Benefits of the profession of school director. Profession project manager. With significant experience in this position

Director (general director, manager) of the enterprise

Director (general director, manager) of the enterprise

Job responsibilities . Manages, in accordance with current legislation, the production, economic and financial - economic activities of the enterprise, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the safety and effective use of the enterprise’s property, as well as the financial and economic results of its activities. Organizes the work and effective interaction of all structural divisions, workshops and production units, directs their activities to the development and improvement of production, taking into account social and market priorities, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, increasing sales volumes and increasing profits, quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, their compliance to international standards in order to conquer the domestic and foreign markets and meet the needs of the population for the relevant types of domestic products. Ensures that the enterprise fulfills all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers and creditors, including bank institutions, as well as economic and labor agreements (contracts) and business plans. Organizes production and economic activities based on the widespread use of the latest equipment and technology, progressive forms of management and labor organization, scientifically based standards of material, financial and labor costs, studying market conditions and best practices (domestic and foreign) in order to fully improve the technical level and quality products (services), economic efficiency of its production, rational use of production reserves and economical use of all types of resources. Takes measures to provide the enterprise with qualified personnel, the rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, the creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, and compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. Ensures the correct combination of economic and administrative methods of management, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives for increasing production efficiency, application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the work assigned to him and the results of the work of the entire team, payment of wages on time . Together with labor collectives and trade union organizations, based on the principles of social partnership, ensures the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement, compliance with labor and production discipline, promotes the development of labor motivation, initiative and activity of workers and employees of the enterprise. Resolves issues related to the financial, economic and production activities of the enterprise, within the limits of the rights granted to it by law, entrusts the management of certain areas of activity to other officials - deputy directors, heads of production units and branches of enterprises, as well as functional and production divisions. Ensures compliance with the rule of law in the activities of the enterprise and the implementation of its economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management and functioning in market conditions, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulating social and labor relations, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the enterprise in order to maintain and expand the scale of business activity . Protects the property interests of the enterprise in court, arbitration, government and administrative bodies.

Gotta know: legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial - economic activities of the enterprise, resolutions of federal, regional and local government authorities and management, defining priority directions for the development of the economy and the relevant industry; methodological and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise; profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure; prospects for technical, economic and social development of the industry and enterprise; production capacity and human resources of the enterprise; production technology of the enterprise's products; tax and environmental legislation; the procedure for drawing up and agreeing on business plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise; market methods of business and enterprise management; a system of economic indicators that allow an enterprise to determine its position in the market and develop programs for entering new markets; the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts; market conditions; scientific and technical achievements and best practices in the relevant industry; management of the economy and finances of the enterprise, organization of production and labor; the procedure for the development and conclusion of industry tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulation of social and labor relations; labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification Requirements. Higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience in management positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise for at least 5 years.

You don't have to wait for school! He needs to watch for his neighbor-teacher Aunt Faya and show her how he can already write entire articles on collective farm topics.

He even learned to count the combine harvesters in photographs, the orders near the title of “Pravda” and how many workers were awarded the “Best Machine Operator of the Black Earth Region” badges. It’s just not clear, is the land there, or something, black? And our fields are gray and dirty...

So in the store, a boy, standing with his mother in line for bread, read out loud the price tags on empty

shelves: - A bakery loaf! It is written with “jam”.

You’re a very smart kid, Masha,” the fat saleswoman muttered, counting the change, “Please, now I’m putting up a sign - it’s interfering with work, this is not a reading hut here!”

“You made a mistake by twelve kopecks,” the boy politely told her ahead of his mother, “And you’re giving me a completely bent piece of paper—not even one of the boys will accept it!”

Hey, he's a mathematician! - the citizens in line laughed approvingly, - He grabbed the fat rogue by the hand.

In general, there was a serious scandal between buyers and sellers, and the latter nervously closed for a break. reasons."

Mom, what is “san”? - the boy asked, hanging his head guiltily, - Maybe a son? We messed up the letter again. I'm your son, and the store closed because of me. So, now we’ll go home without bread?..

