New it technologies. Apparat - Magazine about the new society. Fixed wing aircraft

Last update: 12/27/2018

Artificial intelligence, voice control and virtual reality - this is the year when science fiction gradually becomes reality. Have you heard the law that it is human nature to overestimate the impact of technology in the short term and underestimate it in the long term? We will try to bring ready-made working things that will penetrate into our lives. New technologies in 2017 cover advanced methods of machine learning and the development of artificial intelligence, the interpenetration of the physical and digital worlds.

The goal of many technologists is to easily introduce technical innovations into everyday life that you never thought you would need, but now you can’t live without. Some products have almost reached the point of perfection. The mobile phone, for example, will be redesigned, but there are no significant improvements expected in the foreseeable future. So what's next?

The new wave of technological progress is so futuristic that it looks like a wild fantasy. This year brings computers that can talk, robots that can learn, and virtual reality experiences that are incredibly immersive in their range of sensations. Here, MR PORTER predicts (very closely) the future and highlights the most important trends and cutting-edge technologies that will literally change your world in the coming months.

Conversational computer

2001: A Space Odyssey) Stanley Kubrick's 1968 arrived, albeit 16 years late. As a conversation buddy, you can ask him to time you while you boil an egg, do arithmetic for you, summarize the day's news, or tell you a joke. We are increasingly talking to machines. This device is . Unlike competing devices, it has access to a massive brain Google and to artificial intelligence. Plus an interchangeable base in seven colors to match your own home. It costs $130 in the US and will probably cost around £130 in the UK.

Headphones for sound engineering of your world

We've all heard about wearable technology and devices. A new product category for 2017 is “hearable” technology that will play music, transmit phone calls, monitor health indicators such as heart rate and blood pressure, and so on. These audible headphones are from Doppler Labs in San Francisco, expected to be released in March for £250, called Here One. Basically, this is a pair of Bluetooth headphones that are independent from each other. But they also allow you to control the sound from the real world around you. So you can use them to tune the built-in microphones to the person sitting in front of you, while muting a crying baby across the restaurant; reduce the noise of an engine in flight, or the screech of an underground train.

Fully immersive virtual reality

HTC Vive

Oculus Rift, A Vive, from a Taiwanese phone manufacturer HTC. It costs around £800, although you'll also need to purchase a matching gaming PC - another £1,100 for that. But it's worth it. Try new sensations.

Social media for adults


Social media apps are at the center of the hyper-sharing that is taking over teenagers' lives - sometimes leaving their parents puzzled. But now social apps for adults are emerging. Vero is one of the most impressive and sophisticated inventions because it allows you to have more control over your news and choose who sees what. This way, there is less danger in giving away too much information. You can discuss things like music, movies and restaurant recommendations with specific groups that might actually be interested in them. Less social media, more social life.

Smart robot

Ubtech Robotics Alpha 1S

One day robots will take over the world. For now, they're just taking over your living room. UBTech Robotics Alpha 1S It won't bring you a cup of tea or do your laundry just yet, but with 16 motors its movements are quite realistic. It's an invention of smart technology with some seriously impressive moves: this robot can breakdance, give workouts, or just exercise with kids for hours. This all makes it worth £400. The little guy comes with software so you can teach him to do more tricks.

A suitcase that won't get lost

Raden A28 Check

The best technology is the one that solves a real problem. Lost luggage is a long-term worry for those who fly regularly. A28 Check from a New York startup Raden is a beautifully built suitcase that you can track using an app on your smartphone. So you'll always know where he is, even when he's where he should be. It weighs itself, so you'll never suffer the shame of overpacking at check-in to avoid extra baggage fees. And it can charge your phone up to four times. The app will also help with other travel-related questions such as flight time updates. The usefulness of the invention has been proven.

Fixed wing aircraft

Parrot Disco FPV

Aircraft are increasingly used for everything from filmmaking to treetop photography and, for the most part, they are all derivatives of the helicopter - helicopters with four, six or eight blades. An unmanned aircraft looks more traditional with fixed wings. French company Parrot launched its first unmanned jet Disco for £1150. It is much faster than its bladed opponents, flying at speeds of up to 50 mph. It also comes with Parrot Cockpitglasses, a headset that records HD video so you can effectively be the pilot on board and feel like you're flying. This is extraordinary technology for those raised on model airplanes with a rubber band for the engine.

