its core, a notification is an information document through which a business entity notifies control authorities about the start of work in a registered type of activity, and also clarifies, indicating the OKVED code, for what specific type of work or service the activity has begun.

The notification is submitted on a standardized form. The standard form of notification of the start of business activity was approved by Resolution No. 584 of July 16, 2009 (Appendix No. 2).

Completing the Notification has some features. For example: if, when registering an enterprise or individual entrepreneur, the future business entity indicated wholesale and retail trade codes, but in one of these areas of activity due to what - or reasons, there will be no economic activity for some time, then the Notification must indicate the OKVED code only for the type of activity for which the entity is actually ready to begin real work. For other types of work, the Notification is submitted additionally.

Failure to provide a Notice of Commencement of Operations, entering false data and errors in filling out the document are fraught with liability for a business entity within the limits of Article 19.7.5-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, therefore state control authorities recommend using when filling out samples published on official websites, for example, ]]> Rospotrebnadzor ]]> or use the forms posted on the portal ]]> State Services ]]> .

Procedure for submitting a Notice of Commencement of Work

The procedure and procedure for submitting notifications about the start of business activities, as well as making additions or changes to the initially submitted notification, are determined by regional and territorial state control bodies, taking into account the provisions provided for in Russian legislation, including in Resolution No. 584. Rostechnadzor, by order of September 20, 2018 No. 452, approved a new Administrative Regulation, according to which notifications from individual entrepreneurs and legal entities about the start of activities are accepted by the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor, and the document can be submitted on paper or electronically in any convenient way (including . through the MFC and the State Services portal).

The form of notification of the start of entrepreneurial activity is filled out personally by the business entity in 2 copies - one remains with the applicant, the other is sent to the appropriate authority.

A business entity can submit a notification in the most convenient way for it:

    by personally visiting the regional office of the authorized body;

    by sending a valuable letter by Russian Post (please note - you must attach an inventory of the attachment) with notification;

    through the customer service of the territorial branch of the MFC;

    in the form of an electronic document (using an electronic document management system; please note that this form of notification is available only to EDF subscribers who have a registered electronic signature certificate);

    by filling out the electronic Notification form on the official website of the State Services.

When submitting the Notification personally by an entrepreneur or legal entity, the document is provided according to the regional affiliation of the place of actual activity, i.e. to the regional branch of the authorized government agency (or MFC) of the administrative entity where the business entity actually performs work or provides services.

After registration, the notification submitted by the business entity is registered and entered into the national Register of Notifications of the Start of Business Activities, and within 10 days the information is posted on the official website of the authorized government agency.

Regardless of the date when business activity was registered, if it falls under the list of activities that are subject to the procedure for obtaining a permit, then business owners are required to draw up and send to the appropriate department a notification about the start of business activity.

What's the point?

The notification must be submitted to the relevant authorities at the place where work began, and not at the actual location of the enterprise. The Appendix to the Rules (Resolution No. 584) clearly indicates the types of activities for which a notification must be submitted.

It should be remembered that the notification sent does not at all exempt the businessman from complying with all norms and regulations provided for by current legislation, including sanitary and fire requirements. By the way, the notification assumes that the entrepreneur complies with all these standards.

To which authority is the notification submitted?

Naturally, notification of the start of business activity should be submitted to a specific authority, and not simply sent to local authorities or any regulatory authority. Most of the notifications must be sent to Rospotrebnadzor, for example, when opening a weaving plant or starting retail sales in tents or on the market, or when opening a hotel. And when the production of primary fire extinguishing agents and fire equipment is opened, a notification is submitted to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. If a production facility for the production of animal feed is opened, a notification is submitted to the veterinary supervision authority.

In some territorial units, the function of Rospotrebnadzor is performed by the FMBA.

Where to submit documents?

In each region, territorial authorities can independently determine the place of filing a notification about the start of business activities. The official websites of the authorities always indicate the addresses and contacts of regional offices. However, Rostrud regulations provide for the submission of documents directly to the department.

Notification methods

The notification, depending on the type of activity, can be submitted to the regional office of the relevant regulatory authority personally by the head, owner, representative of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The receiving party must mark receipt on the second copy of the document.

Documents can be sent by mail with the obligatory execution of a notification of delivery form, which will confirm the transfer of documents. Can be transferred electronically if you have an electronic signature; notification of receipt will also be in electronic format.

It is also possible to submit notifications through a multifunctional center, whose specialists issue a receipt for receipt of documents.

Document form

A sample notification of the start of business activity is presented in Appendix No. 2 to Resolution No. 584.

The notification must contain the following information:

  • name of the regulatory agency;
  • date and place of compilation;
  • information about who submits the notification, information about the enterprise or individual entrepreneur;
  • address of the actual location of production or activity;
  • types of activities, services, works that must be included in the notification in full compliance with the Rules;
  • from what date the activity will begin.

At the end of the notification, the position of the person authorized to sign, his signature, full name with a transcript, and a seal, if available, are affixed.

The form of notification of the start of business activity is the same for absolutely everyone.

The document can indicate several types and several addresses at which business activities will be started, provided that they belong to the same department both by type of activity and location.

What should be included with the notification

In addition to the written notification of the start of business activities, the department will have to provide additional documents:

  • a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a copy of the tax registration extract.

What changes should be notified to the authorized body

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to notify the authorized body of changes in the following information about themselves:

  • if the legal address or place of residence of the individual entrepreneur has changed;
  • in case of change in the actual address of the activity;
  • if the reorganization of the enterprise has begun.