My grief, my onion,” his mother sighed sadly and stroked his head, “it would be better if you went to school, and not shopping... Tomorrow, your brother and I will visit their director - what if they hire you a year earlier? The school director, you know, means a lot!

Although the school year had not yet begun, the older brother attended additional classes at his school, dreaming of going to college. All together they went into the office of the director, a strict, smart guy in a paramilitary suit.

As if enchanted, the boy stared at a huge globe on a massive stand, studded with multi-colored flags.

This is the ball! - he finally exhaled enthusiastically, having difficulty hearing the director who was asking him about something, - Yes, yes. Of course, I want to come to your school! To grow up big and smart, and play football with such a ball!

Have you never seen a globe? - the school principal lit a cigarette, - Darkness, brother, wild darkness and ignorance!..

By the way, Comrade Director,” the boy woke up here, “real men don’t smoke in front of ladies and children.”

He's too much of a Shuster for a six-year-old! - the director choked on smoke, - Let him establish order at home. Apparently, the older brother is even more impudent!..

And he began to remind his mother about all the quirks of the elder during his years of study. Like, he studies well, but argues with teachers... Rusichka constantly complains that, you know, she criticizes Mayakovsky himself. He ridicules Demyan Bedny, party theses - “he doesn’t teach a damn thing”!.. And fights in the school yard? Not one without him!.. It came to expulsion, for that matter, more than once!

The director went crazy! Brother and mother listen silently and sadly... And the boy, meanwhile, kept slowly tugging at the largest red flag from the globe - it just won’t budge! - and then, suddenly, a huge ball rolled across the floor! I barely managed to jump back.

Deathly silence reigned in the office! Only the ink gurgles barely audibly from a crushed inkwell lying on the floor, flowing out in a slow blue stream onto the parquet floor...

“Yes,” the boy thought, “now they won’t let me into this school, for sure!” The only hope left is Aunt Faya, the only teacher she knows. Just don’t do anything weird in front of her again!..”

Head teacher. From the series History of an Old House

The director of school No. 17, located across the street from the house, lived in our house.

A woman with a strong character, an imperious, strong-willed face - she directed many school loafers and poor students on the true path. Many, but not my daughter.

Her husband worked as the head of a sector in the city department of public education. She and her husband were party members with pre-war experience. My husband was a commissar during the war, and she acted as secretary with him.

They said that they had a son before the war, and during the devastation of the war, he, left in the care of his grandmother, died of typhus.

In the early fifties, a daughter was born and became a gift of fate for her elderly parents.

Their two-room apartment overlooked the courtyard and was located on the second floor. Sometimes, more often in spring or autumn, a window would open and a stern director’s voice would come from there:

Makarov, tomorrow at big break you will come to me for an explanation!

Makarov, who had just played football in the yard and, in the heat of his heart, used an unprintable expression, immediately wilted and trudged home dejectedly. There was no time for football at that moment.

When she walked through the school corridors during recess in a strict dark gray suit, life stood still at such a moment. The schoolchildren who had just been naughty frightenedly pressed themselves against the wall, trying to disappear, the teachers took two steps to the sides, politely giving way.

In elementary school, I also studied at this school, and one day I appeared before her bright eyes for some offense. No, she didn’t yell, like some teachers, or hiss angrily, like the head teacher. She just sat at the table, signed some papers and occasionally glanced at me.

But what a look it was. It seemed to penetrate into the very soul. It pierced your body like an X-ray, sent shivers down your back, and you got the feeling that there wasn’t a single nook and cranny in you that this gaze couldn’t reach. It was the hypnotic look of a boa constrictor at a rabbit, and only from there it began

pounding, and my knees buckled from trembling.

After several such glances, she simply asked:

Sasha, do you understand everything? Do you understand how to behave at school?

That's all. No more notations.

After leaving the director’s office, I remembered this look for another week, or even a month, and the memories of it made me walk on cue and slightly groggy all this time.