Update from December 28, 2017. And yet, from the perspective of the past year, we can conclude that there were no innovative technologies. There was a gradual improvement of existing machines and programs. Plus, the main emphasis was on items of personal use, one might even say entertainment and hedonism. Still, they promise more large-scale changes. But in reality, it would be wrong to condemn the lack of innovation. Major innovations are always revolutionary and rare. Therefore, it is better to express it in terms of innovation and improvement.

Every year hundreds of new ultra-technological developments are born. Even when it seems that everything possible in this world has already been created a long time ago, there is always a person who is able to look at an existing idea from a new angle and come up with something new. Manufacturers are always trying to surprise us with something interesting and original, unlike anything we have seen before. Let's see if they can do it in 2017!

1. Domestic smartphones

At the end of this year - the beginning of next year, we will see a new product from Russian manufacturers, which for now is causing more healthy skepticism than keen interest from users. In Russia they are going to release a smartphone on its own operating system, called Sailfish Mobile OS RUS. The development is carried out by the OMP company (Open Mobile Platform), owned by ECH founder Grigory Berezkin.

The first devices released on this OS will be Oysters and Jolla smartphones. Sailfish is an operating system with open source elements. It has been developed by the Finnish company Jolla, part of whose shares belong to the Russian Unified Social Tax, for almost four years. Let's hope this development will justify itself - the once-made attempt to create a domestic smartphone (YotaPhone in 2015) did not pay off.

2. Smartphone with a transparent screen

The Chinese company Vivo is developing transparent displays

According to the Mobipicker resource, citing an information leak within the company, the Chinese brand Vivo promises us to release next year one of the most interesting new products that definitely has a claim to success - a smartphone with a completely transparent screen. In addition to its main unusual feature, the smartphone will be equipped with a very solid “stuffing”: a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor, 6 GB of RAM and 128 GB of internal memory.

3. Flexible smartphone

Conceptual model of a folding smartphone from Samsung

The world-famous giant Samsung Electronics is also keeping up with its competitors in creating unusual gadgets. In addition to the more than expected next Galaxy, this year the company completed the development of a prototype and is preparing to launch its long-standing project - the world's first flexible smartphone - for mass production. It will be equipped with an OLED display and will be able to bend in half. When open, the display diagonal will be 7 inches, when closed – 5.

The display for the flexible smartphone was created by Samsung Display, the largest manufacturer of LCD screens. Samsung is confident that such products will help overcome the “crisis” in the market - its oversaturation and slowdown in growth. It is likely that the smartphone will be followed by other gadgets with flexible screens.

4. Smart contact lenses

Samsung and Google compete for the right to release the first smart lenses

Attempts to create a device for the eyes that can replace everything at once have already been made - in 2014, Google presented the public with a project of “smart” contact lenses, and in 2015, it began working on solar-powered lenses. Now the same Samsung has joined the game: not so long ago they posted on their blog an application for a patent for contact lenses with built-in sensors and a display.

Most likely, the real peak in popularity of such devices will not be next year, or even 2018, but, nevertheless, their potential is enormous: “smart” lenses will be able to replace glasses, a fitness tracker, a watch, a camera, a scanner and many other, bulky and heavy devices.

5. Smart glasses from Carl Zeiss

Smart glasses from Google have not gained popularity, despite all the efforts of the company's developers and promoters. The abandoned banner was picked up by Carl Zeiss: according to them, they have found a way to make smart glasses light and comfortable. The battery, processor and other necessary technical parts of the glasses will be invisible to prying eyes and will be located in the temple.

At the point where the temple meets the lens, these parts are connected by a miniature OLED display. The image will be projected through a polycarbonate mirror that acts as a reflector. For now, the company has a prototype that will undergo many more improvements, but it is believed that at CES 2017 the company will be able to demonstrate its smart glasses in action.

6. Xbox One: Project Scorpio

The new generation of X-Box will delight gamers around the world in 2017

Next year promises us a major update to the entire Xbox line. At the E3 2016 conference in Los Angeles, Microsoft presented the audience with Project Scorpio, a new, improved version of the gaming console with an eight-core processor and support for games in 4K resolution. The new product will have a completely record computing power of 6 Teraflops and will be able to support virtual reality.