Within 10 days of changes being made to the title documents, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is required to send a letter to the regulatory authority. The document is written arbitrarily; it is also necessary to attach copies of papers that confirm the information contained in the notification.

Why and where is information entered?

In fact, the notification replaces permission or approval to begin activities. By submitting a document, a businessman confirms that, for example, a commercial or industrial premises fully complies with the requirements for a specific type of activity. The supervisory authority does not have the right to require the entrepreneur to obtain permits if the businessman sent the notification on time.

All information received is entered into the register of notifications about the start of business activities, which is publicly accessible and public.

In what cases can they refuse to accept documents and what is the responsibility for failure to submit a notification?

Supervisory authorities have the right to refuse an entrepreneur to accept a notification only in 2 cases:

  • if the form of the document was not followed;
  • The document was sent to the wrong authority.

It should be remembered that failure to submit a notification is subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine of up to 5,000 rubles. If the document contains false facts that have been identified, then the fine will be more than 5,000 rubles. and can reach 10 thousand.

You, of course, notify the tax office of your existence through the registration procedure. But that's not all. In the case of certain types of activities, other government agencies must also be notified. This issue is quite serious; violations result in administrative liability, and no one needs extra fines and problems.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs that plan to carry out the types of activities listed in Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 (the law “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control”) must submit a notification). This federal law is supplemented by Government Decree No. 584 of July 16, 2009. We, as always, advise you to find these documents and carefully read their provisions. Appendix No. 2 to the latest document contains a notification form. The document is drawn up in two copies.

Complete lists of activities that must be notified to the state are listed in the documents above. Please note: they are not exactly the same! In fact, the list of the Resolution specifies the list of the law.

For example, about the provision of hotel services or services for repairing and painting shoes, you need to notify Rospotrebnadzor, when carrying out activities to manage an apartment building - the body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation engaged in housing supervision, when producing low-voltage equipment - Rosstandart, personal protective equipment - Rostrud, fire-fighting technical products - Ministry of Emergency Situations, when carrying out transportation of various types - Rostransnadzor.

The notification must be submitted before carrying out the types of activities specified in the regulations, but after registering the individual entrepreneur. If you are going to engage in several types of activities at once that require notification of different government agencies, then you need to notify each of them! In the future, when the actual/legal address of an LLC or the place of residence of an individual entrepreneur changes, or a legal entity is reorganized, new information must also be conveyed to the regulatory government agencies. A period of 10 days is given for this from the moment the change is recorded in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

What happens if you don't send a notification? You face penalties in accordance with the Administrative Code. For failure to submit a notification, an individual entrepreneur may be fined in the amount of 3 to 5 thousand rubles, a legal entity - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, for false information in the notification the fine will be higher: 5-10 thousand rubles. for individual entrepreneurs and 20-30 thousand rubles. for LLC. Failure to provide information about changes entails a fine of up to 500 rubles for entrepreneurs and 3-5 thousand rubles. for organizations.

You can download the notification form for starting a business activity below:

Download the form(in Word format)

The documents on the website are always up to date, but it is better to double-check the relevance in the Consultant Plus service.

Attention! If you notice an error or irrelevance of the document, please report it in the comments.

What is the procedure for notifying the start of activities? What regulatory documents are needed for Rospotrebnadzor. How and where to send a notification. Read our material.

How to send a notice of starting a business activity

If you are starting your own business, the initial task will be to send a notification to Rospotrebnadzor, according to the list of services and works of Resolution No. 584. For example, these are tourism and hotel activities, publishing and trading business, provision of household services, printing, textiles, leather and wood production , as well as products.

Notification of the start of activity replaces obtaining permission and approval from various government agencies. organs. This document confirms the compliance of the retail premises with existing requirements and regulations.

The program for Business.Ru stores will speed up the issuance of documents and eliminate possible errors when filling out. It will allow you to automate tax and accounting reporting, as well as control cash flows in the company.

If the individual entrepreneur sent a notification to Rospotrebnadzor on time, further demands from the authorities to obtain permission are illegal.

The notification form to Rospotrebnadzor must be filled out correctly. The line about the start of business activities is filled out in accordance with the following paragraphs: 1-18; 22-53; 56-64;69; 75-77; 79-81 list of services and works. The list of services is confirmed by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

An example of filling out a notification form to Rospotrebnadzor.

Notification of the start of business activity. Video

Deadline for submitting notification of starting a business activity

A notification of business activity to Rospotrebnadzor is sent to the individual entrepreneur upon completion of registration and tax registration, but before the start of work.

If you have changes in details or add types of activities, this will be reported within a 10-day period and a copy of documents confirming the changes will be attached.

Notification form for starting a business activity

The notice contains the following information:

  • Submission date;
  • Name of the trade organization;
  • Actual and legal address of the organization;
  • Organizational and legal form;
  • Full name IP.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a certificate of tax registration are attached to the document. Refusal may occur if the package of documents is filled out incorrectly or is missing.

If you decide to open your own business, the Business.Ru program will come to your aid. It will automate tax and accounting reporting, speed up the issuance of documents and eliminate possible errors when filling out, and will also allow you to maintain full-fledged warehouse, trade and financial records in the store.

Notification of starting a business activity: changes

Making changes in accordance with Art. 8 Federal Law Part 6 is required in the following cases:

  1. Changing the actual or legal address of a commercial enterprise;
  2. Change of residence of an individual entrepreneur;
  3. Reorganization

Information about changes must be provided within 10 days from the start of the changes. Information may be submitted through the state portal. services.