But what can we say about small schoolchildren? Under this gaze, high school students and even young teachers became timid. I once heard one teacher say to another:

You know, she looked at me so much that I almost peed myself!

That was a monster, you say. The monster is not a monster, but there was something magical in her gaze.

In the yard, the adults were not so much afraid of the headmistress, but rather respected her. She remembered many not only by last name, but also by first name and patronymic; She always said hello first and was polite and respectful. And yet, when meeting her, women began to bow, and men hastily took off their caps or hats.

Her daughter was somewhat older than me, probably five years. A nice girl - she was remembered for the fact that from a young age she seemed to be in opposition to her parents. As if she was showing with all her appearance that she is she, and no high-ranking parents can tell her.

From the age of thirteen, she smoked in the company of local punks in the backyards of barns and garages. At sixteen on a dark October evening, drunk and disheveled, her parents carefully led her home. At seventeen, she was detained for hooliganism and resisting the police at a dance.

Most likely, she would have been sent to a juvenile colony, but her father, with the help of his connections, managed to extinguish the conflict.

What motivated her? It can be assumed that she was trying to prove to others that she was not afraid of her parents. And no matter what she did, she did it out of spite, in a desire to assert herself and show that a mother is one thing, and she is something completely different.

The father did not survive that seventeen-year-old shame of his daughter. Mother, despite all her merits, was sent to retire.

Later, to avoid being caught for parasitism, my daughter had to get a job as a technician at the same school where her mother once worked.

Paradoxes of life. The headmistress, who knew how to keep a group of more than a thousand people in obedience with just one stern look, turned out to be incompetent in raising her own daughter.


Several years have passed. The headmistress quietly passed away into another world. The daughter, having given birth to her own daughter, finally drank herself to death and twenty years later followed her mother.

And again the paradoxes of life. The granddaughter followed, so to speak, in the footsteps of her grandmother, successfully graduated from a pedagogical university and is currently an honored teacher of the region.

Sheena and the school principal

An impressive time is the school years. At least once, each of us remembers our studies, our school friends. After many years, funny school stories bring a smile to people's faces, and sad incidents, such as bad studies, make you think again: - Well, why did I do that? Sometimes, you so want to go back to those times and correct your mistakes, that something painful and pleasant happens in your soul.

This story could have happened in any class, in any school. In addition to our names, practically all of us had nicknames. Basically, they are close in meaning to surnames. So our hero had such a nickname - “Tire”. Nobody still knows where it came from. Well, that's the nickname and that's it.

I'm waiting for an answer to my question.

“Shina” remained stubbornly silent, swinging his briefcase behind him.

Lesson, have you even prepared it? – the teacher smiled, seeing the student’s sloppy and confused appearance.

“Uh-huh,” he muttered barely audibly under his breath, swinging his briefcase more strongly.

Well, that's good. Put down your briefcase and go to the board.

“Shina” followed the instructions.

Now, the children will carefully check how Misha solved the problem,” the teacher turned to the class and continued writing in the journal. - Please, Misha. Solve the problem on the board that I assigned you for home.

“Sheena” wrote the word “Task” on the board and, turning to the class, stood behind the teacher. No one understood what came over him. He suddenly raised his hands over the teacher, with his fingers spread. Slowly moving them from side to side, he performed the movements of a magician. There was laughter in the class.

Quietly at first. Then stronger and stronger. “Shina” liked this activity. In addition to moving his hands, he began to “make faces.” Either he sticks out his tongue, then he spreads his ears, or he squints his eyes.

The class lay down laughing.

Why is there noise in the classroom? – the teacher asked, continuing to tinker with the notes and not knowing what was going on behind her back.

The children were almost rolling on the floor. And “Shina” is happy to try. He again raised his hands above the teacher's head. Having looked around the laughing class, he continued the magician’s movements. And then... His gaze settled on the serious eyes of the school principal, who was sitting at the last desk. Slowly opening his mouth, it was as if he had swallowed something incredibly large. Continuing to stand with his eyes unblinking, holding his hands raised above the turned teacher, he looked straight into the eyes of the school principal.