For the company, this is not just an update to the X-Box - it is a big step forward and something fundamentally new. All Xbox One models will be compatible and will have a common game library. There is no exact data yet on when we should expect this miracle to hit the market, but gamers are already suggesting a release date of autumn 2017. Project Scorpio is a working title, so it will probably be released under a completely different name.

7.Nintendo NX

Nintendo NX is expected to revolutionize

Nintendo also postponed its new development to the beginning of 2017. If rumors are to be believed, they are now seriously busy preparing for the launch of the next generation console, Nintendo NX. According to company representatives, this console will revolutionize the entire gaming industry. Foxconn will assemble the console. There is no special information about the new Nintendo yet, however, as they say, its release is being delayed deliberately: the deadlines were shifted due to the company’s desire to finalize the functionality of the console.

We are promised virtual reality, as well as a touch screen and the ability to play both on and without a TV. Kimishima, the company's president, promised that there would be a "completely new way to play games." In addition to the delays, Nintendo has also significantly reduced the total number of products produced from the original 20 million to just 9-10: the market is no longer so kind to game consoles, and demand for them has dropped significantly in recent years.

8. iPhone 8

It is not yet known how the new product will be labeled - iPhone 8 or iPhone 7S

The new iPhone 7, released in 2016, clearly disappointed everyone who was waiting for it - nothing really new or interesting is expected in it. However, in 2017 everything will change for the better! This time, the iPhone is in for some truly significant changes. Insider sources claim that the 2017 iPhone 8 (or iPhone 7S - the developers have not yet figured out the labeling of the new product) will receive a display curved on both sides.

It was previously reported that in 2017 they may well switch to using OLED displays in the iPhone, completely devoid of side frames. The use of a curved screen - something similar can be seen in Samsung's Galaxy Edge line - is consistent with these rumors. But so far there has been no confirmation or refutation of this information from official representatives of the brand. Also, according to the latest information leaks, Apple may switch to a three-year iPhone update cycle.

In addition, Apple is actively updating its operating systems. The outdated HFS Plus file system will be replaced in 2017 by APFS (Apple File System), which is used on all devices of the brand, from Apple Watch to Mac Pro. The reason for this decision is quite obvious - HFS Plus, created 30 years ago, is noticeably outdated and cannot fully cope with the disproportionately increased volume of information. APFS is designed for Flash/SSD drives and will use a new approach to storing information.

The main storage object is the container. Containers are separate from each other and use their own volumes and namespace. Such a system will minimize the number of failures and optimize work with data. In addition, APFS will receive built-in support for modern encryption protocols. However, it also has a noticeable disadvantage: only completely new software solutions can use it.

9. Wireless charging from Apple

In 2017, Apple is going to release a modified wireless battery. The range of the device will be 2-3 meters, and to recharge it will be enough to place the devices in a special charging zone. However, this innovation also has certain disadvantages: gadgets will have to be charged more often and for longer, as they will lose energy faster than usual.

There will be chargers for absolutely all brand products: from iPhones to MacBooks. This is not the first attempt by Apple to get rid of outdated chargers, the same technology is used in the Apple Watch, which can charge a few millimeters from the power source, but the new version should be much more advanced.

10. Apple Watch

Apple Watch was able to immediately eclipse tablets and classic Swiss watches on the market: devices in the form of wristwatches, which took on a decent portion of the functions of a regular tablet or phone, turned out to be an extremely convenient find for active people and instantly gained considerable popularity. Now Apple Watch is one of the main products of the brand - they are planned to sell at least 100 million copies by the end of next year.

The price, however, is still biting, but Apple is also busy reducing their cost for the sake of greater availability of the product. The functionality of the “watch” is also expanding: new applications are being created, and the built-in wi-fi will allow you to easily use them to access the network. Probably, Apple Watch will be able to squeeze out fitness bracelets on the market, taking over their functions.

About the future

2017, like previous years, will amaze us with super technology and super electronics. The top 10 gadgets of 2017 will tell you what developers will surprise us with this year.

10 Sleep Nubmer 360

This is a smart smart bed that can adapt to the sleeping owner, providing him with good sleep and proper rest. The bed itself determines and changes the level of rigidity and shape depending on the body movements of the sleeper. The bed is divided into two sectors, each of which can be adjusted independently of each other. There are also three additional features: a raised headboard (a way to prevent snoring), a warm zone (heating around the feet) and a built-in alarm clock.

9 Dring Smartcane

This is a smart cane with an ordinary appearance and an unusual “filler”. The smart pen hides a gyroscope, an accelerometer, and a GSM module with a speaker. The cane controls the owner’s movement and sends the results to the cloud. Processed and analyzed data can detect the initial stage of the disease in time. The SOS button, which is hidden in the handle of the cane, will transmit a signal to a pre-programmed telephone number.

8 Apple Wireless Battery

The device operates within a radius of 2-3 meters. To recharge the device you need, you simply need to place it in a special charging area. True, recharged devices will discharge a little faster than with the usual charging method. The process of charging devices from an Apple battery will take place more often and take a little longer.

7 Smart glasses

Carl Zeiss has created smart glasses with a head-up display on the lenses. The temple of the glasses will hide the battery, processor and other necessary parts. They will connect to a mini-OLED display located at the junction of the arm and the lens. The polycarbonate glass that projects the image onto the screen acts as a reflector. Currently, work is underway on the device software.

6 Razer Project Valerie

This is a laptop, the uniqueness of which lies in the presence of three screens, the total resolution of which is 11520x2160 P. The main screen of the laptop, naturally, is located in the center. Additional two screens extend from the sides using a special hinge system. Each IZGO screen has a diagonal of 17.3 inches. Together, the screens provide an almost panoramic view. The weight of this unique device is 5.4 kg.

5 Nintendo NX game console

The console allows the user to play the game on or without a TV. You can start the game outside the home and continue while sitting on the couch in front of the TV. The console will be complemented by a docking station, which is responsible for connecting to the TV and charging the device. The game console will be equipped with Nvidia's Tegra processor, detachable controllers and a touch screen.

4 Royole FlexPhone

It is a smartphone with a flexible structure designed to be worn on the wrist. This super-thin smartphone, 5 mm thick, weighs only 100 g. The device performs its usual purpose (telephone, Internet access, viewing media content), and is also equipped with additional functions - monitoring and monitoring the physical condition of the owner (breathing rhythm, heart rate) .

Vivo Xplay

This is a transparent smartphone, the screen of which will be equipped with a sensor on both sides. Device memory – 128 GB permanent and 6 GB RAM. This unique smartphone is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor. The Chinese company Vivo plans to create this model as a mini supercomputer.

2 Samsung smartphone with flexible structure

The South Korean company Samsung prefers to create unique devices. This year it is going to introduce its new smartphone model with a flexible structure, equipped with an OLED display. A smartphone folded in half will have a display diagonal of 5 inches. When unfolded, the diagonal of the device will reach 7 inches.

1 Smart contact lenses

Sony plans to introduce contact lenses to future users this year that combine several positive qualities and talents. The lenses will be equipped with an antenna that transmits information and power to the lenses. The lenses will have a camera, a gyroscope, an accelerometer, a wireless module, a display for video playback, internal and external memory. In a word, the lenses will become a replacement for fitness trackers, glasses, watches, scanners, cameras, etc. Special movements of the eyelids will make the lenses work.

Our top 10 shows that this year manufacturers will be able to amaze users with their rather interesting and unique gadgets.

The fingerprint scanner has become the gold standard and is used in almost all smartphones, even budget ones. But Apple decided to move on and in 2017 introduced its anniversary smartphone with new Face ID technology. Now, to unlock your iPhone, just look at it. Moreover, while in other smartphones the facial recognition function is just an option, Apple simply abandoned Touch ID in favor of a more advanced technology.

There's a reason Face ID gets so much attention. To fully realize the idea, Apple had to develop a system of sensors and cameras called True Depth. The system consists of an infrared camera, an illumination system and a dot projector. Together they create a 3D impression of the face and save it to the phone’s memory. The next time the user looks at the phone, True Depth will take a photo of his face, compare it with the impression in memory and unlock the smartphone.