A project manager (project manager or Project manager) is a specialist responsible for the successful implementation of a project:

  • within the timeframe specified by the customer;
  • with the required quality;
  • with a fixed budget and limited human resources;
  • upon necessary requirements from the customer.

As a result, the main result of this manager’s work is customer satisfaction.

The position of project manager imposes high responsibility on the specialist, because... It is he who manages all the processes of the project and the final result of the work depends on him. The career path of a project manager always leads to top management and towards larger budget projects.

Places of work

The project manager profession is in high demand in many industries:

  • information technologies (programming, automation, website creation);
  • construction;
  • finance;
  • insurance
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • organization of events;
  • sport.

The concept of Project Manager was born in the field of information technology, which is why there is the highest demand for managers there. At the same time, in every large business, the profession of a project manager is necessary and economically justified.

History of the profession

Leaders, commanders and leaders appeared many thousands of years ago. Some managed the state, some managed the army or ship, some managed construction. In modern language, each of their tasks was a project, and they were its leader.

The history of the project manager profession is associated with the emergence of the term “project” during the era of rapid economic development in the 20th century.

A project is a task that has a beginning and an end, a clearly defined deadline, resource limitations, criteria for quality and successful completion. First, Project Manager positions appeared in IT companies, then in construction and manufacturing, and later in other industries.

Project Manager Responsibilities

The job responsibilities of a project manager greatly depend on the company’s field of activity, but they have a common set of tasks:

  • project management (quality control, deadlines, budgets and risks);
  • communications with the customer (coordination of plans, deadlines, requirements, budgets);
  • project team management;
  • maintaining design and technical documentation:
    • calendar plans;
    • technical specifications;
    • functional requirements;
    • financial reports;
    • and so on.
  • participation in the sales process and conclusion of contracts (including participation in tenders);
  • post-project management of customers and additional sales.

Sometimes the functions of a project manager include the tasks of a sales manager: active search for clients, preparation of commercial proposals, negotiations, conclusion of contracts, etc.

Requirements for a project manager

Requirements for project managers depend on the company’s field of activity. At a construction site you need one thing, in IT - another, in the banking industry - a third. The average set of requirements is:

  • Higher education (preferably in the company's field of work);
  • Work experience of at least 1 year (serious positions require more than 3 years);
  • Good knowledge of the field of activity and its market;
  • Ability to prepare documentation (technical and design);
  • Leadership experience (within project teams);
  • Excellent communication skills.

Sometimes among the requirements for project managers you can find:

  • knowledge of MS Project;
  • spoken and written English;
  • understanding of project management principles (eg PMI)
  • readiness for business trips.

Project Manager Resume Sample

How to become a project manager

The required knowledge, skills and abilities of a project manager significantly depend on the profile of the company.

Let's take construction as an example. To become a project manager in construction, you must have a higher technical education and experience working in construction companies (usually more than three years and preferably in management positions).

You also need to be able to manage a team of more than three people, negotiate at a high level and be able to defend your point of view, have time management skills, and have a stable psyche.

Project manager salary

The salary of a project manager can vary from 20 to 150 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, the payment system always contains many bonuses, premiums, percentages of sales or completed stages. Therefore, the final income may be significantly higher than the stated salary. The average salary of a project manager is approximately 50 thousand rubles per month + bonuses based on work results.

A project manager is a specialist responsible for the successful completion of a project: within the time frame specified by the customer, with the required quality, with a fixed budget, limited human resources and in accordance with the requirements of the customer. Often this is the administrative head of a functional project team who provides operational direction and controls the implementation of work carried out within the framework of the project. In conditions of constantly increasing competition, the company’s preparedness for unforeseen turns of events and the ability of competent managers to predict, plan and manage changes become especially relevant. In business, project work is a kind of art and requires skill, time and effort.

The main duty and responsibility of the project manager is to bring the customer's idea to implementation within the specified time frame, using existing resources. As part of this task, the manager needs to build a development plan, organize the team, set up the process of working on the project, provide feedback between the teams and the customer, eliminate interference for the teams, control the quality and delivery of the product on time.