While the technology has some downsides that can't be overlooked, Apple has definitely given the impetus to other companies to develop their own equivalents of Face ID. Most likely, facial recognition will become a new standard in the smartphone market in the future.


Blockchain technology is on everyone's lips - mainly thanks to the hype around Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. But not everyone understands why it is needed. Without going into technical details, blockchain is a fast and reliable tool for transmitting information. We are talking primarily about financial transactions that involve large sums of money. Just the other day, Sberbank and Alfa-Bank conducted the first interbank transfer using blockchain.

The use of blockchain is not limited to the financial sector. Medicine, copyright, energy, Internet of things and many other areas that rely on the transfer of information can use blockchain technology to optimize processes.

4K and HDR

It wasn't long ago that 4K TVs were considered expensive toys, but 2017 has proven that this is not the case. More and more videos on YouTube are being released in 4K resolution. Netflix is ​​also gradually introducing a new image format, and the film industry is not lagging behind. With the release of PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, many gamers are thinking about upgrading their equipment.

In addition to higher resolution, many 4K TVs support HDR (High Dynamic Range), or wide dynamic range. This is a very important point, because HDR improves color accuracy and overall image quality. This means that we will be able to see more details on the screen.

Of course, there is no urgent need to run headlong to the nearest electronics store. However, many are already showing their interest in promoting the new image format, which will soon displace Full HD from the market.

Frameless smartphones

The main trend of this year. It is worth mentioning that the term “frameless smartphone” is not entirely correct. There is a frame, and on some models it is quite noticeable. The display format has changed, which is quite natural, because manufacturers would not be able to endlessly increase the size of smartphones.

Apparently, the widescreen display has become the standard for the smartphone market, given that even budget models have become “bezel-less”.

Quantum communication technologies

Albert Einstein made major contributions to the development of quantum physics

Quantum communication is the safest way to transmit information, but at the same time the most expensive. We are talking not only about text communication, but also about audio and video calls. With the advent of new technologies, you no longer have to worry about being monitored.

Unfortunately, due to technological limitations, quantum communication is an exclusively local phenomenon, and we are still far from a worldwide quantum Internet. However, scientists and engineers in some countries are working tirelessly in this direction.

Much of the news comes from China, which not only launched a quantum satellite into orbit, but also created the first quantum commercial network. In Austria, a team of specialists from the University of Vienna was able to develop a prototype of a quantum router that solves problems that limit the transmission of information over long distances over fiber optic communication lines.

It is difficult to predict the moment when the quantum Internet will appear, but when it happens, we will have the most secure information network.

Rapid transport network

Elon Musk's high-speed train concept art

Elon Musk is Tony Stark in the real world. The billionaire and philanthropist of the 21st century is full of ideas and not constrained by funds. While an ambitious project to colonize Mars is under development, Musk is working on other ideas. One of them is the supersonic Hyperloop train.

The idea is a network of underground tunnels through which bean-shaped cabins will move at high speeds. Sounds crazy. Indeed, so far Elon Musk has only managed to accelerate the train to 300 km/h. But the inventor is determined, which means that sooner or later he will be able to build an ultra-high-speed transport system that will encircle the entire planet.

Smart speakers

Smart speaker Apple HomePod

The physical embodiment of intelligent assistants such as Siri and Google Assistant. Last year the Google Home smart speaker came out, and this year Apple's HomePod came out. Both companies want to connect all smart electronics based on their OS and localize the control center through smart speakers.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is no way to test such devices in action; they are not officially sold. In addition, they still can’t do much and are used as an optional addition to a smart home: they can turn on music, talk about the weather, or call a taxi.

Other large companies have already joined in the development of such speakers, so we are expecting more smart gadgets for the home in the near future.

Revolution in 3D printing

Until now, 3D printing technology is perceived by most as something fantastic. Nevertheless, 3D printers are used with might and main almost everywhere: in medicine, industry, architecture, and in space programs.

The technology is so ambitious that not everyone is still aware of the possibility of printing a pizza or a house, but the fact remains. Only in 2017, the first part for a nuclear power plant was printed, a prosthetic tibia and anti-radiation shields for the ISS. Who knows, maybe in 30 years we will print people on a 3D printer.

Environmentally friendly transport

Model of an electric car from Volvo

The first thing that comes to mind is Tesla Motors, and for good reason. Elon Musk's company is always popular. In addition, he recently introduced the brand new Tesla Roadster and the impressive Tesla Semi tractor.

Unless you've been in isolation all year, you've probably heard about cryptocurrencies. The world is divided into two camps, as is usually the case. Some see the future in virtual currencies, others argue that Bitcoin is just another financial pyramid. Be that as it may, it cannot be denied that this phenomenon has affected the entire financial market. Many European countries have even installed terminals for exchanging this currency.

Judging by the reactions of bankers, financial analysts and authorities, it can be assumed that cryptocurrency can create a number of problems for them. It is difficult to control, if not impossible at all. We can only wait and watch: who knows, perhaps in the future we will see a change in the economic system throughout the world.

Payment systems with facial recognition: already widely used

Facial recognition systems are used in many countries to search for criminals, control access to sensitive facilities, and in some countries to confirm payments in online banking. Since 2014, the Chinese company Alibaba Group has been testing facial recognition algorithms developed by Face++. They are going to be used to identify individuals and confirm orders in the Alipay payment system. The accuracy of the algorithm has already reached 80%.

Another company that is gradually introducing facial recognition is . It uses the Selfie Pay feature, which allows you to confirm online payments using a selfie. For the application to take a photo, you need to nod or blink - this way the algorithm will make sure that it is a live client and not his photo. The system is already being tested in the Netherlands, USA, Canada and EU countries. This year MasterCard promises to expand the list of countries.

Panoramic selfie: now

The first amateur camera, Panono Explorer Edition, which allows you to take photos with a 360-degree view, appeared on the market in 2015 and ushered in a new era in photography. After that, many panoramic cameras costing up to $500 from Kodak, Samsung, Sony and other companies appeared on the market. Journalists from the world's leading publications use such cameras to film reports from hot spots. For example, journalists from The New York Times shot video from a refugee camp in Niger using a Samsung Gear 360 camera.

The format of 360-degree photos and videos makes it possible to show what is happening most authentically, and in the future, it may become a standard for news materials.

Panoramic videos are already being used to create virtual reality. For example, the British alcohol manufacturer Diageo produced a VR video called “Decisions”, warning about the dangers of driving while intoxicated.

Gene therapy 2.0: already now

Photo: Steve Gschmeissner/Science Photo Library

Gene therapy is a set of biotechnological and medical methods aimed at treating diseases caused by mutations in the DNA structure or damage to DNA by viruses, using editing of the genetic apparatus. Gene therapy was initially seen as a treatment for inherited genetic diseases, but researchers now hope to use it to combat a wide range of diseases: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart failure and cancer. In May, the European Union approved the use of gene therapy for severe combined immunodeficiency in children.

One of the most promising gene therapy technologies is CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. This technology was discovered in 2013 as a mechanism for bacterial immunity using viral DNA. Scientists call it “molecular scissors” because it allows you to cut and change sections of DNA of any organisms directly in living cells with high precision. In October, Chinese scientists conducted the world's first adult human experiment using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Sichuan University researchers injected modified T lymphocytes into a patient with lung cancer. This is expected to start the process of destroying cancer cells in his body.

Botnet of things: already now

In the early 2000s, hackers learned to hack computers connected to the Internet and organize them into a network for massive attacks on a specific server. With the spread of the “Internet of Things” - inexpensive connected cameras, printers and scanners - hackers increasingly began to target vulnerable smart devices. Through them, cybercriminals gain control over local network equipment, modems, network storage, video surveillance systems and even industrial control systems.

In September, the website of the hosting company OVH was hit by a record-breaking botnet. The total power of the attacks reached 1 Tb/s, the highest power of one of them was 799 Gb/s.

Reinforcement learning: will spread in 1–2 years

Artificial intelligence AlphaGo, based on reinforcement learning, beat world champion Lee Sedol at Go

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning in which a system learns by interacting with its environment. The most promising research in this area is being conducted by the DeepMind laboratory, a division of Alphabet. In 2016, its AlphaGo program beat world champion Lee Sedol 4-1 at Go, an ancient Chinese board game long thought beyond the reach of artificial intelligence.