The tasks of a project manager can be classified as follows:

  • Tactical - this is solving everyday problems of the project, removing obstacles from the team’s path
  • Strategic ones involve coordinating the overall goal of the project, the path to it, and the speed of movement.

On the other hand, the tasks of a project manager can be grouped into 3 groups:

  • achieving project and client goals (effective task completion, ensuring a high level of client satisfaction);
  • achieving the goals of management and the company (financial indicators);
  • achieving the goals of team members (motivation, assistance in achieving career goals, conflict prevention).

The main task statement for this specialist is: “We need this to work,” which implies that the team will deliver the result in a reasonable time frame with a reasonable level of quality. A good PM values ​​time, is a good analyst, psychologist, and leader; energetic, positive, does not panic, looks for ways to solve problems instead of excuses, is politically correct, understands strategy and tactics.

Possible job titles: assistant project manager, project manager, project manager.


Project implementation strategy

The manager's responsibilities include monitoring quality, deadlines, budgets and risks. In other words, his main task is to implement the project with the available resources.


Typically, a project manager acts as a liaison between various departments and entire companies involved in the project. Setting plans and deadlines often require approval from several parties. The task of the project is to ensure coordinated work of these participants. This requires a large volume of both internal and external communications.

Project team management

The project manager is the formal leader of the project team, leading and controlling the entire work process. The project always keeps its finger on the pulse and is aware of how the project is progressing and what problems may arise. To do this, he organizes meetings with members of the project team, monitors the implementation of the work plan both for the project as a whole and for each team member.

Maintaining design and technical documentation

To ensure transparency of work on the project, the role of the project manager includes the preparation of reporting documents, for example:

  • technical specifications;
  • functional requirements;
  • financial reports.

What you need to know and be able to do

    Personal qualities
  • Responsibility;
  • Confidence in the result of work;
  • Leader qualities;
  • Communication skills;
  • Analytical skills;
  • Personal organization;
  • High performance.
    Basic Skills
  • General management skills;
  • Special knowledge about the field of project management;
  • Knowledge of the specifics of the industry within which the project is being developed;
  • Ability to work with people;
  • Ability to negotiate;
  • Knowledge of MS Project;
  • Expressing thoughts clearly and clearly to different people;
  • Spoken and written English;
  • The ability to see the whole picture as a whole.

Profession director

The modern dictionary of professions will not provide a clear definition of the professional qualities characteristic of a director. According to logic and common sense, this is not a profession at all, but a leadership position. At the same time, the general name of administrative and management activities includes a lot of specializations based on a particular industry, industry or service sector.

The history of the director's profession is as old as the world. At all times, any work collective consisted of a team of like-minded people, led by a talented organizer of each type of work. In Ancient Rome, special importance was attached to the word, and oratory was a mandatory attribute of a good leader. With each subsequent round of development of human society, new methods of control appeared; new techniques for organizing political systems were successfully practiced all over the world. It was this contiguity between politics and labor administration of both personnel and the entire labor process that ultimately shaped the modern understanding of the director profession.…

The social significance of the director's profession does not need comment, since the need for a talented leader of the labor process is a condition for the success of the entire enterprise.

According to researchers, the main key to a director’s success is his personality. Such personal qualities as exactingness, honesty, and determination, combined with organizational skills and a talent for persuasion that does not turn into a commanding tone, distinguish an excellent leader. At the same time, having employees from different fields of activity subordinate to him, the director must have a high level of titles specific to the work of each of them, and the ability to make the right decisions and bear responsibility for the entire team requires strength of character, erudition and an analytical mindset.

The risks of the profession are often associated with the likelihood of nervous overload and stressful situations at work. Moreover, long working hours caused by the desire to meet the schedule can cause significant damage to the health of the manager.

At the moment, there are no separate educational institutions that produce first-class directors. You can gain knowledge and develop production management skills in the specialties of higher educational institutions in the country that correspond to your future field of activity.