DeepMind employees suggest that the prospects for reinforcement learning are much broader than gaming artificial intelligence. For example, it will allow robots to learn to walk and manipulate unfamiliar objects without extensive prior instructions, and self-driving cars to learn from each trip.

Practical quantum computer: in 4–5 years

Quantum computer D-Wave Systems.

A quantum computer is a computing device that uses the phenomena of quantum superposition and quantum entanglement to transmit and process data. The basic unit of calculation in it is the quantum bit, which, unlike a bit, can mean 1 and 0 at the same time. This allows a quantum computer to perform calculations 100 million times faster than a standard computer.

Last May, IBM made its quantum computer available at its Yorktown Heights lab through the IBM Quantum Experience cloud platform. To date, about 40 thousand users have conducted more than 275 thousand experiments using IBM Quantum Experience. The computer's processor consists of five qubits, and IBM hopes to increase the power to 50 qubits in the future. On March 6, the company announced the creation of a new division, IBM Q, which will develop a quantum computer model.

In addition to IBM, this year several companies - Google, Inte, Microsoft - as well as the Research Institute of the Netherlands and the Delft Technical Institute promise to present practical developments in the field of quantum computing.

Neurochips for the paralyzed: in 10–15 years

A paralyzed patient plays Guitar Hero using a neurochip. Photo: Battelle Memorial Institute

In recent years, scientists have made great strides in developing neural interfaces that restore motor functions in patients with spinal cord injuries. If in 2015 we were talking mainly about experiments on animals - rats and primates - now laboratories in different countries are testing new technologies on human volunteers.

In April 2016, staff at The Ohio State University and Battelle Memorial Institute made significant progress in treating a patient with quadriplegia - paralysis of all limbs. Thanks to a microchip implanted in the motor cortex of the brain, which transmits decoded signals to the muscles of the hand using electrical stimulators, he was able to relearn how to move his fingers and even play Guitar Hero.

In the future, scientists also hope to create wireless neurochips that can restore neural connections in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Driverless trucks: in 5–10 years

The Otto driverless truck made its first commercial flight on October 20, 2016. Photo: Anheuser-Busch, Otto

The advent of autonomous trucks on the road is predicted to have a stronger and more controversial impact on society than the advent of passenger cars. In the long term, driverless technology will make freight transportation cheaper, but in the short term it will lead to a surge in unemployment. According to a White House report, there are approximately 1.7 million truck drivers employed in the US alone.

The developers suggest that the introduction of autonomous trucks will help reduce the number of accidents, since more than 90% of them occur due to driver errors.

The first commercial delivery by a driverless truck took place on December 20. It was carried out by Otto, a company owned by Uber, which develops autonomous control systems for freight transport. A driverless truck traveled 200 kilometers from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs at a speed of 88 kilometers per hour and delivered 45,000 cans of Budweiser beer to the Anheuser-Busch brewing corporation.

Cellular atlas: after 5 years

Illustration: Genome Research Limited

An international consortium of scientists from the US, UK, Sweden, Israel, the Netherlands and Japan is set to create a detailed 3D map of human cells, visualizing for the first time what makes up the human body. To do this, it will be necessary to catalog 37.2 trillion microscopic images of cells in the human body, determining the molecular signature of each cell and assigning “geographic coordinates” to its location in the human body. “Cell Atlas” is a priority project on the list of medical research in which Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are going to invest $3 billion. Scientists expect that this project will have a significant impact on biology and medicine over the next few decades, helping to understand the causes of cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as developing effective drugs for their treatment.

Solar thermophotovoltaic batteries: in 10–15 years

Nanophotonic solar thermophotovoltaic cell. Photo: MIT

Standard silicon solar cells capture only visible light ranging from violet (380 nanometers) to red (780 nanometers) and can convert a limited amount of light into electricity. Currently, most solar panels operate with an efficiency of 20%, and, according to scientists, even in theory it cannot exceed 32%. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are working to create a thermophotovoltaic converter (STPV), which will make it possible to obtain energy not only from light, but also from converted heat.

The element consists of several layers of carbon nanotubes that absorb thermal radiation, and a photonic emitter crystal that converts it into visible light and redirects it to a solar cell, which converts the energy into electricity. This installation is at least twice as efficient as conventional solar cells.
